,nday June 16,1937 Bt Rev E. M. Dunoz O. M. I D. Yukon and Northern British Co-D Roman Catholic Btehop of-Nor- lumbla. He Is accompanied by Rev. iern British Columbia and the rather A. Monet, recently arrived yafcon, sailed on the Prince Rupert, from France, who will be installed afternoon for a trip to the as parish priest at Mayo. Clothing (or Tennis and Outdoor Wear MEN'S I LANNF.LS-Grey all sizes 35 $350 to $5.25 $6.00 MEN'S FLANNKLS White, all sizes SLEEVELESS SWEATERS Pure wool pullores, fancy knit, colors white and .beige, all &izea MEN'S ANKLK SOCKS Oarter top, colors grey and white; pair LADIES' SLACKS Pure wool, smartly cut, colors rrey royal, brown and navy 82.25 50c S4.25 WATTS & NICKERSON Men's & Hoys' Clothiers Phone 315 ,158 Third Ave. The Latest in Science Now Offers You ufaycolor Films "For Photography in Color" Made by Ilford Limited of London, England. A roll of films may be taken with any camera. Just load the camera snap the picture IN NATURAL COLOR Just as You Sec it Dufaycolor Films now on sale. Come in and see our samples Try the New SELOCHROME FILM Every picture guaranteed. Regular sizes at regular prices. ANOTHER BRITISH SUCCESS! Ormes Ltd. ZJifi Pioneer Druqpt'ats The Kenll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 n.m. till 9 p.m. "Rain or Shine' PHONE Ross Mazzei "Day or Night" TAXI Al French Prompt and Courteous Service Stand opposite Itoyal Hotel, Third Avenue HALIBUT The aource of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS Dance, Moose, Hall, Friday. (ISO Peter Lakie returned to the city on the Catdla last evening from a brief trip to btewart Mrs R. 11. Winslow. who has been on a trin to Ontario, return-. ed to the city on the Prince lii-i pert this morning. Special Introductory Hot Oil Treatment given free with every permanent wave at Helen's Beauty Shoppe. Green 389. (139) .1. It. Stevens returned to tho i city on this morning's train from a week's business trip to the interior as far as Pacific. Hev. E. J. North, pastor of the lnp;il I'pntpprwt.il Asspmlilv. re turned lo the city on this, morn-j ing s train race. from a trip to Ter- lit. Uev. G. A. Hix D.D., Hishop jnf Caledonia, -returned to the city on this morning's train from a itrin to the interior on ecclesiastical duties. ! Mrs. Alex McRae, who has been on a month's visit to Vancouver and Powell River, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Mrs. Andrew Qrant of Vancou ver, sliter of the. late S. D. Mac donald, and Harold Macdonald of Vernon, Mr. Macdonald's son, arrived In the city on the Prince Ru pert this morning from the south to attend the funeral this afternoon. Mrs. Grant Is accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Kldd. Slight damage was done to lie door of a house at C25 Tatlow Street at G:45 last evening by fire. The cause is believed to have been a child playing with a candle. A. Ilanfelt is the occupant of the house. He put the fire out with a buckel of water. Lewis McKenney, son of Con stable and Mrs. H. L. McKenney of Terrace, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver, where he has been attending business college for the past two years, and will proceed to the interior on this evening's train. Brigadier D. J. MacDonald D. S. O., il. C.,, district officer commanding, Military District No. 11, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vic toria for a four day visit in connection with the local militia and defence situation. He is accom-j panled by Mrs. MacDonald. They will return south on the Prince George Saturday evening. WILD .CANARIES IN ALBEUTA CHAMPION, Alta., June 16: (CP) Wild canaries, unusual In Southern Alberta, are prevalent In the district this year. A local farmer counted 14 canaries In one tree. SOMETHING NEW! DANCE BOSTON HALL Tomorrow, June 17, 10 to 2 Adm: Gents, 50c; Ladies, 25c FOUR ACES SWING ORCHESTRA From Edmonton with all the latest dance tunes New Laundry Cor. Fifth Ave. & McBrlde St. DAMP WASH 10 lbs, 50c THRIFTY Wearing Apparel Damp Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. Gc per lb. ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 716 Phones 858 THE DAILY; NEWS PAQE THREI Butter First Grade 3 lbs Baccn Good quality per lb Grade A Large Eggs per doz. Fry's Cooking Chocolate- per bar Shaker Salt per carton Fancy Toilet Soap 6 bars Princess Flakes 2 pkgs., 1 free, all for Lettuce per head Royal City No. 4 Peas per tin Noodles Imported per lb Spaghetti Imported , per lb Macaroni Imported per lb Roger's 8yrup 5-lb. tin Red Arrow Chocolate Eclairs, lb. 3 Pkgs. Nu-Jell, 1 Berry Bowl Free, both for Crlsco 1-lb. tin Wearmouth Local Eggs per doz Canadian Cheese per lb 89c 26c 26c 20c 8c 25c 39c 6c 14c 10c 10c 10c 43c 30c 29c 24c 35c 23c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables arriving every boat Ranee & Hardy's GROCERS 55 Phones 56 UM ACT Form No. IS FORM OF NOTICE Caonlar IjiikI Dtntrlct District of Atlln TAKE NOTICE. that Fred AcklM and Outfits Oberlander of Atlln, B. C, occupation Miners, Intend to apply tor purmUslon to purchase the followln" ckwrrlbol lands: Commencing at a poet located two mile south of Ooldon Date on Tg1h Lake. North Wert Corner Post, around runs 20 chain from this poat In a nouttx-m direction than 20 chains aif. then 20 chains nari. then 20 chain weat, to legal poat of beginning FRED N. ACKLE8 CHARLES OBER LANDER, Dated April 6th, 1937. Announcements i United Noveily Sale, June 1C. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs Smith's, June 23. Catholic Ladies' L. Hlain. June 17. Anglican Tea, IJune 24. It.J.D. Tea, Mrs. J, Parent Teachers' Tea, Oddfellows' Hall, June 18. Mrs. C. 'V. Evitt's Tea and Home Cooking by Boys Hand Parents Association, June 2G, at Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Avenue, 3 to G. Tea cup reading. Excursion to First. C.N.U.A. Terrace, July Gyro Club Flag Day, July 2. tilsifll FOR SALE FOR SALE Cabin at Salt Lakes. Phone Blue 801. (141) FOR SALE Camp at Salt Lakes. Apply Wallace's. (143) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootleas, for, the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Dally News. (tf) MALE nELP WANTED LOOK AHEAD Get into Civil Ser vice as Postman, Clerk, Customs Examiner, Immigration Inspec tor, etc. Full details free from the M. G. C. Schools, Winnipeg, (tf) PIONEER CARPENTER Will examine your buildings, give estimates on all repairs and .plans drawn free of charge. Phone Black 442 or drop me a card, general de livery. A. II. McPhcrson ..j3S' , ("I'm a crank on thfjjSpv V subject of health"; luTl "I don't like to see people needlessly sick, particularly suffering from those ailments that come from tainted foods. So, I eliminate all chance of contamination because I am built that way. Milk, so important in the diet of children, stays fresh and sweet under my watchful care. Solid foods stay the same way, for my temperature the scientifically correct refrigeration, by the way, is constant. It never varies, no matter what the thermometer on the porch may say. So, I go happily on my way, guarding health and saving food and helping out your entertainments with ice cubes, frozen desserts and other tasty dishes." ERVICE FECIALS At Bargain Prices Wednesday, 16th till Saturday, 19th It's eaiy to own, an Electric Refriftrator. Make a small down-payment: the balance on comfortable terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Robertson, NOTICE who nave been on a trip as far I , ! . ... .. . . . .. PHnpB Rnnprfc TVnnLs Clllh an- easi as Montreal, reiurnea 10 tne " " ' city on the late train this morn-!nual tournament. First round Sa-jng iturday, June 19. Entries close i Thursday, June 17, 5 p.m, (138) D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 Baggage Suit Cases, from $1.50 to $5.50 Trunks, from $9.50 to $18.00 Wardrobes, from . ... .$14.50 to $37.50 USED GOODS Beds, Dining Room Suite, Chairs, Table, Refrigerators, Kitchen Ranges, 50 Feet Fire Hose, 30 Gallon Water Boiler, English Prams, Organ (good; make), Gramaphoncs, Records, Violin, Tenor Banjo, Books, Singer Sewing Machine. Good Set of Books the National Encyclopedia, Teacher's Encyclopedia and Book of Knowledge. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 9 16 We Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN DIG D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.