If? I?! BACUL TvZQ- just Arrived! Ladies' Lounging, Breakfast and House Slippers i ! The Latest Styles of Distinction Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone $6 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations EDITION Saturday, November 6, 1937. OUk PRINCIPLES When you find a person or group talking a great deal about their principles, you may be quite sure that they are ready to change those principles , once their -personal interests are affected. The people who have strongly defined principles and are. ready to stick to them through! niiv.iv ui wnn me people wny nevur luik auoui mem 11 tne can help it. WORKS BOTH WAYS Amoriir the first neonles to realize the vnlup nf mrlin propaganda were the dictators of various Euronean coun- , tries. They were on the air a great deal telling the countries' of -the world about their particular countries and the evils of the systems to which they were opposed. Then carrife .the natural reaction. Other countries took it up and began to tell the people of the dictator countries some truths and told them in their own language in such a way that the dictators became fearful of the effect. Now there is a tendency for the nations tb get together in the matter of radio propaganda and prevent any broadcasts which might be objectionable to neighbors. PEACE ADVOCATES TODAY'S STOCKS i Courtesy S. D. JohtustoVi Col -. Vancouver Stocks B. C. Nickei, .10. Big Missouri, .38. Bralorne, 7.90. Aztec, .06. Cariboo Quartz, 1.62. Dentonia, .11. Golconda, ..06. Minto, .042. Fairview Amal., .04 Vb. Noble Five, .04 Pend Oreille, .1.55. ' Pioneer, 3,40. ( Porter IdaKp, .03 Vi. Premier, 2.25. Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno, .80. Relief Arlington, .17. Reward, .06. Salmon Gold, .072. Hedley AmaL, .06. Premier Border, .01 Vi. Silbak Premier, 2.00. Congress, .023,i. Silver Crest, .04 V2. Home Gold, .02. Grandview, .OVA. Indian, .01 M. Quatsino Copper, .03. Quesnelle Quartz, .05. Oils , A. P. Con., .26. C. & E., 1.80. Freehold, .052. Hargal, .15 2. McDougal Segur, .17 1'2. Mercury, .15'2. Okalta, .90. Pacalta, .10. v HomeOil, 1.07- Toronto Stocks Beattie, 1.17. Central Patricia, 2.48. Gods Lake, .55. Little Long Lac, 5.90. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.10. Pickle Crow, 5.50. Red Lake Gold Shore, .23. San Antonio, 1.43. Sherritt Gordon, 1.25. Smelters Gold, .0U'2. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.00. Oklend, ,142. Mosher, .U2. Madsen Red Lake, .55. Stadacona, .50V2. Frontier Red Lake, .06. Francoeur, .43. Moneta Porcupine, 1.75. , Thompson Cadillac, .36. Bankfield, .66. East Malartlc, .85. Preston East Dorne, .94 Hutchison Lake," .10. ' ' ' Dawson White, .03. . Aldermac, .44. Kerr Addison, 1.73. Uchi Gold, .79. Martin Bird, .34. Int. Nickel, 42.50. Noranda, 46.25. Smelter, 50.75. Athona, .15. Mrs. W. L. Coates returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide from Vancouver where she has There are in the world today a lot of peace advocates been visiting following her return who talk a great deal but who are the first to advocate from a trlp to stern Canada and jvar in defense of their system of peace.. In Canada there the Unlted states' is an enort made to prevent Canada having a voice in1 world affairs because it may be dangerous to peace. We Wonder .how the peace at any price movement appeals to China jtist now or even to Spain, If Caniida is attacked, will sHc be so keen as she is today to preserve world peace at any price? Let it be granted that most of the world Wants peace and that there may be efforts made occasionally by ara-ment concerns to develop a war spirit Even granting this, it does not mean that all defensive efforts are wrong and that the making of guns and battleships by peaceful nations is an :act liable to lead to war. It is part of the ethical education of the Chinese people that war is wrong and that peace is greatly to be desired, just as our understanding of the Christian religion is that it is opposed to war. That does not prevent attacks by bandit countries; 4 If Canada is to do her duty to the world, she must be in a position to make her influence felt. She must also be able and ready to defend herself in case of attack. Hideous as' Is War; it is more hideous to have to be bullied by stronger and unscrupulous nations. CATERING TO PEOPLE'S NEEDS Durintr the Past week we have niihlishpd n niimhpr tsn.aAl.a(lvertisements offering used goods for sale. Sohie of these have not been sold because nobody wanted them or did not want them at the price offered. Other articles have been eagerly grabbed by buyers Who were looking !r jUf that sort of thing. All depends Upon the needs of the public at the time. As a rule there is not much demand lor articles such as radios and washing machines which are sold on very easy terms. People seem to prefer new ones unless they get the used articles at ridiculously low P -Used furniture can usually be sold. And yet there are sometimes buyers for used radios or other used machines if the advertisement appears just at the opportune VffiKMtyft Hnowl? bab-V .nUgfei'es offered arid not a re-j)ly received ,t6 the advertisement.- Two1 weeks later the same advertisement brought several buyers. Evidentlv' 1. j i il. '!-. ? 1 ; .: Vi most reatiers 01 me paper ruu uassmeu auvertise ments. CARRY YOUR ALKALIZER WITH YOU 'lF OVER-EATING HERE'S THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO I CAUSES ACID INDIGESTION" 0 pr The fastest tcay to "alkalize" is to carry your alkalittr with you. That's what, thousands do now that genuine Phillips' comes in tiny, peppermint flavored tablets in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips' tablets equal in "alkalizing" effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' from the bottle. At once you fetl "gas," nausea, 'over-crowding" from hypcr-acidity begin to ease. "Acid headaches, ' "acid breath," over-acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distress avoid ollense to others. MADE IN iltVMk CANADA Fjjjl Total TKE DAtLT NEvyB 4S "" 1 . ii i f (1YR0 CLUB ; English Amateur ic 'ii7TKTMi70 Soccer Team to 10 YT Illllli Defeats Old Empress in live i ins C.N.K.A. Wins Over Laundry rivm r-inh wnn nvpr Old Empress Bowling .League last night. In the seconds fixture of the evening Ca ..OLD EMPRESS Ciccone ...j Allejl:J.M4f? Santerbane Schriaberp Ounderson Handicap Total GYRO Borland : . Stone Dlbb Klnslor ..j HanViei t.. Total 1 221 134 213 263 .329 ... 7 209 158 175 198 206 7 1167 953 1 .207 .164 .161 Bulger ......122 Low Score 134 Handicap 91 2 271 152 201 125 158 91 151 160 181 204 Total .... 879 998 894 C.N.R.A, Comadlna .... Morrison .v. Mcintosh Irvine .......... Low Score 1 ...189 ...184 ...301 ...342 ...127 Handicap 23 2 163 141 226 232 198 23 .1166 983 1048 PIONEER LDY. 1 Stiles ; 4..... 207 Houston . 176 'Young .164 Mercer 139 ..127 2 239 198 204 216 236 J22 SPORT CHAT Visit Dominion two Barnes to one in the Five Pin ama.teur 3 203 239 .211 165 155 11 .835 1115 995 The league standing: ' Old Empress 10 8 IT C. N. R. A. 8 7 8 Gyro Club 6 6 6 Pioneer Laundry 6 9 6 Old Cduritry Soccer Scottish League First Division Aberdeen 0. Hearts 0. Celtic 6, Partick Thistle 0. j Dundee 2. Motherwell 2. , Falkirk 3 St. Johnstone 1. Hamilton Academicals 2, Ar broath 2. Hibernians 3, Ayr United, 0. Queen of South 1, Clyde 1 Queens Park 5,( Morton 1. Rangers 4, Kilmarnock, 1. St. Mtrren 1,, Third. Lanark f English League First .Division Birmingham 2, Huddersfield Town 2. Charlton Athletic 1, Derby Coun- ' ty'2.. , Chelsea 0. Sunderland, 0. 1 Grimsby Town 2. Arsenal 1. Leeds United 1, Blackpool 1. Liverpool 3) Brentford 4. Middlesbrough 1, Everton 2. Portsmouth 1, Leicester City 1. Preston North End 2, Manchest er City 2. Stoke City 1. Wolverhampton Wanderers 1. West Bromwlch Albion 2, Bolton Wanderers 4. The sport world mourns the passing of Jack McAuliffe, undefeated world's lightweight cham- 1 . . . .. ijjiuu aim coioriu injure or an earlier day of pugilism, who died at his home in New York on : Thursday at Jhe age of scventy-itwq after an illness of three years McAuliffe actually retired In 1892 but three years later . returned to the ring to defeat Kid Lavlgne of Detroit. . McAullf fe's .record Included ten knock-outs, thirty decisions nine draws, three no-declslons and one exhibition. Mr. ijmd Mrs. George Cripps, who' have been spending a vacation in the south, returned to the city from Vancouver op the Princess Adelaldoilast evjenlng. .LONDON. Nov. 6: (CP) Corinthians, famous Engllsn football team, following its tour of Australia, win arrive Calgary Broncs 4 .And Winnipeg In . Finals Of Rugby WINNIPEG, Nov. 6: (CPl Cal- 7 gary Broncs arrived in Winnipeg last night and this afternoon arc 874 playing against the Winnipeg Blue 3 Bombers in the first of a two game jg0 series for the western rugby title. 109 "' MAKGAKET LINDSAY ILL 194 npo nu.ei 1 vv wau, iu. u. mat 3 2C3 248 133 280 155 23 Ramblers Lead Bridge League n. & K., Dairy and Musketeers Also Winners Last Night Prince Rupert Bridge League results last night were tts follows: Braekman & Ker, 10077; Canadian National Recreatldh Association. 7901. i Canadian Legion, i5?32 The league Ramblers In Vancouver on May 7 and play Musketeers ... .-.-i : , gomes in a a a numuer 01 tunuuiuirw. sl, j i ... na.an National. HecreaUonssocl- gs at san.B.H ation defeated Pioneer Laundry by from Australla and wl;i'P. R. Dalry a similar score. Morris Irvine of v matches In California S. O. Norway Canadian National creation As- Pgy pdlng to Vancouver. , Grotto . snrmiinn wns nisn uyciukc m-uici with 285. , Individual lows: scoring was as fol jScns of Norway eers. 11253. Grotto, 9007; Ramblers, 11671. Can. Legion standing: ,30959 27939 28314 27891 27837 .27326 26208 25335 W For What they're saying about MILLBANKS (now with Cork TIPS) MacKENZIE'S 23649 256 ft 23318 2373.1 28912 31729 2374 Ag'st. 30959 '28314 27891 27837 27320 1 0203 25095 3242;! Pts. Welfare Office Stationed Here 1 J. $aiUer. ,Arrlve(s FromtlYancouver To Carry on Work With ileati- itiarlers at Prince Rupert j To make his headquarters here as representative of the provlricla! welfare department. J. Sadler, arrived in the city on the Cardena I last nluht from Vancouver. One 151 ?raret Lindsay, popular screen act- of Mr. Sadler's principal actlvjtles I Mt A 1 1 ...111. I . 1 . lit t,' gj ress, is conwiea 10 ner nome wiui : win De in connection wnn looKing a severe cold. into juvenile conditions. "Do all your officers smoke Millbanks in the "Certainly. We ahcays have been a pukka show." FURNITURE STUDlO COUCHKS Can be made into one Double or two Single Beds. Compartment for bedding. Covered In good tapestry. fin lO.UU Priced at Without Bedding Compartment $3G.OO Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue mmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmcmmKmmmmmmmmmmamKmmM HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. I Synopsis of Land Ajl VACANT, usrtternJ J..- , ' wnniTiftn-i . 8.rl,.. . t,.ZSu & 1 "3 , which I cid bt obtine4 iri addreaatnt th. DeB,nmJ(. " torll. B.C.: But..,; . Ml : ;Prnc. m wag limbtrund. 1 1., Snfe'SSj!? If t pr acrt itt ol th. S.. iW t 000. Je.tpr UX$&m 1 Annllctin. fn 1. "R .ddreuta to th. Uni ffiL .h. Lund Itwordltn S'hSTSS' l.nd tpnlled for ". 1 ,tJ2L J" tormi. obt.lned t,om th. Coma",! .r end ImproMmmu Bad tT iS5 1 i-nt can b mc-Wkl 1 ii-n. or oec.iB;.on . 1 jiaum i rVRCHASE OR UM rAppltCt!oB tn Iulfa4 (V .i. I cnt anil tinmen cmrS! I not twlnt ambfrlin. for irwS uurpgtc. .Minimum trtet' tl I r.blei land ! 15 pf , t$ elm ir,mi!i land, u JTn. P'irthr InforraaViD it tim biEII tit. 10. Un4 Bttn, Twth tu of frown Lan(! 1 :ju a tartlal nrtkt Btuur- - ! land may be acigulred tr purceui a I equal Instutraenti. ltn the flm HnZ I aiiapended for two fin. pretUtd S art Dild vhen due 'knd Imninmnt. - I made durlni the ffu Ho jwt t a I mi tunii i . vi mi. ippriiKi mm ilMtlL factotr or' mdmtilal hm . I (ttnber land, not etctedici ui& u I b purchased or letted. ht mtxm jtciuaina parnirni vi nanptft TOrurtejeo aret. not nmls 1 1 acre, mat be letted at BornxHa. tat I llonol upon a dwei:itt telni ewml th tlrat rear, Utlt XtSnt ttUM it I rrtldenft and Imprareneiit eonii.wi H I launiea tna iana tu m nmrn 'fur irtllrf and Induitrjl nnaal areaa not eacecdlni Mt urn Ktf 1 1 leaaen-BJ one pertog r t eoBpttf. tinder tht OrttlEf id Ue rrntaall divided Into ratisl dliukti ut kl ranfa admlnlttered aider rulM tenal tlont an-.ended from tin to Vim k aal varying conditiint. anatal mm wi Mlu art lamed bated n nua m-l rte 1 ner head at tt. ftT k rl ro( -prlvllflM a Wea ta rnidesl wxl ovnert. Stock-ownen air fom uaatl m rtnii ratnurpant fmll paKlallr free ptrmlte anlltt f tarn, I tamwt asd iranUen, a) a at aU I REX BOWLING M Basement, of Iichn Block riiosi w THE SEAL f QUALITY tai) mm m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only atocn canning company wlta w the vear round paj'w - Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer j PhonejO 111 . 'j III Furniture Moving Storage . Transfer and DeM Quick Service .Taw)cr Coal Hulkiey Valley Coal Cefe Hireh, JackH V00D. Card Tables and Chairs For Icnt, 315 SECOND AVE.