faoi rou 5 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8 9 10 Specials! Specials! Specials! m i u B fi Each Reversible Wool Rugs Limit 2 to a customer. Each Size 2ox. 2.95 These -reversible wool rugs are suitable for bed-.rooms. Colors rose and blue. Floor Covering Gold Seal Congoleum rugs. . 7.2x9 , Each $6.50 These rugs are famous for hard wear and are easy to keep clean, m attractive patterns. Dominion Printed Linoleum Suitable for kitchen or Square yard bathrooms. Axminster Rugs Size 6.9x0. QOA HZ Size 9x10.5. 75c $33.75 A handsome rug for living room or bedroom, with a deep luxurious wool pile in Oriental designs. Barrymore Rugs sizeS-;....: $45.00 FoivCh'ose who have a real appreciation of quality and beauty these fine rugs will add to the charm of .any room in your house. Space does not permit a full list of the many bargains offered. It will pay you to visit our store. NO C.O.I) NO DELIVERY Saturday We Close 5 p.m. Shop Early ELIO'S THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert, H.C. HEATERS Make sure that you have adequate heat in your home this winter. Drop in and inspect our stock of heaters. We carry several different models. including different sizes of Quebec brick-lined heaters, brick or steel lined circular heaters in standard or brown enamel finish. See Also the New Coleman Oilkrning Heaters I Smart, modern and efficient with the Coleman fuel saving burner. One of these well-built, attractive heaters is your assurance of a warm comfortable atmosphere in the home.. GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McUridc St. taBKcuca ta tamitaxa 7ia:icai:aaii:;a'!!:ai:a:a;ii:iBX!ax;a:!i;iax'ix3i Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK If you lose anything advertise for it. TEG GETS NEW PLANES WINNIPEG. Nov. 6: The third !of the Trans-Canada Mr Lines' new Lockheed-El ectra 10A machines to be received in Winnipeg ! arrived at Stevenson Field yester-jday shortly before noon. This ! machine was received in Vancouver a few days ago from the factory and local officials of the Trans-Canada Air Lines flew it in from the coast, leaving Vancouver I Thursday. The eastbound trip was of a leisurely nature. Aboard were D. B. Colyer, chief technical adviser: iH. T. Lewis and Z. L. Leigh, pilots; jand H. O. West and O. T. Larson 'officers located in Winnipeg. Stop were made at Cranbrook, Leth-bridge and Regina enroute, Thurs day night having been spent at Regina. Good weather prevailed crossing the Rockies and all on board were most enthusiastic over the scenic beauties of the trip; The new macnme, iv-uw, nanrtled per fectly and will be used in Winnl peg from now on for training pur poses until the complete- flying personnel becomes fully acquaint ed with the handling of the bi Electra machines. BRITAIN IS LOOKING UP (Continued from Page One) flights conducted this past summer. as in the case of the Trans-Canada malls would be ,flown before pas sengers. in answer to a question reeard lng British emigration to Canada Mr. Hungerfoj-d said he had made It clear, In expressing his personal view, that there was no likelihood oi regulations being relaxed until Canadian business ImDroved snf ficiently to make immigration de sirable. Then it would have to be highly selective. This attitude had been well understood he felt. the meantime, with hnsi In So much improved, there was not the same disposition to emigrate. It was true, however, that certain areas and Industries were still de pressed. The question was one for me iuture. BRITAIN These famous vessels -have been scheduled on dates to suit your convenience, when making that long anticipated trip to the Homeland for Christmas. From MONTREAL NoT.25"AUnANIA, to Plymouth. Ilatrc, London " Conductor, Mr. J. Norman Cotton No,25 -"LETITIA" to Bela.t, U. pool, GUigow From HALIFAX Dec. 4-"ALAUNIA" to Plymouth. London S t-"CARINTHIA" to Glaaflow. Btifaat, Llrrrpoot Conductor, Mr, J. Momt 8 11 "ANDANIA" to Plymouth, London 12 "ATHENIA" to Belfast, Liverpool, Claigow Conductor, Mr, A. Slruort Vtytty From ST.JOHN,N.B. Dec !1-"ATHENIA" to Btlfitt, Lltrrpool, Glaaftow Conductor, Mr. A. Sttuart Veytey From NEW YORK Dae. 8 "AQUITmM A" to Cherbourg Southampton " H-,,SCYTHIA"toCalway,Gobh, Liverpool S -"OUCEN MARY" to Ply. mouth, Chet bo urf, South- i - ML LOW OCEAN RATES IN ALL CLASSES Apptl to M7CranTlll St, (Seymour J64K) Vancou.rr but tht man to in II your local aunt. THS DAILY NEWS - 193). Waterfront Whiffs Canned Salmon Pack Holds Up Well With This District Principal Producer Fifteen at Navigation School Massett Uoat Salvaged The total salmon pack for all districts on this coast his year, according to official figures so far available, is 1,461,228 cases as compared with 1,804,181 cases in 1936, 1, 484,S62 cases in 1935, "1,534,093 cases in 1934, 1,221,77.0 cases in 1933 and 1,040,977 cases in 1932. The total pack for the coast is made up of 574,609 cases pinks, 418,257 cases chums, 321.060 cases sockeye, 111.850 cases cohoe. 15,483 cases ..... . mrinm springs, 19,218 cases bluebacks and IA7 111 I H I 751 cases steelheads. As usual. Prince Rupert district is the principal canned salmon producer! tional Railways. loff of the Star Welding and Ma chine Works staff sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a holi IT AJUXJ J. tUU A day trip to Vancouver. This is the r quiet season of the year and pro- f OX rtrfitfrt.. TTn.... C'ltU. I 1 l l ' u w. ,vji uauj ouicd 19 Hoping lO handle everything that -comes up while his two chief aides arc away enjoying themselves. C. P. II. steamer Princess Adelaide. Capt. Henry Anderson, arrived in port at 6:15 last evening and sailed at 10 p.m. on licr return to Vancouver and waypoints. Union steamer Cardcna, Capt. J. E. Boden, arrived in port at 7:15 last evening from the south and sailed at io p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypoints. The boat Ruth Gr, belonging to Captain Brown of Massett, arrived safely home recently after having been washed ashore in a storm neari Sktdegatc. The boat was damaged In four places but, with the assistance of E. Stevens of Skldegate. was repaired and enabled to BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (CP) -Bar nil Lr as unchanged at 41;j,c per' fine ounce on the New York met-1 il market today. J T7! MAP i r i n t POWDER UM ,.4 "AIH IA.OMV CAMMO Bluebirdi MOTORISTS The Kelley Logging Co's service , All Drivers in British Columbia To boat Norah Jane arrived In port, Be late yesterday afternoon from Mur- chison Island, Queen Charlotte Islands, having on board Thomas A. Kelley, head of the company, who sailed on the Princess Adelaide last night for Vancouver. Mr. Kel ley had been on a brief visit to his Island camp. Motorshlp Bellingham, Capt. James Shelton, arrived In port this morning from Ketchikan with three .arloads of frozen fish for trans- -.hlpment East over Canadian Na Required to Prove Their Ability VICTORIA, Nov. 6: (CP) The British Columbia government, it was announced In the Legislature yesterday, will present a bill at the present session empowering it to test the driving ability and traffic law knowledge of all B. C.'b 150,000 automobile drivers. A ".harge of $1 each would be made for the tests. Special robot machines will bt used to test the physical capability and alertness of the drivers. These machines will be operated at Van So far fifteen students of navi- couver and Victoria. The robot nation have availed themselves nf macnines. in which the motorists ".he classes belnz conducted this wiU be tested, will be set up In winter by Capt. J. P. Elfert, harbor government examination stations master. Classes are held Mondav. In making the announcement Tuesday, Wednesday arid Thursday Attorncy General Gordon Wlsme nishts sald 11 wo"ld take two years to 1 test all the drivers. After that onlv Albert Farmw stMmhn.it insnpc- Persons applying for licences would tor. who has been-here for the Dast !ave 10 submlt to examinations ten rlavs In rnnnertinn with the tin- Tne flrst examination Stations nual inspection of the lighthouse W0"be ctstabllshed in Vancouvei '.ender Albernl at the local dry dock, called 'by the Princess Adelaide last night on his return to Vancouver. George Rodgers and Con Micha- Happiness It war from the children's story of the bluebirds that Bluebird diamonds got their name. II',. 1 r. 1 , . . iiv tJioic uiueoirus lor our customers because they arc al vvujs me same price every wnere and the quality Is al ways good. For the young man who wants an inexpensive engagemen ring we have some as low1 priced as $15.00 but the prices run all tne way to $150.00. This year's settings beautiful. yu..ki n are very iim r wuivvv? 1 v- (IT cJewellers THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK ITjJI lITI'Ha 'I M WT Bill COAL to ri.K.isK i:vi:itviioitv Satltfactlon Ouflr&ni I'amiMia Kdsun Allirrta Coal llulklry Vallrj Coal Vancuuvrr Island Coal Prince Rupert Feed Com pan J PHONE: 68 and SSS UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9;00 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient plcaso purchase tlckcta at office Further Information Regarding Reservations, and Tlcketa From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G3 Pension Changes Are Agreed Upon But No Announcement of Confer-encc Agreement Will be Made Until Adopted by Governments Concerned OTTAWA. Nov. G: (CP) After a four day session, the Dominion- provincial conference on old age pensions came to a close yester-; day. New regulations and amendments were agreed upon In the interests of uniformity and efficiency but these will not be an nounced until they have been ap- nrdved bv the eovernments con-1 cerned. It is understood that the clause necessitating five years' residence in the province where the pension is granted will be dropped and that children who are In a financial position to take care of their aged parents will be required to do so. ClMlIEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Milking goats and two Billy goats. Jim Postulo. (263) KITCHEN Range. Cheap for cash. Apply Pat Berry, next to old clam factory. (259) PERSONAL FREE SAMPLE A perfect cleanser and sterilizer for false teeth. Write KLEERO CHEMICALS, Box 566, Vancouver, B.C. (259) AUTOS FOR SALE FIAT DISTRIBUTORS are opening in your territory Immediately. Demonstrators available. Three models ranging from seven horsepower to fifteen, British rating. Lowest priced closed all steel hydraulic brake cars in Canada. Dealers write, or phone to Mutual . Auto Sales, Victoria, B.C. ( 262 ) SCHOOLS & COLLEGES IVH HAVK HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Cud-toms Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg, in Canada. If. WOMEN YOU CAN BE "FINANCIALLY Independent. We hne helped hundreds of Canadian women 'arn a living by operating kindergartens in the'r own homes. Illustrated booklet free. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. t I.AMI ACT Vol Ire r llltrnliiiri In tAy to -e IjiiiiI Tn Prince Rupert loivd Recording wi9iiT i oi umiMi uruumoia. ana lie on zaya Island cm Uie N. W '"i w eiae ar Zayis on a reel nun7i?,u. rcnvt-. Tk ti'-.t'o tht frank Waterman of ?rlr? rtmpert. B. C cooupatlcn MHvet. Intemda to aRply for a lise of the fn.-swlimr tterw n lards: -ell of the reef ff AnmMni Point. Ccrr.m-ncln? t a pewf. plaiUcrl m ?li li?h gritxy paint m ue 8011M1 9lde of the rref ttvivre 1800 feet Nortlioast; thmre 1500 ictf Northwest ''Kroe 1800 tret Southweit; then.H! 1500 freit 8ontlat nnl ocnUalnlng 3S iit, nrte cr leiw PRANK WATERMAN, D-Ated Oetctocr 4, 1937. I.AMI ACT Notice of Intent Ion to A'pl'1) I" Lenvei I. il ml In Prince Riipcrt ltul HecorUlnl O'ntrlnt of IlrltlsU Columbia, and. altf . El't Of PrlllCi. Mm Inlolwl In Huifcon Bay Pa.s. Htlh of Dumlai blniJ- a ociwipjciicua white rock 85' Ul?li (marked on ctmrt). Take in-.itloe tlvit PruUc Waterman rf Prince Rupert. B, C.. oocnpaition Miner lnted to a.rnly tot a lease ot the fol-Icwlna dchcrlNxi IatulM.--ll of a con-plctuAw whit rack 85 fioi high and It surrciundlngs (Rock nvirked on rtwrt). Ccipnusvclng al jilttliUd o:t grawy rofck X) fcrt 8. K of N. W Oonier un Northcant Hide ihence 600 feet eoutlieaot; tlncnco 800 feet nouth -veit tlicuce 800 rit Korthwtst; thence KOO Icet Nontheivt iitul odtvtaJnlna 10 fcrcw, mere or lew. PRANK WATERMAN, Da.tl O-tebrr 4, 1037. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelK Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 up 0 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kurwrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 rrrnrsfifi I'lione C83 wunq MI0W at o, Kudyard Kipling s rrcat JONES VEAL VEAL STEAK Per lb RUMP HOAST VEAU Per lb FILLET OF VEAL Per lb -lb. SHOULDER OF VEAL STEEK BEEF SIRLOIN TIP Per lb POT ROAST g-lb. PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb SIRLOIN STEAK- Per lb ROUND STEAK 3 lbs T-BONE ROAST- Per lb." Srilt.Mi LAMB LEO OF LAMB Per lb Oldest SHOULDER OF LAMB Per lb. LOIN OF LAMB Dy piece. Per lb. 1'OKK LEO OF PORK- Per lb SHOULDER OF PORK Per lb COTTAGE ROLL Per lb. Per lb. AYRSHIRE BACON Per lb POULTRY j of mm u l.n , ' su uown to sea In ships'. the 'CAPTAINS COURAGEOUS' With Spencer Tracy Freddie Hartholomcw Lionel Harrymorc. (At 7:23 and 9:ij) Also XEAVS and CARTOnv COMINC M0, Xut" Kay Francis In "CONFESSION- Family Market "one smi AM) fhone 951 Fulton Meat Market Speciali rhone (8 20c 18c 25c 50c 18c 50c 18c 15c 20c Me 20c 25c 15c 22c 22c 18c 25c 25c FRESH KILLED ROASTING JJfJg uiuuKJvN rer io. BOILINO CHICKEN 5C Per lb. FRESH KILLED TURKEY QQ( Per lb. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD SklplintUaar and En Irmt aaaal BrSM Ca-rlV DatH AwatjW tfeldlnf. S(muiuu a mm Mining MaehliMry. AR Typa G" Enn-Baarcal and 0rhaiiW' Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is 'i"0'1 The Rooms Are Clean Tiie House Is Warm The Servlrc Friendly The Rales Arc Reasonable KNOX HOTEL I ,laaa,,, llraseli