PAGE TWO ..Growing Girls' School Special Blackvand Brown Calf Oxfords Low heels with or without Scotch tongues. Specially priced . ' $2.85 Growing Girls' "CHUMS" Brown and Black Calf Oxfords Guaranteed solid throughout, welt soles and snappy lasts, sizes 3 to 8 in widths. Specially priced $3,45 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. F. PULLEN Managing-Editor Advertising and Circulation Telephone .Sews Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations GET RIGHT FOCUS 98 86 Monday, August 30, 1937. When a photographer is focussing his camera on a small object he often onliteratps thp Wo- nhioc kqi,; k , - 't "Jvw UVIilUU ujf throwing them out of focus and they appear on the photo- ipu.u n oiur. ;uany people are like the eye of the cam- kia. i ucy tee me jiuie tnings w the foreground but miss altogether the big things behind which are really the most iiupui tain part oi me picture. That is what happens often in politics. It is part of the art of the small politician to throw on the screen only the petty things with which he hopes to influence the public and to focus out of the picture the big moves which mean so much to the country. That is what some Vancouver newspapers have been doing of late. They have been playing the game of the petty politician, quibbling over non-essentials and passing over the policies and moves which are of great importance to British Columbia. VILLAGE POLITICS So also we find in the small town. There is a great tendency often to play village politics. We find people appealing to local prejudices on petty questions and trying to obscure the big vision of the present and future. .iv are not reiernng to any particular incidents justjiow although ;we might mention many, All we ask .is that people forget their petty prejudices and try to see the general good of Prince Rupert as their ocal point. A NATIONAL SPIRIT What is likely to cause the war in the Orient to last .a Jong time is the national spirit that is being displayed on either side. Japan has an idea that she can control the Pacific just as Mussolini has it in his mind Italy should control the Mediterranean. The soldiers of that nation never expect to be beaten. In China of late years this national spirit has been kindled and it remains for the future to say if it is sufficiently deep seated to insure final victory. It was the ide.a that Germany could whip the world that made her fight long and terribly from 1914 ,iaTld even then he did notive up the idea. Since ioc 1918 she ,has been planning bpw she can come back and Hitler gave her the opportunity. Canada, unfortunately, has not yet developed that national spirit which can make her a power in the world, bne has a French population that .seems Inclined to lay more stress on overturning English-speaking financial control than on serving the natidn 'as a whole. Possibly, it is the fault of the financiers more than of the politicians but, at any rate, ft makes the development of a national spirit difficult. Besides that there is a section of the population that is always thinking and talking of the titevf the downtrodden and forgetting wholly the destiny of the nation. If there are ills, they should be remedied. But in the meantime, while this is hincr rlQ the idea that .Canada is a country that is worth defending, that ithe Canadian people have a great destiny and that ,ther-e is something more important in life than the -vaporings of the demagogue. Some day we shall develop a national spirit but this will come'a'bbut more through the influence of the public schools after the present prejudiced generation has died off than by any present attempt to manufacture Canadians from the conglomeration of nationalities that make up our population. I' panied SMITHERS T. P. Devlin, western manager of the Department of Coloniza ; by Harry Bowman of! ueorge. Mr. Devlin ex day hearing in police court here Large, cartoned, doz iai juesaay. romroy THait and Sam Piene.1 jilazelton Indians, were each: locaiea. C. N.R. Trains For the East THE DAILY NEW6 'Monday aw 30, SUCCEEDS BALDWIN AS PRIME MINISTER Neville Chamberlain, chance lor of the .exchequer successor to Prime Minister Star, y Raldwjn, is pictured abuve during his most recent r 0 broadcast on the 3rit;sh budget iThe Markets tion and Agriculture of the 'iTTpifim 1 nf TP nadian National Railways with i 1 h f h I A Kl U V headquarters in Winnipeg, madej iJVifiJ A X"iJ-f LILiU a trip through 4he Eulkley al-i 4 utin nnTTimn ley last week. He was accom I AlAJII HKIillN nrePd him..lf as' .beinir muph I Late Summer Lines Now Being nleasd with the fine ckjds of I Featured 4n Xical Retail Stores the interior country and the con-1 E' Butter and Flour dition of agriculture in general there. Advancing Late summer fruits and vege- Road wprk in this district la i tables are now being featvred in Local, new laid, doz onment by Stipendiary Matrix nn,. An. .40 .45 Apples . . Gravensteln, 2 lbs. 25 Fruit sentenced to six months' ' impr:.v t mons. Doz.. an to a irate ft L. Oale last Tuesday for Grapefruit, cal., 5c and 10 theft from W. J. arkworthvcallf. Pear?, doz. 1 40 parage at New liazelton. Theyjsananas. lb.'. .12 were apprehended by ProvinciaJ.AvacadoS( each ; S"Sta.biC AtndreW.' G"nt of "az- Canteloupes, 2 ....... .25 duji nuo irateu me gooas toi Butter Iheir po,,ron oitmrt lb (0 i ' ,f T,Tr ,hfl: SffiJ: 2: : 2 hnnthers Hospital last week fori .. uenu jPure,- lb," i i r -.,,. ' , I Vegeiables ":. r, wen Known I. a. KW pnf9tn in lKe nadian National p m , ynwvvv, v aim. neer here, has rptnmwi t "5m. thers after undergoing a serious operation in Edmonton. .20 - .25 B.C. Potetoes,. 10 lbs 25 Calif., JDS Green Onions, 2 bunches .05 Garlic, Imported, J3 Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Warner will ' p" wVh 15c t0 h lPavJnff "'(Parsley, bunch, 07 ...i.w, suuniy 10 rp rrr(. Carrots. r. 6 lbs 23 "7 fUtUre reS'dence in Van-Bunc Carrots , i Beets, bunch, B C- Hothous Tomatoes Arthur Wrinch. son nf nr u i C. Wrinch, was married nn Rat. ' l' urdav in Ottawa wW- h i. n.i0utdoor Rhubarb,, lb ' j B.C. .Lettuce, 2 for i I Green Cabbage, lb. Spinach, 3 lbs. MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE AUGUST SALE 4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITES 4-0' and 4-6 size 6-PIECE DINETTE SUITES Modern Design SIX CHESTERFIELD SUITES From BUY THE BEST-IT COSTS NO MOKE Phone 775 ... .07 .07 $71.50 $92.50 $90.00 .10 .01 .1ft: .07 .10 i Celery, head, 10c to .25' ' Outdoor Cucumbers .10 Teed I Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 100 lbs. .... 145 and Fridays 6 p.m. ' Wheat, Bulkley 'vaUe7".ZZZ! V.10 Frlday 11 ajn. Bran - 2 20 From the East- i Middlings 2JHi Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs- Shorts : 2 35 w ' da.ys 10:45 p.m. 'Oats 2'sl Mondays and Saturdays 2:30 "p.m, Fine Oat Chops 3 00 ; StanMorin To World Series Prominent Local Baseball Devotee Going; East for Fall Garden party j SJajj Moriri. M going .east In ibGur4hrr weifcs" o attend the t,vrldSeria a treat which he has 4on$ pjon&ed fclnuelf- From, the present looks of things he will be j visiting New York and Chicago. Hotel Arrivals : ,Centxal , ! p. 3. Rolls and p. ). Carrigan. I,C4.; P Orcenneld and J. Jtaliy,; S. A OwiAmll, jaizeltou; Af. ;McMlHv,a, Eimcatcn. Prince Rupcn &. H. Tycho, .Smithers; Mark F. Rukln, .Georgetown; N. S.Sherwood, Ivmce; Wwiaai.C.ja.'ucd. Wot-jcc-Jc; Waltej p. Thome and F. . Tiirne,iCincolKh; A McLead. Telk-wa; Jqjm Eilii and Vintan Ellis. K-'tchikan; J4. J. .Gillespie. George R. Alatthewe and E. M. Beatty. Vancouver; J. F Adams, Salvons; Win-.ifred Post Dudd. Midland, Mich.; (George D. WeeM Ketchikan; : George Moody, JJik; Mr. .and Mrs. . C. Q. Anderson, Petersburg; Albert lRockwaU, Warren, Pa. Jloyal Mrs. F. Sart and .son. New Haz- telton, G. R. X'Hanny, Ketchikan, iG. K. Little, Mrs. Valerie Gunder-! sen and Mrs. Barney Bing. Vancou. ver; A. H. Barton, Port Edward: R. IE. Valpy, Inverness; Joe Nykardu,1 Edmonton; B. Colbachinl, Terrace; ! drawing to a Jose for the .oea-; loc&l relaiFsteres and are very at-j rop. Parent, p. Q. A. Gaunt, Smith son jotiowng me masing o; , m-, many valuable improvements. Sil- elude CallfornuJ pfars and early4 Creek road all received consid-'among the new vegetables. erable attention with excellent re-! Egg, butter and flour markets are suits. nrm and advancing. The sugar ! price is steady. ? Two charges against Jam? : Retail prlQet current nere are as t-noff, section foreman, wereicHows: i aismissed oy btipendiarj' Magis- ErCT trate R. L. Gale after an all- B.C. Fresh Extras. Grade A F. Bolton, Winnipeg; J. B. Brown, ixjronio; Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Sather ) and Mr. and Mrs. A. Todal, city, i Savoy ! G. L. Rorie and Mr. and Mrs. Sam I Stewart, city; Norman Grelg. Ocean I Falls; W. A. Schwelbe, Seattle; W. N. .Campbell and D. D. Campbell, i ' Premier; Mrs. N. Brew and family, Haysaort: Mr. and Mrs H Nnrth ers. W017-D KEEP BARS ,CAPE TOWN, August 30: (CP) A royal commission has recommended control ,of the South African wine Industry but opposes closing of wine bars, saying It would .be dangerous for the colored Magnifictnt 6 tubs 3-band Suptrhtttrodyn with sensational "Distanca Booster" and Magic Brain. Remarkable world-wide performer captivating RCA Victor Beauty-tone cabinet, CUT CURRENT COSTS Gatotiot ofxrti brim St Sirtttoa pvtl thittti. EXCURSION To Ketchikan SS. Prince Rupert Sept. 4tb Tickets Covering Reservations Must Be Taken IV By Sept. 1st to Hold Rooms p Canadian National Steamshns WE C AL rnrr A Beautiful Decorated 10-oz. Tumbler riiLll,","witn every Purchase of Effervescent ' ' Fruit Saline. (English TyK. Both for 39c Protect Your Teeth By using Mi 31 Tooth Powder on your favorite shaped Klenzo Tooth Brush Both for 39c Cara Nome Cosmetics 2oc Trjal Size Perfume and 25c Triiu Size Face Powder Both for 35c Special For Baby -One Tin Stork Baby Talc and 3 Stork Nippta Both for ,35c Onnes J?itt Pioneer Drt2pists The KexMl Store Phones; 81 & C Open Daily From t an. till lp jijn. Snndav nnd llolidayi Trom IZ noon (ill t p.m, 'vr,s you WAi, ' ettMHrn Greatest Value We've Ever Offered! Truly! These new 1938 RCA Victor radios are sensational value. RCA Victor cngineerj may wtll be proud of .such ouuundlng .achievements as the have developed for this new line of radios. Drop in our store just as soon as you, can .and let us demonstrate them for you. To see and hear the new RCA Victor is to get an entirely new concfp tioa of radio performance and reception. dilaeMm.jM