it VI., No. 202. LOCAL NEWS NOTES arrived "a new shipment Discontinuing men's shoes. All IV K II I E Tne Aiayiair. . tiaucs reuueeu ai rasnion roou IIoutohf"aftfr ft wear. tf. a I lie clt$VtjaitcU by!, ". Mis. 'Andrew MacUunKld waT i, it eve'niiiF'oii Ifei'week-cnd visitor in tile city! . 1 I'ori .Simpson, arrived irom lerracc on Saturday ' ! afternoon's train and will be re 's .'Da Sleen, who lias . ljy-fti , turning to the interior this even- I. cunt :. 111.1 1 1' 1 1 " . i vai a ion i i' 1 nig. (i, titv troni vancouvtr . . . ....... . atala last evening. Mlsx Nora Dougherty, dauchler , of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Doughtrcy, I. M A (irelg oi icrracc ar- ,eturncd i10mc at lhc cna oI lasl lu aic city on Saturday af- wcck aftcr spendmg a holiday at Li raln for a brief visit to ..Thc j)uncs ThlclJ, Queen Char- . . i i y uwin, vviiu iiu uKi-n 'ii l;-. uikiiijr a course of mll- tranninc relumed home on ',-ilala last evening. lotte Islands. Major and Mrs. J. W. Edlcstone of Vancouver, aftcr a six weeks' visit at "Thc Dunes," Tlell, Queer, Charlotte Islands,' boarded thc 'I I... ..I I .... I eMimftr flrlnrn f'Kmrlfte n iim T c o .. ... l.'vMIil !, Hull l.itirlK lorl.iv fcn rpt.nrn viint !i ,:in. free. All welcome. - 201) Misses Howe and Schwartz, who will assume school teachiiig fiw.Hi,, n,,l f 1'irelf.KC nf lltii.a !l t Pftrf fsimturin X!u I'll ti'.u- uicrs of St. Joseph arrived in engern going noiih from Van ity on the Princess Adelaide cotiver aboard the Catala last y afternoon from Victoria. evening. and Mrs. E. T. Kenney will Mrs. W. K. Walker and daug"h-by this evening's train on tern, who have been spending the rp'lirn 10 lerniCU. Wit. ICJl- milliliter i, ni lanuiuv immi-'lj j of Vtn our" nf thn will III' linrn !itin:ird thi f":il:i1;. Tll . I 111 I L flu lilt. kllU V. fc. V. - ......... -. - . i, , , . f after having accompanied tne tomorrow going mrougn 10 van r-iitrsnrn i'e nirrif mm an I uuvci. '.mil r t'arK. Mrs. rveimey ar. on Saturday afternoon's train Terrace to meet him. Morning AflerTaking Nigel Sherwood of Terrace is a visitor in the city. He arrived from Terrace on Saturday afteinoon's train and will be returning to the interior Wednesday, evening. L. S. Hope, assistant district forester, returned by Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior on official duties. Major Kva Laycock, transferred to New Westminster afte three years here as Salvatior Army commandant, will sail on the Catala tomorrow afternoon to assume her new duties in the wuth. She conducted here fare well M-rviees at the local Citai'el yesterday before good-sized meet ings. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frew and daughter, Molly, returned home on Saturday afternoon's train from Lakelsc- Lake. Mrs. Margaret Hardy U.N., after a visit here with her uncle and aunt, Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kcrgln, Is sailing by the Prince Rupert this, afternoon on her' return' to Wcsl Vancouver. H. 0. Aveo, assistant provincial assessor and collector, sailed last evening on the Catala for a brief trip to Port Simpson on official business. He will be returning to lht citv tomorrow. ' . Harold Brown, president and 1HI DAILY NEWfl riai ti Miss Florence Watt and her' nieces, who have been spending the, summer at Lakelsc Lake, returned to thc city from. the Interior orf; this afternoon's train. ' j Miss Venetla Fcero, who has been spending the summer vacation vls-; itlng hi Skagway,. returned to the city from the. nqrthVn tlie Princess:. Louise Saturday afternoon.' . :j F. a. MacCalluin; manager of the?' local branch of the Bank of Mont-: real, sails this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver and Victoria on his annual vacation. M (iweti oarru iiers. uaugn- Kcn Mathcson of the Canadian ler 0f brigadier W,,' J. Carruth-Jatlonal Railways Investigation dc- ,,;.)fi divisional commander of the .artment arrived in the city from Salvation Army for Northern Hri- 'rincc George on Saturday after- tlsh Columbia and Alaska, aN loon's train and will return to thc riycd in the city on Saturday -nterlor this evening. ! afterr.oor'K train from Ednion- . , ton, where she has been 'attend-- James A. F. who has Stevenson, , hmmw college, ami sailed een spending the past couple of Mf inorlilIK fin the Prime nonths here with his parents, Rev. nh;,rlo, r,)P ltT lmnil, )r. and Mrs. J. W. Stevenson, leaves .,!, , ..,..,. vrar's t n, Mis3 by this evening's train to resume hLs narn,tilt.,.8 expectK to take utr; ludlcs at McGlll universiiy in tr.lfl,i, a a Salvation Army of-vlontrcal. He has also received a r jcer .-, .tail appointment at tne university. Miss Lorraine Grant, who has been visiting at Prince George with her ilster, Mrs. R. A. Harlow, arrived n the city on Saturday afternoon's rain on her wcy back to Powell liver where she is located now as lomcstic science Instructress. She ailed for the south on the Prince corge Saturday evening. "Uuild H.C. Payrolls" The Baby Gets Well Ira nanaging director of the Union . Wc er .M Iteamshlp Co came north from J .. ancouvcr to Bella Coola On the "u1 M ' ... -,.oyya .ardena at the end of last week P W - ind caught thc same steamer at - ;.onri hi Vamu on Saturday to return to Milk." says fth" ,F" .done wonderfully Well. Everybody Jmrouver Vancouver. i admlres h SQ we wsh iet you, Rev. R. q. Scott, principal of Co- know what Pacific Milk has. done' lualeetza Residential School at for her. She was sick, fiom: the time' 3ardis, Is a visitor in the city. He she was born until we began glv-irrlvcd from Vancouver on the ing her Pacific Mlk. and- now a ardena Friday night and will be nine months her weight Is 21 lbs. eturning south on the Catala to-:7ozs." ' norrow afternoon. Mr. Scott is i well known here and In the district, . laving been for several years In! .hargc of work from the Unltd Church mission boat Northern ross.. i Pacific Milk I1UIAD1ATED OF COURSE T OTHlNa for BOYS i iii'ii i' ii i v L.i.rxu i hn t mitifr inn rv 11.11 iii-u isiv iihiiii hi it- i win iiiinti rip oacK it) ocuuui rui uic iuuiis i' MMa wv BOYS' SUITS Blue Serge and Tweed Suits With (ne pair short pants, bizes sw i SBsa r rs m m W cum J ksTm rail years Hue Serge and Tweed Suits With me pair Ionjj and one pair snort ants. -Sizes IK 7 & S8I tolOvrs. V-- " Boys' Raincoats lawn Trench Coats- Qfi fas 21 to 34 v,vv .Hlack Rubber Coals With cemented W() u " H It II . . ... w i r m iirriT i nn i im1 m iiti iih i NOW With Some of lhese Values In D1YIAK l , waLL-iviAur, ixv i runu Wc With t.u'n n:iirs ng pants. Sizes jX $15.00 $17.5.0 Worsted and Tweed Suits With two pairs lonir nants. Sizes ;i0 yrs $12.50 t0 $18.00 Free Knives For Boys WITH EVERY SUIT PURCHASED (Si7.cs (i to lfi years) We Arc Giving Away, . ' FREE, A Two-Hladed CORONATION' POCKET KNIFE Made From The Rest Sheffield Steel They're Dandies NO CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS HHHHMasHaaMHMpMaaHHMSMSSMSaSMPSWSI BOYS' SWEATERS I'ure Wool Pullovers In all styles. V necks, polo collars, zipper fronts and crew necks. In a wide range of Boys' Pants Fox Serge Shorts C-f (Zf Sizes G to 12 yrs ..tPJ--e'v Fine Holany Serge Shorts Q 4 Off Sizes 6 to 12 yrs W.M.M Tweed Longs Sizes 6 $2.9533.50 Dixon's Tweeds In dark patterns. f6toyi, $2.95 & $3.50 Iron -Man Pants In grey and brown utol $2.25 v years Black Waist Overalls Heavy weight Tk M m mm zipper pocket $1.45 n i ii iir n.wo In linntlinv Mivt.nvps. Pair . 50c 'VB i lire inn nun nvov .......... - OA . '1A 0Sf llnvw' IUiiiisis MjkIo bv Arrow-. All sizes ........ 85c v(s iMiuoniess L.ommuuiHMis uiMnni im .... ....v - - Hoys' Hatchway Combinations-Sizes 21 to iff . . $1.25 Roys' Shirts-Made by Arrow $1.00 and $1.25 MEN'S RAINCOATS Made By "AQUATITE" We are arents for "Anuatite" raincoats and have just received our fall shipment which includes Covert Cloths, Whipcords, Gabardines and Trench Coats. Aquatite coats are made hy tne Aquaiiic jmius, iianciieMur, r.iii.iim, .ium wnomui.. VC OUail lC lililll l oiiiiw iuu iiiviu i ; . WATTS & NICK George. R Matthews of Vancouver provincial secretary of ie British Columbia Retail Merchants' Association, s a visitor In the city. Btrnice Palmer says ... I have never owned a car and probably never will. It has always been a ort of boast with me that I did things just a little differently than olher people but Just how differently I never truly realized until I began o be swamped with statis tics by a salesman determined to beat down my resistence. For instance, did you know In the United States alone, approximately 30 million cars are registered? Imagine! I am one in 30 million. Very ' exclusive If you ack me. And did you know that If all these 1 30 million cars were lined up end to end they would reach around the world at the equator three times? Imagine getting caught In a traffic Jam like 'that! Or if 2(1 cars were placed abreast fender 'to fender and bumper to bumper, they would form a solid mass clear across the United States from Atlantic City to the Golden Gate. Thai might be pretty good advertising for the Golden Gate World's Fair but a bit hard on any buildings that might eland between. However, a clever salesman like that probably had It all figured out.1 He' a'jso told me that If it was de-' V1UVU ,VJ QHt a, V S . have (tot, that idea from Mussolini) It would .only lake 34 years, 24 hours a day,.ior these cars to pass a given stand. Now Just Imagine standing, or even sitting for that matter, 34 years lo choose a car. You'd think they would change thc model lnl that tjmc. j And there was also Ihv matter of old tires. He waxed quite eloquent! on that subject. It seems that I each car has four wheeis and each ' wheel requires a tire to say noth-! Ing to spare. Now Just suppose all these cdrs travelling all these years had to be re-tired, and every-! one put his tires, all five of them on the same heap, It would form a hollow column reaching 14,205 miles. Into th6 ozone. A veritable tower j of Babel! Maybe he had something, there. But when he decided to push this tower over after going to all thc trouble of building, why, I just! gave up. I'd rather play with blocks any day. They're safer. Imagine stacking 14,205 miles of tires and j then wanting to knock them downj again Just to prove a point. And; It would, be just my luck to find; my tire on the very top of the heap. He said I'd have to look In Central1 Asia for It. I didn't buy that car. It would take too long to choose, and besides, I never did have any luck at finding things, or working out mathematical problems. CHEKUIO! Oakland, California. 10. 7. Announcements United Fashion Show, September Catholic Ilazaar October C and I'hone a IS Mens and Bovs' Clothiers 50(5 Third Ave. Oyro Hallowe'en-Dance, October 29. HOT WEATHER FOODS ARE SOFT FOODS.. Starchy summer meats encourage tooth decay. It Is to easy to nefllect eierdsc of teeth and Hums. Natura says chew! Wrljtey's ftum combines necessary chewing with cool loni-lsstin j Baror. Dentists recommend it as excellent for children too! FINE FOR THE TEETH CRII UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD: Bieameis leave Prince Rupert lor Vaucoiivei T.S.S. UATAI.A EVEKf TUESDAY, l;3l' I'JVt Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAKOENA FlttDAY, 10:31 TM. Due Vat-ouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchast tickets t olflcr. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN,. Prince Rupert Apt, Third Aye., Phone 5l USED School Books Elementary, and High We Buy, Sell, Allowance in Exchange The Book of Knowledge The Children's Encyclopaedia Used Tools, Stoves, Ranges, Rifles; Shot Guns, Musical Instruments Used Furniture Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Suite, Kitchen Tables, Odd Chairs New Furniture 5-Piece Bedroom Suite -$98.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.00 ;-. LIO'S Furniture Exchange Hours Open 1) a.m. Close 5 p.m. Phone (5 rccn 91( Prince Rupert, 1J.C.