Vhsmt 'J WHIFFLETS From the Waterfrwit La TwM KwU ar Hre T- Mit HHWi aditr larw U CaC xiimr tae talawa f tkt ws f Artbr Umrtwt twbtmx, w etatal Kt re fa part liff swrala? ic tc crf f iMr fiaal iaray r4re 4k jttt. At SW aja. t&r Vtm-4 CbitUtt. dtC Vi'fttUa 4 li Vrimt Km!. CaaJ. ' Kdato, irt Out aanJL T& FKt OatUtU; left at 11 jus. fcs faaf it aiK if iae i We MtMUa4 &Ua4Ly 6rfl at 3 aae fvr Vivr.-.r as4 BUY NOW AND SAVE. (Jrade "A" Larue EGGS JlrookfieJd Cartoned EUREKA HLEACH Hottle CANADA STARCH Corn or Laundry 2Pkgs.21c HATHROOM TISSUE-Lkrge-Rolls. Each .... P.&G.SOAP 6 bars Kindle Knit Ytrftct Fitting Latest Shades Owses in Chiffim, SerVice, Senai-SiTTice and Crepe, also Knee Lenirth Third and FalUm 10c 7c 25c wt SaUaV ail Tfce Wilt Fufc Ca-Mtat hir n at tae At $- Z Terrace Pastor, Brother Of Angus tfce Franc EmfiTl Tmk Doa't Let Thfe One Slip Br Wltst ercm mt aan Recently Wedded, -Gillies Is Dead lj HoersofStiidLaBrfs 7r. fait a iiur Cataii--aC Given Shower wtd no jn.c un wn; rrEr riax mr " jaic Favafe. a ftouli CaKes. far Lttc; Eatfiffd Ia tracery Easiness is Cara-- The Hose of Merit tfce Mali; id'rVJh k f I Sail TEZCArSL i.r -T U ' ml Ortzria. P- Away wmmi.'m ?lii"J i aajuai lax tfce rvi ae i - it laaar mwv -- Tt - :.. mM t hw law a From 75c to SliO WALLACES te Wa Jafaad m Arraaaale Brr. W Mm a,, c- - ansa a- - ta r.fr asaay ff a .aatr at fa Wwk. taida? j i iali- Stamiia-itert a caw 11 fad mitt U7JM mmiU rkm "e aecaay. k ntCKpr isa7 frvf JaaiJty t I4?. Ox &tarir fian tmt t X mid catrW- aafiaaHfiCaMt. if 1 1 t; fgt Taaatar aa4 c; Frt. SJT i IV a c- j Dr. a F- .1! liJ i i'vaa u -bA ram ia Prime Bx ek far ta iatr. TV Prtv-'1 rHmni tm atf aca4x.- rn mi vVxa I daVtss- k tr utaa -r.a. if a aWa H att44 tsetiar aorUt fna tfeM r.l"r iBiraau cavanJ fir ti Tare re ( taaai ripn. f t a ia D- Ta? Pnwt Hmtt hnmzht ia arfc a vsArf E,-UM 2 aaM?r wfcaai elw'ISw,1& Xaray aai attrr (KatsaUrk am. eaatri i tiaajr t&? fie?. JArswr ar tktar fc iwnasi Xrtklml Traaaaartataaa Ca.'f "risaU Wwar au4e is aftoraa Xattalaaa. Caat. Lai Earapeas caaatm vita fbb- mM -m. i. ur- teaa4 aff taHrjad frzc Ttaa Ottawa U cafr wfta CaaaHi-a4 ?5a ats 'f .asaj njemm fithnit avtWalita. Car Iruxtijam Ea nr 4a- v- R u.. utiUd GafUacr Stxmmm. a smW ' at i ja. ! MiiBiam f br w M tac S-att&f aaliW ' -jjriill i batx tr Friar A' - ' . . i-. arv.-: r4a, nrjt a. t Steamship Sailings j Mtaaaas Ss. P Z-npert 3 as. Tatnaay Cat-t J Jb ?s Fnc at P Afeitai M pa 5 riwaim Jt 35 pa 5at-S IT. A& $ 5 pj. Aac K . Pr Lovok 43 pa. Ca:aia pza. . P? CSArtao a Friaiy .at-Pz. Icnas! a ' Sa. Pr. Gt? St IT. Aaffcfte i p.j ITJay- & Pr. Owrr- Tadf-. CaUlx 11 iX Satardajr . Pr Ofjcrt 7 pc Far .Vaas Eixtr aa Ftrt Sinpim SBiy a. CiUii p-s Kra Xiii KHer x.a4 rrt Sfasaa Trfef ex. Calala Jl.JS tae ark is a cirarttte ca- Accarsia? id wart rtxem-4 fraa tiar aaatij b Satardaf -a airaiwK-' wakfe aa4 ka aed far ae mmt f faavtia? fw adamb af aikLzrac as ta W ' 'rf VaaroTr IiaB4 bad wfcJth are d'f is.'. '-.fee to locate f.i. ia ta faVawiar a arwcxaa of! "aiai A---' aaaaaa. xt4.aaaf -njja:t w r -! War. TW faamJ ia Uhi; ia C-KfL a-as the ClalW ia rn-frd ay fW MBS a4 tart tw aiaten ia Maatgeai aad tie anaWr a. 0e a kilas' aa acuve tavire ia tar Grea TEXTILE STRIKE OVER MONTREAL. Aaf Ta i(ru :s a Doaiaioa Texti NiiU e; iri ?a rdi.v a ?at. -'COMEDY IS I mm wa PRESENTED j Vnma. Aha InUrjyer? With OH It a Daj at Capital Tbeatrr Tbe Aorr 1 the rt-irUom o! the rariou -5tsb!n of a nice 3brbin fzaaQjr to Ifc? fini crxh mi fprin; vitii tt halny. pote-Airno? aanstti and frasrzste. "Call it a Day " a ie?bCal eescdj-frasa. case as the J fa tare d'sxtns to tht lerm of tt Capito) Tfcritre br? at the Orst e tMx tt It it raid ta be a aaart. tepiCicattd flls (ffpradto; to a eocra! fztcsi cpoa brIKa&t diaJot and performance of nfbcn of the east Hsabaatf asd vile of Use family are Ian Hunter aad Frieda laexsort The yesnz daasater of tfee hocse Is tbe popslar Oltrta de KaTOlajx! Peter Xifle. imported from tbe loui&i nae is the joras am Toonett daa?tter is Bosuta Gras- rt-Ie droG R&Lir d Yocz:? is a FALL FOOD SALE 2 Dozen 71c Royal City Canned Foods CHOICE I'KAS-Sieve o. 2 tins FAN'CV SPINACH 28. Tin TOMATOES 2'b. 2 tins PEAItS Bartlett, 2 tins PORK & HEANS-16-oz. 3 tins 23c 17c 27c 35c 25c NABOB PURE FOODS l NABOB TEA-Lb 49c NABOB COFFEE-Lb 37c j NABOB BAKING P0WDER-12-oz. tin . . . 17c i NABOB SPICES 2 tins 13c i NABOB EXTRACTS-2-oz. bottles 16c ORANGE MARMALADE 97p STRA WHERRY JAM Empress, New Season's, 7 j.u .... aiw n utasun c. f 41b. tin FIVE ROSES FLOUR FIRST PATENT-STANDARD OF THE WORLD 7-lb. Cotton Sacks 40c 24-lb. Cotton Sacks .................... $1.29 49-lb. Cotton Sacks $2.45 WILD ROSE PASTRY 10-lb. Cotton Sacks 49c HAMLIN & THOMSON'S "NOTED FOR QUALITY" VEGETABLES FROM Bg 2Bchs.9c Fresh Dug Potatoes 8 lbs. 25c KINSO Urge (ikg, 24c LIFEHOUY lZn S0AP-2barsAtl1' Phone 179 WE DELIVER P.O. Box 1594 I fe" -Ww - - j j "Wfll mmm tat fcr 1 W j Tan aavTaft Im Cat tt i Itj fast Tare v,r a- VJ . - First Grade BUTTER With $1.00 Grocery Order CAKE FLOUR-Swansdown. Pkg. RAISINS-Australian. 2 lbs WALNUT MEATS Pieces. Per lb vt CURRANTS Nabob, ll-o-'" Pkg. SIIORTENING-Swift's Jewel. Lb. TERRACE GREEN PEAS GREEN BEANS RED ARROW SODA SsBcu,re-. 20c TOMATO JUICE Libby's Gentle Press 3 Large TW25c SHREDDED WHEAT Pkg. ROLLED OATS-Quaker Large pkg. SCOTCH MINTS-l-lb." cello bag all it a Day 0UY1A DE HAYIUAND IAH HUNTER ANITA AUCE BRADY ROLAND YOUNG FRIEDA lN$iJ 1 COSMOfOUTAN riODUCTlOM OlttaiD IT AICWI (At TJl an4 S3D ALSO TOMGHT asd Tl tl Pet Smith's "GRAND BOUNCE" 2nd Sbvv ) H jl "POKKrs RO)LNCE" WORLD NEWS frtend of the family xho bfxQse he I infatuated aith the raothfr Al;t Tv-or'i'', T j ; -? Brady aiis ar.d abe'js hi suit Anita bJeded a-rjj 11- Loiuse a-id Marj Fle-d are a-sc ia if "Ca 1 a Da THRIFT CASH AND CARRY Five Days from TUESDAY TO SATURDAY 3 lbs. 95c Baking Day Needs 34c 23c 23c 12c 15c 3 lbs. 25c CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS- 28C Lb. 11c 25c 21c