Monday, August 30, 1837. u UONQIt COMRADPS j DORCHESTER, England, Aug. ,80: fhv. J?ix German ex-soldiers, once prisoners of '.war .torigUncf, gueste , now ,of the Brlsh Legion",' placed a swastika rpath on .the memorial ItoPerraan prisoners .who dlad Jiere. ubhu HELP WANTED gSTENOGUAPJHEBSl MAL.K AND FJ5MAIJ2; WANTED in ftrinrc U.upert by the Dominion Cfyi! Service. Applications for .ex-amination to reach Ottawa by September 18th. We have help ed hundreds ,to obtain .Ciyi, Service positions and can bt'l;: you. Froof of -thl stu-temcrtt arid ull information abjut .Ui" examination, etc., froe. M. C f .Civil Service Schools, Vinni-peg. Oldest in Canada. 21V FOR KENT NGUS Apartments, four room suite. three BOARD AND ROOM ROOM Oreen 997. and Board WANTED ano (tf; "OR HENT--Clean, well furnish ed, moderh .apartment. I'hone Red 444. i. FOR SALE FOR SALE Singer Sewing rna- chine $22.0a Ked 12G. (204) FOJt SALE All household fui niture. Apply Mrs. Morris, Leeds Apartments. I'hone Black 925. (207i ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Qyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone ' " " ' !'.. tf. . SALE Walnut dlnlne room te good condition. Phone Blue . (202) phone (209) WANTED- -3 or 4-room furnished house or apartment. Apply Box 238, City. (202) MUSIC claims amluat tlit aaiil Citato an fry rptjuireu to nuaiteh same. pro-. ly VCI-UUid. to rru. on or befnra th 6th day of Ootobor. A. D. 1037. ana I partlHi dndelitrd to the estate sre iuliwl .to pay the amount of their .dabtediiene'ito me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Admlnltrlor, Prince Rupert, B. C united .the 17th rtnv of AuinuL A. r Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Wlwre l4)yWitor and 13 Others' Died in Crash ?he crushed and Ptill-flaminj: wreckage of the Royal Hutch airliner which crashe d iiAo an empty house a few seconds after leaving Croydon airport, England, is shown Jiere. Fourteen persons died in the crash, including Juan de la .Ci,erva, inventor of the autogyro. The aeroplane crash caused the empty .hous e to go up in flames, adding to horror of the scene B.C, Payroll Is Increased l4 Phone 18 and 84 P. . Hox 575 j Free Gift Tokens By Wstover VilAT'S WITH CITY VICTORIA, Aug. 30: (CJ') Lady Tweedsmulr Remarks Tbe npnual report of the Depart-. I.O.D.I'. Luncheon Saturday ' ' men! of Labor of Rritish Colum I 'TEX OAH.T HBB-. - PAGE FIVE. i you have for this gathering of wo-j men assembled here today, I assure ' your listeners, will be uttered In '. words of wlsdpm, guidance and in at today, representatives of various women's organizations who join wjth us in extending to you a hearty welcome to our city "We have watched your' activities, since you have -Uecotns The j bia, released Saturday, gave the . . On at the ,Commc4ore total payroll of the province at Saturday Lady Tweedsmulr, wife of .the ?142.W9,591 n .increase, S334UovirlUMuid $43,222,... mJW. 9,1.. .and . Honorary 501 since 1933. President of the Imperial -Order, Daughters of the Empire, in Canada' was Introduced by Mrs. D. (Orchard of Chap.1 John Ellis, on of Dr. R. V Munjclpal rn, . . , m , , i ter in Prince Rupert at a luncheon, EWis Ketchikan, arrived in pf ; sponsored by i.o.d.E . and at- the city on the Northland last; tended by representatives of var-night to meet bin brother, Vin-1 lous wpmen's organizations In the ton, wr arrived by train after j city.'inhe following, words: trip lo United States. They - "ovr Excellency, Lady Tweeds-turned to Ketchikan .on the l'rin-! mulr, we feel greatly honored In IOI4K TUITION, theory pnd hajJce Charlotte this morning. mony Miss TJ, Lawrence. Phone I" 580. Classes start Sept. 1. In tiik srrunMK un in nr iiumsiil CMI.l'MltlA ! Iln ,1 lip Mallrr of Kll Obornr, lirrfa-'i: Iln llif Mailer of Lhr "Adiiilnlslrull.Mi .uf TAKE NOTICE lht by ordor of H onour W. . ,ialux, .the ltlh. Any uuit. A, D. 1037 I wax nouulnU-d omiUstratcr of the caule of Ell ocrne, Dnasxt, and oil . partic hv having you as our guest this aftsr- 1 I neon.- There are .assembled with us I (212) j' We arc still giving our Free' 1-st Lady of the Land,' with keen Gift Tokens which entitle jou Interest and enthusiasm. This pos-to a wide range of Premiums..0" yu have. occupied with dig-Come In and Look Them Over nJ,y. 8race and charm. "We thank von for apppntlnc our IFM' lnvitaWDn t0 be present with us on ECONOMY STORE thlc occasion and feel honored in ypur having given us an "opportunity of;meetlng you. The message LOCAL NEWS 'splration that will help us in rend- luring better , service to .the com- Missrs Frances and Ellen Moore, munlty In which we live, through ""s" a..u ftlt5. n. r.. following the motto of our Order M30re returned to the city on the and that of every loyal subject of Princess Charlotte this morning the Empire 'Respecting On Flag, alter spending the summer in Seat. tle-.thenlng Honoring One Throne and Streng- One Empire.' " The Excellency's Reply i Mrs- M- p- McCaffery and daugh- Tweedsmulr ters- 1Ielen and Nrah. returned In response. Lady ex- pressed her pleasure on arrival in home on .the Princess Charlotte this Prince Rupert and her delight in morning after spending the summer the marvellous scenery of British vacation at Qualicum Beach, Van-.Columbla ever Her Excellency's couver Island, favorite province with its snow- - ' capped mountains, wonderful trees Miss E. M. Earl returned to the and leaves, beautiful wild flowers city on the Princess Charlotte this beauty seen in this province partic- to Vancouver ularly. Victoria especially charmsd her and she voiced her wish that it jaCk Preece sailed Saturday night were possible to take up residence 3n the Prince George for a trip to on a .little island near that city Vancouver. where groceries could be delivered in small boat. n Hugh MacDonald of Stewart, road Continuing the speaker remarked suparintend-ent for Atlln district, particularly on I.OJ3.E. educational sailed this morning on the Princess work which she had always b3en .Charlotte for a trip to Atlin on of-interested In'. ,She had been res- ilclal business, ponsible- for inauguration of "The Prairie Library" a scheme, much ... needed arid appreciated In isolated HM1S!0rthy Pfes"ef prairie section, where people lived f otte dln thls f f clty on the, Vancouver f55 Char'-lonely lives and, through hardships. ,"orn!nf, frr a"ume her dutles here as Publlc were unable to purchase reading'0 neaim nurse' material. Lady Tweedsmulr be-: longs to a family of authors and.j! . , .therefore, ; was keenly Interested entatlon to her of a black slate aiong mis line. Xotem Pole, she wished for one Concluding, Her Exce 11 e n c y.of these, she said before returning thanked the I.OD.E. for their pres- to Ottawa. Mail Schedule For ne East--Monday, Wednesday, and Fjrlday ,....-.5 From the East Tuesday, Thursday and, Sunday ........10:45 p.m. For Vancouver-Monday ; .2 p.m. Tuesday ..... , . 12:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. Saturday. 4:30.. and Cp.m. August 18 .4:30 p.m. From Vancouver :, Sunday . 4 p.m. Monday .'...9 a.m. Wednesday 10 a.m. Friday ..,.9 a.m. and gorgeous colorings of natural morning from a brief business trip From stewart and Anyox ' For Anyox and Stewart-Sunday Ci, 7 p.m Friday p.m. From Anyox and Stewart-Tuesday .. ll;30 am .Saturday 5 p.m. For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday .? pjn From Naas River and PoU Simpson Tuesday ll:30 .m. For Queen CharloMeilslands I Aug. 14 and 28 ... 9 p.m. From Queen Charlotte Islands P-m-t Aug. 12 and 26 .. For Al.isk.a JMondays,and Fridays From Alaska Saturdays .... !Aug. 18. -r ixm... 7UM'.,rainmLU-i)-TTOvyT fe . Ni' I 'a b.' A 'wkm aiip POOR MAC- WMLk-'A anq VME'll -L V V Imagine your favorite hunting ground reduced to a desert of charred snugs- your pet stream choked with dehris your campsite a desolation. One moment's carelessness may do this -one IniriVing match, cigarette or camp fire may ruin millions of feet of timber; destroy watershed for lakes and streams, and vital c.over for game. BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE Dept. of Lands 1F7. . ur irr-. -rs fH V. : -s. M 1 i J 1M "THE MIDDLE am. .. a.m. ...... pin. !30 p.m. The Dally News Jias arj audited circulation. Play safe! THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED , TRAIL UKITISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Fertilizer Chemical Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metdls Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. .HOM-'fV'.sraE'J-L, BE N1Q 6sT SET THE THE PAT1ENTT PtENTT TO TO &ED BED "TiLLIE THE TOILER" iF VOO WANT TD HELP MAC, VOO SET OUT GF HSEE bEFOfcE I HAVE ANOTHER ,PATiEMT IUU Mr. macdoosall i-ajw rapoh hiltomjsI Ioh, ves you're mis?(-cr. AH.eurjl wait I I vou -see, mr, macdojsall has beem DELirzious THCT2E MOW) " 1 ll'lTl .I1 n V' I I OMBS-vVt DR. HLTOMr-' i HOW 0D JApuT HEK HH CESCr2IBECS I " U-ti "JC37T ' ssraffT "r til toa'ti I "V. 8