Just Arrived! DAILY EDITION MAXINE Evening Sandals In the Leading Styles in Greens, Silver, Cold, Hlues and Black Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per Insertion .02 .25 SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advat.ee $5.C6 Paid m advance, per week 12 Paid In advance, per month .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.0 By mall to all other countries, per year 9.01 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Wednesday, November 17. 1937. FRATERNAL OBLIGATIONS ) ' A great many Prince Rupert peonle'belong to fra ternal organizations on joining which they made solemn promises which are supposed to be binding upon them for all time. What we are wondering is how often if ever these sacred obligations are remembered. It is not much good joining an organization if the members do not carry out their duties. If all remembered what they promised, the world would be much better than it is today and the people happier. Carrying out plan Evidently the Chinese generals are carrying out the plan for a fighting retreat which they originally laid down. It was not expected that the Chinese army would be -able to withstand the first attacks of the mechanized Japanese and, according to the best authorities, it was planned to gradually retreat until the position of the Japanese invaders became somewhat precarious. If the morale of the army can be sustained, this plan of campaign may possibly prove successful. It seems like a great gain for the Japanese to take Shanghai but it was evidently expected and the wonder is that they were not able to take it sooner. Just where the big stand will be taken only the Chinese leaders know. In the meantime, it must not be taken as an indication that they are beaten because they have retreated a few miles. China is a very large country and the march of Napoleon's army into Moscow must not be forgotten in considering the military situation there today. The danger with these tactics is that the morale of the defenders may be broken before the big engagement takes place. BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT THEN GO AHEAD Premier Pattullo seems to have remembered the old adage "Be sure you are right then go ahead." That is what he did in the case of the bridge over the Fraser River which was opposed with such vehemence by a section of i tne Vancouver people, iwiuenuy, tne uppusmun wusi largely of a political nature for now the people of the! south are very pleased with the new structure and thej opposition of two years ago changed to general approval. NOT TAKING SIDES Evidently the British people are not taking sides in the troubles between Arabs and Jews in Palestine. Either side that breaks the law is to be punished. Britain's duty there is to see that the country has a chance to rehabilitate itself and that the people are protected as long as they go about their ordinary duties in a peaceful manner. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 31 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK OUR TOURIST TRADE (The nineteenth of a series ol articles in the interests of the Museum of Northern B. C Bj' C. G. I1AM pla favorably placed or more entiuea . ntmwi? mnr i to benefit. Tourists comprise an important factor in our civic welfare and as a potential source of revenue there is none better. During the recent season from June to September well over 10,000 people, pleasure bent, passed t through Prince Rupert. The ma jorlty of them had not less than Desnite the "all Inclusive" tour nractlcallv each one nut new money , porting upon tourists and the mus eum. On many occasions numbers i were unable to get in owing to the congested situation and when ln were unable to view the exhibits as they would like owing to the crowd. All, however, were Interested. Some of the more fortunate ones were enthusiastic in their appreciation leaving no doubt as to the value of the museum as a tourist attraction and the urgent need for more com of their purse, their time and the1 fniiowi- constituted channels of convenient travel. Tourists do not come to Prince Rupert, nor to Vancouver or Victoria or anywhere else for. that matter, simply by accident. To ben-J ent complaints were received that( the existing stops were too long.) In other words, more tourist attrac tions must be developed and existing ones Improved. Splendid work has been done In establishing a garden conscious ness among citizens here with ex cellent results. It is to be hoped that the public generally will become equally enthusiastic in de veloping the museum and parks Into the real tourist attractions they deserve to be. Today In November thousands are still telling of their Toronto NATIONAL LEAGUE American Division W D Boston 3 0 erit as a tourist centre, Inducements ; Chicago .1 2 must be made and managed asjKangers 2 0 such. Early this year representa-i Detroit 1 1 Mfin wqc tvfi ir- hovo nortln I ... .w v ........... international steamers in port ior a longer time. The reply Inferred that, when tour ists wished for a longer stopover, revisions would be made. At pres Americans .2 0 Canadiens . 1 1 Montreal 1 0 Spirits Spur Schooners On L F 0 8 4 2 11 16 2 7 6 2 6 11 Division .2 2 0 18 11 2 8 7 2 8 9 3 5 7 RANGERS civitt tVio.r onlnvflrl most. OUCn 11U" 4...rt r,t nll P 4 4 3 Two Windjammers Racing From Portland to New York for Beer And Whisky Prize j PORTLAND, Maine, Nov. 17: (CP) Two lumber schooners one Canadian and one American are j racing from Portland to New York for a case of beer and a case of summer vacation, boosting the high whiskey as a prize. 1 k A A AGE GC 3 STAR RVE nou A iPwdil quality old ry of Itvor, ftioro.jMy maiurad In 9100 J. 13 91 UO Jl fin oak. oz. 25 OZ. 40 OZ. WIN OUT nuartcr of ladies' wny not rourisvs yay ub 1 ....- - dends and after the Initial effort Johnson 57 the upkeep Is not excessive. Gordon Drillon Leading League Point Getter So Far With ONE GOAL VICTORIES Boston Bruins Beat Manxms Ran-' gers Win Over Americans Boston, 1; Montreal 1. Americans, 0,; Rangers, 1. Sherman McLeod 48 Eastman '. :......-..122 Peachy 57 Anderson : 135 i Handicap 233 i MON11KEAL., NOV. IV. ttri ,Berc GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED Bovlin F.nuVWth Playing of Tour 'gchedufrd Fixtures Provincial estimates of revenue for 1937 place the Rangers continued their winning basic industries of British Columbia in the following of- W Jjj l$Z and the Udie Bowling wuea travel A. l.WJnn- mtn.W n.rnVnlhir-P tnnnst Total 352 736 7G6 BIUE BIRDS 1 (CPi-rir- Pierce 141 Into circulation. Their purchases don Drillon.of Toronto Maple Lea Turreon - l run all the way from hair pins and leads tne Natloniii Hockey League .'Boulter 1S4 postage stamps to iur coaxs ana point geUers this season to date - canltal stock. :,uh rn.n. 'nnic nnH fnnr assets. K""on Pour thousand visited the plant according to the first official sum-j Handicap 21 of the Canadian Fish and Cold stor-'njary, His teammate Charlie Con-1 age Co. Over 2000 registered at the acher ls seCond with Hve goa's. Total 99 A few words are necessary in re-j - - - -- ' n. ujuivrua Mrs. Rothwell 1C3 Edna Dickens 1C0 Mav Bond 1W V. Alexander Ill Mr Dickens sr Handicap ,.'.199 Raybone ......257 214 modious and suitable quarters. In Boston Bruins needed but one goal Halber? .174 conjunction with this, also our var-l last night to defeat Montreal Mar-Jt;tromdahl 173 10 us totem parm came in ior noioons ana move into we leaaersmp ,Bnmnrr small amount of interest. The.pos- of the American division of the sibllities here are enormous and de- j Natlopal Hockey League. Similarly, velopment along this line ls exclus-1 at New York, the Rangers defeated, ive and recullarlv our own. ithe Americans one to nothing to Handicap "... 37 I Inln thp rhlnoan Rlnplr tT.iwke in- OUR GANG- . 1 MakinS It Attractive Detfoit Red WmgJ. be. 0,rcone , 129 Tourists are travelers. Their main ., reiegated to the cellar for the - 90 desire is to go as far and see astlme belng at jeast jGurvich .-. 149 much as they can within the limits; standinBS to date are. Ine"am 134 2 138 140 187 97 98 '187 -v This adVtrtliement It not published or displayed by tHt Liquet Pontrol Board or by The Government of Britlih ColumbU. 21 2 179 116 125 170 231 37 Handicap 59 59 59 770 904 7 171 111 K6 149 91 199 3 157 126 165 172 2?5 Total 1032 865 8P I Smith 129 Yager Handicap 72 2 114 174 122 73 254 72 Total 703 809 MERCHANTETTES 1 A. Colussi 185 Halliday 112 D. Houlden . 91 R, LaBelle 182 6 M. Vlereck 134 4 3 2 181 141 117 162 1G8 Total uci . iumwciiiib, """'"W to-: " ueiiraiuiB -"- ...tst ... , , i nfr last nlRni oy fishing. The sum of $35,000,000, or -one-sixth of the total tw0 Rames t0 one. Annette Basso-Bert 5th nnlv $17.- L intr rxrluxWe nossesslon Johnson ......a WW luiiiiiuivii ' ' ..... ... - ICVCIIUC, CUlIltS 1IUIII luw liiuivv. 500,000 from fishing. In Prince Rupert, of .course, fish ing takes first place. Tourist trade comas next. Yet how seldom do we hear it mentioned as haying any significance as a municipal assetl How imoortant Is this trade Prince Rupert? Can we improve It? How does It operate? Believe It or j . i t,. h HofMtlnp Knox Owen 31 1?2 WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Ami You'll Jump Out of Bti in tla Morning Rarin'to go Tk Htm ihould pour oat two noondt nt liquid blU Into your borreli dally. It tbii Ml U not (lowing (ml, your fund doasa't dliMt. It luit drayi In tnt bovdi. Gu blot up your stomach. You get eonstipaud. Htrmful po.toDS go Into th body, and you fwu sour, sunk and Ui world looks punk. A mrborl movement dotan't alwsys fft at tlx nuM. You ad somctliiag that worst oa tba liver sj well. It tak4 thtiM good, old t'artrr'a Utile liver Pills to get three two ol bile flowing (reetjr end nek you riounds rel"up and up". Iltrmlres and gentle, they Ditke the tile flow freely. They do the work of ralumtl but heve nu calomel or mercury la them. Ask for Carter's little liver fills by Kama! Stubbornly refute . vhlng else. ISc .763 KNOX HOTEL 1 Peterson 133 Brasell 150 Scharf 100 Sellg .a... 145 West 153 Handicap 72 Total ANNETTE'! WSMl94 Hotel two games to one while P. Dickens $ 160 Merchantettes were downing Our Handicap 18 to one. In the iourin h'ij "jwj. v: onus . nin in- .u nmtrhlnl mite.- . .i. - ..,.ini. nlno nlrH TOtai JIu verwsing is use wrc jjiu. fixture oi me cycihub .-- tardseed the ten Uwusand will be- a ,clean sweep three game to The league standing: t come a hundred thousand. Prince nll vjct0rv over Telephone Girls to w Ruperts beautilui garaens, caw cncl tne first quarter oi tne actiia i"ib - lent museum and wonderful totem naU in fourth place. High average Aanettes i it .ltlm tn hnnil thl . niumltiir hi e TVt Our Qinf i. . mirK inav wrj uuiiu .w crnnr nil li 11 v i . tii.m .... 1 1 1. iiUUiO 11V1., " " J . . w - . - - . 14 13 tMerchantettes 9 Blue Birds 10 2 3 Rig Sisters 8 Telephone Girls 8 97 P Knox Hotel 8 86 151 129 104 128 91 63 94 233 233 823 896 SKI CLUB 2 154 128 137 154 220 t 72 805 2 116 155 183 101 165 18 798 rL 5 7 8 3 154 125 193 117- 129 .75 790 3 191 IS' low. The Letter Box GIVE YOUTH A CHANCE Editor. Dally News: ' Why ls there no skating rink In the city? Surely IX all the youth 192 1 organizations got together and ap-l4qiproached Mr. Alder and put the 177. question to him, he would help us 15 out. Why should the youth of our 2,1 ! city if they want to skate have to 21 3 137 62 129 92 76 199 Total 920 889 695 ANGERS 1 go lo different parts of the city? Most of the towns of Prince Rupert's size in British Columbia have skating rinks of their own. Why not Prince Rupert? I am sure If we approached the merchants of the city, they would also help. So give the youth a chancel Who will be the first to give the lead? V. LEHTO l..M A'T Nolle f Intention to 41plt to l.roe Unit In Prince Rupert land Recording Durtrtot ol BrlUmi CrfumbU. nd ttu-ate on Zay Uland on the N. W point on west side of On reef oil Arsmiaiu Potot. Talc notice thai Frank Waterman 1 01 ot Prtnoe Rupert. B. C. occiip'ra .-"' iDtnvda to apply for leane ot uve lowing deeotbed land: all of the mt Aramrazu ruuiv. Comnv-nelng t a poet planted or Ui high graay paint oa the 8ouXn Side of the reef thence 1800 feet NortheaM.; th-noe 1500 fst Northwest thenoe 1800 Xtet 6ouUia-U then. 1500 leet SouUieaM and containing S3 acres, mere or lena miwv WATPRUAN. fi,t Diled October 4. 1937. 276 ' - '; 185 1 I.ANII ACT im Not lee nt Intention lo Apply tn 158 1 jn prtnoe Rupert Land Recording "2 District of Brftlih OolumWa. and aitu-' ate East of Prince Lehoo Wajid In llutivn Bay Pa. south of Dunda-"i 918 Island eccrp4cucm white rock jhlgh (marked oa chart). Take nouce vnat rran nurmnu i Prince Rupert. B. C. occupation Miner Interdt to atfuy lor a Jase ot we tui. 14S lowing descrlted laivon: au 01 a laplcuoiw whit rork 8S fret high 189: it Its aurrcundlnea aurrfundlnga (Rock marked 165 208 1.AMI ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land fijid on Chort). rcnunencXSj at' a post planted on a framy reck 200 feet B. E. of N. W Comer eti McrUieast lde thenoe 600 fee SouUiecaU thenoe 800 feet outh-wes tbenoe 800 St I Ncrthwest: thence 800 feet Northeast and containing 16 acrea, more or Vem. FRANK WATEKitAN, Dated October 4. 1937. I i ..M) RKilKTKV .VT Re: rerllflratf of Title Son. 19009-1. tl ; l.ol four llunilretl anil Tlilrly-taiir (IJI, Kanre lle S), rwt iHMnri, wild lo contain One Hundred and nilT-tliree (I.1SI, acree, more or lexi. WHEREAS nroof of ion of the "above Certificate, of .Title lamied in the name of Thomea It. Canroy haa been filed In thla oftlce. notice la hereby glv that I -hall, at the expiration of one month from the date of the flrat publication hereof, laaue a provisional Certificate of Title In lieu ol aald lout certificate, unlens In the meantime valid objection be made to me In wrltlnc. DATED at the Uuid RegUtry Office. Prtoc Rupert, B. C thla 9th. day of Novetrtbt, AD. 1937, ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy RegUtrar of Tltlea, In Prince nivpert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and attu ate on White Sand Wand, 1 Take notice that Frank Waterman of Prtnoe Rupert, occupation miner, lr. tend to apply for lease at the following described land: Commencing at a post planted on on of the high cliffs on White Band Island and being 300 feet from the 9. E. comer of Whit Sand Island, and on Ita eaat side, thence 000 feet 8. W,: thence 800 feet N. W.; thence 600 iet N. E.; thence 800 feet 8. E. and con talnlng 13 acres, more or leu. ! FRANK WATERMAN 1 Pnte AUguat 38, IB37, " 1 LANlf ItEOlSTItV ACT ' Re; OerMflt&t of Title No. 31S4-T, to U Thirteen 413) arid IVurteei 111)) Block Nine (9), Town of Stewart. M&p 818 WHEREAS ' prooi tji loss of the above Certifloat of Title ksued In the name of Wallace Lanley hat been filed In thU office, noltoe U Ivereby given that 1 ahull, nt the eiplratlor, of one month trom (the date Of the flrftt publkaatlcti iwwl. Uue a provisional Cert.Ulse.te of Tttl In lieu o! aald lost certificate, unless In the meantime rllld ob)ratlon he made to me In writing. DATED a,t the land Registry Office, FrhTie Rupert, B. C, Uvts 23rd. day of October, 1B37. ANDREW THOMPSON, ' Deputy Oegtftrfcr of Tltlea. GATHER! Ivilliain rib!.,, im . " r.iefiPH . " vairica Out WlUi some twenty .flVe nreepnl n..rl .mu.. f" T "iu.M:ism pretarl (ha nnnna 1 UG nighty ". IllLCl'II" Of trip U 1 IIS nneiiInvPM. u. . . 4l jiuriurary rres dptit 18 Preident VfWam ? first vice - PrpsidonJ A5S Frnser. Secretary -Treasurer Pts EiWds. lj.,f Exefutivo- . M' f by, Mia Lucille Broobl ij mi. luinmv r riser Tori Mn C 10 MnpCallum. who wa ja th, 8 received a vote of tot, (t, u services. 8 Improvements arp xr,n jiui. u.v iijk ciud to the cat n the slcllm? eround' So far there b nbont fan J nf snow on Mount Oldf! Mtt is not r,ou!!h I KlDNCtS.ULCi W1""" . .Mini1 I thttr " jm 1 it- jwrj-arfjn!i Phone IS and It P O.foiJ mer. p -,rree 1 if GiftTtU 'We are still ti VtJ Oift Tokens wWtb tnttte jl Ite's. to 3 wide rante ot Tmflorfl Come In anil lookThraM MUSSALL ECONOMY STOil nance m ! He ha If Nobody Knocks Tie KNOX The Food U Co011 ' The Rooms Are Cl The House Is Mann Thr Service Friendly The Rate. Are Reasonabk KNOX HOTE Hyde Transfer I ni WO Furniture Moving Storage Transfer and Dcliveff Quick Service Jasper Coal iiniirlnv Valley Coal Lump, EgfrjMUgi Cedar, IMrch, Jackpinc woor Card Tables ami Chairs For Kenl 315 SECOND AVE- 1 C4baret bay lu v just A) city i' The J' 'meetlnC !to su-rPei until at The die'. the chiit Mi: ( the nur Hcr.pitai iboard parent . tant tiers i lie ft IDepa Ot; t