j nesaay November 17, 1937. Ite's. LOCAL NEWS NOTES h ret oanee, Moose Hall, Frl- St. Peter's Bazaar, Seal v0,1 . .... i nr.. tt ! Th.iri-Jo.- Nov. .... 10 n n m o.m. AamisMuu uv.. just Arrived! New shipment of Inmnnat ana c' - EXTENSION OF TIME Fk.j Soli.. Mrs. L. C. Jenson. tf. Jl-e commodore Cafe, Saturday November w. i P Thc Junior Moose Lodge, at a Saturday nigm,- ueciucu tneetinc to suspend meetings and activities until after tne ursi ui wie year. Tne dictator. Ned McLeoa, was in lihe chuir Mi.-. Oorcen Jack, a member of he nur-ing staff of St. Joseph's HospiU' in Victoria, was nere aboard the Prince ueorge toaay going chrough to Stewart wnere sne WID ";pend a sick leave with her i w t- n Y 1. parent Mr ana xvirt). r. a. Housewives! Arc you getting jour dollar's worth of heat from your coal? Be sure of It by phoning 1IG or 117 the next time you order coal. Twenty years of constant service in Prince Rupert. Albert & McCaffery Limited, tf K'OTICE Is hereby given that the time for tne reception oi ten- I ders for the construction of a Pub- uc Building at Prince Rupert, B. C hat been extended to 12 o'clock neon Friday. December 3, 1937. By order, J M. SOMERVILLE. Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa. November 10, 1037. Thursday, 18, 3 to 6. Cove, (267) Canadian Legion B.E.S.L. monthly meeting tonight at 8. (267) Thev have the erahdest Xmas cards at the. Dollar Store and the prices are so low! tf. Miss Evelyn Anderson of Alice Arm was a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday going through on a trip to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. North and P. Hurford sailed from Namu for Van couver on the steamer Catala today, Mr. North Is accountant of Namu cannery and Mr. Hurford, assistant accountant. T. O. Jaycock, staff photographer of Toronto Saturday Night, will be an Interesting visitor In Prince Ru pert this week. He will arrive on Thursday night's train from the East and leave again by Friday ev ening's train; On Friday he will ap pear before a luncheon of the Wo men's Canadian Club. Dr. A. E. Perry, who left recently after having been medical superln tendent of Port Simpson General Hospital for six years, and Mrs Perry and little daughter, Lois, are now residing in Toronto. Dr. Perry Is now connected with the depart ment of radiology at Toronto Gen eral Hospital. This week's luncheon meeting of the Brlnce Rupert Gyro Club, which would have been held today, wa? cancelled. In Its place, a theatre party and dinner for members, their wives and lady friends will be held Thursday night. The lodge section of the theatre has been reserved by the club for the first show. CHURCH NOTICES ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAWRENCE C. JENSEN, Pastor Alaska Circuit Convention of Lutheran Church November 18-21 Thursday 11:00 a.m., opeifing sermon, in the Norwegian language, by Rev O. Fossn nf Kpti-hlkan. Alaska. 7 30 ddi Rov v. r Tniipfsnn of Petersburg Alaska will Introduce thc convention text, Luke 14:15-24. Anthems, "I Could Not Do Without Thee and "Thou Wilt Keep Him In Perfect Peace." Ladles chorus. Friday 2 00 run.. Discussion of text. 7:30 p.m, speaker, Rev. O session. 2:00 n.m.. Discussion of text 1 tn r, r tt t ..t oiiio nuhnii nf the Pacific District of he Norwegian Lutheran Church of America, will speak In the Norwegian Pacific I Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way I'orts t Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 pjn. DIRECTV-PRINCESS NORAII TO VANCOUVER t Oct. 29th, Nov. 8th, 18th, 29th WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $3200 X Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Frb. 28th. 1938 t Final Keturn Limit March 31st, 1938 t Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services f .... Tickets and Reservations from Islands. unease Music by the Varden Singers ana ine cnurcn ciwm. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Bishop Foss will preach. The Children's Choh will render two anthems, "Beautiful Savior" and "Children of the Heavenly King." 3:00 pm., Communion services. 7:30 p.m., Information. Brief talks by visitors. Final business of the convention. Anthem "Fred Tilbyder Jeg Nu Eder." Vocal solo, Mrs. Lelf Husoy. You are cordially invited to be present at any, or all of these sessions. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTION iirciRLOOM Chest. Solid walnut. last for generations," Fronts matched butt walnut. END TABLES 1.95 Each Phone 775 Canadian I ITtAMfHlPl I I COMMUNICATIONS I wefftu I "W1U 327 3rd Avenue I NO MORE BILIOUSNESS! Experience of Ontario Woman WMli&ljMlbtelM entirely hf ti be4 ifht tr tfinwif ttw ffln tiyntin. csnstsst Imi-todct "Soct I wu IS IJ " .1..' u W. &, CaOni,"! m subject U tuliu sttscks Ustinf htltjtU men I would hm U t o ta bed. 1 lot little relief ' until i dtwlmA Fruil..-ti.! Tkm I nuuj beilth. BiKwuneu tu tttmth r becked. a 1 - m .. . a I tunerea wnn uzemi tan Ibis mupftuta too." , Peer lire Idioa nuu bitioujoeu, nd efW iLi. Fnit-s-iiTe brine (nick (eliel sod Uttinf titer ,herth. Try them. lie. tni 50c. At drUffifU. rntHT a iriitrr una rilUI I A V CO TABLETS John R. Morean arrived In the city on the Prince John" this morn' 1 I 1. 1 , : . I AN OUTSTANDING EVENT! MOOSE CARNIVAL Two hours of entertainment Wed nesdav and Thursday nlehts. Dane lng clowns, games and numerous other attractions featuring :Senor L ClMiEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Halibut fishing boat 36 feet by 1k feet. Beavan 10 h.p heavy dutv engine. Apoly Seal Cove Grocery, phone Green 481. FOR RENT (272) FOR RENT 6 room house with furnace. Apply 709 5th Ave. W. (267 FOR RENT 4-room house with bath. $12.00 per month. 108 8th Ave. West. Apply 114 8th Ave West. (,267) FOR RENT Modern 5-room lower flat. Phone Green 698. (272) CLEAN, well-furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 444. (269) WORK WANTED WOMAN wants housework by the hour. Phone Red 444. (267) WANTED WANTED to purchase for cash small 3 or 4-room house. Phone r t.f. SCHOOLS & COLLEGES WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Let for farriers. Postal Clerks, Cus toms Examiners, Clerks, and Stenosrranherii. etc., and can help you. Write us for proof nnH free Information- M.C.C; Schools Ltd., Winnipeg Oldest in Pnnano. II in " - - . FOUND FOUND Man's wrist watch at Dannrtlan National wharf this morning. Loser may obtain Infor mation In regard to same by apJ plying to Daily News office and paying for this advertisement. tf Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a f uU month at;25c a word. Moose Carnival, November 1, 18, 19. . W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Baz aar, November 25. Lutheran Bazaar November 27. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Novem ber 26. 30. Cathedral Bazaar November SO Orange Scotch Dance, November United Bazoar, December 2. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar, December 8. THB PAIETKEW1 ' THRW I - Bernice Palmer says . . . thoroughly familiaf with your sub lect In California almost every com munity has its local annual ceie bratlon. Hayward has its rodeo and men, women and children turn out as ealloplng cow hands and bronco busters. Santa Rosa is known throughout the length and Thurston. r ,; Harbor, i T Queen nT Charlotte P.. breadth of California . for its col orful Fiesta of the .fae Roses. The town is decked out as a veritable bower nf roses and Spanish senoritas and gay caballeros flirt behind dainty fans and re-live days long past. Hang Town revives early gold rush davs and. for weeks before, men carefully nurture their beards for the day. Another ltttle town nas (ts froa lumning-competltlon and The Street parade tonight at 7;15 witti fish, derby has just ended ana -tne nnttD Don4 f f I ,,.a iui. ifonr win Intoer t.hnn UUJO UMilU. I UWU lliO JVtti M.D. ever and prizes more elaborate. All these fiestas had a small beginning but are today an Integral part of American communities. People come from all over the state to attend these celebrations. They have learned of them through newspap ers and from others who have Deen jr are going. They are community iffalrs and the whole town take nnrt. AnDronriate costumes art worn by young and, old and those not In fancy dess are. often sub jected u) a une. Points of .interest, historical oi otherwise, are visited and souven- iers and postcards are on display ior visitors to carry away a oecio-wiiv r,-inlpj method of advertising f , , Now why couldn't prince Kupen Pthini? of this kind? Kalen Island is a beautiful name anc could sound the "keynote for the whole celebration. Have an an nual Indian potlachl Let .one anc .11 .sirr In fTO T . . 1 1 11.1 few 1 r nnint feathers and alll Ol course, I know Indians jusi ooa i so around that way any more but neither do we see Spanisn granae on the streets today except ioi t,u wlal nrraslons. Let the rv,... . -viiwrpn nut nn some Indian plays iearn the story of Hiawatha ano wrhans even Invent a pretty totem "ip dance! How many of you sa aose Marie and tne loveiy wvcm niP rianop in Uiat? My goodness Prince Rupert hai a fiesta all made to order. You are surroundea wnn with nrettv Indian namei and there are some very fascinating Indian folk stories. When I was a nttio trlrl Max CollLson and C; C. Perry, who was then Indian Agent: used to hold me speiroouna win. their tales. People are always interested in anything that has a "story" attached. Rememoer iwone Craig and his curio shop? That was one of the first places tourists use( to head for when their Doais ianu-(n Prlnrp Huoert but they were much more interested, in his stories hor. Mi wares and nougnt just n hear what he had to relate in re-o , re.Tin article. I will nev- er forget the time one tourist called ui- Ki Aftpr listening to iua uiu", - - - . Hv absorbing story about r, Kiivpr snoon witn toitriu handle that had been hammere? nn le&s than the inoiai Chief himself, this particular tour ff tnrnpd it over and remarnea :,., . kou Kin mnrie bv mis niuitt u'v i very well educated Indian," point ing to the trade mane on xp r mocn't .'st.nrnned. Quick- UUV JV1UIVC V, tv. w . x- - , ly he answered. "Yes, fof a fact, he was. So 'many young buck ,h hi mrtleular sooon he had to get the government w nd natent It That's what Is on t,- v - The deHkhted tour 1st bought the spoonnd Is probab ly still telling mat story. uoih nprfal moonlight excurs ions, canoe trips; swimming parties ntvvp nil. flshine Daruesi Fishermen are notorious entnus-toet. nH will eo mllea and spend apt a enod day s Iisrung. rffpr nri7.ps for the largest fish i,,,crht. in as they do at Martinez fiell miniature souvenir totem poles, fish novelties and pretty! white fur slippers! 'Dress op and! play! You will Have to rid the folks of their Inhibitions but put themi Into fancy dress" and nature will1 take care of the rest. Dress some- "" " """"" "" ix.. n thp ilorfn1 5tirt costume I was most interested in recent j Qf flnd hold a grandj of Kaien Is- editorial "Geography tos fo the essa land and District and heartily on prince nupttt.old and young! agree with the editor. Once before the the of the tent days, 1 SpOKc OI auyci using ruutc ivupiin but It Is Impossible to advertise anything until you are sold on it yourself and until you are , . herel During the. iisning ucroy straits Is literally urn ,itn nnr e. old and young, an "ui tnr ,p rreat derby. Those living W w " O- - , - in Mnrtinpz and along the oanm oi tvia Bt.rnltJi throw their homes open for the great day and everyone is host. This year the crowd ;was greater than ever before ana even Canada sent its quota oi first train and. the first planes'. TTnrmr Wit IT oldest citizen, most Useful resident, and so on I Impress one and all with the fact that it is to be a celebration I A community affair, Its success lies In the hands of each and every Individual. ctnMirira nA Hniprx tn tell of their 1. .LVLllWh W.M . earlv days in Prince Rupertl Bring mtt. ennnshntsl Dust Off the Old album and memorlesl Prince Rupert is lust full of pos siblllties but are you as citizens ready to develop them? People love to laugh and play and a maroi gras, a fiesta or any type of celebration Is bound to attract outsiders. Give visitors something to chuckle over, something pleasant to remember and Prince Rupert, in stead of being a stopping off place on the way to Alaska, will be a niaf to llneer! It nays to adver Use and" Prince Rupert "has what it takes." I'll be- seeing , you. Jwheri-. Prince Rupert .entertains. Oakland, Cal. CHEERIO! Try a Daily Newt want-ad. Phone CS3 JONES Family Market 'hone 957 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market Speciali BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK 3 lbs. - tfQUND STEAK 3 lbs - jRIME RIB STEAK 3 ibs. HAMBURGER 3 lbs SHORT RIBS 3 lbs. POT ROAST Per lb T-BONE ROAST Per lb. SIRLOIN TIP ROAST Per lb RUMP ROAST Per lb v.. SHOULDER STEAK 2 lbs 4 lbs LAMB CllOPS 2 lbs. PORK BUTTS Per lb". VEAL Phone C83 VEAL STEAK Kfin 3 lbS. - .- ; SHOULDER VEAL CAp LAMB SHOULDER LAMB-r Per lb. LADIES! I T?fPivp(l todav another inyo-P pinsifmment of its Rnmethintr to V VM V ,w suit every taste and nocket. Comeinandjn- spect these goods. Your Credit is Good G0LDBL00M TOE OLD RELIABLE NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelll. Proprietor -A UOME AWAY FROM HOME" Bate I1.0 np SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupwt, B.C. ritM Ml r.o. Wax 1M December 9. Decorate the town with bunting COATES, General Acnv Baptist Tea, JUST a tern dy Wore FD j Brown nl married it learned about a raarvellouj new way to bale bread and rob with one-quarter tlie work and half tlie time. Much to her mother! surprise Pally 'f bread and roll were even better than her own. And when Sally told her iaother that with this new marvellouf method, laborious kneading and overnight etting wai a thing of the past, alie rould hardly believe it. Of course Sally revealed liow it waa I tmeait pneeilie to bake delirious bread this this nc new and easy way. Yaii twi n Ihhi MMrf ! It gives you extra leisure -.perfect baking results every time. Simply send a postcard to The Quaker Oats Company, Saskatoon. Dept. 000, requesting your FHKK copy of the booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking". See the Latest Creations by GREWVILLE PARIS The Paris Rival of Coty. Makers of Two of the World's Most Famous Perfumes Casanova and Byzance Perfumes from 75c Colognes from , $1.50 Face Powder $1.50 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drvu&ists The Rex-Ul Store Phones; 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z p.m, 1 p.m. till 9 p.m. iillliBIII1II1B1Bijjj)jjajjsn UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 p n Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. I v i sptetaa tear-jAfes bJrs IlllUlMlUM, Foothills coal will suit your stove, Bulkley Valley will warm your toes, Nanalmo-VVelllngton Is Just the thing For Stove, Range, Heater or anything. Purchase Your Coal From PHILPOTT EV1TT & CO. LTD. Phones 651 652