Published Every Afternoon, Except 'Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H..F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week By mall to all other countries, per year '. ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion... Advertising and. Circulation Telephone . 98 News, Department Telephone . 86. DAILY EDITION $5.01 .10 9.00 1.0C .61 Wednesday; February 10, 1937 Letter From Terrace We have a very interesting letter from Willidm Cole of Terrace in which he says he believes- the C. G. F. is the only organization in Canada that sees the truth .and is ready to die' for it. We arc not publishing the letter because we are not anxious to start a religious controversy. We believe in complete religious liberty for any and, every sect and we do not object to one church becoming powerful or another weak. We refuse to be a party to starting any discussion which might cause bitterness and make' life in a small community less pleasant than it is today. There is nothing to be gained by .stirring up old antagonisms in a community that has always prided itself on its religious toleration. The C. C. F. is not a religious organization and is-opposed to no church, as far as we have been been able to gather. If it is, we should like to know it Many people get spiritual comfort from practically every church and we see no reason why we should, interfere with their happiness. ... . Unity of Purpose As this is being written to the editorial desk comes a "call to. prayer." in which people of all denominations are asked to unite in fellowship, particularly in asking triiid- ance. for the youth and the leaders of the people, this is the very reverse of the request for us to stir up one sect against another. We shall never all think alike on relir gious subjects. Some do not even believe in anv religion. In Russia the state is trying to knock religion out of the people but without success. In Germany an effort was made to introduce a new form of religion with new inter pretations of the Bible and force it on the people but thev refused it. The Germans were determined to hold the right of people to worship in any way they might wish except in trie Jewish way. mat was a tatal weakness in the Ger man churches, They were willing to be a party to an anti Jewish campaign but soon found that religious interfer ence could be just as easily turned against their own re ligions. We hone that the local call to nraver wiiremnrmsiV.e tho right to every person to worship God as he sees f it, .whe-Jni1 ' b,ut co(lnf l,he iv. un v, -ni. r..v.ii:' ti...i.iu. l ... nr'i HPt for one of the largest fisheries mim iic vi 04U1UUC, uuuuiusi, ur Manarn-,in Canada. It also feeds what will meuan, as long as eacn qi ineso sects minds its own bus ness and does not interfere with others. A. MacKenzie Furniture February Bed Special Single. Beds as Low as, $20 Complete o rowboat'. manrtrd by two" men i with one additional to lKindie. a machine gun,' and they" could - tatoe jthe whole, coast. I am surprised i that an hon. member from a prov-lnce such as Ontario, one supposed to-uphold all British traditions, one of the pioneer districts, should question any expenditure In the part of ths country about which 1 am speaking, we are trying to convey to the commltte that we form part of the Dominion and Jhat we hold a strategic position wuntn it. I am surprised to near any hon. member ask about oui population about our traditions or our possibilities. I Temember an occasion two years ago when in opposition I tried to suggest that in my-section of the country we have room fol hundred of thousands of famlli?s Upon that occasion one Hon.- mem ber on the government side of the house .said, "Where are you gflin? to put your houses? On. the sides of hills?" I would ask the hon member for Parkdale to visit that part.of Canada and see for, himself that we do not have to put our houses on the sides of Mils. Mr. Spence; I have been there Mr. Hanson: There are .foui hnudred miles east and 'vest where one cannot see a mountain; there are seven hundred miles north and south where one cannot' see a mountain. Mr. S pence: Or anything else. Better Take Trip Mr. Hanson: Consequently it Is not necessary to put houses on the Sides of hills. I' notice the for-! mer Minister of National Defence the hon. member for Yale (Mr 1 Stirling) Is looking at mej he knows something about the matter. Hon. members who Insinuate that; we have no space in that part of Canada had better take-a. trip to our country and find out for themselves. Then thev would not corne'tiack to the floor of this chamber' and say there is any lack of space; Like Mae West I. would say "Corrie up and see me So long as British Columbia Is in the Dominion of Canada, and so long as we have opportunities and possibilities for development, and the place to put hundreds of thousands of people, I think our interests should toe consideied When "art hon. member such as the hon member for Parkdale asks why the government Is making such an expenditure, surely he cannot know what he is talking about. We are supposed to be-operating under a British constitution1, and' the principles of British fair play. Mn Tolmlei I! have much pleas be eventually an. agricultural sec (ion, because If we have any faith I- . . in wis 'country or ours we expect tne west to grow. LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE February 10 Annettes vs. Orot to; Sparkplugs vs. Bluebirds; Ran gers vs. Doodads; C. N. R. A, vs. Knockouts. February 17 Annettes vs. Spark (plugs; Doodads vs. KnockouJ.?; Ranger vs. c N. R. A.; Grotto , vs. Bluebirds. i February 24 Rangers vs. Blue birds; Annettes, vs. Knockouts; C. N. R. A. vs. Sparkplugs; Grotto vs. Doodads. BOWLING Grotto PAGE TWO Wednesday, February io, 1937 Work Boots For Men Comfort in stout, long-wearinff shoes because of the quality material used- in their construction These shoes: have everything that men look- for in work boots and'the price's are exceedingly reasonable. . BUY A PAIR AND BE CONVINCED Where Most People Trade T Fj AMILY SHOE STORE LTll. PIIONE 357 KEstab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA I BOOST FOR PRINCE. RUPERT ! Continued, rrom Paj?e. 1. ure in supporting what the hon. member? for Skeena (Mr. Hanson) has had' to say -with reference ,o the port, of Prince 'Rupert and the tremendous area for which it is the- Pacific outlet In his section of the- country are many attractions and resources. No oereon knows Just how rich the resources are, because many miles of that section have not been scratched oi prospected. I am quite sure the hon. member will agree with thai statement, and even without Mae hundreds of thousands of neonle. hundred's of htousands of neonle could not help rising in an at- lerrrpt to support what the hon. membir has eald; He has told th-truth about that section of Can ada and no doubt he could have told much more had he had the Mme to do .so. Mrs. Black Too Mrs. Black, Yukon: Might I be al!!3wed to say just a word to the hon. member for Prince Runert (Mr. Hanson). Ever since 1898 I have been coins past his home town. When first r went into the north country the site on which Prince Rupert now stands wa.s nothing but a berren, rock hillside, and today we have there a beautiful little town growing, and feeding an area that not only Is 'SPORT 1 KETCHIKAN WON AGAIN Locals Give Good Aceount Of Themselves Although Defeated 44 to 34 KETCHIKAN, Feb. 10: Ketchikan scored a second victory over the visiting Prince Rupert Senior basketball team here last night by a score of 44 to 34. Again it was a hard fought tussle alj the way. with Prince Rupert putting up stiff opposition. The first Quarter ended C to 5 for Ketchikan. At half time time the the ! locals were ahead 20 three-quarters the coun 27 all. During the third period Pi hu e Rupert had been ahead 21 to 20. Ilerbie Morgan and Severino Dominato of Prince Rupert were benched for. personals. Ernie Ratchford was unable to play, having broken his thumb in the first game. Angus MacPhee, Jack Lindsay and Bobby Armstrong played a great passing game for the visitors. MacPhee was responsible for eighteen points. Lindsay did not score but was valuable in combination. The Prince Rupert team is now in New Metlakatla for games tonight and tomorrow. AVERAGES Eddie Smith of Power Corporation Is High Man for Season to Date Individual averages of the City Ten Pin Bowling League for tlw resent reason to data are an nounced' today, high man for ;ach team being as follows: Power Corporation, Eddie Smith, 181. Grctto, Scoop Bury, 170. Six Five Taxi, Bill Schriaber, 177 Printers, Jimmy Clccone, 157. Mco', Nels Gundersonj 175. Armour Salvage, Johnny Ccma-dina, 164. Overwaltea, Jack Joy, 157. Power Corpi. Games Tctil Ave. Little 36 5C87 153 Donald 39: Q109 Kinslor .39 G413 Anderson ....35: 4837 Foreman ...?.,...: smith ... 7 ...39 Arney 33 French :...36 Bchriaber -.J6 Lindsay 23 Shrubtall 23 Aloose Royer :.i.....39 F. Morrison '.....27 Fester ...:...36 Stiles 21 Gundttson 36 Rorvlk -....':...J27 Grey .21 Overwaitca Joy ...24 Wicks ; : 6 Stegavlg .....12 Armstrong .:....12 kiu - '. 9 Todd ...v...15 Scott , 6 Mcintosh. 39, M: Cbmadiria a...... 9 Coverdalc r...39 Bury 39 Moran ...37 A. Comadina '. 30 Printers R. Franks 36 Vanes 32 O. 'Franks 29 McCallum 30 Cicconc 25 Calderonl ... 17 Armour Salvage Gurvlch J27 Thompson 11 F. Comadina ...24 J. Comadina 21 Asemifsen 33 Armour . 13 905 7048 5319 6024 6384 3752 3328 5757 4202 40C8 3379 6303 3955 3105 3776 740 1647 1865 1286 2287 856 6220 1534 6256 6635 6256 4698 5528 4850 3917 4480 5496 2605 4213 1761 3548 4428 4878 '1772 157 1C1 133 120 18'. 162 167 177 163 144 113 150 139 150 175 147 148 157 123 107 155 143 lt2 143 .GORDON WALLACE WINS. 157 170 160 170 169 157 154 152 135 149 157 103 156 160 148 164 148 BY KNOCKOUT ROUTE ! 4- ; VICTORIA, Feb. 10: CP) j Gordon Wallace or Vancouver i successfully defended his Ca- i nadian welterweight cham- pionshlp title here last night, scoring a technical knockout h over Johnny Blochlinger, for- mer Alberta amateur title- holder from Edmonton, in the seventh of a scheduled ten round, bout. Blochlinger was carried from the ring, claim- lng a foul. " a ibeorffe Wall ip s t was tied ... Kink Winner Led in Two Curling Contests Smithers Ice 136 HOCKEY SCORES - t New York Rangers. 5, Toronto. 1 Maroons . 2, Boston. 0. Detroit 2, NewYork Americans 3, SMITHEnS. Feb, 10 i John Henry Lewis On ins Over Eltore Fifteen Round Fight: in Philadtlr phia. Resulted.1 in Decision, . For. Former; PHILADELPHIA, Feb. 10; Fightipg In Phlladelphlai John Henry Lewis won a fifteen-round decision from Al Ettore. BOWLING Time Table Ten, Pin for Second Block Of Season Announced vs. Printers, 65 Taxi vs. Grctto. March 2 Maose vs. Armour Sal vage, Printer? vs. 65 Taxi I Srhtdule for the third block, ot, the City Ten Pin Bcwlinz League: j February 14 Moose vs. Printers,! Armour Sa'vage vs. 65 Taxi. February 16-Power Corporation vs. Grctto, Mcc.?e vs. 65 Taxi, February 21 Printers vs. Armour Salvage Grotto vs. Moose. February 23 Power Corporation Vs. 65 Taxi, Armour Salvage vs. QroUo. February 28 Power Corporatkn March 7 Power Corporation V3. Moose, Grotto vs. Printers. March 9 Power Corporation vs. Ainrour Salvage. STALIN IS STEEL MAN tarles, but they work In shifts of ( six hours each; It, is; not unusual (ConUnuea aum Page 1 1 tot hlm to sp.end 18 hours at hU listener? Quietly he Injects a per-'desk. tlncntiwbrd here or a question Virtually evcrvtrjlng- Important theie. and the sum total of passes?tprough:!ln's tjands.. we . .1 I- o cnhtip guidance .-..'. , ..-.-u.. ' itrijctnuiu ia auw... WKIll"tu miuw wirav is. goinK for which Impels his colleagues towards wflrdf No- one khe decision he wants. Tne com v-iJ... .1... tUii Aitnri and lS 11UU.CU lllUIVCi nit un".. pleased with itself, but the man behind the gun U Stalin the Silent. He never hems and haws or cor-.ects himself. He knows what he jeants to say and says it briefly. is Businesslike Whefrl Stalin receives callers he t a 1 .-nnlf a ne lntlff 1 . "" 'w-iers or statements for him to Him: the chief does all his Own dictation, He himself never rushes about or waves his arms, nor does he per-mlt anyone ese to Indulge in dls-plays- 6f; temperament. He is me-t'hodlcal and dejlberate both In speech and in action. If he decides any individual's ac- rarejy mierrupw ur caiwti o -0 nvjues are menacing party poll. is the guesf Is talking common cles stailn first trles wln xnie. Russia's. Big Bass is impa- rebei over Dut lf: this U impossible, Jent ot drivei. nowever. aim, ucib welli .suiciae would be an easy wav T . j hesitate l.nrfno in to ... ..... .. . .. ' ' a- blunl man, does.not out of the difficulty. Stalin asknn ; 1 Jr. Un txAe hie 1 . lait'uie lunrwireii- ic .jo ..... quarter, gives none. ;ime being consumed needlessly. -..... This does not mean that Stalin is - Unwilling to have his views cnai-lenged. He will debate a point at iength, but only as. long as his opponent shows knowledge of the subject. Let the qusstloner betray ignorance and Stalin's hard eyes will flash a signal of the caustic retort to come. Stalin's private ofHce Is said to be the best-organized and run the most-smoothly of any in the Kremlin. He has only one secretary George worklnS with him at a time. Ac- Wall holds the distinction of hav- tually he has three private secre '.ng skipped a rink to. the top of he heap in both the ham and egg bonspiel and in the tournament, for the Hanson Trophy which he. won last week after a hard struggle with two ether teams hi:h had tied him for the honor. In the final game with the J P. Downey rink -the two .teams were tied leveral times throughout the ?a.m?4 but Wall finally got out in the lead and finished on the long end of a 9-6 score. The Anthracite Coal Mine team, tklppered by Tommy Campbell, . U n 1 1 I .1 it,. 11 t 1 I'.-irauiigca uie wan rins uj a game ior a crao ainner dui skipper Wall had the misfortune to drop a heavy log on his foot which has incapacitated him for the time being and the game has had to be deferred. Not content with being; a good 2urler; Mr. Wall is stepping out in the contest for King of the Ski Camlyal and appears to be. leadr !ng the field ahead of five other stalwart contenders for the honor Of leading the Carnival Qu?en to the Throne on February 26. SPECIAL PRICK On Custpm Tailor-Made SUITS $38.50 Red need to $30 From Jam 12 to Fen, 12 This is lowest price ever charged for these, suits M, T.. LEE; Third Avenue Next to M. M. Stephens ABCwASHER Now your clothes can be Fresher. Cleaner. WHITER with this new modem ABC Washer One-Flfly-SIx the World's Greatest Washer Value . . . has more worthwhile exclusive Safety and Convenience Features than any Washer ever built . . . the exclusive ABC. French type Agitator and ABC Porcelain Tub Deslcjn rub clothes gently but firmly, removing every particlo of dirt ... so thoroughly Is the cleansing process in an ABC Washer that it is not necessary to rub collars. and cuifs by hand. Enioy. snowy WHITE clothes washed the modem ABC Way. Call for a demonstration now In your home before you invest in any Washer, NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED UNION STEAMSHIPS; LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVFRY TUESDAY; 1:30 P.lVt Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDKNA FRIDAY, 10:39 PJW; . Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NKWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568. This advertisement Is, not. published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or, by the Goveri- ' rnent of nrltlsh Columbia. m m I I