fdneiday February 10, 193? TH2 DAILY NEWB 1PAOE THRE THE "CflOWN BRAND" CORONATION CONTEST iil'ijUl ill ii ii ii ssmmimmmm CORONATION (or the option of $500 In eh) nnvc mm e L . tSiV ' HW U V HI AND U I in Thli Is the greatest contest for school children ever held in Canada. Every boy and girl of 17 years and under can enter. THE GRAND PRIZES, Free Trip to the Coronation aiTompaiiifd by a parent or guardian, to each of the three, children hu end In the best answer the winners, how-r( must have answered the- two questions. 448 CASH PRIZES Hfildfs the Grand PrUts of Trips to the Coronation, there wilt be awarded In each of the two contests: lit PrUe $50.00 2nd Prlie $25.00 3rd Prize $10.00 4th PrUs $5.00 20 Prizes of $2.00 200 Prizes of $1.00 The-Contest-WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO AnswrT'two simple questions- the first of which appears below, and another to be announced later. You can send In as many answers as you like, but each and every answer must be accompanied by a label from a can of "CROWN BRAND'' CORN, SYRUP. The First Question Would You Like To See The Coronation? The answer must not be more than 25 words, and must bear the name, address and age of the contestant and the tfrocer's name and address from whom the ",CROVN I1RAND" CORN SYRUP was purchased. Then, with the label, the answer must be mailed to the address below before FEBRUARY 25TH. SEND IN YOUR ANSWER NOWI EDWARDS BURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP The CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited P.O. BOX in, MONT RCA t ELIO'S FURNITURE Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite :it very reasonable price Introducing The Folding Metal Bridge Set When guests drop in for cards, this handsome bridge set is put up in a moment no need to disarrange the furnishing of the living room or porch. When the game is over the table ami chairs, fold compactly, occupying little space. Spring Filled Mattresses in all sizes BLANKETS Four Popular Leading Lines that Cannot he Reatcn Folding Carriers Used Goods Kitchen Ranges and Heaters Singer Sewing Machine good as new Trolling Lead We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. EL IO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B;C. ... . IlmiM n.. o a im..... t 9 m. (I) 1 D.Itl. " "I'cu iroin o a.m. to a i.m., i " - Museum to Hold Dinner Meeting For First Time I ni we regular mommy meeting Of the Prince Rupert Museum Board held yesterday afternoon Jn the Museum with R. L. Mcintosh presiding, It was decided to hold the first annual dinner meeting on tna eyening. of February 23 and a committee consisting of D-r. Neal carter, Dr. J. c. Mandy and the president was appointed to mab the necessary arrangements. A tat of detail work in with the oeranizalton was dealt with and Dr. Carter, told of ft calf he nude during a recent visit to Ottawa on Dr. Murray at the National Gallery. Information sarthered at this interview will help the lo:al board in the ex pendlture of the money received at the end of the year from the Car negie Fund to be used in forwarding the Interests of the local or- jganlzat'-on. I Those present at the meeting were R. L. Mcintosh. A. E. Parlow Rev. Canon Rushbrook, Rev W. E. Coluson, H. F. Pullen and the cus todian, N. L. Jones. KEPORT ON TAXES IS HOLDING LIMELIGHT (Continued from Page 1) Association. John Evans, a former Progressive member of parliament for Saskatoon and. Rosetowri, said "the futility of increasing the cost of living ought to be apparent." The sales and income taxes, he said, put the burden on people le-st able to pay. Aldermen in towns and cities of the province discussed the tax proposals extensively. Mayor Ellison if Reglna said the taxation pro posals would cause great hardships for the cities. Relief recipients Mayor Ellison contended, could not afford to- pay the sales tax: The government Issued a state ment after the report had been made public reviewing the whole situation. The commission, ap pointed to review the whole prob lem of taxation, had made its re commendations and the govern ment statement pointed out that "any suggestions having to do with taxation are npt very popu lar." If requests for increased ex pendltures by the government were to be met, then the only way to obtain the money was by taxation, It pointed out. Timely Recipes BUTTER CAKE One third cup butter; v8 cup fine granulated sugar, 2 eggs, .1 (teaspoon flavoring, ''4 teaspoon f.alt, 2Vi teaspoons baking powder. 1!4 cups milk. Cream butter. Add sugar gradu. a)ly and cream together. Add well beaten eggs and flavoring, Beat well. Add alternately the milk and dry ingredients, adding baking powder with last amount of fjouf Bake in a buttered loaf pan in moderate oven (350 degrees F) foi 45 minutes, or in layer calte pan'r at 375 degrees F. for 30 'minutes Butter Icing Four tablespoons butter, l Vfe cups Icing sugar, milk, cream or fruit ulce, flavoring. Cream butter. Add sugar gradu ally. Beat well, Add liquid drop by drop, until of desired consls teney. Try a Dally News classified, ad. Announcements Nordkap Basket Spclal, Febru ary 12. University extension lectures, February 17, 18 and 19, Presby terian Church--Dean Clement. Evelyn Bagshaw Hewson, Re cital, February 18. Baptist Supper February 18. Anglican Chancel Guild tea, Mrs, Rorie's, Friday, 19. , Presbytcrlaf) Tea, Mrs. P. Lakie, February 25, High School play,, Presbyterian Church, February 25 "and 20V Junior Chamber Dance, Friday April 2. LOCAL NEWS Tommy's Taxi back in buslness--Phone 77. 35) Tommy Byrne sailed yesterday afternoon on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Charles Lake, well known pioneej Stewart mining man, was here aboard the Catala yesterday af- ternoon going through for a- trip to Vancouver. A. R. Taylor, father of Provincial Constable D..W. Taylor, sallsd by the Catala yesterday afternoon on his return to. Vancouver after having been located here for some time. Mothers ! In treating your family's colds, don't experiment ft g 4 if and don't take chances ... use f VapoRub Mrs. C. H. llumis of Vaiuou-er, who his been paying a visit : Sve .ait hsr daughtar, was i pas-engEr aboard ths Catala .esterday afternoon returning, to ler home in the icuth. Word has been received here of :he death of Finlay Mprrlson in 3alelona, North Ulst, Scotland, at he age of 75 years.. He was a bro-her of John Morrison, former Dofsa Lake rancher, who is now ivlng In Scotland. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club .ield its regular weekly luncheon oday with Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, president, in the chair' over a lathering of memhers the size of hich was interfered with by the nfluenza epidemic. The speaker n ;he day, Col. J. W. Nlcholls. wai anable to appear, being confined to his home with the current mal- xdy, so there were autobiographical alks by W. F. Stone and J. L. Roaf, Guests were F. A. Ca.cpalmm and Joe Scott. W. H. Tobey gave a re port on the Morse Creek skating HOTEL ARKIVALS. Savoy Mike Mandruk, Refuge Bay; John Hartlan and P. Olsen, city; C. Miller, Porcher Island; P. Spen-tuk; Exstew; L. J; Hagan, Pacific, v Oi Ekmart, Telkwa. Royal M. Johnston, city. Prhice Rupert H, W, Butler; Alice Arm; G. D Marson, Winnipeg; Frank, Taaffe. Vancouver; J, A, Duclos, Prince George; G, S. Conway, Germanson Creek. Central W. Plesko and .0. Hunt. CMR , Daily News wanteds bring re- ;ults. Wp wish to hear from a SMART WOMAN In Prince Rupert who would one 11 a "POPULAR PRICE DRESS SHOP" telling crepe, cotton and novelty dresses, for misses', women and .chil dren, priced from 75c to $5.75 only. Prefer woman with selling or busi ness experience, well and favorably Known locally. Shop may be started as separate business, or department or established organization. Exclusive agency for our lines guaranteed. Exceptional advertls lng assistance will be rendered in establishing shop and getting new iraae. uooa year ruuna proiit assured. Investment of, $500.00 re quired possibly a little more. If you can qualify, write complete details to CAMDEN DRESS COMPANY 7A Camden Street Toronto, Ont Clarke's Store Cut' Flowers Fancy Work PALMISTRY Phone Blue 995 530 3rd Ave. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarell! Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. ttox 190 Cambrai Chapter Annual! Meeting Mrs. J; A Barry Elecied, Recent For Coming. Yjear, Last' Nightr At the annual meeting of 'Cam-; bral Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, held at ; the home of Mrs. Thomas Fraser last evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year Honorary Regent, Miss- Muriel Morris. - Regjnt, Mrs. J. A. Barry. First Vice-Regent, Mrs. Thomas Fraser. Second Vice-Regent, Mrs. Sidney Elkins. Secretary, Miss Maxlne Hell-broner. , Treasurer, Miss Ceredwln Morgan, Educational Secretary, Mrs. T. A. McWatters. Echoes Secretary, Mrs. O, C. Young. Standard Bearer, Miss Lois Women to Meet! In Prayer Here First; FrjUay in Lent Set-Aside For Devotions The first Friday In Lent has .been. set apart for prayer, when. Chri? tian women of every denomination, race and nation will meet to. pray for Jth3 Christian Church; for mis? slonaries and, the people for whom hey are giving their lives; for youth everywhere; for the rulers md leaders of the people. rink project, stating that the damj?OR SALE 5 had toeen completed arid the path-1 house. Call Dr way was about to be jiut in. LUadltlEU FOR SALE 324 5th Ave, E. roomed modern Hi L. Alexande; tf. fcr sale westmgnouse . com bination coal electric stove per feet condition. Phone Black 506. (35) FOR SALE Household furniture. 1 Floor lamp, card tables, lawnj mower, cnairs, etc. Apply m am Ave. E. or Phone Red 578. Uf) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this. week. Guaranteed. 10-plece Chesterfield. groups $69.50; 10-piece loose pillow armi groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish, your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today Julius Shore Mall Order, House, 8th floor Bekins Building. Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT, FOR RENT 10 room house, con crete basement, hot, water heat lng, electric fireplace, centrally located, suitable for boarding house. Collart & McCaffery Ltd, opposite Third Street. (36) FOR RENT Seven room house, 2129 Graham Avenue with, large garden. Will be vacant end of February. Apply Pulleri, Dally News. (tf) PERSONAL. GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary; Supplies, highest grade-15, for $U Pacific Supply, 751 OranyUle. VancQuyer, TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant reading?. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions, answered. Send, birth month. Donation, (tf ) MENr-Get vigor at once New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster, lnvlgoratora, and other stimulants. One dose pepi up organs, glands, if not dejlghted, -iaker refunds few cents paid all or write. Ormes Limited, tf Fresh Local Raw. And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657. the r niirnirri is "Banquets a Specialty" Phone 71 HERE 1JEWARE of epidemics whose first symptoms arc often coughs, colds and fever. Stop the cough or cold at. the onset with-Buckley's Mixture, which first became famous, in 1918. Take Buckley's Cin-namated Capsules to reliove the feverishness, headache and backache. Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules contain Oil of Cinnamon, a, powerful internal germicide long use'd jn Europe in combatting epidemics similar to the one now raging. Be prepared, Get, these tjvo; dependable, effective Buckley remedies- TODAY. Buckley Products are sold everywhere. Inquire Regarding New Special Rates For Room and Board at THE KNOX HOTEL R, BRASELL N. M. BRASELL Break that Cold DOMINION Q. Ii; Q, TABLETS The little r.ed bojy use'd the world, over- ' 2 5C per box REX ALL IJRONGHIAL SYRUPA safe; healing preparation for. the relief of bronchitis coughs arid colds, guararfteed: fAA by Rexall;- peiv bottle For the Children ORMES HOIIEHQUND & HONEY With white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and. soothing fqr old and young; per bottle Ormes Ltd "Jiiti Pioneer Drtiqgists ' The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. , Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2' p.m.,. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 4 K'll, Mxeyour? Treat Yourselt nut trie rrujr 'StftiUl Hapwr New Ycnr Wj'MB&. -ty having your Coal bin VoutL like r full of Hie best coal in The wav THEYTREATyool town. PHILPOTT - EVITT & Go. Ltd. Have the Coal to.Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 TheFxsh which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Branch SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By i- Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. j , ft? ! It'- : V 4: . -s- '-tit.