I Vol. . Today's Weather (8 A.M.) prince Rupert Cloudy; southeast wind, eight miles per jr- ufflftr. 29.72; sea modi -g &3 XXVI., No. 34. British Columbia Vessels to be Tied Up at Seattle. Union Organizer Threatens SEATTLE, Feb. 10: (CP) Cap tain John M. Fox. International irganteer of the. Island Boatmen's ports. He said the union would continue to picket the ships whose owners .sent them Into American wters and still "continued to fight organization efforts, of bur union's branch at Vancouver." Today's Weather ((Jovtrmneiit Trlcgr&ptia), Anyox- -Cloudy, calm, 30 above Alyansh Snowing, calm, 24 iabove . Stewart Snowing, calm, iabove Alice Arm -Cloudy, calm, 30. Hazelton -Cloudyf calm, 14. Smlthers -Clear, calm, mlid. Burns Lake Bright, calm, 15. 28 barometer. 29.64; temperature, 33; ioi smooth Tripi. Word was received ln the citv to pay of the death at Port Essington r- o clock last night of Andrew i"puiaing. "OltlilVI SANDY LAID AT REST The funeral of, trie late Robert aamiy for many .. SMITHERS Officials Baffled to Account lor Disaster Visibility r Was (Jood and no Other Planes Were in Way . i SAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 10: (CP.) Eleven persons pee. I 0 PICKET i LIBERALS J. P. Downey Elected President At Annual Meetine Last Friday SMITHERS, Tib, 10: The an- nual meeting of the Smlthers Lib NEW YORK, Feb. 10: (AP) One His policies are no secret, al though rarely do they come directly from his Hps to the public. His .works are visible. And his name 'often ts written large In the news, r as when men face death for plot- 4 ting against him. But Stalin hlm-i f i it t i j t ' s11 remains in me Baciigruuuu DUKE OF WINDSOR MAY a powerful but mysterious person- MAKK HOME IN HUNGARY " w,t vw. A I I SH IT V The name "Stalin" means "steel XVI ll i Ullll XJ . . . . ' man." It was bestowed by the late T vi&wna, reo. 1VJ. ivri n -r --- - .' .. ... VTt1rn1.il T antn tfsiVier rf iho Rnvlpf Vienna real estate agent said t . his disciple and right-hand. ...v th,t th nuirp of on Windsor., formerly King Ed- . nxxvl- VTTT hfiil lnrtlpntPrl' ri- lieutenant (christened Joseph Vis- sarlonovlch DzugashylllL and was It bearer's In- a -commentary on In .ir. to nr-5n;tni Hungary for occupation .after May. ' " . . it. Gtalln aTthnitoh virtiiallv un- crowned C2ar of all the Russias, ob- n.an, announced here lasi nigm, - lects vigorously to the designation hat his union would tie up and of ''dictator" which foreigners ap- eket all British Columbia ships " Inlv to him. "Never, under no con- Is fast as they arrive at American . nf f'T'fjr'D ' dltlons' would our workers tolerate a one-man rule." .the steel man once told Emll Ludwig, German historian. "The biggest authorities among us . become converted into ! zeros as soon as they lose the faith of the working masses." Stalin is directing secretary-general of the executive committee of the communist party. As such is head of government, but the Terrace -Cloudy, calm. 30 above.) , Association was held in Soil- !nce he holds ls electlve and hel ...... t.f irrirt,v Pvpnln when a.coum oe removea at any wmc .lllCIO IUOII HMJ D . ml 1 Jl.i. L 1. I I T-l e is a ucMn.p u. nu -met large and representative gathering! communists declare It Is but in the Municipal Hall to elect Ifla. fhp pnmlnc vear. "" "' v... k.i. f floor, fnr , v : "MAi-LiiAFjr Victoria: l c. ' adjoining room to find the child ablaze. The burns resul- kvere drowned when a United States Air Lines transport J tle outstanding world figures of death the next day. Wane crashed a few miles from here on a regular flight n. ' ;j.fl ui Bi . - , i i . i MwvU v n vnv a VMM v w " I prom. Los Angeles. Airport otnciais are mystniea at tne Joseph staun communist chief of llisaster as visibility was good and no other planes were soviet Russia. Iiround to interfere with the landing. The Coastguard reported only three bodies 01 the ele en Victims Ol me piane crasn were iuuiiu in uie wieuiv 4 AMNESTY IN MEXICO Slates Wiped Clean For Political Prisoners Either' Convicted Or Accused MEXICO CITY, Feb. 10: (CP) President Lazaro Cardenas j wiped the Mexican court dockets clear oi alt "political cases witn an amnesty bill applying to persons accused or convicted of re-billion, sedition, ujsing' or disturbance. Presumably within the scope1 of the bill was the pardon-In? of former President Plutarco Calles, now in California. PROGRESS OF CO-OP Rev. C. D. Clarke Speaker at Meet lng- Last Night Complement Of Socialism of- I In Many,Countries Sweden Pointed to as Leading Way In Movement Speaking before a A ereat deal of discussion tookia' vv meeting in mc v,iuiuiau, wuu. nlace in connection with matters allowed to exist. Government Defence League Hall last night, throughout the district J policies are evolved from general Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of First One matter of concern was theParty discussions. The executive Jnlted Church, gave a history of Y" ' . ,ua oviirw nivpr at committee Imposes these policies the progress of the co-operative Prince George-rSnowing; south- ,h. Avellne coal mine and It wasjln a dlcUtorlal manner but them0vement In the world to date, rly wind, 30 miles ner.hour: baro-li",! .rnr of this nro- policies persist only until the party i expressing the belief that In It lay neicr 29.72. - . . ."....j h,p aecio.es on a cnange. f Vancouver southeast' Ee stalln's ln"ence In this system - Cloudy, remaced m view of the fact wind 4 miles ner hour: barometer. 7. .r.L.. v,.,uf ,i,p nririnal great that It is tantamount 30.03 , Mre : nnrf to dictatorial power. His admirers i Victoria, -doudy, northeast wlndjf howm. that his influence 4 ... 11 nad celv carne.a. a. awbeln. . " that ls head mile nnr ,n no COmes from the fact he lauuiv u) o . sv,oulders above all others In rn.nnirsiinn ho hMWprf mt tlie Hm.li rhe river dur ne ira . . I -.......,.., ..w - , It was''hls Pa"y ln Intelligence and far- keyword of civilization. vpqr aeo Va er.u. LprnmPnt: sighted statesmanship. m opening. Mr. Clarke said that barometer. 29.07; sea smooth. ! I;", " r hnrt been resnonslble for, Tersonality Dominates many people were looking forward Unioin T.i , . . t ...(," HP IS like a OTPnr. mpnlpnl Sne- I tn tho rtov whon snnlillcm nr n mg m urn ain.nm s - cvery confcrence he attends. He'soclallsm had made a disappoint increased mining activity arounolhnM(, ui, i,. pi with an nir nf 'in, v,n..iB in h ,.i Takla Lake. In the electon of officers J. P-Downey was elected president, F. V. Foster first vice-president, J. L. McEwen second vice-president and L. II. Kenney secretary. wm wjrn employee of the city public the government and on local con dffparUnwA, who passed 1 nitlons way Sunday night at, the. Prince I I in rt. General Hospital, took W:L l,n.ls afternoon ; from the supreme confidence. His mouth be speaks kindly traits, but if you glance a bit higher you encounter a pair of hard eyes which look straight through you, His remarks dentlal States. tare 'Uic brief uii" and 'w as straight owaisny i as the (slowly. loiuwiv. election In There wa.s" the Unted NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1937 BOOST FOR PR. RUPERT Olof Hanson Able to Give a Few Points of Information To Critical Easterners Has influence fire. Her clothing toak fire and ;Loca Membcr Gets Left-Handed t me momer rusnea irom an t Compliment From Mr. Spence Of Parkdale paying iat present In Prince Rupert for accomodation for our. different services that we arrived at that amount. Mr? Spence: What services are . . ixiiinn knrr niminw .. . . . n. t. . . n . i - ..-- " o - - - r- - , v. .v. v. . . ....v.. wvw....w.t mi , ... .... n . . -v-j. . . r n iit urhnsp artvlpe tne nat cnt'tvno nl twh tm nnM ho nn ' .i m alcn strnnciv in r- ." rv,li,iM, Columbia coast vQct n, as ta hnthe road from Sml- accePU and follows. But ;a spec al-ln government. It was not coming Island - ciourtv llpht : V. "Iw,:; i.d .t wno maae several Daa misiaKesjas fast as some might like to see. southwest wind; sea smooth. : make it available ; uld lose his standing, and so Possibly this was because social- dm not co-operate There was llsw !m,ln .6l,n- the nffie. that is now develop- Dii- at ifirn.,,u I . . . .... .. . J, .. i i. I n .. .1 r. rv 4 fhp (h. sunn personality aominaiesitoo much division in meir ranks. building? Mr. Cardin: There Is the post office, the national revenue de partment, the government telegraph and different offices of the marine and fisheries branches. Mr. Hanson: I am glad the hon. member for Parkdale (Mr. Spence) asked that question because, rep- good sized i resenting Prince Rupert, It gives me a chance to say a few words. Prince RUpert is one of the great-i nst North American Pacific ports. . The provincial government of Brt-I Mrfi Columbia has seen fit to erect 1 . . i-i a building there costing approximately half a million dollars, realizing the strategic position of that city as far as central and northern British Columbia, are concerned. The minister has explained that this building will house the post office, the customs department, the Indian branch 'for central British Columbia and also the fisheries branches and the lighthouse offices. I think I am not wrong tn raying that this Is the one lmport- far as the de velopment of that area is con ?tmed. Mr. Spence:" Whit is the popula tlon? Not Rash Statement ' , 1. tvmncy m.u.n. n olnnrft nf those steelv eves. Hel Mr fllnrlcp rtpflnprt tho Hlffpronno r, . f n 'Furnished throug. th courtesy o Dominion Meteorological Bureau I Victoria and Prince Rupert. This fore eral government by the provincial ea,t ta compiled rrom observation t. authorities, and It was by capital- hour period ending 5 pjn. tomorrow). lzing tne rentals wluch we are Synopsis Pressure ls low over Northern British Columbia and the temperature has moderated with rain on the coast. . Prince Rupert District Fresh nd "ght raUl or going to, be accomodated in that :?""leas f I. Tomorrow's Tides High 1:28 ajn. 20,1 ft. 13:20 p.m. 21.9 ft. Low ,7:26 a.m. 5.9 ft. 19:53 p.m. 2.3 ft. TRICE: 5 CENTS FASCMTS ARE STILL HOLDING ROAD UNITED STATES HAS PLANE TRAGEDY Spanish Defenders Say Eleven Drowned When Air Liner Came Down Near 'Frisco Tuesday STALIN IS STEEL MAN Big Boss of Kussfa Kefuses Cap Of Dictator Strong Personality j All Russia Feels Power Uncrowned Czar of Us fr 4 PREMIER CHILD IS BURNED TO DEATH Divisional ' headquarters of the provincial police here have 1 been advised of the death at Premier last Friday of Reglna Flevla Pelletler, four year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar- mand J. Pelletler. The child had been playing In the house and put a newspaper in the Their Position Not So Bad as First Reported Claim Control pf Highway to Sea arid Assert That They Can Hold on to Capital Indefinitely MADRID, Feb. 10: (CP) An insurgent communique from forces outside Madrid today announced that a desperate attack by Madrid's Socialist defenders to reopen the supply to Valencia, which had been captured yester-' day, was repulsed by the rebels. The communique declared that the Fascists held dominant positions on the newly The following House of Com- u'ori highway to the sea but heavily censored dispatches mons discussion during the. recenti from the caoital declared that Socialist troops were still passage of the local $150,000 pub- trj control nf the vital sunplv road. Government comman- He building Item as reported In I Hansard will prove of considerable Jocal Interest. Mr. Spence (Toronto-Parkdale) : Let us get some Information about Prince Rupert. Surely the hon, member for Skeena (Mr. Hanson has not so much Influence that ho is worth $150,000 to this house Thait Is a wonderful sum of money to spend. I think It Is an exoTblV ' ant amount and should not be spent. . j 'Ws nredicfpd that the defenders would be able to "hold fhe city indefinitely against the besiegers." to have been executed follow- lng -the capture of Malaga by the lnsurSents of my hon. friend I may say that' In order to arrive at the amount I rpnnlrpH fnr i.Vmt miWili .HiillHIno I we have capitalized the. . .rentals, .which we have been paying In the past and which we axe paying at present for the different government services In Prince Rupert. The site has been given to the fed FIVE THOUSAND ARE EXECUTED IN MALAGA t . MALAGA, Feb. 10: Flv6 thousand persons are reported Weather Forecast Judges Retire On Full Pay In United States WASHINGTON, D.C.. Feb. 10: The House of Representatives to-vday passed , the Sumners Bill to permit' Isupreme Court Judges with ten year8..-.ot'.?ervJcft;;to retire 6n full pay at the age of seventy. Heavy Trading In Vancouver Market Turn-Over Yesterday Largest Eleven Months With Value , Trend Downwards In VANCOUVER, Feb. 10: With a West Coast of Vancouver Island turn-over of 2.300,000 shares, the Fresh southerly winds, cloudy Vancouver Stock Exchange had its and mild with some slight rain. largest day's business ln eleven Queen Chatlotte Islands Fresh months yesterday. There was a southerly wind, showery. marked downward trend ln values. REPORT ON TAXES IS HOLDING LIMELIGHT IN SASKATCHEWAN TALK Discussion Extensive as Legislature Prepares to Open Thursday Jacoby Report Reviews Field Of Taxation Bills exDecte'd to come before the Mr. Hanson: I am not making sesslon include one to exempt rash statements. As a rep- nrovements under municloal hous- rpcpntnflvp nf i nnrt. nf Tlrlt.lh ... ...j . .. . . . enthnilatm " . r . -.... Ing 5cneme3 ana ae0i aajusimeni. ime commission enorw a waste oi i-n iimic .a 1 nm irvinc rn ranmin . . U . 1 - - .1 1 . . 1 - i " lc JCaUCl0 uuu u.e move- that Willi. w hold a l oLitlLv-AlU strate3lc position LAJdlblUU ndance and addressed the ei;'ne ver raises hls voice-never In-1 between socialism and the co- mid un there? province. Criticism from score of . should cancel borrowings for re- .VANCOUVER' BEEF rillCES OI B. C. nnrio'l-t nlran 1 V A MrWTVF.n . IhZTL Ctanrte Very Rev,.couver beef prices yesterday were, ins Ui Qibson A 0. i , . heifers. 5c; i c t.athedrnl ftffi-.i.j . . , v.ntlilWU cows, 4.1c. REGINA, Feb. 10: (CP) The third session of the eighth legislature of Saskatchewan will open here Thursday with possibility of introduction of legislation based on the Jacoby taxation inquiry which issued its report last month. Premier Patterson, Saskatchewan-born head of the government, will lead' his house membership of 50 Liberals. The opposition ls com-K nosed of five Co-operative Commonwealth Federation members led by George Williams, M. L. A. for Wadena. ...... i -I n-irf nf tVio pvintrv 41 ji 1 i .1 Feb. 10: van- shrewd purpose that he is Just a After previous efforts to establish, oriental power could come In with a two percent sales tax and stlf' tContlnued on-Page Two) ( (Continued on Page Four) . (Continued on' Paire Two) I fenlng of the-Income tax on earn t ings over ?3uu ior single persons and $600 for married persons. Numerous taxation changes were proposed. Changes In the income tax were not expected. At Saskatoon, Dr. J. T. M. An derson, former premier, declared The Jacoby commission report, I public funds. Before the province ment was not getting on so fast, ln BMsix North Amerlcai We have which included suggestions for could --.I, reach a pay ., as . jou jo he said the However, great things often moved tlhe first railway connection ln that $5,000,000 ln new taxes, is holding stage, public debt must be refunded at lower interest rates and that the federal government dulgesln strong language. 'operative movement as he saw it. Mr Hanson Tlie Department of ources has been made of tne -!,ler purposes totalling $53,000,000. Stalin Is said to be able to get at, The former worked from the gov- National Defence will no doubMPort and a Kovemment statement. No commission was necessary to the meat of a situation' quicker crnment down, the latter moved brine bsfore the house same mvrn'A sald 11 was ' not necessarily the show how taxes could be raised, he than ariy of his collcaaues. When .from the people up. Almost every ures which may or may not be op-he presides at n committee meet- j country ln the world had a co-j proved. So far as I am concerned, lng he ; frequently gives the lmpres-j operative movement. The move-! I must say that the world '' is in slon they say he does It with 'ment had. had its origin. in England., such a state of turmoil that an declared. Headed by Nell Jacoby, formerly j Sales Tax Opposed of Dundurn, Sask., and now of Opposition to the suggested sales Chicago, the commission suggested tax came from W. L. McQuarrle, secretary of the Retail Merchants' (Continued on page three)