?A3E Form To Alkalize Acid Indigestion Away Fast People Everywhere Are Adopting This Remarkable" Phillips" May The way to gain almost incredibly quick relief, from stomach condition arising from overacidity, is to alkalize the stomach quickly with Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. You take cither two teaspoons of the liquid Phillips after meals; or two Phillips' Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Almost instantly "acid indigestion" goes, gas from hyperacidity, "acid - headaches" from over-in-uulgence in food or smoking and nausea are relieved. You feel made over; forget you have a stomach. .Try this Phillips' way if you have any acid stomach upsets. Get either the liquid "Phillips" or the remarkable, new Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets. Only 25 for a big box of laDieis at drug stores. AISO IN TABLET FOR Mi Each tiny tablet u the rauir-tient ol a tnxpoonful nf Cfmine ftullip' Mills of Magnesia. MADE IN CANADA PHI I I ipcf MILK OF mi. Lira magnesia Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken .with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL , "Banquets a Specialty" TRAPPERS! Attention! i- Hring Your Heaver to Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprttor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot ii Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 2X1 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. If I it Waterfront Whiffs Improving Quality of Prince Rupert Halibut For Market Local Fleet , Will be Leaving For Banks Next Week noon and another on Thursday. The appropriation allowed by the Biological Baard of Canada o the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station for the 1937- 33 fiscal year is $37,000 as compared with $33,000 last year. A certain portion of ihis will be available for Increased Investiga tions. Preparations continue apace for the departure during fehe oomins week of local halibut boats who, names b3gln with letters from A to L Hie fishing season ooens .mi March 15. a week from Monday and there will be a goodly humbc: oi vesseU ready on the banks U start fishing as soon as ttv lw permits. The Takla, Capt. Chris Parkvold. eoine to Area Sn 3 m-ii be the first local boat to get away Boats for Area No. 2 will leave to wards the end of next week. There has ben no agreement reached yet with Vancouver fleet in regard to curtailment and marketing this season . Passed Exams Aft?r having spent a fewr days 5ere conducting examinations of inwards of twenty candidates fo' tugfooat masters papers who re eived rnstruct'on at Capt. J. R SJferfs schcol for navigation dur ing the past winter. Cant. Lionel H. Lindsay examiner of mis'.pr ire mat? i!led by th Princes A delude lat night on hl returr to Vancouver Those successful in pawing the tests were: Tugboat masters P. Byrne, O. Edwards. O Sither. p. Thompson. R. Elsren. L. Tusvlk, H. Eyolften and H. Dolron. Coastwise mates, passenger vessels F. Brooksbank and J. McLeod. Service masters, coastwise freight BASKETBALL MOOSE HALL Tonight at 8 p.ir. Ketchikan (Alaska) vs, Prince Rupert All Stars Adm. Adults 35c, Children 25c PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shlptuiikim anil Knnlnm. Itm aiMl rtrau Catting. R Be trie ami ArtjlitM Wrlillmc. SpsclallaU on Sawmill and Mining Machinery. AH T7p t Gaa Knlna Refwlred and OTrrhaulnd. run of the Adelaide for three voy ages. The steamer Cardena will ..... be THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, March 8, 1J talned for all net fishing, irrespective of size of mesh, until the local officers are satisfied that the sock-eye run has passed, when It may be restored to the position of 1935 for the balance of the season. '2. The boat rating for 1937 will be 850 boats for a forty-eight hour weekly closed period. "3.- Sockeye nets will be permitted from July 1 to August 6 fol-lowing. "4. Glllnete having meshes of iot less than 8'2 inches will bn' Dermitted from J.inuarv 1 to Julv Followintr 111) an announcement mnrle hv C.n .T V Ti- 23- but during the period of sock- cholls, general manager of the Canadian Fish & CoId!?JJ "SoS ' me iican mm iivteu imuuui imereiHS oi the sockeye boundary. nmisn ooiumoia nau maae arrangements whereby services of six members of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station would be used .hi? year In connection with a pro- r1 gram designed to improve every vessels-Ip." Thompson, A. Strand, phase of nandlmg fish from the p Byrne c strand H Doiron j time it is caught on the banks un- Desmulles, w. j. Thomas, H. Tat- Ul it is delivered to the mark of tersal H- Casperson, C. Edwards. J. the world. Dr. Neal M. Carter, dl- Hartlan and R Dudoward. Members of the Kin Edward High School Correspondence club failures. "5. From Ausust 6 no fishin? with nets of any kind will be per- '. mitred until- 6 p m. on August 15 "6. Followiftg the above mentioned 5p9cJl closed season, gill-nets of meshes not less than 6m Inches will b permitted to the end of the fishing season. "7.- The upper boundary for spring saloon falling from Janu- ' rector of the Fisheries Experlmen- t .,. v , ,u , ' . , ; . " iiiiiiuto a umo vj iiv j ici JUrltr'.'lIf will RP rni nnnnrl. f ZJ h"115 f0rtJ'-SiX Wh a"ended thS Sch0Gl the 4tniry of XdTn aJi of how this campaign will be car- for Navigation. They passed one stabUahed fa 1935. During sock-f ill net fishing will be from Mowich rami) point to a fishing bound-! .v w w o-4g iAUJIU J I visited the Prince Rupert Fisheries "vlT ' 1 1 a Amino' rrwVi novr ti-ftal nn rvn t4- Ua il . ! Experimental Station during the the run of the Princess Adelaide ; After the re-opening of the fish' I past week to gain Information which will be withdrawn from ser-. lng on August 15 the unn-r bound which can be used in writinz le- vw ,f ic , m ! 'ne.ppr Doim.(l - ters to countries abroad. One group exit voyage for annual overhaul, at j former location In ui the wie vicinitv vicinity n' n. VisiteH the Station Tiiwirfav -affor. m.... ,u- , .... j vitmiu. me ijuuim; wui iukc me ; nueraeen. ------ . ........ 0 uic of the Catala, annual overhaul of students at Balfour technical which at "Vancouver Is taking a i school here. Police officials attend week longer than was originally I the classes and Instruct pupils on plannei. This will involve the traffic Droblems steamer venture comins north again next week in place of th? Cardena. Skcena Fishing Curtailed In the Interests of conservation. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief sup- rvis6r of fisheries, announces that fishing curtailment measures of a ;, '.ccmeaiy drastic nature will be pat 1 nto eirect this summer. If result i of fishing and escapement during! the early part of July fo'.lowini' he opening of fishing Indicate 'hat even more drastic measures than tho? already planned arJ "3fen entire closure rniy bf resprt- & Zs: f I f - , ' 7 V & Ui : ions are announced: !' H. From the commencement of 'ie sockeye flshine season on Julv ', the upper houndary will be from ,f?wi?h (Pcwelli Point to a fishing icundary sign directly opposite on Me south side of the Skeena River nd this boundary will be main- SAl-E DRIVING COURSES KtuiNA, March 6: CPi -, v.. u . ( , ; I here aealn tomorrow on the run Courses In ssifp Vinivinr or r . Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement 'n the Daily News. FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder. B.C. Good ..'opening for building up fine busi ness at small cost. HOTEL FRAZER Hyder, B.C. i CO AU : TO PLsi?iidJ)y Satisfaction duaranied FAMOUS EDisON ALBKRTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 BLUEBIRD lilAMOIMKS Niv iivsunEii Auuiiisl Liiss, Fire, Thefl ASI. US AIIUIIT IT! HONtYMOON IN lUHOIt AS ILUEBIBD DIAMOND " CUtSTS First Prize. $1000 Hmimimmi Am llliiclilril Iliiiiiiunil CiickIk Other magnificent prizes, too! Ask us for new Bluebird Diamond folder with secret contest entry blank. Sec Bluebird Diamond and Wedding Rings write 200 words about them. Jt s easy, and a chance for one of the many marvelous prizes. COME IN TODAY! John Bulger Ltd. Jewellers HJiKSiTTfinYHMllll Sec full paSe advertisement in McIauS Maturine. BOOKINGS OF FILMS List of Pictures For Balance Of .Month at Capitol Theatre Is Announced i Manager D. G. Borland announces feature bookings at the Capitol Theatre here for the bal ance of the month, of March as follows: March 6 Fred Astalre and Gin ger Rogers In "Swing Time." ' March 8 and 9 Mae West In "Go West. Young Man" and George Raft In "Yours For the Asking." March 10 and 11 George Arllss In "East Meets West." March 12 and 13 Dick Powell and Madeleine Carroll in "On the Avenue." March 15 and 16 Madge Evans In "Pennies From Heaven" and Chester Morris and Fay Wray in "They Met In a Taxi." March 17 and 18 Lee Dixon and Ruby Keeler In "Ready, Willing and Able" and Uie Jones Family in "Back to Nature." March 19 and 20 Gary Cooper What IS -Meats n ub LESS SHRINKAGE and MORE FOOD VALUE in other words and Jean Arthur in "The Plainsman." March 22 and 23 Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor in 'Camllle." March 24 and 25 Wendy Barrle and James Stewart In "Speed" and Lynne Overman and William' Frawley In "Thee Married Men." March 26 and 27-Wllllam Pow ell. Myrna Loy, Spencer Tracy and Jean Harlow In "Libelled Lady." March 29 and 30 Lily Pons andl Gene Raymond in "That Girl From Paris." m ataru ra i i i bb va iM tm rm HERE IS GOOD NEWS! Our store is a store you can call your own because it is operated on a co-operative system whereby we share the profits with you. When the purchase is made and the price is paid you receive tokens which entitle you to FREE PREMIUMS In return. So make our store your store. MUSSALLEM'S 317-319 Third Avenue West Phone 18 1". O. Box 575 a u m um m w u ana.- a- raxa! a 1 H : I '! h Tin LAST TI.Ml-.s tiivi.,. ? LasL(:omPlcte Show at 9;o3 A Roiisinp Fline With tht Kinff and Queen of DanceUni Fred Astaire Ginger Rogers In Swingtime,, (At 7:25 ii 9:33) Added MICKEY MOUSE and XEMs Coming Monday MAE WEST In "CO WEST YOUXO MAN- The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal JHtS. C. E. BLACK that ST Ay Tender and Juicy No watching or " fork poking" or n . oven peeping ELECTRIC c Meat is the foundation of a man's mU a,i 1:1.. t.:. - 11V UUV9 JU 11AC 1US meats weU cookedl What a joy to have a modern range, one that unfailingly produces roasts that retain their flavors and juices. That are tender and appetizing. That arc good to chew on and good to look at. Meats that are inexpensive to prepare because they don't dry out. That's modern cooking - electric l;n ; fT,qU ' SUrC' cconomical- A few dollars a month a!ircVr;0otcstc:anBe in Y0UR homc-Liberai Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Coking i