Paob rotm CHiiEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Speed boat, Seal Cove Post Office. LOST 13 knots, (tf) FKIVATE SALK of household furniture at 528 8th Ave. West. All must be sold. T. J. Sher-tonjeaying for the south. (182) ABOUT THESE REPAIRS For lumber, shingles, cement, plaster, brick, Oyproc and roofings, see Albert & McCaffery Ltd. Phone lig. tf. l.KSIDENCIi late Judge Young for sale. Low price and term's arranged. Apply Ali'x Car miehael, cio Hank of Com merce. (181) HOT POINT -1-hole electric range, new condition. $95 Owned by late Judge Young Apply Alex Carmichael, c-o Dank of Commerce. '181 FOR SALE Fine quality timothy ' hay and also clover hay w't!i a small mixture of timothy .Some peavine and vetch with -small -amount of-timothy. Delivery anytime. Mike Masich, Smithers, D.C. (190 FOR RENT ANGUS Apartments, four room suites. three and (tf) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments; Phone Red 421. : (tf) FOR RENT- -Seven - room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good, garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Daily News. (tf) "work wanted JAPANESE Lady wants housework job. Phone (Jreen 481. Seal Cove Grocery. (182) WE EXPECT EXAMINATION'S FOR LETTER CAK'KIEKS, Male, clerks and Stenographer ;Wil be held this Fall. The way to; get these positions i LOST Friday night, pair lady's pigskin gloves. Please phone - (18C) I II II NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZarelK Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 80 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupjrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. RICHES OF THE ARCTIC Farms and Greenhouses With in Area of Summer Sunshine Linked By Planes Rivers of Russia Flow North So Moullis of These Streams arc Very Important LONDON, Aug. 4: (CP) Russian flights across the North Pole to tic with which consideration pro make excellent means of comraun icatlon, all ilow into tha' Ardtlc-v Ocean, which., Is fftrt' than eight montris of the year. 1 Organizes Navigation 1 "The scheme of developing the Arctic on which the Russian gov-' ernment has embarked Is based upon organizing navigation on these rivers; they are building ports near the estuaries where raw materials can" be turned into Industrial products and during the three months of the year when It Is possible bv help of ice-breakers to bring ships from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to the Siberian coast they! are shipping these goods off to other ports of Russia, to Europe and America." All industrial activities in the Russian Arctic and the settlement of Europeans in these areas naturally Is dependent on provision of fresh food. "Irr Igarka," said "I saw tomatoes growing in hothouses, and cabbages and potatoes, even wheat, growing In the open LOOK! 3 Fotos 10c Hollywood Studios 220 Sixth Street air. The Arctic sun shines 24 hours a day and two. and a half months on end so that the growth of the leaves, which denends on the ' amount of sunshine, Is not arrested overnight." Russia Has Towns and Villages,!' Airplanes were essential to link the centres of life and to trans port passengers, but they were also needed to guide Icebreakers through the Arctic Ocean and to assist in surveying forest land, territory very difficult to penetrate on foot iuui. .... u . it. ,,i , future the Arctic will become one of the main highways of the world's air traffic." said Mr. Smolka. "All the most important centres lie in . . i . , i talent iii'iiiiduuej;. new North America are the most soec- v-i. tacular but by no means the ultl-Z 72 "T' XT xr...n communication between these mint. huvikuwuii, Jiiuusinaiiza- rlllac to 1 a i gress nas aireaay oeen maae. lintM K,r n,. a .1 u, . ArctiC Sh'Pplng II. P. Smolka, Austrian Journalist S.,,?J"ew wjiu vioiLcu oiuciid, 111 till auuicu to the Royal Institute of International Affairs at Chatham House here outlined the steps the Russians are taking. "We usually think of the polar regions as a very inhospitable part of the world, as a riesprt. nf snnw world by sea transport. a geographical freak probably one of the richest regions of the world In metals and timber, with nlentv oof land that could be brought un- nct at once. Full information ripr tht nimmh ; f"e- We hvo helped hund-j "it Is Impossible, tjiough to link ! reds to obtain Civil Service the many centres of industry which i jJOSitions-..a'nd can help you. ' the Russians are building all over I ddre -M.C.C. Civil Service Siberia by railways alone," he con-Vchoo sf Winnipeg, oldct'tinucd. The rivers of Siberia, whlc) 'ditt -Canada. 1 r 1 . ... 1 1 Friday 5 and ice, a waste where nothing can, From the East grow, and where men, except for a! Tuesday, Thursday and few explorers who risk their lives for the benefit of science, cannot live." he said. "This conception is quite wrong, j What I saw when I visited the SI-J merian Arctic last summer was en-i tierly different. I found towns, the- j atres and factories, and they work' not only in the summer but all the year round. I found ports by the-mouths of the large rivers, air-bases and air lines operating regularly between settlements which lie very far from .lne another. I found i cinemas, vegetable gardens, flowers' and agricultural plantations." j There were many reasons why! Russia Spends so much money and! energy on developing the northern reelons. Mr. Smolka said. Russians' MALE' & FEMALE HELP belleved the treasures of Siberia T - J could onlv be marl? arrpsslhlp in thn ' Siberia Is Mail Schedule For ttte East-Monday, Wednesday, and I .QtlrtHtr 11. """""j iu;io For Vancouver TILLIE THE TOILER" II p.m. p.m, Monday 2 p.m. Tuesday i 12:30 pjn. Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Friday .., 9:3o p.m. Saturday 4:30 and 6 p.m. Ss. Pr. George 7 p.m. July 11. 25 ss. Pr. Robert 4 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday Catala 4 p.m. Monday ss. Pr. Alice a m! Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m Friday ss. Pr. Charlotte .. .9 a.m GUARD That MILK OF CCURSC, I'LL HQ CN' VsJCnK'.Mo j rvarv wv tm IVACuliS D MAC Ltva on vovre. . r : : z i iCOm.O.TXA.'O, i swi -m 1 tuk v40xi With The Even Constant Cold Of An ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR THE DAILY NT5W0 Wednesday, August 4,1 YOUNG LAWYER Jungle Princess HOCKEY MOGUL Unusual Picture Versatile Edmonton Karristrr.Cirl Who Was limush't un Makes d'oodas National Hockey Forest Feels Uve's Emotions League Referee EDMONTON. Aug. 4: (CP)-- all parts of a comprehensive de- Z" ?v Vl . .uui handling of th i.i i;i 1 1 ri n i n n rnn ntnicr rw vn For First Time When She Meets Hay Mlllaml but on N. II. L. ice List U'inlor. I innrrlo m-n'lnn nvxA f,.11io the versatile barrister shorn in baseball, rugby and tennis while attending University of Alberta and established a promising .reputation in insurance law in Edmonton when he returned hero after three years post-graduate study. TERRACE Mrs. Halliwell from Vancou ver, is .spending a short holiday at her old home at Termer !.!, Miss Halliwell of -Prince Iluperl is holidaying there during the school vacation. Rev. J. E. and -Mrs. Dirchall with their baby son. are snpnd- J ing a few days camping at Lake- el se iJuKe. I jvtnftiv iiiuiwvii uiiu 41117111 Lorn in Macklin, Sask.. nea- mont, his betrothed, the Alberta-Saskati-lipw The milk which is such an important summer food may also be a health menace unless it is kept at an even, low temperature. That's why it is doubly important for Qvery family with children to have an automatic refrigerator. There is no food keeping problem in the home that has an electric refrigerator. And summer menu problems are a thing of the past, with the refrigerator always ready to turn out tempting frozen desserts and salads. Best of all, there is no food wasted, which is real economy. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited r ' "??yrr""'" 1 i . I In Back In 1928 when Clarence b.i Dorothy Lamour. noted radio Campbell received his law diplo- singer, makes her film debut in m i fwlmfroa nf Mm I irl 1 1 I i 11 1 I i.Ti. T. 11-! .. i t... i" ......... wo u. ........ v, 4 ,ie .jungle i i inifas ai lilt 'The Russians believe that in the U.l,0llcs scholar-select were con- Capitol Theatre tonight, She is fidpnt Iih una ilpstlnpil fur iml i. I .... . n .. i l .....i:r..t ..v o - ug i JUUUK Ullll UCdUllJU cial honors.. 'Malayan, orphaned at an carlj Campbell exceeded Umsc pre- age, who brought herself up in dictjons, though in a slightly dif- the heart of the jungle with' a ferenl field. For he has risen to man-eating tiger and a giant to the position of "chief justice" chimpanzee as her only compan-in the National Hockey League. ' inns. "The Dictator" is what Ed- She meets Hay Milland in the I montonians call the firm-jawed forest, the first man she has evtr nocKey referee whose etticicnt seen, and love awakens in her. e world's most MMInmi velopment plan for the Ruslan Arc. speedy contests drew praise from Elobc.. Euro nri Far var too, and he is finally forced to centres of industrv rm.W ai tvl fommcntatbrii a he made his de- make the choice between the La- -...fl u, ...vj.. k.'..v-11, v'ti. 1 yj 1 the picture and "discoverer" of Clara l!ow, to ' whom Miss La mour has been likened as nn "it'"i girj, tested fifty Hollywood beatuies before he- selected Miss Lamour for the part., He found her beautiful hair, the longest of any actress in' Hollywood;, made her a "natural" for the part, and, what was. also important, she was not afraid to go .through her paces, with - a man-eating tiger and a chimpanzee. IIASKI5ALL SCORES National league New York 2. Cincinnatti i Doston 2. .St,- Louis 5. Brooklyn 4, Pittsburgh second game). American League St. Louis 2. Washington 3. Chicago 3. New- York 5 cond game). 10 (e- SOPF,OSe VOU'Jt GOT IT aul FiouraED out, but you Fortecr FOOD j :i . 1 - 1 y wr v t W m. HW r- . rv aB if II If U im , Wild bea9ls guarded her beauty! Hie amazing love lory of an exotic 1 jungle oirl and the man who captured 1 . I V ucr ucarn Thingt you'vt nner $ttn btfortl...WiA Lit in mortal corubit, hand- to-cliw battle of tiger j1 versus man. """" 1 a 11 (At 7:42 and 9:47) TONIGHT ONLY Last Complete Show 9:03 1 "LOST HORIZON" I 1 ' 1 - i 1 1 Especially for , CAMPERS " J EWELITE" The new flashlight. With two-way JlghUnj el- THETiETil FOOD icci. very compact and efficient. Qffn 'complete with batteries k t7JV "HANDY". WEEKEND CASES-In strong imitation Cflp Leather. Special at PICNIC BASKETS Extra large slz. Each PAPER NAPKINS-Package of 75 for , WAX PAPER At S1.60 15c I0c,20cand35c PLAYING CARDS An Inexpensive deck for the camp. J Cp "Caravan," linen finish YOUR FAVORITE MAOAZINE3-We shall be glad to reserve jour weeKiy or monthly publications tor you. OUR RENTAL LIIIRARV You will have more time to rrad at camp. Our Library is excellently equipped to accomodate you. Come In and make the necessary arrangements. eMaeMv5.M Federal Ulock, 3rd Ave. If you lose anything, advertise for it. -By Westover NO, -S1LI.V &Oyl MEAM UUMQi THAT'S V -T VMH CAMP IM tv.P ? - 7tri i I DID FORGET ti THAT 1 nTi r.xw...w .t,.. ir-.