JUTTING SUPPLIES Jc Have a Wide Range of Knitting Wools for Your Approval, Knitting iNecmcs, jsooks, eic. serviceaDie inrue-piy m Softer -A JLUC utility yarn oi unusual vaiue. nan Fk A four-ply pure botany wool of even texture in a Oftn large range of shades. Ball rctlc Two-ply crochet for suits, dresses, etc. ffp fin io shades. Skein jtona -A tweed effect yarn In various blends. A very CJ'tn . cn.Ho rr Prolans V (V7R fnr popular yam " ui v. .. - - lade Ezzl--A fast knitting yarn for sweaters, rugs, etc. Qffp hi) several popular shades. 2 ozs iwm Crepe A new silk and wool mixture In various shades. Excellent for suit or dresses. Comes in 25C pleasing shades, Oz. WALLACES - " - -r I l,one 9 Third and Fulton FOR SALE Used Furniture in All Sizes. Kitchen Ranires. Dining Koom Suite, Dresser, Table with Chairs, Hocking Chairs, Enncr Sewing Machine, I'old up lsed, HCdroom fable, Showcase, Piano Organ, dramophonesj vio-h, fiuilar, Tenor Banjo, Duplex, Rifles, Shot Cun, and Small Fire Arms, htc. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange Phone Green 916 Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. New Furniture BEDS Colored cotton felt mattress, with Restmore Steel Band Spring Guaranteed for lite. JggjJy or the three pieces, price iungalow Bed With spring and mattress. Price FLOOR COVERING Dominion Printed Linoleum $20.00 Couch and Pad With Pillow. 7 Ell Price Price, sq. yard Linoleum Hall Runner 2-1 inches wide. 70C Price, yard Hexoleum Mats 18x36. 25C Price, each f'ongoleum Rug Size V9. $7.50 Price Congoleum Rug-Size. 9x9. $9.00 Price 4 Congoleum Rug Size 9x10. $10.50 Price - Congoleum Rug-Size 9x12. $12.00 rnce MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE SIMMON'S MATTRESSES Now on Display for Your Inspection and Comments Priced-$19.50, $25.00, $27.50 The Famous BEAUTY REST-$42.50. PHONE 775 LOCAL NEWS NOTES Just arrived, new shipment of Oxfords; "The Mayfalr." tf. S. Murray came in yesterday from Big Missouri where he has been employed. Miss E. Higginson went through yesterday on the Ca-tala from Port Simpson to Van-con ver. Mrs. M. E. Prendergast and children returned to the city last Saturday from a holiday t rip to Terrace. J. W. McAuley of Prince George arrived In the city last night in con nection with railway department duties. K. Winfield was a passenger to Prince Rupert from Anyox on the Catala yesterday. J. R. Smith, P. A. McPhee and Ralph Dieter of Smlthers are In the city today In connection with the ' convention. I P. L. Buckley Is expected In Prince j Rupert again In the near future in connection with the local pulp mill project. G. A. Hunter returned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver and else where in the south. G. E. Malcolm, proprieter of the Cariboo Hotel at Quesnel, accom panled by his wife and son are vlst. tors in the city today registered at 'the Prince Rupert Hotel. Miss May Morley, formerly with the Canadian National Railways freight traffic department at Win nipeg and now located at Portland Oregon, is a passenger aboard the Prince George today going north (o make the round trip to Alaska. Leonard S. Wilson, Canadian Na-ti6nal travelling auditor, was a passenger aboard the Prince George today going through to make the round trip to Alaska. Next Monday he will disembark here' on official business. HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy A. M. Nelson, Seattle. J. Vassos, city. J. R. Smith, Smlthers. P. A. McPhee, Smlthers. Ralph Dieter, Smlthers. Royal H. A. Hagen, Seattle. J. S. Little, Burns Lake. Mrs. E. Mould and daughter, Rose Lake. P. Sacko. Prince Rupert R. R. Winfield, Vancouver. J. D. Taylor, Victoria, B. C. W. R. Buck- nail, Vancouver. George McKen-zie, Vancouver. M. McAroll, Vancou ver. W. B. Wetmore, Vancouver. Mrs. R. B. Bradley, Oklahoma City, Okla. E. T. Kenney, Terrace, R. N. Riley, Terrace. Harry King, Terrace. Frank B. Foster, Phoenlxvllle, Pa, Eliza beth Foster, Phoenlxvllle, Pa. Edith F6ster. Phoenlxvllle, Pa. Allison Ed dleman, Phoenlxvllle, Pa. W. J. Al- drich, Calgary. W. L. Armstrong, Prince George, J. O. Wilson, Prince George. H. R. Bowman, Prince George. J. W. McAuley. Prince George. Mr, and Mrs. G. E. Malcolm and son, Quesnel, B. C. Mr. and Mrs C. H. Allison. Quesnel. B. C. Oeorge C. Ogston, Vanderhoof. Sam Cocker, Vanderhoof. J. McKenzie, Williams Lake. T. C. Rubardrew, Williams Lake. H. II. Griffin, Smlthers. Knox J, A. Vernon, city. Central Jack Hatton, city. A. Moen, Deck er Lake. Mrs. J. Patillrt, Cedarvale P. J, Beament, C.N.R. Announcements Junior Chamber of Commerce Dance. Thursday night, Aug. G. Moose Hall. Entertaining Interior Board of Trade delegates. Kvery body welcome. Admission t0e. I'hone 18 and 84 Moose meeting, tonight at 8. (180. Visitors In the city today are Mrs. E. Mould and daughter of Rose Lake. I. O. Box 575 MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service I'romnt Delivery Boat and oul of town orders receive careful, attention Jack Johns, manager of Kelly Douglas Co., returned yeslerday on the Catala from Stewart. Mrs. W. E. Attree came in yes terday afternoon on t he Cataia from Stewart. Mrs. Yamanaka returned yes terday on the Catala from Ar- randalc The C.P.R. Steamer Princess Alice is due in port this afternoon at 3:45 and will sail at 5:30 on her return south. Miss Mickey Casey, who is to be married soon, came in yes terday from Premier on the Ca tala. J. D. Little, manager of the Om lneca Hotel at Burns Lake, arrived on the train last night to attend the Associated Boards of Trade con vention. Big dance, Thursday, August 5, Moose Hall, by the Junior Chamber of Commerce to entertain Interior visitors. Everybody welcome. Admission 50c. Free refreshments, fcnappy music. (181) Miss H. L. Cronberg and Miss Irene V. Johnson of Minneapolis who have been visiting their uncle, J. Peterson of Quick, B.C., are sailing this afternoon on the Prince George to make the Alaska tour. They will return home by way of Vancouver. Alex Carmichael. formerly ac countant in the Bank of Com merce here and now in the in spection department of the bank with headquarters at Vancouver, is here for a few days on his way back from the Yukon where he has been on official duties. Mrs. Carmichael will bo coming fo meet him here at the weekend and they will return Io-aether to Vancouver. vm attmammsm m twmaM mm 3-DAY SPECIAL J Lbs. Boiling Beef and 1 lunch Carrots d Lbs. Pot Roast Beef and 1 ,'abbage 3 Lbs. Boneless Stew Beef 3 Lbs. Hamburger 2 Lbs. Onions 4 Lbs. Shoulder Veal Lbs. Corned Beef C Lbs. Shoulder Steak 1 Bunch Carrots 3 Lbs. Veal Stew 1 Bunch Carrots Leg of Mutton Per lb Stewing Mutton Per lb Mutton Chops Per lb. 25c 50c 25c 25c 50c 25c 25c 25c 20c Prince George Girl 15c 20c Fulton Meat Market & Jones Family Meat Market K'Bliii:ri'arii'Biiiliaiiii'W:ili:B:n'lBii''iiilniilWW' Successful Actress PRINCE GEORGE, Aug. 3: From1 Prince George t6 London and from Andersen's Hall to the Palladium.! That's the illustrious achievement! of Prince George's own Inga Ander-' sen, who returned home last week from London, England, where she! has been lately appearing on the variety stage of the world-renowned Palladium Theatre. Inga, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Andersen, has brought credit to Prince George and has acquired an enviable reputation for herself in the entertainment world In the short seven years that she has been away from her home town. She left here as a dancing Instructress and now returns as a star in her own right, acclaimed and feted by the critics and public of London. Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement in the Dally News. tfv i T IB 1 AT If you do not agree that Quaker Corn Flakes are the best flavoured, most delicious corn flakes you have ever tasted your money will gladly be refunded. THE I fQpR SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Rdtekfcma Only Quaker givesyou these 4 Extra Features: 1 Money-Back guarantee printed on every package. 2 Freshness and crisp-ness assu red by wax-wrapping and triple -sealing. 3 Enriched with Sunshine Vitamin D an exclusive Quaker feature. 4 Coupon in every package exchangeable for valuable merchandise. FOR SALE AT L. YOUR GROCER'S k SPECIAL:-- Large Size Squibb's Dental Cream With Guest Size Shaving Cream Both For 35 Dr. Shcrwin's Stera-KIeen Cleans False Teeth New Easy Way No Brushing Removes Stains One Denture Bath Free With Large Size 75c Ormes Lid. "Jit Pioneer Druqpi'sts The Kej-ill Store Phones: 81 & 81 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 pjn. tIKMlEMiB'IllBMBlIMM ' k II m r j d il 1 1 v la McCIary RANGES Ideal for any home. Splendid cooking ranges and marvellous hakcrs. Models for Coal, Wood and Oil. Prices Range From $55' Up Prince Rupert Agents .00 GORDON'S HARDWARE n Phone 311 iucMnaeoi. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA KVERY TUESDAY. 1:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 P.M. Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A; VV. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Ajent. Third Ave. Phone 568 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI for Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. IILACIC Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 857 i : :t I