man fpr four non-operating unions said that members had voted to fwalk out unless carriers met their pay demands. The workers had I asked for an Increase of twenty cents an hour. MOSCOW IS SUSPICIOUS Thinks Japan Is Trying By Any Means to Start Conflict MOSCOW, Aug. 4: The news paper Izvestla, official organ of the Soviet government, charges Japan entire Soviet press blazed with in dlgnatlon as Japan rejected a deter. I mined Russian protest against the raid on the Russian consulate at Peiplnu durlnc the fighting be tween Chinese and Japanese for the possession of the city. HOMElS" DAMAGED Loss of Some $2000 From Fire and Water at Residence of Mrs. J. C. McLennan Considerable damage was done to the residence of Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Borden Street, 'at 4:10 this morning as a result of a fire which broke out in a clothes closet on the second floor. The fire crept downward into the first floor and upward Into the attic. Damage to Iho building and furnishings may run into $2000 or so, a good deal being due In the effects of water, There Is Insurance. Stem Rust Attacks U.S. Barley Crop WASHINGTON, Aug. 3: The De partment of Aerlculture announces that the barley crops In a number of the central states had been attacked by stem rust which threat ened to seriously affect the crop uiu year ORD IS i RECOVERED Small Chicago Boy, Believed Kidnapped, is Claimed by Couple With Whom He Was Found CHICAGO, Aug. 4: (Canadian Tress) Assistant State Attorney Wllbert Crowley said today that the thlrty-month-old boy police believed had been kidnapped last night from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ilorst had been found at the home of another couple who claimed to be his real parents. The boy, Donald Horst, was recovered by Crowley, state attorneys and police at the home of John Regan, 26-year-old machinist, and his wife, Lydia. 25. JAPANESE I ADVANCING Chinese Are Kxpccled. However To Make Massed Stand 1'EIIMNG, Aug. 4: The Jap ancse army penetraiea oo iimca capital. From Nanking came re ports of wholesale evacuation oi foreign families. ! south of l'eiping Wednesday.! more than half way to Ihe Keo-i tei Tien region where Japanese; commanders expect a Chinese army to take its first massed stand against Japanese in North China While the Japanese swept o'li south, 2000 forgotten men of the' Uth Chinese army were uisarnv is trying to provoke a conflict with I ,, iejm, northwest of the U.S.S.R. by any means. The ! iitlrdnir and headed into Ihe Today's Weather (Oovemmnt TMegriivn" Terrace Cloudy, calm, Gi. Alice Arm Kain, southwest wind, 5G. HazelVoji l'art cloudy, calm, 59. Smithers Fart cloudy, calm 52. Hums Lake Clear, calm, 57. Victoria Clear, southwest wind, 12 miles per hour; baro meter, 29.98. Kstevan ClouUy, norinwes'. wind, 4 miles per hour; baro meter. 30. 0G. Prince George Calm nnu rainy barometer, 29.78. Dlgby Island Northwest wind, 8 miles per hour, barometer, SO. 02; rain. Vancouver Northeast wl ture, 55. sea Third Soviet Plane Expected To Arrive Soon SAN KRANCISCO.. Aug 4: - ass through the polar regions. Z ii Queen Elizabeth miles per hour; barometer, 80.00.1 1 fV7 Vnnvc Olfl Alert Hay Moderate westerly 15 J I I CtUO 11U light fog, barometer, 30.11. . Hull Harbor Light southwest wind; barometer, 30.01; temperature, 65; moderate swell. Triple Island Southwest winu, 10 mile per hour;, cloudy, light swell. Langara Island Southwest wind, 20 miles per hour; barometer, 29.94 temperature, 53; moderate rough sea. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, rain; barometer, 30.09; tempera LBi VICTC Today 8 Weather Tomorrow's Tides (S AJ.) he High 12:40 pjn. 19.7 ft. Prince Rupert Raining, northwest Low 6:29 a.m. 1.6 ft. wind, eight miles per hour; 18:40 p.m. 5.8 ft. barometer, 30.02; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER i vol, xxvi., i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 4, 1937 price: s cents lAssi Jated Boards In Session Here RAILHEAD Defense Plans Are' rw I fl c IS COMING ' f V v y? Hon. Ian McKenzie i r f'nMnHinH IValtntinl resident vunauMiH And Party Due Friday j VANCOUVER, Auk. 4: Hf,n. J. Hungerford, chairman lan McKenzie, minister of (lend !S president of Ihe Canadian fense, on arrival here stated that Cational Hallways, is at present the defence plans of Ihe govern-in the coast In the course of his. ment on the I'acific coast were mnual tour of inspection of the progressing. Considerable woik iompany's western lines and is i had already been done and the ue here from Vancouver Friday ! scheme, now in the hands of the corning aboard the steamer department, was gradually tak-'rince Rupert. Accompanying ing shape. However, much more ,!r Hungerford is a party in- remained to be done, luding B. L. Daly of Winnipeg, j Robert J. iMoffalt or urauwcn, '(flask., Col. D. H. McDougall and H, J. Symington k.u, uireciors nd A. K. warren of Winnipeg, lice-president In charge ol web- Bern lines. Coming north from ancouver will be W. T. Moodle, neral superintendent for Hri- jjh Columbia; b. .Morrison, tut engineer and O. A. JIc-fcicholl, Ilrict general passenger agent THREATEN TO STRIKE) 1 Born lluudrfd iiiousand nan Workers Demand More Pay WASHINGTON, Aug. 4: An an nouncement that more than eeven lundred thousand railroad employ-prs are ready to go oa strike gave Ricw Impetus to peacemaking cf-Borts- 61 the ' N'allonai Mediation fBoard, George M. Harrison, spokes TEST KALOON FLIGHT ENDS IN DISASTER Lifted by 80 balloons, four feet in diameter, the Pleiades, latest of all aerial craft, is shown at the right as it rose from Soldier Field at Rochester, Minn., carrying Dr. Jean Picard, famed strato-spherist on-a six hour flight during which he drifted 100 miles and rose lo a maximum height of 11,000 feet. The test flight to prove the fcasability of flight with a multiple arrangement of harnessed balloons almost ended in disaster when the release arrangement in the gondola failed to function and he was forced to fire a 2Z calibre revolver into several of the hydrogen-filled bags. ..It is believed one of the bags caught fire. In the upper left, Is Dr. Picard wearing a football helmet which he wore to avoid getting his head. bumped. In the lower left he is shown just before the take off. all all ready ready to to start sum irom irom osco GO 0 years to . on its flight over the North U !yestenlay n to the United Slates. All it la h R , Celebrated Bitthday Today In Highlands of Native Scotland Veterans For Pensions At 55 At Convention PENTK TON, Soviet representatives here state jmoua endorsatlon .. , , , i posed reduction in Aug. 4: Unani of the Ihe age Former Native Chief Died At Rupert Hospital FISH SEASON IS EXTENDED Sockeye May Be Taken on Skeena River Until August 13, It Is Announced pro limit that me iniru uu... f waf vcterans pensi01l3 fron. 55 g waa mark t the convention ol Benjamin Bennett, a native res! dent of Kltsumkalum died In the .,.,nT er.tlanri Ancr 4' nUt nnH an ex-chief. He was a Owing to the bad weather this RANGER IS. WINNER Finishes Mile Ahead of Sopwith's Endeavor in Third Event for America Cup NEWPORT, Aug. 4: Harold S. Vanderbilt's defending Ranger finished the third race of the America's Cup series today one mile ahead of T. O. M. Sopwith's Endeavor II. The Ranger set a new record on the first leg of the thirty mile course. One more win will retain the cup for United States. MOVE MADE FOR PEACE France Approves of Exchange Be tween Britain and Italy Delegates Area Are week and for some days previously ( .nr fishing on the Skeena River has , been poor and the escapement of Two Days' Activity Laid Out Preliminaries Disposed sockeye to trie spawning grounds has been very good. This factor fortified by representation from Olof Hanson. Federal member for the district, Induced the Depart, ment of Fisheries to extend the gill netting season for one week to August 13. In the ordinary course hA French Fnreien Office renorted a harbor excursion, dinner and that a recent friendly exchange of dance being conducted by the Jun-letters between heads of the Italian i lor Chamber of Commerce. and British governments had the! full accord of France. The exchange ! was interpreted in Paris as one of two moves on the part of Britain to fiquldate Europe's peace problem by isolating the Spanish war and es. tabllshlng another Locarno Treaty for European security. i War Veteran Of Terrace Dies . Markely Dropped Suddenly When Working in Hay Field TERRACE, Aug. 4: Another war veteran has passed away, on Monday 2, P. Markely dropped suddenly as he was working at his hay crop. The interment is taking plac today at the cemetery near Terrace, Rev. C. A. Hinchliffe is officiating and the pallbearers are rnlnmliin PnmmnnHdrawn from his fellow war veter- waiting for is better weather con . . .. c'.n:uliai. Leirion of tin, ans. He leave Mrs. Markely jditions. August 15 is set as trie jritjsll Em,,jre Service League, (widowed and one son. i latest date me plane can B.utij Weather Forecast Furnished 'hrouKi tl, courteay o .!. Dominion Metoi'ologlcl Bureau i Victoria inl Princ Rupert. Thli tore caat Is compiled from observation tt ken fct 5 am. today and covert the 31 hour period ending 5 p.m. tomorrow . General bynopsis rressure is high southwest of Vancouver Isl- Prince Rupert General Hospital', and. Cool and rainy weather pre-yesterday morning after a lengthy ! vails in Northern B.C. and it is Illness. He was seventy-four years warm in the south. Prince uupert uistnci ain trn,oi,ov.(..,Mor onH ic tnrvivprf hv jjovprai Queen Charlotte Islands Strong The Delegates The delegates are as follows: Williams Lake Roderick Mac-Kenzle, H. C. Richardson. Quesnel Mr. and Mrs. Earl Malcolm and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Alli son From Wide in vity io Deal With Problems of This Morning Committees Go Into Session To Prepare For Deliberations With delegates in attendance from Prince Rupert, Terrace, Smithers, Vanderhoof, Prince George, Quesnel and Williams Lake, the annual convention of the Assoc- of events fishing would have closed iated Boards of Trade of Central British Columbia op Friday evening at 6. ened this morning in the city council chamber here. Many matters of importance to the development of the central and northern sections of the prov- . . Ince are to be considered and a -.. number of resolutions are being ts 1 1 - I A Nh presented by the various member boards. The convention will continue In session tomorrow. At the opening this morning, J. J Little, president of the Associated Boards of Trade of Central Brlt-imi Columbia; extended a welcome on behalf of the Associated Boards. City Commissioner W. J. Alder extended a civic welcome and F. A. MacCallum, the greetings of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. The convention committees then went into session prior to the full convention instituting Its deliberations this afternoon. IN OCEAN Doubt Expressed as to Survival ot Eleven Passengers BALBOA, Canal Zone, Aug. 4: The United States destroyers Babbitt and Taylor steamed at full speed yesterday toward a point twenty miles off Colon breakwater where airplane observers reported the luxury amphibian Santa Maria was seen In the sea. A Pan American Grace Line spokesman said ia kucc t th was indication., as guests at Ir regular weekly lunch-- theV eon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club to 'aWthe any of the efeven eleven pS passen- iwr! hnrl siirvlvpri Rpnnrts tn lhp Wlth erandDr.H.N. fJ ley u, k " Sak: War Department from a searching Brocklesby Preslden a,f armada flf flve army and In the chair. This evening there will n descrlbed the slghtln(f be a theatre party for the delegates of Jane twent mlles due ast at he Capitol under the auspices of Coion and said that there was no of the Prince Rupert Chamber of sJ Qj e Commerce. Tomorrow's proceedings win uiciuue aiicuuauce ui me ueie- f i l A TTT C PARIS. Aug. 4: Sources close to gates at me itotary uiud mncneon, I p A I ff"H 5 K X FOR CITY Commissioner Alder Makes New Ap. pointments for High School and Nurse for Health Work In preparation for the coming school session Commissioner W. J. Prince George W. L. Armstrong, Alder has made a number of ap- Harry Bowman, J. O. Wilson. pointments to positions In the high Vanderhoof George Ogston, Sam school and elementary schools as Cocker. follows: Smithers H H. Griffin. 1 High School Terrace E. T. Ktltney, M.L.A., Home Economics Miss H. Irene R. W. Riley, Harry King. Hodgson of Victoria. Prince Rupert W. J. Alder, S. E. Mathematics and Science David Parker. W. M. Blackstock, D. C. Mc- M. Mitchell of Vancouver. Rae, G W. Nickerson, J. Dybhavn, A. General Subjects W. J. Mouat of Brooksbank and H. F. Pullen. Vancouver. The Committees The convention committees and S. E. Parker. King and W. M. Blackstock. 7c. Halibut Sales McKenney gratefully are and family acknowledge t,vauauu - . Ut-ooforlv ulnil pnnl viVi lhnw.'..j Auinn J IkonVi fn flip History and Allied Subjects Charles Hayward, B.A. Prlnclual Arthur Sutton. as follows: Elementary School Resolutions - H. C. Richardson, Actlng Princlpal of Borden street Earl Malcolm, J. O. Wilson, Sam ScnoolW- w, c. O'Neill. UOCKer, u. n. urmin, r.. i. iiiucj mhpr ,rie, Mlsa Mav May Jones. Ml Rllppn fllhsnn and two ex- Credentials-Rod McKenzie, C.H. change chem from England. Allison, Harry Bowman, R. W. Riley Health Nurse to act both ln the and W. J. Alder. schools and homes Miss Priestley. Audit w. b. Armstrong, iiarry BRITAIN CHARGED Canadian Chelan. 25.000. Booth, 9.9c and i Zionist Head Says It Is Responsible , . , . Frisco, 12,000, 10c and 7c. ii. wish Cold Storage, Card of Thanks L. to For Holy Land Ills ZURICH, Switzerland, Aug. 4: Dr. Chalm Welzmann, president of the World Z)onist organization and the Jewish agency for Palestine, charged Britain today with responsibility for the Holy Land Ills. Dr. Welzmann told 'the Zlon Worlds Congress - here that the British plan . i.... rtv.niwnih h nn. enn: nnri riaiiffniers. inn rpmains w " " ,auu cawihj msir v....- ui ...... ,i .1 . ODscrytui:ic.m.j -.v .. --- - e- vinnpqp kindnesses, exnressions expressions oi of , , to v parutlon Palestine who sovewsu of her native! were sent to Port Esslngton yester- many dav aay in muic the ii Highlands b Jewish and AraD state ana a, man Coa8t IsN floral tributes West ' Vancouver sympathy and re- where the burial will take nlace" today. The lung nre-'riiv pre-day where tne ounai wm taKe piace Scotland based funda. sector was on a resh "ron8 westerly westerly' rplvnd ceiveu dnrini? during Hip the Illness uiness and anu dated scnted her with a diamond and em. Haynor Bros, were ln charge of the an"T ..t0 . . .. erald bracelet. 'funeral, arrangements. I winds, mostly cloudy and, cool, loss of a wlfo and mother. mental misconception.