THE WEATHER hours ending Fee tN. SNC 3, 50 29.699 CC ———— | ; |" yw Formerly The Prince Rupert HE DAILY NE Optimist. ; Legislative Ass y ep ' Sa s010 em NEXT MAILS 20 191} ! For souTH Prigge Rupert....Friday, 8 a.m. Prjfcess Mary....Saturday, a.m. © For Nort -*Princess May,.... Thursday p.m. <0 ii, NO. 261 PRINCE Rupert, B.C., WEDNESDAY, November 15, 1911. PRICE FIVE CENTS {. T. P. STEEL IS LAID AS FAR AS b ; = - WE A’ CREEK T WILL SPEND $2,000,000, HAYS 0) BE TURNED «1m, rm ic rosin © DRAINAGE FROM SEC. 2 RESIDENCES WILL Freight Vards at Winnipeg Ter- | INTO A GIGANTIC OPEN CESS-POOL? ~~ FLOW INTO MORSE CREEK RESERVOIR -— | re e. (Cenadian Press Despatch.) —— | Winnipeg, Nov. 15.—The C. P. R SE id. D. W. Morrissey in Open Letter to Readers of the Daily News Points Out | erieagh rye ee. a i Oversight in the Rerervoir Project is Brought to Notice of City Engineer—Will Try ~ é 2xtens S an Menace of the Proposed Trunk Sewer—The End of the Sewer is 600 Feet | making new yards es freight termin- to Get Building Restricted in the Section for a Year—Catch Drain Will Above Hays Creek Bridge, and 1600 Feet From Low Watermark j als here Have to be Built in Order to Prevent Water Being Contaminated Prince Rupert |tom of Hays Creek or along its/in that will secure the construction | Now th, <0. Commander. Now that section two is to be sold | Morse Creek Reservoir?’’ the city en- ae . 1 Gentlemen Shortly | shores jof a temporary sewer from said man- Hamilton, Ont., Nov. 15.—Major will the drainage from the houses to be | gineer was asked. CHINA’S BLACK OUTLOOK. d upon to vote for I will detail—by obstructions by|hole to the lowest tide water in the | Greener of the Salvation Army hag|Puiltin thatsection pollute the water) ‘'That is a point I have just been) | iw, to warrant anj|number as follow |harbor of Prince Rupert been appointed today to act-as pro- | in the reservoir the city is building at| considering.’’ said Col. Davis. There Powers May Have to Intervene to , 000, for the con- 1. The railroad grade crossing at Before concluding, I wish to draw lwinaia? command.¢ in British Co-| Morse Creek? Has there been an en-|is no doubt that Morse Creek is the| Check Far-Reaching Desolation trunk sewer covering | Hays Cove prevents the natural ebb | you attention to one more important | jymbia. | gineering oversight in the scheme? | natural drainage channel for a portion| 4" Disorder. of portions of Sec-/ and flow of the tide, except through |fact. At the present time, and prob- ‘ The natural drainage of section two| Of section two. It would be advisable : Sete eae ‘ and 9 in-the elty|a narrow culvert in which an accel-|ably for some years to come, 50 per Interment of Mrs. Reid. |is into Morse Creek, which is now being | if there could be some restriction of (Special to Daily News.) q t Your vote in fa-| erated flow of tide must occur, with | cent of the citizens of Prince Rupert, The interemnt of Mrs. Alice Reid.|damned up in order to augment the | building on this portion of the section Pekin, Nov. 15.—Yuan Shi Kai, the as it now stands |a velocity so rapid that it will prevent |}during the summer months, every | whose death under sad circumstances |8UPPly 0% city drinking water. Yester | for six months or a year, and I have | last wreD of the throne, has renin fastening of anj|any werage matter from escaping | Sunday afternoon, promenade across | wag previously reported, took place |4ay the Daily News approached City | asked City Solicitor Peters to epproach | here = peer aenomppnind Ay -Se0ee p your children for/through the culvert during rising | Hays Creek bridge to the eastern ex- this morning ‘by launch to Garden | Engineer Davis with inquiries on this | Mr. D. H. Hays on this matter. — But troops. Efforts have been made to illed upon to pay | tide Consequentl the pulverized |tremity of Sixth Avenue, and for the | city The funeral services were held | important point. in the event of unrestricted building | have him take the premiership but R rest and ph ogni ares flowing through the wer 0 ity to pay for constructing @ C@88-/ 4+ 7:30 last night in the chapel of ‘‘How will the possible erection ot | eee uti — ee a cg et eee eae f ifd for the next | ing 1eavier thar water, will natu i al 7, 3 , ; ae . } anc ,eOpie Ss ding 1ere at once, | 15 ve > B Pt are permitted to| rally sink to the ttom. and the] ROE aA aa Perce - ats. eee residences on lots sold in foe two | which I hardly think likely, the con-| cations in store for China, and great- neriod; In 20 do-! back f dn ail ‘fin 1] lid (Continued on page 4.) se — ahns | affect the purity of the water in the| struction of a small catch drain would|er sufferings than have yet been en- mon justice that} matte deposit ! ipon the aaa } entirely prevent contamination of wat- | dured Intervention by the Powers result an . polluting 4 OPERATED DURING GALRB. | |CHINESE WOULD PREFER er. The catch drain would run along}is beginning to be talked of. Win- < it 1ere i sited {MINERS SUFFERING | TO FORM REPUBLIC | the contour of the ground some distance | ter is expected to terminate the mass ewer is to have 4 reced i imila lSteamer Lake Manitoba Hove to in| FROM THE COLD above the level of the reservoir, and} movements of-the troops but there of the red | dition ll result the « sure Hurricane While Surgeon Operated | |So Says a Member of the National | W0U!d have its out-flow beyond the dam| will be greater numbers of deaths nue its course'of Ha Creek ra N to Save Passenger’s Life. jpn a Ey a Be | Assembly Who Voted for a Con- seaward. As alast resort in case of} yet through famine. s ection atone thein 3 : - Tomorrow They Will Take the Vote) Jitutional Government: contamination, it would be possible to} ‘ os thenibichonit Creek’ to a|the nat ! form edd (Canadian Press Despatch.) Ceo Wet ae eee COnnS tne EOP use the Morse Creek water for fire| DENOUNCED BY FRIENDS. n low tide wat i I eache ul Montreal, Nov. 15.—The steamer scowpltneiers:' <- aphmbas (Canadian Press Despatch.) protection purposes only, though this [) — , The outlet is to} te i ill hea i Ww Lake Manitoba arrived here today, : : . Pekin, Nov. 15.—One of the mem- | Should prefer to avoid. After-about| A Vancouver Italian Is Said to Have from Hays Cove i € Ipor tt f r days overdue owing to the vio- au anaclan Ene DesDA iA: | bers of the National Assembly has in- a months when the pipe line from the | Murdered Brooklyn Policeman, lee or near i the immer ea i ‘ nt torm During a hurricane the mA ares Beek Nov 16 The min- formed one of the legations today, j city to Shawatlans Passage is complete | eT, reside! of Mr. | tid the i . xposed I doctor performed an internal ers did not vote qn the agree ment Shut cali 5 tha dlesien hte eemrnni? the removal of the pumping plant from ! (Special to Daily News.) } act of our City ne time perat on a passenger He re pone? vee _ ERGY as Oa ted itself to a constitution under the | Morse Creek to Shawatlans Lake will | Vancouver, Noy. 15.—An Italian me execeptior e ster essar must | moved an abscess and thus saved .a(o> SCUTsaey. “The: cold ‘weather: haa ja cncho dynasty, the majority would | do. away with the tronble entirely.’’ named Falernerno, arrested and e proposition | ar from i mucl f The ship was hove to during pL OneH Page suMering among “ prefer to organize a government on/ Tenders for the Prpe for the line charged with theft, has been de- ity engineer nore easant to ant 1 than ex-|the operation strikers, esp ially to their wives and the dines ston seannbii | Within the city and to Shawatlans Will) nounced by his countrymen as the Pale pets it eat | children Today, for the first time, be opened on the 20th on this month, | w,urderer of a Brooklyn policeman. rofessional in , ; TWO PUNERAIB Topay. | Provisions were «aiptribated. GUS SVEART IS DRAD. | and the pipe could be delivered four| ,n investigation is being made. eS - aoe, ‘oI wah gy os oe | The delegates from the conference | months after award of contract. Mean Cth IE hy hae ters Of-eath st —— x“ is Biriscemes | ee a “3 we are no xpe ng the nge Roth ‘Dead Were “Woniehsbauneh | . rank Arete today and on Thurs- Bataan cntaiscihiatiaccaaninny Weeltr the eer for pipe can be ready | ERNIE MINERS' STRIKE, : tior fy ind snow at the out Knox Ferried Corteges to Garden day will submit an agreement to the erner Killed When His Ship Wa. | Where there is rock excavation, the Road , the now ante rt n Island. miners. It is expected the men will Rainesad the 8:8: \V. se iPaebee jeut in the muskeg being left to be} ai 3 a that the depo inidihemis Sake eka tA accept the terms offered and that| : Ware ee : fee when the pipe is on the ground in | Situation eae 0 Si 4% nts at any point|ing expense Se cei. From the Davis wharf today the|the mines will be in operation in a janie adias tocann Thad os’ | case of cave-in. Down Peaceably Today. other thar ill be enormous, while the return-| Knox ferried two funerals to Garden | few days Portland, Ore 15 One life . : oe tide water in our ling of the ¢ le will be per- | Island The first was that of the Pe was lost “ the result of the ae Sale of Household G od iy geree ei mei ee ' un outrage | manent! ate e immediate Mr Thomas Reid, which left Mock Mayoralty Contest. se: 4 the nea, shocker SWentel p , : a ee oods Fernie, Novy. 15.—Delegates from . ild 1 Glaaleh ate ae to the horrors | t wharf at8 a.m. At 11a.m. the Tonight in the Presbyterian |” : na ae ge ' : ai | Perey at owe ° rage 3 on. Thursday |the Frank conference reached here ; | funeral of the late Mrs. Fortune left | Church hall, Fourth Avenue, a mock |“"2° ma aeons. | afternoon Mr. Frank Ellis will sell by yesterday and will submit an agree- t eo arta th oan wharf in the Knox. Messrs. | mayoralty contest will be held. Can- meraer seariy bade] oar vue auction all the: household furniture, | ment to the miners on Thursday. It Ass <4 a ‘ i us to the Hayne Bro had charge of the|didates will be nominated from the sa awe SRS ee Waes'tLtiies “ane ts hae oe > believed the many will accent the ‘do smat Graz { irvd mon Many friends attended | floor, their platform will be announs chin oe t % tir lectaactts “if ails am onde nes Pig }terms offered a eect rnene Re oe ' : : ; wei eee y pengiee 7 sent | Potts, No. 421 Dunsmuir Ave., at the| Meee Re ett ear t Oe ase ATTA OOS DO ee es ON DECEMBER 15, 1913. corner of Fifth and Dunsmuir, The te eae mal ra : t GADR AT VICTORS. # sale will be without reserve, and will| Now is the time for your winter in ee) Esquimalt & Nanaimo Ry. Bridge] SURVEYORS STORM-STAYED. |!" Wm. MacKenzie Gives the Very|be a good opportunity for anyone ty | Overcoat. Wo thave tha: qeese 5% . ' , aren ae a : i i Date His First Train Will Enter) pick up some bargains in household} please you. Sweder Bros., Custom > ¢ n the )4 sufficient sum w ace there ie hc RS ee atic te : Vancouver furnishings lt | Tailors Helgerson Block. 4t | ing Blown Down. Party of Thirty-Five Men Held at 7 pues SER: 8, : (Canadian Press Despatch. ) Mill Bay by Stress of Weather, i GanadiansPreasDesnatens | : Se GT. P STEEL WITHIN wietonie] shied: netak imeem ie -thirty-tve |, Ones Nov. 13—ntersenet| EO) P GRAHAM TO SIT ; : s o i" OY: nee — ay News of the party of thirty-five |) ore today. Sir Wm. Mackenzie pres- | Z ie ; x c Y ii , " rning damaged ee 28q Pees surveyors missing for a week uP|igont of the C. N. R., said that the| 9 MILES OF BOUNDARY & Nanaimo railway bridge so that|/the Naas Valley was brought into- CNR onton express will’:be | FOR SEA 7 A 7 RENFR I W © trains are unable to pass over the | qay by the Cetriana. An effort-was enniiindg into Vari con verthwilessan hat! iraw Two walls of the ruins Of | made by this boat to reach Mill Bay,|,5 1913. | Se i Despat ) the Hibben building were also blown | where the men are now believed to ‘ | z eee Hs, ! (Canadian Press Despatch.) . 1 When SMART RESCUR WORK down by the gale be, but it was impossible to reac} OM BAYS nOURIa. | WANTS pat ata i lM | Ottawa, aNow ag br sad reer t or is ended on Sat the port owing to the gale and ice- } 6 SUN Seka. ES ‘ ON | convention at Renfrew has a optec the Grand Trunk | Tug Tatoosh Saves Schooner and BIG FIRE AT DETROIT, bound condition of the river Marvellous Resemblance Apparent in P W. H ; a ast Mak ne ee oe - mg im an ins < obhst Fifty Souls series ee é , Bhai | C. W. Hayward, M.P.P., Makes Sug-|M, P., to resign his seat in favor ‘ Set Business Section Damaged to Extent Distinguished Parte. Prince ane Passenger Today. gestion to Tax Con tission—Con- |Hon, Geo, P. Graham, ex-minister of i da Ne of $200,000—No Lives Lost. The Alvenslaben party, including aa saan tasty a Ther ate vention of Municipalities Opened. }railways Mr Graham will not be rt rh bas gang Ast Or N l Phe eam (Canadian Press Despatch.) M. Alvenslaben, Count Voss, M. Al- C ™ aes ena the maaan iis G j Pp D h appeased oe = : Pe vacan i os to the ne t went ae rin ee +z ate bert and Miss Douglas, arrived by pS: ic’: the Mine asieaice sens saat : ‘ anac ae res ’ anne . ) ae at Se s i ndary line, and/ashore on P« 5 ‘ Sunday elroy SVit) SN , “ the Prince Rupert this morning on 8) 451) cap. arrived by the Prince Ru- ictoria, Noy, 15,-—( W. sHay-| ses (tn the ere eee between the con-| afters rs al re fire which broke out here today did | yicit to the city It is possible that|, ‘ndad Sta eadee ithe Cla sna} Ward M.P.P., at the final session of |deaths of Senators Carling and ber \ rart lamage that is estimated at $200,000) they may invest in city realty eine att eaaens ‘a te eI sith }the Tax Commission at Duncan, made | Baker. Although not definitely stat- la n to t tug Tatoosh,|in the business district No lives ‘a start ‘His ne sald ae os jan urgent plea on behalf of the rural |}ed, it is believed the: ‘few aanators MORSE CREKK WATER, wh du torm got | Were los “Resisting” Is Serious, placed ‘by sre odé é pumping station | pounded to piece Moniaht the (Gakeasvatiwe samansia ; WiibD NAAS WRATHER, _ v apa yt a aa xa Tonight in the S. A. Citadel, Bn- e Creek dam to in Senet inhi cheate-idn shanna os Difference in Expression, —- the province }sign Johnstone, with Mrs. Johnstone of water ‘for do ENGINEER THOMSON RESIGNS tyre Hall, and there is a strong effort Tom Groker in peply \to: the old Large Steamer Storm-Stayed—Small- and their popular little son, “The fre protection A | being made to pack the meeting with charge, guessed he must have penn er Oraft ‘Sunk at Moorings, es Dawson Drummer Boy,” will bid a Will not probably | Was Engineer of Seattle, and Con-}),,or enthusiasts. Condemnation is dandd, F ri oat any G or To Honor Alderman Douglas. lformal farewell to Prince Rupert. a prvatcice ng a sulting ' gineer for Prince Rupert) vir. in yarious quarters regarding an eemtioiaae a See le Terrific weather Sg eta Seen anne Se ee is certain to be a goodly sath- : . | Hydro-Klectric Scheme alleged attempt to elect the execu- along the Naas Valley ley wind in |! : 5 ; ering of their friends, the many they ( Engineer Davis | tive out of a special ring. A noisy hurricane gusts made it impossible | #* the Conservative Association meet-/|haye helped and encouraged in the me in readiness for (Special to Daily News.) meeting is predicted i aetion zwo ‘Map. i for the: Cetriana ‘to land at ‘the vast oe tonight, in :vemggeition of his con- |city, and of all citizens interested in ie plant for some es With a contour map of Section Stan's nantes ctie mth a ca tan anee cuca stant advocacy of working class in-|tnhe great work of the Salvation el south having Seattle, Noy, 1 Ci ) Bnginet B.C. ‘Popniations. | Two as drafted by J, H. Pillsbury forced to -run’ for sahelter