Friday June 25t 1937 T32 JJAICT KSW8 Finest Quality Always FFI II A m All dfliiflIJA TEA The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY I'llONE 657 The Central Hotel UOOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. K. BLACK D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE HUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 WE BUY, SELL, OR EXCHANGE The Following Items Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. Mechanics' Tools Lumbering and Logging Tools Wire Rope, Etc. Garden Tools Builders' and Shelf Hardware Paint and Paint Brushes Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and Sporting Goods WE HUY FOR SI'OT CASH CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Ground Floor, Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. LOCAL NEWS i r iV tJrof An ITnll. Pfl Italian luiiifcui-, mous Four Aces Orchestra. U47) , 1 Alex Rix, district manager of the J Imperial Oil Co., returned to the; pitv on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. I Mrs. B. E. Morgan of Billmor, who has been on a brief trip to I Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Dr. s. 8. Osterhout. superinten dent for the United Church of Canada, and Mrs. Osterhout arrived in the city on the Prince Ru pert this morning from Vancouver. Dr. Osterhout will visit various missions In this district. D. C. McRae returned this week from a three-day R. C. A. Victor i radio convention at Banff, AltaJ The leading Victor dealers from, Lake Superior to the Pacific were present-lOQ in all. Mr. McRae says the ne,w sets, both electric and battery are simply marVello,us. A. E. Parlowi district, forester, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Ocean 'Falls on official duties. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. E. Parlow of Toronto, who will pay a visit here. BLACKHEADS Hlarkhad aimply diuoW and disappear by thla one ilmple, saf and ure method. Get two ounce ot rnin powder from an? dni atora. aprlnkle It on hot. wet cloth, rub the fart gently every blackhead will b gone. Have Hollywood complexion. Mrs. Oliver Thome of Kincollth, who has been on a trip to Man! toba, arrived In the city on last night's train on her way back to her home on the Naas River. Rev Oliver Thome, her husband, is here to meet her. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walker and child of Dlgby Island will sail on1 the Princess Louise tomorrow af ternoon for Vancouver enroute to Maple Creek, Sask. Mr. Walker, a member of the Dlgby Island wire less station staff for several years, has been transferred to the Trans-Canada air service on the prairies. ftlluiJUUicuicuid i Tea and Home Cooking by Boys' rtnnH Pnrpnta Association, Juti" 2(, at Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Avenue, 3 to G. Tea cup reading. Excursion to Terrace, July First. C.N.It.A. Oyro Club Day, July 2. Planning for a snappy time? Of course you are. Attend Esslngton's Dominion Day Celebration on July .Canadian Legion picnic, July . 4. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. CONSTIPATION MAY LEAD TO COLDS Every doctor will tell you the first thing to do to avoid suffering from colds is to be sure you are not constipated. Constipation clogs up the system. It weakens resistance, and infections take hold. End common constipation by at-Ing Kellogg's AlI-Bran regularly. This cereal supplies the "bulk" your system needs for normal, natural action. It also gives vitamin B to tone up the Intestines and iron for the blood. In the body, Kellogg's All-Bran absorbs twice its weight In water. It forms a soft mass, which gently exercises and sponges out the intestines. Eat two tablespoonfuls a day, either as a cereal with milk or fruits or in cooked dishes. Chronic cases with each meal. Will help you stay regular without having to take pills and drugs that often make conditions worse. Kellogg's All-Bran Is sold at all grocers. Made and guaranteed by Kellogg In London. Mrs. H. G. Kennedy and son.i the next two or three months. Mrs. W. W. Noonan of Telkwa, who has been on a trip to Van couver, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning on her way back to her home in the Mrs. H. N. Brocklesby and son, Kenneth, and daughter, Patricia, left on this morning's train for Wlnnineg to spend the summer vacation at Mrs. Brocklesby's home. Miss Beatrice Berner, who Is taking a course of nurses' training at St. Paul's Hospital lrf Vancouver, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning to spend a holiday visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al Berner. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holtby and dauehter. Monica, left on this morning's train for Toronto where Mr. Holtby will undergo treatment for war disabilities. They will also visit in Ottawa with Mr. Holtby's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Holtby THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert New Laundry Cor. Fifth Ave. & McBrlde St. DAMP WASH 10 lbs, 50c THKIFTY Wearing Apparel Damp Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. 75c Over 10 lbs. 6c peril). ROUGH DRY Wearing Apparel Dry Flatwork Ironed 10 lbs. $1.00 Over 10 lbs. 8c per lb. Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 746 Phones 858 HOTEL ARRIVALS Central Mr. and Mrs. A. Benson, Dlgby 'island: Oustav Normann, city; William tPall, H. H. Henderson and A. T. Jones. C.N.R.; W. Aszek, Sea ton: J. Metkulmec, Woodcock; A. Magnusson, Tyee; Bud Lambert, -Edmonton. j Prince Rupert . A. A. Hutchinson, Vanderhoof; 'W. L. Matthews, Toronto; Mrs i Olive Thome, Kincollth; Mrs. W W. Noonan, Telkwa; Rev. and Mrs S. S. Osterhout and William B Woods, Vancouver. Uoyal Wah Soon. Inverness; William Schrlaber and N. Bentley, city; E D. Jean and T. P. Murray, Van couver; J. Kennedy, Edmonton; T R. Kelly. Conner City; Hugh Mc Culloch, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. J Molver, Petersburg. Savoy R. G. 'Cunningham, Port "Esslng ton; J. Hanson and W. Zllke, city Gordon Little, Terrace. Scott, are leaving on this evening's Lieut. Col. R. L. Gale of Sml- j train for Prince George where theyjthers, who has been on a trip to J will spertd the summer. Vancouver, arrived cuy irum . the south on the Prince uuperi on Mrs. Martin . Miijer writes w .ms way urn; w uic hikmui friends In the city from Berne, Switzerland on a colored;, postcard of the world famed little 'native flower Edelweiss. Mrs. Herbert Hodgson and daughter, Miss Nona Hodgson, left on this morning's train for New York where they plan on spending FOR SALE FOR SALE Trolling boat, Rita, 31 ft., 10 h.p. Palmer. Apply Ed Wahl. Dlgby Island. (147) COAL Nanalmo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootleas, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone lie or 117. (tf) FOR RENT CLEAN, Well - furnished modem apartments. Phone Red 444, (147) HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) FOR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, furnace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen, Daily News. (tf) LOST LOST or STRAYED Black and white kitten. Reward. 768 Eighth Ave. West. (14?) CLEANING & PRESSING SPECIAL: Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladles' wear, Pioneer-Canadian Laun rirtes. Phones 8 and 118. (tf) IX TIIF. MTKEMF. ('(H UT OP BKITISM OM MIll l ix i itoiixri: In (lie .Matter of the WdinlnMrntlmi Aft" And In the Matter ot the Rotate of Kdvard j,iiiii,inii. I)e'eaed. tive NfvrirR ht .bv order o! HI Honor, H. E. A. Rtsbertsooi. the 19th day of June A. D. 1937, I was flp-nnintH iricMYiLtrtr of the estate of Ed i.ri TVtarnn rtoea&tfL find &11 parties having claims against the said estate axe nereny requircu uu imui nmiMrltf vpirifLed tn m on or be f. 91.t Hw nf Julv. A. D. 1937 &nd ell parties Indebted to the 'estate are requirea u pay ve uin,.iiiiv u. m.. lndebtedneM to me loru.wmi. JOHN UYBUAVHt Prince mipnt, B.C. Dated June 21st, A. D. 1937. I.AXII ACT r'orm No. 13 nniit OP NOTICE Cav-lnr Uind llltrlct lilstrlft of Atlln TAKE NOTICE that Fred Ackle.. and Charlea Oberlarider of Atlln, B. C oc-cupatlon Miners, Intend to apply foi permission to purcnase iu uww: dencrlibed lands: Commencing at a post locaiea iwr Ulre. North West Corner Post. Ground runs 20 chains Irom uus posx m a Hiratinn than 20 chains efls then 20 chains noran, then cnaini west, to leal post or beginning CHARLES OBERLANDER. Dated Alrll th. 1B37 ix the Mi riiKMi: roriiT of mtnisii COI.l'MHIA IV I'llOlllTK III the Matter of the "Administration Aft" And III the Matter of the IMate of William Morrl lvrljlir. DM-euneil TAKE .NOTICE thuit by order of His Honor, H. E. A. Rnlbertaon, the 18th liy of June. A. D. 1937, I wo? unpointed Administrator of ithe estate of William Mcrrls Wrlh.t. deceased, and all prtl3 having claims against tlie twld frttute aire hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me on nr hfnr. th 91st rtiLV of JUlV. A. D. 1037, snd all parties Indebted to the. eFfcafte are requirea no pay ui unuuui. or tlieir inaeDiMtwas o me lorvnwin. i NOIUIAN A. WATT Official Administrator, ' Prlnee mtpert. B. C. I Tluted the 21st day of June, A. D 1037. met cm: PADS 7HEs I Ml II III liiH 'Mi WTJ UK Mil ViaaS 1 I HJUialllH rmiBm- i -.. j4' J ! Nestle'? Wdtn ,.ur h)rliin prticrikM raptraUd mill ui Nutli I . . . rt it rtmmndcl by baby ipiI-iiti Ik wr)d vr. " The Latest Styles in 1937 BATHING CAPS A large assortment to choose from ." Prices from 10 cents to 75 cents Relieve That Sunburn with REX-EME The new medicated greaseless skin cream A guaranteed preparation Per jar, 75 cents Ormes Ltd. "Jjie Pioneer Dmtzgists The. Ke Jill Store . Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. DE LUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice Cream is Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.15 Cheaper still in five gallon lots We pack it In ice and deliver It to your door all day up to 6 p.m. You can use it at your convenience. Use it for your bridge party or any' social -event. Don't forget only $1.15 per gallon Quart cylinders ....60c Quart bricks .75c Pint cylinders 30c Pint bricks ........10c Surprise the folks today, call and take eome home COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 Don't forget our' Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a -Sunday dinner these hot days. I "Rain or Shine" - "Day or Night" I 1 PHONE C TAXI I Koss Mazzei -.-"-" Prompt and Courteous Service II Stand opposite Uoyal Hotel. Third Avenue It