THE DAILY NEWS mencement. § ente Dated Sept. 11,191? ©, E. BAINTER, Locator | Pub. Sept. 23. | 6. E. Be ae r i : The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of A England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in { each month in the Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd Ave. at 8 p.m. lt May Mean all the Difference Between Success and Failure to You At the entrance to the Harbor, to be sold at ; | Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte ‘Take notice that thirty days from date, I, C. E Bainter of Prince Rupert, B. C., by occupation bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- F. V. CLARK, Sec. missioner of Lande for a Voonee, to prospect tos * 'P. O. Box #12 eas Rupert [ coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | IES r ot iets 24 - land on Bole Island described as follows: | ERNEST A. WOODS, President, Box 23 Commencing at a post planted one mile north | of C. E. B. Coal Lease No, 10, marked C, E. B Coal Lease No. 15, thence north 80 chains, thence | MISS ELSIE FROUD t Daily News for our booklet teaching how to write shortaand | ROD” ‘ oe PROPae, sitasteie 2 eee eae Rcpuesuenne, } THE NANAIMO BUSINESS COLLEGE Public Auction —_—_—_—— — —— . aes —— $$ $$ — + sonsomsornsvensommsrensiacatinaady| PRONE 901 P.0. BOX 804 | W. L. BARKER G.T.P. Weekly Servi r 5 9 -1.0. WEOKIY Service ‘ PONY EXPRESS | Architect = ‘HE OS y ( ORNER | | SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE Second avenue and Third street | , 8.8. Prince Rupert Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For | Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. DEVOTED PRINCIPALLY TO THE INTERESTS OF WOMEN Atyadaara tase estes = bx 9: ete For Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 | #7, Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey ‘4 : @ V Spent -| MUNRO & LAILEY § . ancouver . — ; This is a little section of the paper, which from day to day will be devoted 4 di ‘s F Victori . A to subjects of special interest to women. Any and all of the ladies of Prince Rupert HOWE & McNULTY Stork B ane, Besaee Avante Ss S a \ ees = are invited to contribute to its columns, and to take part in its discussions. Sug- re R i a, AND ‘ H | gestions and criticisms are invited by the editor. The hope is expressed that “‘The| GENERAL HARDWARE - al ; > ** will fill a social need. : a - Seattle A g.>4 Cosy Comer” wil ocial need _| Stoves and Ship STUART & STEWART hy @ Q Se | , : Ente ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Y x Fridays, at 8 LADY'S HAT GAVE IDEA, |the telephone and learn something Ranges Phoneges Chandlery | Law-Butler Building Phone No. 280 a hed y8, a.m. _— | which face to face talk mjght be long | Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 ax ye . | j fa - * = & 7 Cu a : f Ingenious Military Filter Fashioned |in declaring. i = -— —@— — _ —-@-@ _ td ) rt S.S. PRINCE JOHN From a Lady's Pierrot Hat, | - — ° MM ° enc di “ 10 Des |For Port Sir — | TO CLEAN HARDWOOD FIRES $ ALFRED CARSS, — C. V. BENNETT, B.A. it ‘ For Port Simpson Naas and Stewart, o sBA} / 1s, FRED STORK | of British Columbia of B.C., On’ Sas- oy r Wednesdays at 1 P. M. A dainty woman's hat of the fish- | - . ; and Manitoba Bars. katebewan AL ay Procurable. Absolutely pure For Masset and Naden Harbor every|ionable Pierrot shape had led to the| This Is a Method That Is Almst as —General Hardware— ° CARSS & BENNETT a 4 J . , | alternate Thursday at 10 P, M,|invention of an ‘ngenious military Easy as Washing Them. Cae Head ! BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC. a . commencing November 9th. filter, which may save many lives on eee Builders’ Hardware Office—Exchange block, corner Third avenue and a _— ~~ |For Sk’degate, Jewday, etc. every|active service. While turpentine and linseed ofl Valves & Pi Cuieall Meee Sixth street. Prince Ruvert, . .n Te ma remanent smears rmarnsrnsrmsrmesvmns rmsrmmsomesgg| alternate Thursday at 10 P. M. The-idea was first suggested to| mixed together in equal quantities ” a Ipes x o . | “ ; Commencing No r | Dr. Frederick Alexander, the medical | make an excellent cleanser for floors, Graniteware — Tinware *| WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D.D.S. [pg meee eter errands rar sears pare ng vember 2nd. , ’ ‘ ity j ++ officer of health for Poplar—who/|a better treatment when the floor ts ——. DENTIST. aa : . , Railw service i s this ir ved -| dirty is to remove the dirt by means Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. "" | { ie sed in a a Verano Sian | S60 eee h . eae Soma of a rag wet with t nti after SECOND a AVENUE het dental cperations ekditally inated. Sus and a { rains from Prince Rupert Wednes-|ratus—by the hat his sister-in-law ag we 1 turpentine, after-| | local anasthetics administered for the painless ex- . ] | days and Saturdays 1 P. M., returning | wore. ward applying the linseed oil. This — © - 6+ 4 -@— | aeons eee free. beach ) | . Thursdays and Sundays 4 P. M. Four or five cone-shaped bags like | oil should be allowed to remain for Pere. ee " | | —— - Paice eae aves Pierrot hats are suspended upside|a week or more before the floor is | ates NC isioen musi, WME. Willlemnecd Jtustis " ' : j |On your Christmas visit East travel|down, one above the other, in an|polished. Then the boards can be | WILLIAMS & MANSON Bt | { General Merchandise - - Largest Stock j via the Grand Trunk Railway System easily portable pyramidal frame made | kept in good condition by applying | Barristeke; Wolicitors, ate Wh ; f ™ | { === : ——— = | from Chicago. The finest and best of four uprights of wood or metal,|a mixture of turpentine and linseed | ee Box 285 Ries. a 4 a i | { ’ service over Double Track Route./jn Dr. Alexander’s invention. | oll. Prince Rupert, B.C ts 4 | : J | { ] ft P. . ° N th B C 1] Connections with all roads East and Muddy or dirty water, which is eseasitenistarna ae ——— | Flat in Rand Block, corner Sixth Avenue 4 ji : ne | | ,oWeS rices in ortnern . ’ West. Atlantic Steamship bookings frequently the only supply available|. and Fulton Street. P“0. BOX 23 PRINCE RUPERT Fe ; _ j arranged.. Full information and to troops on active service, can then q Also stores in same block. fits: ae | ff pmsrmes rer meermmeremer terse tmnsrmne sme sdbdieoemes resets reas eeasomes rma semmeptnsrneetmes it tickets obtained from the office of be poured into the topmost hat with | sore + STEMS OF 6 oe Two cottages cor_er Second Avenue and | JOHN E. DAVEY ie at i, i, paksial eae racebion 3 | A. E. MCMASTER the certain knowledge that by the| l Ninth Street. TEACHER OF SINGING ify hat ae (ni Re ee S ; 4 time it has trickled through all the P O R | f ee | FREIGHT AND PASSENGER AGENT ' wilt he Seauieall ] ‘ ; FOR SALE PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., LON., ENG ane a, straining bags it will be as clear as/| { Lote tindets ct th t we LS 4 | . === | crystal | mcomc emer rsrmsrsrmsrmsrmmrmes ge | OCS In all parts ci the city. ie i ni , I E i Sa Oy 7 : pada . “The idea of these cone-shaped! fans are wondering what will be FIRE INSURANCE k GEORGE EK & CO. if rn f 1ARRIBON Vv. F. G. GAMBLE : baga,’’ said Dr. Alexander, ldughing- | handed them next fn the tiefit:tina, We represent some ol the largest Com-| MERCANTILE AGENCY 4 t - ly, “was given to me by my sister- : y bid io hah en elie panies doing business in the City. ' COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS wh > | 1Y, § 3 y sis |A recent show at Dreamland, ’Frisco, Hise; £3ife'and Assithae tasuwtbbed j e ee |in-law’s Pierrot hat after I had been | ended in five knockouts in seven : 1d jreading a book on military require- four-round bouts. Charley Miller Cs: D. RAND ia eer sane pepsi a : RAILWAY | ments.” }and Gunboat Smith went to a draw. Second Ave. Phone 112) 2 | e Ake oe ee | Willie Capelle and Dixie Kid of Los | ay . 2 | B.C. Coast service — Famous Princess | THE TELL-TALE PHONE. (Angeles farnishe@. tthe. best bowtoo0q°uU"====_=[[—_—_—_—_————— A. M. BROWN : Real Estate and Stock Brokers | Line | maps! | the evening, Capelle getting the de- N SADDL ANUPACTURER i 2 | HARNESS & SADDLERY M Al . ’ROVED AGREEMENTS FOR SALE PURCHASED * | It Is one of the Best Ways of Telling | cision. Repairing a Specialty. : a rae ay Princess Mary | ® Person's Charcter. ingles | Complete Stock Carried. . | | s ‘illed. Prince Rupert - and - Stewart Saturday, November 18th, at 9 a.m. | | John J. McGraw, boss, is poor, Outside Orders Promptly Fill ; " For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle A recent writer has advised any oe Christy Mastowson, employee, We Pay Highest Prices 2nd Ave, between 10th and 11th Sts He }man about to seek a wife to have| is well-to-do. Friends of the Giant aed J. G. McNab * General Agent | ;),., applicants, as they are somewhat | Manager say he isn't worth $5,000 for Brass, Copper, Lead, 5 i ‘ ves Jet | toploftily called addtoas him first | Mathewson is said to be worth $200,- Rubber Boots, Solder, | THE IROQUOI ; PAs" =| j pd, ¢& sé § ° , Wx<~ Ae tt ett | $e re 1 9 tt lover the telephone Bator ha ween 000 McGraw is a typical New York- Dross and Bottles POOL ” i 4 { CES the lady, let him hear her voice and be He likes the Broadway restau- ae 1 Pe. 4 { © W : hear in it what she is—her strength | rants and theatres. Runnning races : | : . Wh ee { é i it é § 8 in ; P R C S English and American Billiards } It Is The Trained Man or oman ( ‘eieellllocicite and weakness, her charm or her | interest him and he plays them. Any Pinte upert ash lore | Twely wie SECOND AVE : t j ahariiiees °*tk eservé fore her | betting proposition strikes McGraw. eee pf . is ae , r (lp. larpness, “er rese oy ner’) siuieat date alata Shia 735 THIRD AVE it ‘Me Who Rises to the Top of the Ladder! [2 Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. tower to tore nim cr to interest nim | MeGraws omly thought of the fw a nt 4 { Dp ° i NO. 63 endlessly |ture is a winning team. } ee s - { — . Sys i as F eae “= Sern i et dj j : Perhaps not until one has had his} aie | y ihe ; . a > > c | Cor. First Ave. 11) Bie { Meets in the Helgerson Block attention called to this thing does| Mathewson’s ambition, when he ts NOTICE TO CREDITORS | Hotel Central ‘ana 7th Street } i be { Every Tuesday Evening one realize what an index of the in-|}through with baseball, is to travel| IN THE MATTER of the Estate of JOHN Maxscibbit dnd Acsmbake wlaccusaion i | { : .,|her thinking voice really it, and the;and then invest his money in some REREOCE Se woos Saheb ee in heated, mnodern coaventences. Ra iit § ; } j2| All members of the order in the city | 1 ayicg given here might apply equally | business in which he will have an ‘ ee - | i é { { 2» requested to visit the lodge “ NOTICE is hereby given that all persons Peter Black 7 - Proprietor 5 : j are requestec vtS1\, LexONge: well to all persons about to engage | active part. He doesn’t want to man- having. any claims oe Gpaeedeiseainet the late} ahi oe : cl, WwW on or tt t ie J. P. CADE, N.G in important business relations with |age a ball team or be connected with | of December, 1910, at Prince Rupert, 5. Gaia : i 2 { So Se y. GLUCK, See. another, Hear him or her speak over! baseball. hs bade Mme eakl oF crn ods, aap pia y od Ee 4 { j fs . . Azzali, Administrator, their names and addresses FEED STORE { a 5 : ——— . rf sae . = (j ir sou or Bete 300 . -/ gece cares 8 or me i$? = =a op cca PTE it ee ee EE ea S | Hatermente of ther fosountay andthe nature of \ 4 ; business training. 1e best place to sen 1em to is the: ; on PROPEOREeDuesErsacsacsaosacsae, one opnepae, | the securities, if any, held by them. ; We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- wy 3 SEES ESS ESBS SESE of December, 18lly the said’ Adolio"Ausal Si | dem feedea the lowest market prices, at Collars ; | ° e proceed to distribute ee see of the anid deceased | . dee i \ * ong the itled thereto, vi | ' Nanaimo usiness tO ege i | only to the claims of whieh bee wit thon Berets | PONY EXPRESS : 4 ‘ | notice, and that the said Adolfo Azzali will not | \ e e e@ be liabie for the said assets or any part thereof | Prompt Delivery Phones 41 or 301 : j | to any persons of whose claim he is not then in | e ; : ; | receipt of notice. . j | yPATED at Prince Rupert, B. C., the 2nd day of | PIA 9 =~ November, A. D., 1911. | 4 7 aA. EPs yeember, A. Da Atte | _PIANOFORTE LESSONS i ) i | Solicitor for the said | For Beginners and Advanced Pupils ; ; j . ea a ; Adolfo Azzali. j . f i ; 4 ; > ort course includes tuition 1) | # Ea 1 | { coos a Ben P 1. f Peete ey Miss Vera Greenwood wef i are within aan whe Peed carp Ryecnn S COAL NOTICE Pupil of Franz Wilezek, Paris and Berlin. ii : R (j yne ; is men Business English and Let- R 28. Alder Block Upstai i j + ANd CeverOpe p28 ter writing - . Skeena Land Distriet—District of Charlotte | KOOM 25, er Block Upstairs : { lality of the pupil, Commercial! Arithmetic —THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SECTION OF = Take raion shat tainty dave Sor ares LC. E. | I ; j ind board is cheap Office Routine Bainter of Prince Biperty "Oa by eeeapation | i 1 } 9 > . : 00; eeper, inten oO @ : a e Chie om- * . } aimo, lhe pupils Spelling eran of Lands for Scenes to prospect for | eee res E B Y c& Coz | { iy from the distrac- Typewriting coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | i? } f the larger cities: Penmunship land on Graham Island described as follows: REAL ESTATE ts oe ee Commencing at a post planted two miles north | ie 2 of C. E. B, Coal Lease No. 8, marked S, E, corne | Kitsumkalum Land For Sale ! { = yo , C. E, B, Coal Lease No. 14, thence north 80 | nF j ‘Fae eis WOE fea) Eile) eat chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80| KITSUMKALUM ‘ R.C s j { Sse) Cast chains, thence cast 80 chains to place of com-| Mi i $ st ) oe : west 80 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence CE. F erry, Principal Nanaimo, B.C. east 80 chains to place of Sommenoernent, } A.L.C.M. 2: Se iL . . E, BAINTE Loca | " : £ 8s ye SO LS seer err errr er TBS Dated Sept, » 1911, 0, E, BAINTER, hor Teacher of Piano, Violin and ; | Voice Culture, | ae Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlott 2nd Av 5 — = Take notice that thirty days from date, I, c. B | Be hoeaanh 7th & 8th Sts Prince Rupert : df ) int ri t, B. C., by tween 7 8 c : na IP an ey, IN THE EMPRESS THEATRE, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C.COMMENCING ON beakieaper, igmediareenin ae the’ Chief Com: | i 4 (On. NINA ae ae ee missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for | f 4 coal and petroleum on and under 640 acres of | land on Graham Island described as follows: | Commencing at a post planted two miles north | of C. E, B. Goal Lease No. 10, marked N. E. | corner C. E. B. Coal Lease No. 16, thence south 80 chains, thence weat 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- 9 é tT ) 9 mencement. 3 % Ma. sompeetunatinintioel SR em dG me ee tt dF Pt ’ FIRST: “CATCH YOUR PRINTER” | \o, sudousvkdskwsedshdenseudshasedsudsedeedeussudse seacessencpaemncracns E. L. FISHER Funeral Director and Embalmer eeeoe a eS Ta clas ella hs. ® { | 22 { 23 } . Dated Sept. 11,1911, C. E. BAINTER, Locator CHARGES REASONABLE { 3 Pub. Sept. 23. } | is THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. i 59 sd DIRECTIONS FOR COOKING A HARE eee Gy “oii ath 3 3 ake mote that thirty days pf Ques Coaniotte OPEN DAY AND NIGHT : } FIRST: CATCH YOUR HARE” ase Tp . 7 PSeees 9 . 7e. } Ee u * is | Bainter of Prince Ri t, B. C., by oveupation , Gp, Tenwa_o7 Bain One coagter cart. “taisnae A 8 p08 One At 8 Ee, es es | 3 ere a fe’ m oner © nm or a licence to prospect for - ee - oneness * ™ . _ A ig ¢ I d trol d under 640 acres of { To produee good printing, you must “first catch you fy iand on Grub island docrtbed ts oiowss beta r { good printer, . . You ean't get good printing from a & Bee eae. fons elt See Sos ered Wow aaa oi Tis Commencing at a post planted two miles nort ; : | poor printer, even if he work with never £0 good an 8} aa] B | corner C. i E Bell Teun tic kt tenes ape HAYNER BROS. ; ; e , » lacks » 'knack,’’ » trained | : “Daina ” , | ° . on " > } ' + CS Rt en DOTAGRE TA, BERET ehioh Sy The palatial G.T.P. Steamer ‘‘Prince Rupert’’ leaves Seattle at 12 | 32 shalng, thence weet 00 chains, thease marth 80 UNDERTAKERS ano EMBALMERS ¢ te, the single-minded fondness for his I 34 . Par “ analndi | a’ atat | See See Funeral Directors ae | ‘ real printers have, he will do poor printing for you. gj o’cloeck midnight each Sunday; Fare, including meals and state- Dated Sept; 11, 1911, ©, B, BAINTER, Locat:t | gra ave. nese naan ae al i a | If he has all of these, and in addition to them ade- ose room, $18.00. Leaves Vancouver 11 p.m. each Monday; Fare, | Pub, Sept. 23. i ere Te ae ] quate modern equipment, your printing will have ; 6.00 Arriv in Prine it oa distinction, salesmanship, the lure of type-beauty. { including meals and stateroom, $16.00. rrives In Frince Skeena Land District—Distriect of Queen Charlotte f a ’ ' } Rupert Wednesday a. m Take notice that thirty days from date, 1, ©. B. | —____ jee j As this office produces good printing"you may fates | 8 " ee gC Sehr cole ware Nea booklicper, intend ta" apply to. the’ Chet “Come it f I a { t sence inte A is ‘‘catchable. | Seeger sii it chat a 2) yy wees isssi f Lan r a licence to prospect for eit : j ie presence of a good printer—who € j a and petroleum on and under 640 exer land Grand Hotel. he f , | ' : an on Graham Island deseri as follows: { } " —_—— cals agp aay PUTIN ” , i lanted two miles north ti | ed HIGH CLASS PRINTING OF ALL KINDS SEE THE ‘‘NEWS JOB | | $$$. $$ ____—_—_——— anne 1 Oo ie Bal * bose Granted two smiles nore , coe } ry ” , % HE “WONDER CITY” OF THE PACIFIC COAST..... corner Cc, E. B. Coal Leese No. 20, thence north Workingman Ss Home ut , , Se Weer EI SOME — WUNYEN Vit , aes reer ner: Wer ere: 2020 8 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 Free Labor Bureau in Connection iB } } 2 rh, ve “ 7 chains, thence east 80 chains to place of com- i } ain Dh Third Avenue { Daily News Building PHONE 98 uird Au mencement. : : Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. 1 § | / Dated Sept. 11,1911. C. E, BAINTER, Locator ay : é $ full pie d f t it | Pub, Sept, 23. GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor i E | ttre rmermnsemmes Q Ke somes meester me tet --For full particulars and maps of townsite a to— } A A e F I i Pply Skeena Land District—District of Queen Charlotte } ——————___ PERLE i i Take notice that thirty days after date, I, C, EB. P ae Bainter of Prince Rupert, B, C., by occupation mo . 7 | bookkeeper, intend to apply to the Chief Com- ® ’ 3 Bee ; missioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for @ S oe | coal and petroleum on and under 640 aeres of Ya Bi e e@ land on Graham Island described as follows: ae ‘ ews ade erg tsh ieee Me cet E°P | wagasines : Peiodeals i: Newspepen AEE “ of C, BE. B. Co o. , mar . Be ©8 3: Periodicals ;; 7 a ea e al y Sole Agent for G.T.P. Development Co, PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. corner C, E: B, Coal Lease No. $1, thence north| © oupnapers 80 chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 80 f chains, thence east 86 chains to place of com-| CIGARS :: TOBACCOS :: FRUITS , mencement ’ Z And Get All the News seaseaees shave weHessessessestes Ar Dated Sept. 11,1911, ©, E, BAIN'TER, Locator G.T.P. WHARF