i If Your Feet Bother You CONSULT US Our foot, appliance department carries a very, large range, of accessories; fof- every, foot ailment. Kxper.t Advice-Free Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA: Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H, P, PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Clty delivery, by carrier, yearry period, paid in advai.ee- ... $6.00 For lesser periods, paid In advance, per week , .id By mall to all' parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and , Unlted.States, yearly period, paid in advance .. , 3.00 By mall io all other countries, pec year 8.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ..... ,. .02 Monday, July 26, 1937. i GETTING IT RIGHT 4 Last week-this paper published a little item about two or three local people anu their movements and it was incorrect: This little gossip item had been corrected no less than three times before it went to press, each time being changed to accord with the views of three different $ebple in regard to the subject matter, and even then it was not correct. That illustrates one of the difficulties in newspaper publishing There is an old story told of a publisher in a western mijiing town in the old days. A tough guy with a. drooping mustache, ten gallon hat and two pistols, stamped into the newspaper office and demanded of the busy little man at the desk who was running that blankety blank newspaper. 'T am,!' said the little man without looking up. "Well then," said the visitor, "perhaps you are the and not William H. Mudge and by blankety blank: if you nuve got anyuung lurtner to say aoout me nil thank you w get. my name straight; Good day." GIVE THEM A CHANCE At the week end the managers of the British; tennis team that met the Americans for the Davis Cupafc Wimbledon decided that, the American crack player must be allowed to win the first round so he would meet his only worthy opponent, Bunny Austin, in the second, round. They put up a young lad who had been playing well but with no expectation that he would make a showing against the western; ace. What was their surprise and the surprise of everybody at Wimbledon to see this lad, Charles Hare, hold down the American in the first set and ffive him the scare of his life. Hp. stnlp. t.Vm sh KVV me IirSr, UaV S tPnniS n nv J! thnno-h ho u?ne firmlUr haatan urom now on Ware will be a force to be reckoned with in tennis circles. He was given a chance and he made good. Many a young man, could make good if. he were given a, chance to do so. That is as true in business as in sport, andi in fact in all walks of life. W PATCHED! UP DISPUTE The dispute between British and American golf players has been patched up but: it still leaves a nflsty taste in the mouth. It will be several years before the. jjlayers on either side or the sport-loving publiq will, feeli just the same as before. Those unpleasant remarks made. by the American, players. om their return from winning the cup cartnpt be. recalled! They brought forth unpleasant re? torts Which will also rankle in the mind's or American sportsmen. If you have something to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a jauyer in the city. Man in the Moon Good day. lis beastly, hot! The weather man's the goat Tho'the day be fine or wet He never i$.able to satisfy The., people, who fume, and if ret Theyi curse if there's too. much; sunshine ! They curse if its too wet They curse if the wind is blowing They all love to curse and M It was a good idea,, to. brjng the. circus to town at a, time, whe,n everybody was out of town except those who, were dead broke. Jake sayajie has . had to, borrow money every day since the show arrived to find out what sort of weajher we,, were going to, ha.ye a.nd vyho he was going lo; marry When his ' wife died. Now he is beginning to wonder if the Egp-tian Prince is telling the truth. "What's the difference, between learning to play golf and learning to drive a car?" "In learning how to play golf you don't hit anything." Someone wrote to Mary Lemon and asked for instruction in the writing of funny paragraphs. Lemon replied: "It is not a,t all hard to write, funny "paragraphs. All you have to dp is to, procure a pen, some paper, and ink, and then sit down and write them as they occur to you.; It is not the t writing, buf the occurring that is hard." Celebrates Today NEV ORLEANS, July 26; A Chinese laundryman here is entertaining five hundred guests and is to give vent to his pleasure, on the Joyful occasion. Steamship Sailings For Vancouver ....11(30 a.m. it 175 years ago. 7 p.m. Simpson Bunaay ss. cataia . 8 p.m. I From Naas River, and Port Simtison ! Tuesday ss. Cataia ....11:30 a.m.' For Ocean Falls Mondays ss. pr, George . 3 pjn. Friday ss. Prln. Adelaide, ip p.m. Saturday ss. Pr. Rupert ... 7 p.m. From Ocean Falls-Wed , ss Pr, Rupert 10. a.m, Friday ss. Pr. Gedrge .... 10 a.m. Ss. Pr, Adelaide 4,pjn, Ss. Cardena, p.m. For Queen Charlotte Islands-July 17, 31 P. Charles .. .lO pjn From Queen Charlotte, Islands July 15, 29 ss. Pr, Charles For Alaskan- The Morning AHerTaking Carters Little Liver Pills THE DAILY NEWS Polish Star Polishes off Miss Marble To Win Tourney Miss Jadwiga Jedrzejowskj, hard-hitting tennis star from Po!u nd, who scored her second victory in as many weeks over Miss Alice Marble, American ti tleholder, by defeating the blonde San Franciscan in the last round of the Beckenham tournament at London, Eng. ; She captured the final round of the British tournament fro m the United States champion by 6-1, 9-11, 61. She is v n in action here. AMERICANS WONTODAy Have Now Twoi to One Lead Over British in Wimbledon Davis Cup Series using four radio stations and hun-! mTirarrnnij t.,i nr. dreds of dollars worth of ; fireworks comlng stubborn resistance Don Budge and Gene Mako defeated C, R. D. Tuckey and F. H. D, Wilde In doubles 6-3,-7-5, 7-9, 12-10 and gave United States, a two to one lead over Great Britain in the Davis Cup challenge round .today, wth two mnrp ctrtalpc mafpHpc vpf. tft hp SS! Cataia aeIgU Ptajed. With that one point, ad- Tuesday .....1:30 Wednes. ss. Pr. Alice .. .5:30, p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelalde.,,.10 p.m. Ss.; Cardena 10:30p.m, Sat. ss. Pr Louise 5:30, p.m, Ss, Pr. George 7 p,.ro. July 11, 25 ss. Pr. Robert 4 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Cataia ,4. pjn. Monday ss. Pr. Alice a.m. 1 Wed. ss. Pr, Rupert 10 a.m. Friday ss. Pr. Charlotte ...9 a.m. Ss, Pr, George 10,a.m, Ss. P.r. Adelaide 4 p.mj Ss. Cardena . p.m. July 19 ss. Pr, Robert 7 a.m. guy tnat Wrote that' article Saying that Wllll&m H.j For Anyox and Stewart Mudge is an ex-jail bird, a counterfeiter, blackmailer.; Sunday ss, cataia 8 pjn " ivant.npp Amerlran jninnnrtprR now hope Budge will beat Henry Wilfred (Bunny) Austin In the final singles tomorrow for the clinching point, if Frank Parker bows to Charles ,Hare in the openers. It was Wildes weak play that allowed the Americans to win. When the English players won the third set the fans here hoped against .hope that they would make a tie In the fourth arid they came very near doing so as the final score shows. MANY ATTEND F.UNERAL SHEFFIELD, England: (CP) eunman. kidnanDer and desnerado. eh?" Atrain. without : "y-85- Pr- oge 3 p.m. -soccer notables from all parts of lookintr uf the little man anirt "SnrP I'm thP f pIW, wHat , F"ra S ewart a"d. A"yoxr the B W Isl were PreSnt at th ? -f. " "" " "" Tuesday iiiesaav ss. ss. Cataia uataia i apout it.' "Well just this," said the man of shady repu- saturday-ss. Pr. George tation, "I'll have you understand that I am William, K. for Naas River and Port si funeral' Of Slr'.Charles Clegg, vet eran president of the English Football Association. FIRST, ioo WICKETS DUDLEY, England: (CP) When he took fiye wickets in a match against Worcestershire, Tom God-! dard, Gloucestershire spin bowler, became the first. English country crcketer to take 100 "wickets this season. GUARDS KING'S KNGLISH: ! LONDON, July 26: '(CP) Lord Bertie of-Tham con tinues to live, up to his non-official title of a-m. "Keeper uf the King's Knglsh," When a hill comes, to the Lords, Mondayss. Pr, Alice a,nv he, takes upon himself the task of; ; looking .for grammatical f laws WILL DARE P.ATES j LONDON; (CP) The Maharanet-' NJJW HOCHKSTj-JIMjKAN. of Dartjhanga, India, whose hws- HOCUKSTKH, Eng., July 26: band boughtt the Marlft. Antoinette (CP) lt. Itev. E. M Dlackft, 29-stone diamond necklace, at Iphop Suffragan, of Qrmsby, is Sotheby's' for( $75,000, win. wear, H lo become Dean of. Jtpchester if unaltered as the; tragic queen wore the election of, Dean., tfrAncis. Vn- Iderhlll. as IJlihop V of- path .'Wells Is confifmed, ar.dt TO i MEET A III; ATTACKS DOUGLAS. of, Man, Jul) i2fi; (CP) Ip h, address here (ieorgo, IHcks, London Socialist Mi V, declared' decentrflJizdtlpn of popuhl!jon was the most effective means 'of- meeting-enemy ttlr at- tneks, luring wartime'. KLKCTRIKV. RAILWAYS, SYDNEY, New South Wales, July, 26: (CPjJExperts from London today wet Investigating the possible electrification of railways In New South "Wales. Cost would be ap proximately $00,000,000. IiASEHALL SCORKS Saturday's (lames National League Chicago 10, New York 5. Pittsburgh 0, Boston 9. Cincinnati 11, Philadelphia 13. St. Louts 20, Brooklyn 2. American League New York 5, Chicago 6. Boston 5, Cleveland 6. Washington 6,-St. Louis 5 (second game). Washington 6, St. Louis 5. Philadelphia-Detroit postponed," rain, Sunday's. Games National ' League" Chicago 0,1 New York 5. I'ittsburgl-G, Koston 5-7. Cincinnati ' -13-:?, Philadelphia 3-7. St. Louis 5i7, Ilrooklyn 6-7. (first game 11 innings, second called after 12th, darkness. American League Philadelphia 9, Detroit 12 (called; in sixlh, rain). Boston 4, Cleveland 1 (called in fifth, rain). New York 12-6, Chicago 11-7. Washington 16-15, St. Louii iu-s. Cricket Tourists Include Several Mpnaay, Jui; 26. 1837, 'Appeal to Banks j By Aberkrt For Sodaltre Jit Help CALGARY, July 2C: pttBu Abirhirt ha? mad .- an appeal to the banQ ARqAta'ta bUngjig about a, sGcJal. credU. system , tnn pro. vjnee of.Albatta, In a wl)3 broadest tlis I'i-Qinler said he .saw why, thP banker.1: shouh him in th causes reason ft help i Today's Weather Vic toriuC lea r, w- ;t wind, iyhB pvr. lwur liaronket'-r Rltvn Clfcu. wind, 18- miles ler iiour miter. 30.12. :o.io arc- Digby Island- Fair, n h.vc;: wind,- 1 "miles per hot tjaro-meter, M.2i. Prince George Calm ami ' z bi.jometer, 30.02. Vancouvev Cleir. nm''.r-a. wind, 4 miles per hone Urc meter, 30.03. Hull Harbor Clfar titf northwest winds; barometer, ("0,22; temperature. Gj; smooth. : Alert Hay Clear, light outh-least winds, baromete'. 10 29: temperalure, C2; sea nvv Languru Island Par: vdv. south wind, 8 miles pcf hour ,barometer, "0.10; ton .itm liKht mvcII. i Tfiple Ialand- -Purt c:,c, iclmj bftromeAex. 30.28: vrapcrj. jturo, 56; sea pmonth. ! ITS A BIRD . , .NEW YORK: (CP Lc-tw U. niVPlltv KlllP birds are comlnfC on fall ha'- Ont in v ci buy Li.uca , fpr lnstRnce RCrclicd on a rf nwgento -velvet, is rpd, green m .M.C.Q. Selects Strong Team For black. Canailian.Vjsit Opening Aug. 2 ... - TJtini:i-jir-viiv's dam aces July .26: (CP-Led.by O. CNew- LONDON, July 26 : t i' A man, Middlesex. and Oxfprd Unlver- woman who suffered a brsitf.: slty. player, the Marylebone Cricket Yript when he was tripr U t . Club team will play 15 matches orj iflsh attached to a d tv its Canadian tour which opens In chasod a cat. was awarJ J J.'- Toronto, Aug. 2. Regarded as one n the King's Ceurt di of the strongest cricketing squads . ever to play In the Dominion, the team of 13 amateurs will be the first to include the Pacific Coast In Its itinerary. WINS Illfill PRAISE. , LONDON: (CP) Dal Rees, young Welsh golfer who downed Byron Nelson, United States star, three and one In the Ryder Cup singles, i was given high praise by Gene Bar- I azen. "This boy Is the goods," sajdi Gene. ! NEW ROYAL HOTEL J; Zareli: proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Crld Water Prince Rupjrt. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Hot 15 m iW&mki FISHERMEN I Dtrurti(ni of fislilns fnlliiwn in lif wuk- of cvt rv fon-t firr u '(MmammFwMimMmmm i & Lp GREEN Hlr'uii ain luk-s urc riilihcil of lli ilidr ir wu(th1h-, ,i ,,n,t. nti-;tini, ,.ion. ij i, prtrrvf iir niiHurpa-'t.c l rillii HHtrri J,v l inK onri-rnl wth fire in ti vrooiN. Put out ctj Kpark fpark vxery v, cluun-llp. clMri'lIr, hut hull anil anil "il li lm sure jour fir is dwitl Ix-fiire you l uvn il. HaBLKl-lW I rwtt:3 GUARANTEE GOOD qpnRT . .. . w ja