-iTii;.--''-'w-TpW'f;.-' 'tot rtrn rzi CAS.T jcrsr- IV Pa?; Jr ' ; Wt Pavr Jar fayr VKMKStT VrHUr4 UiAL BUILDING SUPPLIES For Everything That Goes Into the Construction of Your Building, See Albert & McCaffery b tarry th Hrtti ,l iMfoUr, C'i xnA tUiiUinz UvyyH in ttk at twHU. prnex. SMITH & MALLETT, LTD. YUtmM Afi NJMTT90 COHTUMTtOfiM VO Vsa ni Phone m Atni Vuti Srw Itun-nttrm ttltaJr OH Httrr KiUni tiUtw llaiixt Hurnrr and Heater' lfM Utrmxn ir Utktr Evrrdur lnpt Hint Ifcilm Easy paynnU tan be arrangrd DYBHAVN & HANSON Insurance and Steamship Agencies General Brolterage Notaries Public 315 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. We welcome the thought and work for the time when we will have direct transport facilities with the Peace River area. PHILPOTT-EVITT & CO. LTD. C. N. R. Docks Wholesale Heavy Hardware Retail Lumber and Coal BOSTON CAFE UKOIMJE JAMES Proprietors TOM CAK0IT flecond to None on the American Continent i Open Day and Night P.O. Il.u 807 , Prince Ituprrl, HO. vhone 157 Large Cabaret Suitable For Dances, Etc. Luncheon, . Dinner & Private Parlies A Specialty 1 ! ' . Dollar Store it Wc Buy For Cash (Plus) Wc Sell For Cash (Equals) LOWER PRICES TIV-L 1 n n .11 fw. um iu ummence on ccsta!! River Mining Property as Soon As Thaw Makes it Possible Kmtfnier V) Arrive Very Swn and Lare Number of Men The Ihimmuir Mine Word has teen received from the 590th that, as swo zs prin? open, work will commeace en the iron prrites PWffrty P Kcstli River. usu known in th part of uk emifitrj at the DunHmrir mine. It is ihta- eentroDed by Tfxa GuJf Sulohnr with the Wilum nfe holding an interest. As fxm as word is received from IV fT'! ..... . sM. ms wuMr j tmlt IVInriV Ki lol In fH 1 ft t work eiesriasr th U trairr irMrk k4 to tk aria b4 ymttinr ma OmXMmw MMMC IB M4-S W0 r t vtrt ttotr. (faitc a imry mummer mxu will to wlBtl Yrimfy TrtJUiaU4 at irma nftr to tircnty iailc sUvc Falls ttlvtr the Krstoll Khrr and tfee I river i artnM for Hat k9t tM bet all the wajr at htrli 'tfci. TrMMMrUtMa will b an ,r pr'lw to wvereoHK. All that i ateAul j, the right kind f mU haiklkd bv am wUs knm th riwrr. It ta ank-rtood that (Wk FriizU ao4 i'ummh IVnal4a0, both of whxa know I the well, will be prominent ly -neete4 with the tranaporU i tlon frfana. The ere la thahf to be treej y'"" P7"i. 11 wi n wtmta ran 4 (ereent alhar. 48 ironl hd Bp to about two percent eoj-! ImiT UrUii r.U arl.. .... a.. f prOKfrnib-ir SOc. The real reaiwn; knpwtam. it vould be an incen-for the aettjremem of the proj-;tlve desirable white tmmigra-ertr hM now bj to nre a aup-i tlon- 11 'ouU Immediately add to ply of nulptiur a there ! at th. national wealth and Improre present a'atrons; demand tot thejbuilne conditions In the east zs -J I . i A . .. UnKr lncrCtSRz. in eonnfrtinn with the manufacture of aulphite wood palp. There i also a WHty of Japan leinjf a market for the Iron alajf. Treatment of Ore In connection with th. Fireworks Plant Hvtoeattrt in Fartory at Manila Elart F4Ued iff Fire MAJOLA, JCafa 17: CP Teoty-eiht penocs ere UBed bs an ezpfoaon at a Chtotie firework ptaat at Paar. a aabarb of UanOa. 8oo&e effieialc eatimated froHB tventf to fifty misstet.. FVe foCoaed the explosion and tb forte f the bkat -a-aa f eH orer a radfeu of tt raCea. Pettee reputed that aereral Filipino writer Jwsped from windows into a ra-amp where they were trapped in mod and water. PKIME MINISTER OF CANADA IS UKCEO TO COXSTKL'CT KAIL-WAV COXXECTIXG PEACE WTTII RUPERT. ConUnuea now Pize 1) Incidentally thU connectlnr link '. would ilnanelally aUt the Cana-; dian National Railway by making the Prince. Rupert aectlon a real revenue prpducer. It would enable! the country to make cood the oro-! mtes giren to Prince Rupert and mnt of the ore, it I not knowr ,' the people of that district at the whether it will be ameltrd at thr ! time the O. T. P. mine or brought out to the coautilt would convert the government at a point nuch an Port Edward! erain elevator ,for treatment In any event It .into a profitable undertaking and will mefi a very Imjwrtaht In- indirectly help Ih keeping the local duntry and the employment per .ihlpyard and dry dock In condition manentljr of a jrreat many men. to be an efficient and Integral part me oweiopment m done at 01 canadaa defente system the mine twenty t thlHr ajfo hot BJi'.y teai shlpmentii were made and owln to thefr belnj; no market for sulphur " - the prn- "Another reason for buildlnz this' railway is that it would tap a number of valuable gold, silver, base metal and coal properties, awbCO, several ACfClAi , perty waa allowed to lie dOrmarttof which are already active such all uii t theae Vtt,. l.y. m.- tit. Mtu At ... I . ' re&ra than ih. has been considerable advance made In the methods of treating ; those ore so as to jfet everything marKeuuiie irom them. This makes them more valuable and the Increase In Ihe pulpmfll Industry has created the (iemahd for stllphur. A couple of yearn flKo when there was much publi city jfiven to the possibility of a pulp mill at Prince Hupcrt, the property was acquired by the Wil-n fttothers of fernii- and thev interested tbe Texas (Julf Sulphur Inr. The curious thifiir about ilii deal was that the Tfmmlns con cern was also Interested in the property and would have taken it but the Texas company was about "n hour ahead In deciding to close the deal. aiinlnif men who know the property aay there is undoubtedly a very larjce tonnage of ore I here :ind tile possibilities arc Kood for aa the DroDeriies orxraied hv Northern Venture Ltd.. Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. Df Canada, Oermanson Mines Ltd. and the Groundhog anthracite coal field. An Obvious Benefit "It seems scarcely necessary to point out to you the necessity of providing remunerative employment for many people in British Columbia and on the prairies who are now living 'on the dole The building of this railway would em ploy a large part of these people ahd would at the same time so stimulate Industry that the remainder of the economic slack In the west would be taken up and an impetus be given to eastern industries that would prove exceed Ingly helpful there also. "From an economic point of view also, In the consideration of a pol icy to absorb the greatest number the development on the Kcstall Boa,ea mtmVye fa of a rfreat mine. It" Is L KZ ,eatue at Jhe "re; mj n t,. . -.1 .e"t me) the various phases of inr as copper tthU ito d arc concerned and most of the world's laruesl mining operations havr been low jfrddc with large deposits such as this Is said to hftvt. Nearly Fifty Natives Dead Influenza, Pneumonia ahd Measles TaKc Heavy Toll on Saskat-" rlifwari Reserves PRINCE ALBERT. March 17: Latest reports from the two Indian reservation north of here where influenza, pneumonia and mcasle are raging state that nearly fifty natives have died. Dr. King and a nurse have been sent from hem in assist Dr. Lavole, the resident phy sician, - railway construction, through this type of country, would emnlov more labor in proportion to the whole cost Involved that, any other form of constructive effort or ex pendlture. "Id Conscauehc it would have a very far reathlht? effort conoml. cany, by providing employment at a seir-respectlrtg wage to the greatest number with the least ul timate expense to the counltv. "It la impossible to think of any national undertaking that could be ao Imbbrlahl to the whole Dominion as the building of the railway from the Peace River country tb the C. N. n by the most economical and shortest route, which we believe to be via Ptnlay Fbrka to a connection in the vicinity of Ilarelton. For that reason we are urging upon you, as strongly as possible, the desirability of torn mcnclng thl work at an early date." i .jt J It's Wise to S' I If 1 ; I f Nil, in' Modernize When you electrify your home you throw o 7 fij burden of drudgery! Cooking is a pleasmt.. washdays are happy days . . . food stays frtih j fwu 1 wi 1 151 uivi iu c iClKcJ OA I an entirely new meaning Be modern! Lice ein ' trically. 1 Northern B.C. Power Company Ltd. City of Prince Rupert PRINCE RUPERT IS: the Greatest Fish Market on the Canadian Pacific Coast. The Central City for the greatest virgin timher area in the world, outside Russia. - ..-... The Capital City of a great mineral empire. The Natural Port and Outlet for the Peace River district and central interior. . The Northern Terminal of the Canadian National Railway. Burns & Co. Ltd. Packers, Exporters and Provisioned Manufacturers of : "Shamrock" Brand Hams, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Etc. Abbatoir and Plant, Cow Bay, Prince Rupert Thrift Cash and Carry The store where the thrifty housewife buys in order to get the most and best for the money. Fresh fruit and vegetables a specialty. THIRD AVENUE JNL4 Y FA IR 'PHONE .79- 4. Prince Rupert's Style Centre Exclusive But Not Expensive"