ar, March 17, 1937 argaret s Piece Wool Suits New Spring Shades SPECIAL (iood Quality Skirts $2.25 Fast Dye House Dresses $1.00 305 West Third Ave. Phone Itcd 810 Trappers and Buyers I have to fill my orders YOU CAN GET 20 More From Me I am strong on everything. Make your shipment. As soon a.5 1 receive It I will send your money. G0LDBL0OM Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk 1' I1AIKY PnONE 657 A LENTEN p i t n n r o ti rviu 0 - - Gold Seal Salmon 'osiers'" Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 31.) SKCON1) AVE. LOCAL NEWS NOTES MIha Florence Watt rpinrnprl tn nu r a to Mr C, John Fitzirerald. memlipr of tho well known Portland Canal min ing family, is a passenger aboard the Prince (jeorge today goin through from Victoria to Stewart. Frank Fitch of the local cum toms and immigration staff re turned to the city on the George this morning from a vaca tion trip to ancouver. C. E. Starr, local manager of thp Pacific Fisheries, and Mrs Starr, after spending the winter in Seattle and California, return ed to the city from the south o the Prince George this morning Dean Daniel Buchanan, head of the Department of Mathematics at the University of British Col-' umbia, arrived in the city on the Prince George Ihis morning from: Vancouver to conduct a series of i extension lectures tonight and; Thursday and Friday evenings !nj the city council chamber under! auspices of the Junior feectlon of the Prince Piupert Chamber of Commerce. Today he addressed it.- i i e i- n : T . me miiciieuii ui me iiiuve . the chair. Announcements St. Patrick's Tea and Entertainment, March 17, Catholic Hall. University extension lectures, March 17, 18 and 19, City Hall- Dean Buchanan. Rcbekah Fashion Show, Marcli Junior Chamber Dance, Friday. April 2. Dancing display, Hall, April 2. dral Hall. Oddfellows' Recreation Centre final display. Exhibition Building, April 3. 7. Baptist tea, sale of aprons, April! Eastern Star Coronation Bridge, April 6, Oddfellows Hall. Presbyterian Choir Concert, April 7. United Church tea, Annette Fashion Show, April 8. Circus-First United Church, Ap ril 9-10. April 10. A. Y. P. A. Tea, Cathe H. M. S. Pinafore, April 14, 15, Capitol Theatre. r m n annual aancf, mw.. Hall, April 16. St. Peter's Sale, May 0. . finv, coronation Dance. uyrvi Moose Hall. May 12. Piano Theory Voice Production Pup,l, prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Hcrnard Lundahl A. T. C. M. 4 Waldron Apartment IMione Orren 99 I morning. ,y;4 Frazer Hotel, steam heated rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stewart dock. () E T. Kennev. M. L. A. tor Skeena, is paying a brief business visit vm to the HIV, V citv. V . He V- arrived on STUFFYHEAD A fw drops up each nosml reduces swollen membranes, clears away clog-Cing mucus, brings welcome relief. VicksVatronol Stop at the Frazer hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel In Portland pert Gyro Club' on the subject , Mlw UUtiIM 'Mathematics and Business,' hu ttf) J.- in a i. .Miss iscilie viurvicn. wno na- interest by a good attendance othn n a trip to San Francisco, and Dr. H. ai"rneu 10 "i" members guests with "e. . I ... 4 I. 1 1 lib, tin- i .-.. T ll 1 J N Brocklesby. the president, in souin. on ine 1 '"' Miss Winnie Tucker, who has been on a trip to Vancouver to which citv her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Tucker, recently mov ed, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this morning. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Ruuert .1 T Itnvoo Tnrnnfn-'M M Kl- Prlnce Rupert Boys' Band Con-irace; G IL Tycho, Smithers cert, First wesoyiemn cijiriwi Wednesday, March 21. Easter Rooms. Tea, March 24, Legion Queen Mary Daffodil Tea, Mrs Parkin's, March 29. Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1 THJ? DAILY NEWS facie rant Presbyterian Tea And Sale Tuesday the city on the Prince GeonreiJ. Norrlnirtnn'a rrsirlwnee. March (Delightful thia morning from a trip to Van couver ana V lctoria, Mrs. J,,' H. Thompson, who has been on a visit to Vancouver, re- turned to the city from the south on the Prince George this 19. Affah- Yesterday Af- ternoon Appropriate to St. The Patrick a Day season home of Mrs. J. hiirhlv successful. J. Littltf 'Fourth Avenue East, was the onu ' vptftarriftv Afternoon of a viiv ' - - - - - ilelisrhtf ul St. -Patrick's tea and auio of home cooking by the Ladies' ' Aid of ' First Presbyterian J last night's train and expects to I Church. There was a large attend. return to the interior Friday eve ning Mr. and Mrs Jack Wrathall who were recently married, the bride having formerly been Mine Lorna Christv of Terrace, re turned to the city on the Prince jbeen George this morning from a honeymoon trip to Vancouver, Seattle and elsewhere in the south. They will tafce up residence here. ance at the affair wnicn was The door, was opened by little Miss Ray Thompson; dressed as an Irish colleen, and the guests received bv Mrs Little and Mrs. D. C. Stuart. The rooms hnd attractively .decorated h r Mrs Peter- Lakie wUh adornments appropriate to St .'Patrick's Day.j The tea room was in charge u Mrs. J. G. Steeh. Mrs. D. McD Hunter and Mrs. William Milla1 poured and serviteurs were Mr3 Robert Cameron, Mrs. J. L. Lee and Mrs. David Taylor. Mrs. Bod Morrison and Mrs. J. Simonsen were in charge of the kitchen Mrs. Peter Lakie'was cashier and tea tups were read by Mrs. John Hremner. In charge of the home cooking able were Mrs' J. Ar Frew and Mrs. J. A. Teng. ! A musical program included vocal solos by Mrs. Hi N Brock tcsbv and Miss Betty Woods and niano selections bv Mrs". E, J Smith. '" Dr. and Mrs. J. turned to the city H. Carson re on the Prince Georire this morning from a thro weeks' trip in the course of which they made a leisurely motor trir south from Vancouver, 7v Funeral Notice I am directed by the Worship ful Master to request your at- tendance at an emergent com munication of Tsimppean Lodge in the, Masonic Tenwle. Princa Rupert. BA'.. orj.Thur,lday, March 18th.. 19:'.T,,at.3ft glfjock p.m., for the purpose of conducting a Hott. Montreal; H. McMahon anil funeral servi G Gottfred. Edmonton; E T. Ken 18. jney; Mrs. J. S. Nickolson ani . I Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Sundal, Ter- thcr r tJUiii-an uuMi;in i for our late Bro uodman. jiemDers oi' Tyr.' T.odre and sojournin;? Br t!i;( ; arc rrcuested to attend W D. VANf'E. Secretary University Extension LECTURES Hear DEAN D. BUCHANAN Educator, Astronomer, Mathematician Wednesday, Thursday, Friday CITY HALL, 8:15 p.m. Silver Collection Shower For Miss Dungate is Held Miss Dorothy Ballingcr and Mrs. Fred Cameron jr., were joint hostesses at a miscellancoi shower for Miss Dolly uungau at the home of Mr. and Mr Thomas Ballinger. The evening was spent in playing bridge, pnz winners being Miss Uolly uun gate and Mrs, Finley. Buffet refreshments were ser vpd nfrpr which a lovely baskel decorated in nink and while, fill ed with useful gifts, was prescn ted to the bride-elect. Those nresenf where Miss Dol ly Dungate, Phem? Finley, Elsii Franks, Lillian Croxford, Ma: jorie Joy, Marie McFadden, Dc Ballinger, Mrs. Fred Dingwell Mrs; Finley, Mrs. Guyan, Mrs Hale, Mrs. Crimson, Mrs II. M Dungate, Mrs: WikstadMrs, Roy Becker, Mrs. R. Long, Mrs. F. Cameron sr., Mrs, Fred Cameron r.. Mrs. Fred Wesch and Mrs. T Ballinger Union steamer Catala. Cant James Findlay, returned to port at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday from Stewart. Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1:30 p.m. lor Vancou ver and waypoints. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rarin' to go Tti Hvw thould pour out two pounds ot liquid bile into your bowetf daily. If this bil ii not flowlnf freely, your Iood doemi't ditwt. It lust deemys in ui ooweui. ui oioaia your tomc. Yoa f et eoDttiptd. 1 Hirmlul poiiona go into me poay, nna y unk and the world looks punk. you leel lour. A kn.J mwAmsn, HnMTtl't alwSVS Cet st the cause. You need something that works on the liver as well. It takea those good, old Csrter'a Uttle Uvet Pills to get these two pounds of bile flowing freely and mske you feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they mske the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury in them. Ask for Csrter's Little Liver Pills by name I Stubbornly refuse anything else. 25c for Answers to the First Question Congratulations are due the contestants listed below. 1st PRIZE $50.00 K. Stevens, 69 Farnham Ave., Toronto, Ont. 2nd PRIZE $25.00 3rd PRIZE $10.00 4th PRIZE $5.00 20 PRIZES of $2.00 Jeanne d'Arc Giguere, 10 rue De Villiers, Quebec. Anne Baird, 1732 Arjiyle Place, Vancouver, B.C. B. Stevenson, Farewell, Ont. P.. A. Allen! Yarmouth N.. N.S.! G. R. Bam-. Pennant. Sask.; L. Hrcland, Hradlnftley, Mn.; M. Crutcher, Inficrsoll, Ont.; T. C'.umminit, (rand halls, IS.K.'.iL. tanninii, Toronto, Ont.; M, Frd, Moosoniln, Sask.; C (iogcK, Krimonlon, Mia.; F. K. Johnson, Kalrbaiik, Ont.; M. I.apolnte, U)nSuenIl, Qiip.; J. MarPhorwn, Toronto, Out.; H. Manton, Toronto, Ont.; E. Muncaster, Wainwrifthr, Alra.; J. O'Donnell, Sutton YV Ont.; A. Rochon, Montreal, Ohp II. Knlliprfonl. Mnn '4. Man.; J. J. Thontasson. I-onil Rranrh. Ont.: D. M. Taylor. Vancouver, R.C.; I). Turner, Calvary, Alta. . i it- I 1. C . 1 1 , , l. nuwim, oi. aiiirs, main tfn DDI7CC r( 1 h( TbifnIl.iniirh$0)rliirlnnnltiMiilt,t,Sslirhrwii ZUU. rrClsCCa OI Alhrru ! Brlil.h Cc.liimhls: J. Allwsrd. rt. titnj, Msb.i II. nMlo, XMn'ilpi-ft. Man ; S. IUrl"iur. Wlnnlrrfi. Man; l. lira til.. Mlnnlpnt.'.. Brllaranrs, Bcms,. Inr, Kaak.t F., ItuihlKU, fj.'.k.; I. Hrujrn, llufljlo Morn, Saak.iB. l.laik. Ilrynon, Aha.iS. Camplwil, Mmn, Jaw, Sask.: C. M (ioonn, Si.skalix.n. Saik.i'A. M. (Wd..W, Trmhant, Man.i (i. (k-naihli. Si. Vllsl Wlmlin'A. Man.; T. I)anlr!s. Wlnnlneit, Man.t I'- Orummoml, Mnnltt, Man.i K. M. (irrssisMf. Marchwrll, Sask-i II. CrliYson, SVhltwiHiJ, Suk.; I). Hamilton. Miami, Man.i J. Ilarlt. Saskatoon Sak., I. HarriMin. tinmuvrr isianu,-n.. ; j. jim. rnri-icF i.a i-rsirie, Man.i M. t. jttnnann, iinanouss. n.(..i M. I.ntlr. (;ii.r.lli , .(..; h. m. Muanua:i, , ! m int. Alta.i M. E. Mafilnson, ancouw, n.lij S. McKrIU-r, tlravxlllr, Man.i J. Mcllvrm, Mromilnn, Alia.; A. MsrKay, KrSlns. Sask.i J. Mcl.achlan, Wlnnlprit, Man.: A. Mrl.nrrn, Catl' -rr; , Van.; K. Mrljirrn. Areola, Sask. i J, Mitchell, Sna Rlttr. Man. 5. klltrhrll. VMnnlpvi. Man.i F. M'rit, Wlnnlnnt, Man.: (J. Noksa, Mnnlpr, Man.: I. Olnr, Watasp, Sask. i II. ralas, 1'i.rtlrr. Man.; C. Palmer, Wlnnlprit, Man.i R, farkin, kIMonan, Uii.i W, furrktu, Mlnnlprt, Man.; II. Phillips, Nrahftt, Man.; K. Plomh. I arlrlert, Man.i 1. KUcK, YlhmmifH Mm. I J. Rat hwrll, Moos law. Sak.; J. Kohlnsnn, lauphln. Man. -. II. Ror.Wlnnlret. Man.i M.K. Ro,ManHu,MaM. I). Shurwvll. laabrlla, Man.; II. J. Sniiih, St. Marks. Man.i II. I). Spretl. Norwaml. Mii.i t. R. ThoanraM. Stonewall. Man.; M. Wchh, Portafte :.:i Prairie. Man.; B. J. Whlt.orth, Wlan4pe. Man.; C J. Wftoon, u..n Alta. II. S. Wilson. Ki-iltnii. Sunk.: K. 11. Zcller. Ilaslrl. Every boy or girl of 17 or under, still can win one of the three Grand Prizes of Free Trips to the Coronation, by answering question No. 1, featured In the first half of the contest and Question No. 2, given below . . as well as one of 221 Cash Prizes for the best answers to the latter. WHY ARE YOU PROUD TO BE A BRITISH SUBJECT? The same rules which governed the first half of the "CROWN BRAND" Read the rules again, carefully. They will be given in your local newspaper. Watch for the advertlnsnu. SEND IN YOUR ANSWERS EARLY! P.O. BOX 127, MONTREAL j IDWARDSBUB' I CW7 Shaving Specials FOR THE MAN Gentlemen's After Shaving Talcum and Gentlemen's Shaving Lotion 85c Value Both for oox Gardenia Shaving Cream and Gardenia Shaving Lotion 85c Value IZtZg Both for Ormes Ltd. Jiie. Pioneer Dru.qjyists The nexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. 9 A.M. to 6 PI. Saturday 9 AJH. to 8 P.M. Elio's Moving SALE Another good value on BLANKETS All Wool Silver Grey, Size 64x84 Sale Price $6.50 Silver King A splendid blanket Sale Price '$7.50 pair Silver Tip 100 Percent Wool Blankets Sale Price $9.00 pair Point Blankets Color Scarlet and Green 4 Point, Size 72x!)0 Sale Price $15.75 Exceptional Values Chesterfield Suite Sale Price $74.50 and $83.50 Another Good Value Folding Metal Bridge Sets Sale Price $14.50 Another Good Value Spring Filled MATTRESS Sale Price $16.75 and $19.75 Printed LINOLEUM 80c s";j D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything, advertise for it. l" :i li i i :s 15 It IS 1 (ft if t: ;s it It it 't c :i :( ii !I J 't IS I I, .f is i n i ft .0 U u li ., VI A 11 u li n Tf It 9 II .11 I .t II I 1 !l ll II ,1 ! li !1 t