Today's Weather (8 AM.) prince Rupert Overcast, southeast wind, 5 miles per hour; barometer, 29.60 (rising); temperature, 41, sea smooth. Vol. XXVI.. No. 64 f IMPORTANCE OF Put Products of Peace River Country Out To toast Resolution' Passed by Peace River Board of Trade Favors This Port as Pacific Outlet For Great Northern Empire At the annual meeting of the Peace River Board of Trade held recently a resolution was passed forcibly urg ing upon the federal government the' fact that the time. "iii lei was jJiuviueu via i ev;c i hob auu ixai.cii.uu cu mc x a- cific Coast at Prince Rupert. This should receive first consideration of the federal gov-Kr; . . . emmcnt before further experimenting on major expenditure, It was held. The resolution was as follows: 1 Whereas the Pacific Railway for the Peace Klver country is away past due, and all government j pledges, such 'We arc going to make the Peace River Country the spear head of development.' 'We wiil build the Coast Outlet as soon as humanly possible,' 'We will start tomtructlorT of the Coast Outlet vithln one year If the railways fail to do so,- 'We will build the Coast Outlet as soon as the finances of the country will permit,' have all been forgotten by our governments, but by no means forgotten by the thnu and1 of Canadian people who are : -ndln? lives in their faithful endeavors In building uo a very important section of Canada, Whereas there are thousands of people who have invested their m;:;iey staked their all, and . have been lingering these years in the port of Prince Rupert on Just such promises as are referred to above, Notwithstanding that there have been many millions sunk in the St Lawrence River, and on the Hudson's Bay experiment, away bc;ond the value of the same to the country as a whole and many millions spent on other projects mat could be mentioned, Therefore be it resolved that e the residents of the Peace Klver Country, meeting in this an nual gathering of the Board of Trade, do hereby very forcibly) urge upon our Federal Govern-1 ment the fact that the time has arrived for them to see to it that a line of railway is built without further delay from Hazelton, B.C. to Hnlay Forks, and thence by the Peace River Valley into the wheat "elds, and also a line Into the "attic River Country from Grim-snaw The building of these lines ould absorb many of the unem- p'ujea: develop the farming, mln water nnu'pr nnr( nfhor rp.! "wirces; elve tho riir. nrmt. Wnst!.,.- tr ...,.. cirvir Kvchanire af- Ick access to the sea: nut the . products of the Pence River Empire "to the port of Prince Rupert, and! "'us bring lines of ships to that 1 pon; and fulfil the many promises i our federal Government. "Tills we claim should receive "f it consideration of our Federal Government, before further experi-jncntlng on any major expcndl- KAII.WAY DUI'ICIT ..... i 'ii. "MiYtVA, March 17 i (CV) - .?. ,i r . I'vI1oii for.luxL'H, rentals' li"inn m?"1, thc Cunaillnn Na-! i.r f . '""" niiti a casn neucm 1-U0V.'j:i durliiK the raft ( :., .:,i ne "n"H'il report of the j---'"" national Hallways, lab - ! Houxe of Coinmpnx, ! hoV8, PRO v it C LIBRARY VICTORIA! Toi morrow s Tid es mm KlVLK RAILWAY lb at Kupert rort Vancouver May Join Up Board The order-in-council bfing- tng the British Columbia hall- but industry under the provln- clal Marketing Act will not be put through until Thursday,. according to word which was received here todav. The Dut ting through of the order-in- council has been deferred in view of the fact that the Van- couver fleet is now consider- ing putting two men on the marketing board with which it had previously declined to Join up. MILL RATE INCREASED Vancouver Will Have to Pay More Municipal Taxes This Year, It Is Announced VANCOUVER, March 17: A three mill increase in the tax rate of the city of Vancouver will be unavoidable this year, It is said at the City Hall. Government Now In Full Charge Of Hcdley M'me VICTORIA. March 17; (CP) The provincial government, through its investigators. Is now taking full charge of operations to determine value of ore at the property of ! Hcdley Amalgamated Oold Mines; i.trf The investigation is at expense j of the company trading in the; - ...uit, .nc cncnpnrtpd on w n snnrtacular droa in price on FeDruary 23. ., I THE SITUATION ATA GLANCE The accompanying map shows clearly that rrmw mmcrt Is the natural port for the Peace Rlvercoun- try. $ NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1937 OUTLET AT PRINCE RUPERT EMPHASIZED National Importance The great Peace River farming district, linked by a railway through Hazelton to Prince Rupert, where there is the finest harbor on the Pacific Coast, a government elevator and terminal facilities, would combine and develop a great northern empire and world port. The completion of such a railway would be an event of national importance. ; , W. J. ALDER, City Commissioner of Prince Rupert Minister of Canada Is Urged to Construct Railway Connecting Peace With Rupert of National Importance, Solving Unemployment In Committee Suggests ft .11 is a Work Would go Long S Way to West and Would Take Rnmn wpoks nirn T.Vip inint. and Prince Rupert people, representing the-board . of trade of Peace Paver and the chamber of commerce of Prince Rupert, sent a letter zie King, prime minister of commence on construction of BAD RIOT IN PARIS Fiye Killed and 300 Wounded In Clash Between Communists And Fascists PARIS, .March 17: Five persons were killed and an estimated 300 injured in serious rioting yesterday in the suburbs of Paris between Communists and Fascists. The trouble started when leftist sympathizers with the Blum government raided a meeting being addressed by Fascist leader LaRoque. Mobile guards later took a hand and finally restored order after much bloodshed. The chief clerk to Premier Blum was among the wounded. Two mobile guards were stoned to death. Premier Blum has threatened to resign. PARIS, Marrh 17: (CP) Labor unions of. the Paris region have called a half-day strike for tomorrow morning as a protest against last night's bloody rioting at Clichy. STItKKTS I)AN(;iJKOU.S VANCOUVER" March 17: I)Hz7.1lni rnln has made the streets of Vancouver very danjrer- ous of late, here having been numerous traffic accidents. up Economic $lack rnmmittep nf Ppiipp River to Right Hon. W b.kgn- Canada, urging that work the railway at an early date as a work of national Importance and as a means of helping to solve the unemployment problem. The text oi the leUer follows- "It is generally recognized that. the prime need for the railway Is an economic one to relieve the Peace River farmers from paying excessive freight rates on their grain as a " result of the long haul to the Pacific seaboard. When the price of grain or any other of his products is low the farmer gets very little from what he sells, and finds It very difficult to make ends meet He has been promised again and again by the heads of governments and railway presidents that a western outlet would be built as soon as conditions warranted the construction of this railway. The Peace River district this past season produced approximately .26,000,000 bu-ihcls of grain, with a huge section of the district still uncultivated owing to lack of railway transpor-taton. This we believe is sufficient to justify the government In giving the people of that district the relief they are asking for and unquestionably are entitled to. "With the construction of the railway there would undoubtedly be a groat stimulus to the movement of settlers Into that country and this would give the government an opportunity to move many of the farmers from the prairie dry belt lntb a part of the country where they could make a good living and regain their economic Independence and self-respect. "It would be a work of national innntlniiPO On. MstPf Unit OLFrPEACE"RiYER ID PBINCEJSUEm-SHORTEST aijE7n "XlvTl ) r-" -WVO'4 . , ... (Jf 5Ti V 'i B President 0 Peace River Board 0 Trade Urges That Railway to Coast be Built THE NATURAL PORT Trlnce Kupen is the natural port for the l'cace Kircr and the Peace itivcr country needs a western port, The problem now confronting Canada is the building of the .rail way connecting the present Peace River railway system at Hinesj 2 i civinr giving at the same time the most direct and useful route which will be a permanent asset I" ne de- vetopment of country. .'SS tll??or a railway which would th e them 'an-tntietorthe Pacific coast for thelr products, one after another oi uanauian statesmen nave promised that they would be given it and raihraymen hare joined with ?tatme and politicians In mak- ltlB Promises- Then came lhe ?e.- Passion which made it Impossible for anything to be done. Peace River people became discouraged and had it not been for the heavy crops and the high prices paid for rain they could not have carried op. With the passin; of the depression the people of the Peace are turning once more to the government of Canada and asking It to implement the promises and connect the Peace River country with the Pacific by rail so that their wheat and other farm products may get the advantage of the cur rent prices instead of being over-1 tixed with freight charges as is the case today. Prince Rupert also has some ancient promises unfulfilled and the port is joining with the people of the Peace in an effort to Induce the government to take immediate action toward the building of the railway. Already meetings have been held, resolutions passed and letters written to the Prime Minis ler and to other ministers and members at Ottawa asking for the construction of this railway as an important national work which will not only give relief to the far- mers of the Peace but will also take up the unemployment slack and cause the country to become more prosperous. NEGOTIATE OVER AIR Trade Bargaining Between Canada And Australia Proceeding By Wireless CANBERRA, Aust, March 17: (CP) Canadian-Australian trade negotiations are being continued by wireless between the commonwealth government here and Hon. W. D. Euler, Canadian minister of trade and commerce, who Is returning to Canada aboard the liner Monterey. Prime Minister Joseph Lyons says the resignation of Sir Henry Oullett has advanced prospects of an early, settlement between the Dominions. High Low . JVZ)D Pleads Cause of Disappointed People in Asking For Immediate Construction of Line to Connect ; With Prince Rupert (By Page Rldeout) On July 29, 1903, the Dominion Government and some prominent financial men of VrY , "t,tu"c"1' Railway The government required the railway company to build itself to provide shipping connections upon both the Atlantic and Pacific, sn a" X2.SA0 (100 flnnrino- rlrvAnnti .. Taken -cajc iaicii BiUmor Mi U Announcement is made of the leasing "of the Blllmor Spruce. Mills Ltd. sawmill at! . Porpoise Harbor, about- seven t mnes aiong ine railway line 1 from Prince Rupert, to Harry Towne of Toronto. It is a one x year jease. ine piani is now i being put in readiness for an "-opening. The lease does not include the shingle mill which may be reopened later by B. E. Morgan. '. CREDIT TO EVERYBODY Alberta Government Still Hopeful Of Putting its Plan Into Operation EDMONTON, March 17: (CP) Minister of Mines Tanner said In the Leglslatuie yesterday that social credit will go Into effect In Alberta. The Aberhart government Is determined to make the change in sucn a way tnat It will be permanent and beneficial to all. "I feel safe In saying," Tanner declared, "that Alberta credit will I be available to the people of Al berta..ln the ncar uture and that It will be made available to all PeoPle and a11 merchants." " " " anorlnn IVlavni vaiiaUWU ITiajTUI Visits Scotland I i SOUTHAMPTON, Eng., March 17: The mayor of Fort William, Ontario, arrived here yesterday, bcinz on his way for a visit to Fort William, Scotland. .. 4:46 a.m. 20.3 ft. 18:01 p.m. 16.5 ft. 11:41 a.m. 4.6 ft. 23:40 p.m. 8.8 ft. TRICE: 5 CENT . S Great Britain and Canada enj uumI t,,c i.u swas built at Prince Rupert in anf tlclpatlon of it beine a great rail road terminal and ocean port on. the North Pacific. In order to attract people to bullH the port, both the Dominion and provincial governments and the railway heralded the news to the world that a great port was In the making on account of Its being nearly five hunrded miles nearer -I , . It. . . I- L iviic ui iciirumn aiij uuiei purl, oil hhe Pacific, and in'rahlcbntinental terminus of a railway with the best .'and iowest grade on the continent Lnd wlth drvdock and shlnbuildimr facilities. Peopie nocked to the newiy born !clty called Prlnce RUpertt vl visual- j,zlng the great seaport so her; heralded and they had great faith In the future. They started to build a real city with hotels, bank buildings, City Hall, courthouse, scho.ols, churches, parks, hospital, store? homes, paved streets, waterworks, electric light and power lines, two", cold storage plants and abattoir; confident that the government and J the railway would do their part In the building up of the traffic ne-; cessary to the future growth of the city but they are still waiting forj those promises to be realized. For thirty-five years the people have waited, after doing their part-so splendidly but so far the government and the railway have no completed their agreement In the building up of this great seaport. The Edmonton, Dunvegan aruL B. C. Railway was started with jJ federal charter and the backing dP the' Alberta government This rai? way was to go from Edmonton to. the Alberta Peace River Block and connect with the Pacific Great Eastern Railway at thq British CoU" umbla boundary, making a direct connection to the Pacific Coast. The Prime Minister and member of the Alberta government took rio little pains to tell of the great country the railway would open up, and advised settlers to get In withi out delay and the people did come from every clime and they had a good reason to come. The First Railway The E. D. and B. C. Railway was (Continued on page five.) lJy making I'rinee Kupert the : outlet, for the Peace River you are carrying on this, Sir Wilfrid's greatest undertaking. . (J. W. Nickcrsuii.