Orange Pekoe II 1 f A VI AH mAIiAIIA The Latest Styles in 1937 'I A 1 1 I I A A A large assortment to.cnaosc irom Prices from 10 cents to 75 cents Relieve That Sunburn with REX-EME The new medicated greaseless skin cream A guaranteed preparation Per jar, 75 cents Ormes Ltd. 7iit Pioneer Druggists The Kejr-ll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 .a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ' Prince Rupert Vancouver-Jasper $1765 ,From ny point tW m Tl.i.rrmakeita"Tri..Kle"Tour"-yiaVacourl WHI mllr. thro..!. "" f J" . In-dde I and l .nilr, of .un.r of Canada .........tain.. U' hol,,,a' mot majestic adventure. to the ra.t. Pacific North-ict Vancouver i. the gateway playground. There U a wealth of entertainment ir.lln,J ,... of .l.c to .ee . . . many new thins ' now for this Hue vacation. Scenery! Outdoor "Prince" .hip Gay, metro-JLlltan ports! A cruUe o a Vancouver! There are few other trip that of holiday at traction.. offer .uch a variety Fare lnrlui mraU and berth on tteamer uhite at tea. See your nearett agent l,e itlll be glad to help you. DE LUXE ICE CREAM manufactured by Commodore Cafe The cream supreme, frutlt 111 II V Ice Cream is 'Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values and friends to a Why -not -treat your family your Ballon? Only $L15 Cheaper still In five gallon lots or any social event. Don'l forgcl-only $U5 l,cr Quart cylinders . . . .60c Quart teicta 7fc COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 , Dinner, with aJMhe Chicken Don't-fcrget our Special Sunday trimmings, 50c only. Trea wlfe d. LOCAL NEWS Miss Ann Wlnslow sailed Saturday evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. 'Tonight's train, due from -the east at 10:45. was reported this morning tobe onetime. ' r.inaillan Leirion. B. E. S. L. Smoker, Tuesday 8 p.m., in honor pf officers and crew or the iaiwo laru. -Members -only. ti'JJ We have moved to the Federal Block- and will' be . open for business , In our new premises tomorrow.-Mc-J Itae Bros. Ltd. O50J it r Mtv treasurer of St. 1 i. wiviiiiv-i rf , Louis, Mo.r was a passenger aboard the Princess Alice yesterday going i north to make the -round trip to Alaska, After. a-week-end visit to the city,; W. E. Walker, manager of Arran-dale. cannery, sailed by the Catala Sunday night on his return to the Naas. River. lit. t. iViaRCUCttCt, j.ei.wi. ..v principal, was here from train to boat Saturday afternoon on his. way . to .Vancouver i.o ,spend the summer vacation. lBuckleyShannon. of , Seattle, vwho hasmlnlng .Interests jitiUsk, .arrived , 4n the city , on the . Princess Ajlce jyesterday -morning . and pvq'i ceeded p the. Interior by the eye - nlng trajn. n. P. iBusch of a Philadelphia, miner,of ..a chain. of . American-. stores.andMrsjBuchand.,daugn to- .lTvolun uihn have .oeen on .a Hii, '.Arfl WJ .., - - - trip lntavCentral (Alaska, , were . pas FOOTBALL TONIGHT, Cjl5 Vandinks vs. Can- Legipn Phone. 84 IVO.iiox.!(75 MU S SA L L ENTS ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous' Service IronintDelivery Boat and out of town orders, receive careful attention New laundry ; Cor. Fifth Avev,& JUcBrjde t. DAMP WASH 10. lbs, 50c (THRIFTY Wear)ng. Apparel Damp FJatwork tlrpned llO.lbs. 75c Overiip.His.tOcjpenlb. RQUailDRY Wearing APPareUDry 10jlbs.s$L00 (Qver 10 Ihs.Cjper lb. .Finished Shirts, 15c ea. 746 Phones 858 . i VTA ppop MORNING 'My (family. .eem.togct Marled more brUkly tn the morning hen 1 .aerve Kel-,Itfg'i Corn Flake. AnU et .alar'ed quickly, ,too, Jwc.use they're jo convenient." Crisp, delicious KeUoggls .Corn Flakes are full, of the demerit's that, supply, energy. Always crisp because they're packed in the patented WAX-TITE inner-wtapper. Kellogg's are sold by alL grocers. Made by ,Kellogg in London, Ontario. CORN FLAKES m (r CORN FLAKES Made Better Taste Better Packed Better ( S. J. Mayer of Smithers arrived ,ln the city from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train for a brief visit to town. He returns tc the interior on this evening's train. Mrs. L?e, Sam (Tom Lee), who has been on a trip to China, re turned to the city on the Princess Adelaide Friday evening. O. A. McNicholl, general pas- seneer aeent. Canadian national Railways. Vancouver, was a passen eer aboard the Prince Robert re tnrnlnir snuth after making the round trip to Alaska. Mrs. J. W. JWcholls and daugh ter.. Patricia, left on last evening's train for a brief trip to Terrace whence they will return to the city tonight. Col. Nlcholls is due back on . the Prince Rupert tomorrow from sengers .aboard the Prjnce , peprge I 1 uli yesterday ; pound ;Ior ..beaiue en route back ast. R. I.lBradley,,pmmerclal repre sentative of Caadlan JIatlo.n,al Telegraphs wlth :.heaaquanersi;in Wnnipeg, .arrived In .the cltyson Sunday-nights .train in, .the course' of a 'Pacific Coast trip on official business and , proceeded .by last eyening'sl train 4o hisTnext stop at Prince Geprge. Young Nell . Sheppard was more frlehtened than hurt on .Sunday afternoon kwbe,n he became qaught lii a mooring, line ,as the,,Japanesd training ship K;alw.o Maru Was staging ,a .'demonstration of .sail handiinE. iTheiboy's-creams caus ed, some, excitement but he s,vnerea no injuries of consequence. a trin soutn. accomnaniea oy iu on, John, who has been .attending .school In Victoria. Announcements Excursion to First. C.N.R.A. Terrace, July Gyro Club,. July .2. Canadian; Legion Rlcnlc. July .4. ,iir.r to imrchAtie the followln The 'New 1937 SPARTON Refrigerators Now on Display at GORDON'S HARDWARE Drop in and modelswith IeBride .Street inspect the beautiful 1937 their many new features. Let us explain -the sayings which result from the ownership of a Spar! on CIASSIFIE FOR SALE :PAL Nanaimo-Welllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-jsootlesfi, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tt) ?OR SALE Helntzman piano, bench and, stool, 3 piece bedroom suite comnlete: 3 niece Chester field, 2 upholstered chairs, Singer sewlne machine. China disnes. All in eood condition. Like new Mrs. W. Gratton, 741 3rd. Ave eyenings. (150) FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) VACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apartments, front three and four room suites. tf) ,wi x- inilTl:ll . . r ivriTnntlTn IX ,TIIE MTKKJlt . w I CLEANING &'l'KlMiMl v- l.iriklltTK in tup .Matter .of , I ne "jgiiiiiii"""" In t,lie ..Mill ter. uf 'tlie,.Estte-ol Klv:n lOIIHIIMIII, ,nrrc. . . ..HMnE, th., 1-11 iwHpr af 111 .......... if v a jir.neri&aii. m? - . Mtjil nf La ' . . .i ...... 1 .nH nl. vara jona3". njo-. - ---partuts bAVlng tJalma against the wJfl r ... ... rmolllrptl tD lUrnUJ, ,miriH -ti nf nn or bo- same. ,pixiijctij - oie. ri-iv of July. A. D. 19-7 .and ell parties aaeawa w urc are requirca i pay we w lndebteaness w nx Prince Uupent. B.C Doted June 21sti A. D. 1937. LAND ACT Form No. 13 (UUM - Ciwlar liaml Wlslrlrt HMrlct or .aimii CliMles Obcrlwuler of AUln. B C.. oc. SPECIAL: Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing laoies wear. Pioneer-Canadian Laun dries. Phones .8 .and 118. Uf) H E LP WANTED .WANTED Man or woman milking 6 caws. Phone 657. nJlea south of aolden Oale on Tagl'h glb!baliai SIMmld. dsocawd, dmraua. and ana all Wi parties parnwt .l.. Mnvth UrMT. I TTT 1 1 r l-IHh, Ul "UU I 1 , I MMilne runs -u viin. r . . MlKtlrm then .20 chAllU POB Mwn 20 chatiia nori. then 20 chain- ; wet. to. legal post of bestlnnlng CHARLES OBERLANPER. Dated Atrll flth. 1B37 IV Till: 81TIIKMK. rOl'KT OF HUITtSII IN rUOHATK' in the Mutter nf Hie "Admliilstrnlion Art" In, I In the Matter of the K.ktate of Wllllar- irru iiripiit Deceased .TAKE -.NOTICE that -by ..order of .? iir it v.. .A. ltdbertson. Ue lein .i?.. nr . ih'ma ''a n 1B37. 1'waf.a.D txJntd Jkdmlntrtrntor of the . estate n... itrj.i. wrUrht. riaevttbed. .btiu l , .. -V.r 7T...V i,p all (parties flwvuig va.uu o.s v e!d eftate .we hereby jeqtttftd to fur inlsh some, pwpexiy vmura u -wo 1937, and all parties Indeibted . to the emiaje are requvea o vy we w'" of their maeweuueea o e juii.i Otflclnl AdmJnlatrutor. Prlrtpp HiLnert. B. C. Tvi.tpri the ,2ist day of .June. A, D ' 1937 iTJie Central Hotel BOOafS.andiOAp Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MltS. C. E. HLACK for 151 WANTED Housekeeper. Call 346 4th Ave. W. or Phone Blue 801. (154) in Tin: si nl em i: coiut oi iikitisii ( Ol.l Mill IN I'UtniATK In Hie .matter of the "AiiniiiiiMriiiion Act" ml ii the Matter of the r.slate.iif Mlillair Sllilinlil. Ileeeuseii, inirMuir TAKE .NOTICE Uvat by ctxlfir of His Urntr, V. ,E. rishcr, nie 23rd day ot June, A. D. 1937. I w aippclnted Aa- mJiUstraitor of the eoLntr- ot wiuiain Hav ing claims against 'the mid eritatr- ave ,n fiimUh mine. ni'O- uwrwj .... - - - - - - - ' ' t , penly vcrtiied. io,me jon oc ir mv 2.rth rtj.v en juiv a. u. wi. m' Miu. inHfif'i ti t,Ke pitAte are re quired to, ipay All amount of . their ln clibtenneM to me loruiwiui. NUKAtAN A. WA1 1. Offlotal Adnilntetrator, Prlrnoj Rupert, B. C. DtUed the 24.U day of June, A. V 1037. CO PHONE GO tKAIKN TRxVNSIKH x)Vpod,,Cqal, ,IJaggaf e, iMessenger, iKlndling,,Furnture JMovlng PropUED (JILUS CvOAL TO PLEAUE EJVEKYBQDY BatlsfacUon Guaranteed FAMOUS :DSON ALOEKTA COAL vnULKLEYvV ALLEY. COAL ..VANCOUVER ,1SLAND ,COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 ' j5 , PAGE THRHTib Tuesday, June 29, 1637 (TEPB PAJLY. rflSWB Hi TEA Bit ! Moose Legion meet tonight. (150) ; Mrs. PetertSolem sailed Saturday evening on the-Prlnce .Rupert for ! a trip torVancouver. KEtLOGG'S MJEAN.A. GOOD START TJD;A Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lovett of Pioneer arrived in the city on Sun- iay night's train after a motor i ,rln through the Cariboo and are juests At the Royal Hotel tor a ew days before proceeding to tne Yukon. Mr. Lovett Is a field en gineer for the Pioneer Gold Mines Ltd. Mrs. Lovett is the former Miss Ermy Zarelll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D, Zarelll of this city. 13 ul a a it I I' ; D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 WE BUY, SELL, OR EXCHANGE The Following Items Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. Mechanics, Tools Jiumbering and Logging Tools Wire Rope, Etc. Garden Tools Builders' and Shelf Hardware Paint and Paint Brushes iCutlery and Silver Plated Ware Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and Sporting Goods W,K BUY FOR SPOT CASH CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Ruildinff. Ground Floor, Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Zm "Rain or Shine ' "ay or imkiu m PHONE C TAXI I I Tinss Mnzzci 4m 0 . Al French 1 I Prompt and Courteous Service Stand opposite Uoyal Hotel, Third Avenue It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the earne. 11