iA3E FOUR tu. i Orange Pekoe Blend TRAPPERS DEALERS I liave a large oidei fur mink, marten and all varieties of fur We (iuaranti-c TWENTY I'EKCKNT MOUK . than you can get anywhere-else No. 1 Marten $80 Mink, interior i..'.fa4 Mink, coast .........,...$12 to $16 We are in the market for everything Shiji joiir goutls n6w. We can- not tell how long these prices will lasti We wire you your money GOLD R LOOM TIIK OLD KEMAKLU b a u Do taxi And Messenger Service Stand: Empress Hotel j Sill Stuart ,1 French 1 John Saunders FREE TROUSERS Free Irouscrs or 1UV. discount for Suit or Overcoat of House of Hobberlin Clothes during the month of January only; and 10 discount offered on House of Stone Clothes. Quality, Style, Fit, Satisfaction (itiaraiitccd LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. I'lione G19 SI'KCIAL PUICK On Custom Tailor-Made SUITS $38.50 Kcduccil to $30 : From Jan. 12 to Feb. 12 This js lowest pricii ever i .. charged for these suits' M. T. LEE . Third Avenue Next to M. M. Stephens Hyde ransfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. listen to this - - I've time to lose Ana power to choose; " "H not so much ' Tia gallant who woos "AS the gallant's way of wooing." 1 So said the "Maiden who sat by her window wide." Today's housewife has the same thought as she says to "herself: " Tis not of ' the coal so much I care as the' coalman's care in preparing." This is one of the reasons why Albert & McCaffery's coal has been the best for twenty years. And why it is the best today. Of course, Albert & MCaffery's coal is intrinsically the best. It gives you the most heat for the least money, but at the same time, it is carefully prepared. When you order lump coal, you get, lump coal; for it ivall screened and. sorted in their yard. Yen realize you deserve the best: so the next time you need coal, just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanaimo-Wellington for furnace and heater; Alberta-sootless for the kitchen range. . , You can't do better. Oscar Larsen of Prinze Rupert and A. O. Morse of Jap Inlet have been appointed provincial election? commissioners, the British Columbia Gazett" announces. JONES Family Market iione yr.7 I'llONE 051 Specials ' Pol Hoast 35c 4 Jus ;-. Short UibS 25c 3 lbs. l:..::...t... ....... llumlurger, 3 lbs. & 25c 2 lbSr Onions 1. ' Shoulder Steak 21c 2 . lbs. ' Itib -steak 50c 1 3 lbs. . ;. Prime Rib Rolled 15c per lb. Round Steak - 15c per lb Siriohi Steak 20c 1 per lb. ., Loin PorJt Chops 20c per Jb.. : 1 X'oltt''" Chops 25c per lb.,' Shoulder Lamb I per lb. 15c! 'Lamfr Stew. 2 lbs. & 25c 1 tin Peas Leg Mutton 18c per' lb Mutton Chops- 35c 2 lbs. Shoulder Mutton 50c! 4 lbs! ..: White Fish per lb 15c ! Pork Butts 20c! por lb PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy. Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink . ' Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert, -v .' Many Naas River People Gather At Greenville Rites KINCOLITII, Jan. 20: A large party of Klncolith people returned home a few days ago from Green -vjlle where they attended the funeral of the late Arthur Calder. j well known native citizen of Northern British Columbia. The Kin-! eolith party included Ihe Concert Band under the leadership of; James Stewart and Simon McKay, and the Church Army headed by ' Matthew Gurney, Francis Watts, Rolf Clayton and Percy Benton ; Weather was favorable for the trip. There were also delegations from Aiyansh and Canyon City for the : funeral. I SKIDEGATE j YULETIDEI I School Concert and Native Coun- i cil's Ball Outstanding ' Outstanding events in connection with the Christmas and Nev Year festivities around Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, in cluded the Skidegate .school con cert just bsfore Christmas and the annual New Year's Eve ball of Skidegate Mission Council in the Community Hall. The school was packed to the doors for the Christmas concert The children put on a splendid program 1th Roy Tritchler as chairman. Before the close of the concert, Mr. Tritchler made 'the presentation to the teacher. Miss Mary Mathers, of a book .of poems Songs Unbidden." In making th-i presentation, Mr. Tritchter gave an appropriate speech, mentioning that the author was a pioneer of the Queen Charlotte Islands. ML51 Mathers was given an ovation oy the audience. The Skidegate council's ball was attended by practically all tho people of Queen Charlotte City and Skidegate including . the crew of the Skidegate gold mine. Music, was supplied by the Harmony Boys' Orchestra with Fred Russ as conductor. O'.her Yuletide events at Skide gate Included the Christmas Day a a a . ... . ! m, nome at tne residence of E C. Stevens with Mrs. Fred Atkin? as hostess, people from far and near gathering and having a very enjoyable time. Anoother event was a great party put on by Roy Tritchler at his home, peoule be ing in attendance from Tlell, Dead Tree Point, Skidegate and Queen Charlotte including E. S. Richardson, M. K. Richardson and E. E. Wiggins of TJell and C. A. Moses of Dead Tree Point. Dancing and games were enjoyed by all until the early hours of the morning. OFFICERS OF YOUNG MEN AT METLAKATLA The Young Men's Benevolent Association of Metlakatla has installed officers for the ensuing year as foHows: President, Peter Leighton. Vice-President, Edward Leighton. Secretary, Matthew Leighton. Treasurer, Percy P. Ryan. Musical Director, James A. Pre-vost. Sports Manager, Gus Leighton. Librarian, John A. Auckland. Curator, Murray Clifton. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Still the only vessel to be operating regularly in the Alaska service owing to the continued maritime workers', strike which has tied up all the American vessels and with her scheduled speeded up to a ten-day instead of the normal fortnightly weekly basis of the winter, C. P. R. steamer Princess Norah, Capt. W. Palmer, arrived in port a few minutes Before 8 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed at 9 a.m. for Skagway and other northern points whence she is scheduled, to return here next Sunday afternoon southbound. The Norah had on board a total of 90 passengers. The Central Hotel ItOOMS and CAFE rhone 51 . For Best Household Coil MRS. C. E. ULACK THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, January 20, itai Steamship Head n. n. TLAKLE r?. IJ. 'I .' ik:- a .. ) i .1 ' bei.'ii au- ;.-!.ti Of .. ui.iuagr of Canadian Nat. cul iW.:st Indies Steamships, replacing Captain E. E. Tedford. who has rttired. MORE WORK ADVOCATED Various Matters Taken Up By Trades and Labor Council In the absence of the president, T. B. Black, vice-president, was in the chair at the last regular meeting of the Prince Rupert Trades and Labor Council. Various matters of Interest to labor were discussed. ' Communications included a letter from Vancouver Trades and Labor Council, concerning the Burns Co. lock-out. The councli went on record placing the products of the Burns Co. on the unfair list, r ; . Literature from General Hornby, concerning his settlement scheme, was nrrlrrprl fllnrl Another matter taken up dealt I with hours of work In the' redue-' tion plant on Tucks Inlet, the scale ofpay and accommodation for employees. It was decided to write the minister of' labor asking for an investigation and the establishment of a minimum wage. Further Information is being obtained regarding postal workers, who are obllj-cd to work on holidays. . ' f The council went on record urging larger appropriations for the public and civil works program in this riding, and the jjlvine of un employed more steady work, ra ther than the present relief scale. This will be forwarded to Premier T. D. Pattullo and the minister of labor. Concerning radio licences the council ,feel owners of sets are being compelled ' to pay for something they do not receive. The council went on record to the effect that they feel the city of Prince RUpert, through Commissioner W.J. Alder, should tak6 the initiative and state what money will be forthcoming from that source before appealing to an over burdened public for funds for the new hospital project. ONTARIO I.L'GISLATUKE PLANS 'Continued aum Prutr-i separate school legislation passed at we last session Is forecast There may also be -a discussion on Tne distribution of the Charles vance Millar "baby derby" state A Royal Commission inquiring into timber contracts In North Ontario will nrobablv jngs while the legislature is in session. . The House is expected to prorogue about March .31, the end of Ontario's fiscal--year. IN Till: M HtDMi: H 1:1 of lllilllsll COI.I UIIIA , . IN I'lUMlATi: In tin- .Mailer r .,iii,tllt(, Ml" . . Ill (l.- Mailer .r IIm- CMiih- ,r l!.rii.ir.l ' ',,"rWl IXTrilM-ll, llll.,r TAKE NOTICE tht by'imhT ,rf 1IU. Honor. W E. VUhvr, thV AM, Uv Jaimary. A. D. 1037. J ,uZt rp hereby mmlml to ruruUh mm-proiwly verlfioa.- U. in on or lfw the 6th day f r-rIWry. A. I) llm and all fwrtlo, mdebUxl u, the their lndebtdis u, nv rrlhwlth NOFIMAN A. WATT. Official Adiiilmnl.rH.lor. r... 1 ... I'D lure llmiMM-t, 11. O. IH37 8,11 l,,y of J'Mwry A.I). I'Vesh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN. DAIKY PHONK C57 Chinese in Canada 1 Subjectof Paper Sirs. Harry Caldcrwood Heard At Mcotins of Preslivtprian W. M. S. Yislcnlay i Mis'. Harry Caldunvood read tin interesting paper on Chinese In Canada at a , meeting of the Wo-I men's Missionary Saciaty of First I Presbyterian. Church at the home of Mrs. D. C. McRae, Fourth Avenue East,, yesterday afternoon Mrs D. C. Stuart was In the chair I j and Riv. Dr. J. W. Stevenson ln-j stalled offkwrs for the year. Mrs John Brcmncr and Mrs. J. M Walker led 111.- devotioiw. MEETING OF CATHEDRAL Annual .Congregational Session-Good Work Bone During Past Year The annual congregational meet-,ing of St Andrew's Anglican Cathedral was. held In the Cathedral Hall on Monday evening with Dean Gibson presiding. Reports were received from the various organizations - connected with the parish which showed that 'ery satisfactory work had been iccompHshed during the year. Votes of thanks were passed for the practical interest they have taken in the different departments 0 church wardens, church, committee. L. Fitigerald, A. J. Lancaster (choir master), Peter Lien (organist), members of the choir, officers and members of the four Woman's Auxiliary branches, officers and members of the Chancel Guild, the-Analican Young People's Association, the Girl Guides, the teachers of the Sunday School and Church Boys' League. Officers Elected The officers for the vear were elected as follows: Rector's Warden H. T. Cross. People's Warden R. L. Mcintosh. Sidesmen W. J. Alder. J. D. Allen, R. 11, W. Bartlctt, Dr. W. C Aspinall, Judge W. E. Fisher, George Hill. Stephen King, F. A. MacCallum. Richard Mortimer. A. T. Parkin. E! W: Tucker and R. Yerburgh; Lay delegates C. V. Evitt and 6. H LaaWtaaaaaa ' WHY WOULD YOU LIKETO O SEE THE CORONATION n RULES I. An.w.n mutt no b rnort than 25 word. f'lfi'1 nn"w'7 n""1 '"; ""I"!'"") rr I Pi"i'l. Ill I l III W lU A M T' wirn Byrup. N-nil inu munv aiuwrri u I Bll'l HV . Ti """"T mum COllNHVHl'J'IaU m nrrnni ';vrr),by ckown iuund" 3. Writo your hnnm Ami juldr, ml lUinl.r n,l the froctr'i nam from s5XND"ycnc.",d 'CRowNf 4. Tho prijn finiT will lw atitvmmsl u anon aa immibls of ler tha cIim o( kuIi ,n-visit. 6. Tim Jin W ih-riniona am linnl ami II.pm roiilmiioirraii,ti.once'witli(i,t,UnU L(,,i,:iftrt, """""fMaand uinlnr, ri.Mil ,f f anwlii, may nrnfrlK. Km-I ! of t Im Crimla Hlurh r IJm itI. tlimr fn,,liM , em,,!,,,.,,., ,,, (( 0 ; lmna Ailvrrliaing iwunc, , kr not elieiblo. ?:hL'.i.,:,:T,,?,,,,,.,''i.v,' '""-ri um lor tl,BCra.l !,,. aWf 0. Win...... ..f ll. , 'fe-SSi : l'rit will mil from Muni, ri-al i-ni li lth n innit or Kiianliati mi April 2.lnl an-1 return aniling on May tSth 10. MM f oiiU-Hti-lnHin -',., ruury Mth ami all rntri. i mii.t m innilpj not IuU,r llian that (lata Amwert mutt he mailed t Tha CANADA S T ARCH COMPANY Limited. P.O. Boa 127, Montreal. cz PROGRAM IS GOOD Well-Balanced Bill at Capitol Theatre Bounded Out ly Return of Capilolians ItoundiiiL' out a wcll-balanceil double bill picture program consisting of Joe E. Brown's latest comedy, "Polo Joe," and murder drama, "The Accusing Finger " the Capilolians, unucr direction of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. will return to the stage of the Capitol Theatre here this nild-wcek in a special arrangement of selections entitled "Echoes from Scotland" which enmpt . nnnwinriatplv enouah a few w w. i' i' - -- - T o days before the anniversary of the birth of Robert Bums. Joe E. Brown has tried his hand eit nlmncb uM-vi.lilnir In t.hp line I UV M.4VMV - j J1 spoils III Ills aiiu Jiur, he turns to polo. He rails in love with a girl who thinks no man a 1 hero unless he excels at polo. Joe pretends h; is adept at it and! what happens to him when he tries to play is productive of an enormous amount of good, clean mirth. The supporting cast includes Carol Hughes, Skeeu Gallagher and other figures well suited to their parts. The " extent to which circum-Lstances may weave a noose around an innocent man's neck is revealed dramatically In "The Accusing Finger." Paul Kelly is a ruthles- public prosecutor who uses ev-sry; legal device to convict men of! crimes and who, himself, is caught ! hi -a mosh which nearly puts him! in the electric chair. Marsha Hunt. 1 Kent Taylor and Harry Carey are included in the supporting cast. ' P. Tinker; substitutes, Thomas Andrew and J. H. Norden. Auditor, E. Unwln. It was decided to hold the men's banquet on Tuesday. February 2. stuffThead A few drops tip each nostril indices swollen inr mbranrs, t'U-r away cIok-ging iniu iis, brings wrlrpnir 'U-lirf. VicksVatronol 0 i TO THE CORONATION hae. haeo to to win win . a prl prize. J. tuetlon. Im.tln. h.t a tood chan,. y.u 1st Prlit SM.00 4thPrLreJS.OO M tbwARDSBUR jj AND A TWO WEEKS m a (.or mo option L I -J FOR BOYS AND GIRLS THREE GRAND PRIZES each consisting or A FREE TRIP TO THE CORONATION -F.r a BOY r GIRL accompanied by a parent or fuardUn rtery hoy ami 4 rl a fair and equal rham-e to ln all-.ipen.a an free Trtt t a the ton.,lon and . In .. ,. of Britain. I, , , ,ftZ ?-rTO7 -h ch,u- :" r":,JU' THE CONTEST What you have to do: Anawer two almpl queatlona, the Drat one of hU-h wm... I. ikl. -J Syrun Um7J7" T, Cr-"P"'" "T . "CROWN BR NT)'' Cof. The , ,h, r., qUea. mM he EVERY CHILD HAS A CHANCE TO WIN! 448 CASH PRIZES 2nd PrU$J5i)0 20 Prliet of $2.00 THE GRAND PRIZES I he two queallon,. c0"'t-h. lnnera, howerer, muat hart j.ei PRI7re Tft onnom. ....7.tN . To I'flrwirawho Kini.lil rnmvv MB 'iiti EDWARDSBURG CROWN BRAND CORN SYRUP The Great Energy Food Th. CANADA r0AnjeA0r!.th,e,,amous Pduet$ of i i STARrn COMPANY ttrnltH 4 1- - -viuft. o:u3, TONIGHT k TIIUKSDAV ft BROWN IN 1 mom v 1 At 7:00 & 9:40 CAROL HUGHES Plus SKEEJSx Paul Kelly GALLAGHER In , "The Accusing Fineer" ' y (At 8:38 Only) On the Stage (At 8:03 Once Only) And His Lapitolians Featuring. "KCIIOES FROM SCOTLAND" Leonard Crlpps Baritone II Pays to From MUSSALLEM'S Our uru uiWuys right M the markuls si nil we sell for lea Mail or plume your oider mid.sarc FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set unci .itinera Silverware. Prince Rupert. H.U. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ON TOUR OF BKITAIN, - of 5500 In cash) A. 3rd Prhe $18 . 200 Prim of $Ut