i IB 'I I PAQE TWO . the: daily news . ; .Friday, November 12 i i l t Ill I J 1 i Just Arrived! Ladies' Lounging, Breakfast and House Slippers The Latest Styles of Distinction Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes DAILY EDITION THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince. Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avenue H. F PULLEN". - - Managing-Editor Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations THE HART BUDGET Friday. November 12, 1937 Hon. John Hart, minister of finance in the Pattullo government, is getting nearer to the accomplishment of his purpose, that of' making the government pay its way. So far it has been unable to do this but it is confidently expected that by next year the province will be "out of the hole" or very nearly out. The present budget does not provide, for unemployment relief although it is hinted that this may be paid out of increased revenue always provided that the revenue continues to increase. There is also a matter of twelve) million dollars lacking in the sinking fund. This amount was not taken out this year or last but is an accumulated! deficit in that department. Before we can be said to be ! once more on solid ground this sinking fund deficit must! be replaced. i Mr. Hart is acknowledged to be a good financier. Much of the credit for the improved condition goes to him but it must be remembered that Mr. Pattullo is head of the government and he has the-last word in all expenditures. For that reason the credit belongs at least as much to the Premier as to the minister of finance. J. RAMSAY MacDONALD Right Hon.. J. Ramsay MacDonald died Tuesday a long and eventful life. It would, be foolish to sucrirest that his death is a loss to the-Empire because his work was' nnisnea ana ne was ready lor the step forward. Labor in Great Britain and to a certain extent in thisj country felt that Mr. MacDonald had deserted them, go-1 ing over to the enemy when he joined the National Gov-! ernment now led by Right Hon. Neville Chamberlain. And ! Vet We are readv tn mvp thp Into Prpmipr pPfHt frtf holiovJ ing that he felt he could be of more service to his country by heading a government consisting chiefly of Tories than by joining the rather feeble opposition, an opposition which was rather inclined to toy with the Communism which he abhorred. Mr. MacDonald in his day was one of the world's big men. AGAINST RETURN OF COLONIES An interesting arenment arainst thp return nf f hp African colonies to Germany is given in the "Mining! World, published in London, England. It says: ! . Vast tracts of territory in Africa Dominion. Colonial, Protectorate and. Mandated are attached to the1 British Empire. In these territories there is peace and: contentment. Naturally, here and there, disquiet is in evi-dance at times;, but that does not alter the main propo-! V L cute .u,ul tonieniment rule ; otherwise prosperity i could not continue. British Africa knows no huge armies; n-a jjiuietiuia uie spieutim iorces ot mounted and other police, whose duties are mainly patroling, and certainly not fighting.. This kind of thine: is likelv to eonti til a military power arrives upon the scene. Then, farewell to tranquillity! Guns, bombs, poison gas, and all other such horrors will be imported Wholesale into Africa, with' the result thatf in selfdefense; the existing governments will have to make similar provision at colossal expense. It is not surprising, therefore, that any suggestion as to the surrender of the Mandates is viewed with alarm and dismay by British subjects in Africa. Oh! say the pacifists, but surely the incoming power would promise not to import war material. Alas! for promises; have these SMITHERS Mr; Barkaay. one or thi recen i settlers, to arrive from Kipling dis trict, Saskatchewan, has taken upj the Walker farm in the QuWd district and moved his stock an 3 effects, to his new location yester day.. Mr. Bates is locating on the Goodwin place near Lake Seymour for the winter so that all of thoss who' recently arrived from Saskatchewan are now located temporarily until they can get a better survey of the country in the spring. Veterans of tho Great War In the Bulkley Valley gathered at the Legion Hall on Thursday morning to parade to the United Church for the Armistice service which was conducted by Rev. W PRINCE GEORGE The Women's Auxiliary of. the Prince George Canadian Le?ion. held a successful Poppy tag day last Saturday. m T District IN ews Remembrance Day Church Service Address and Special Music Held at Terrace on Sunday TERRACE. Nov. 12: Special Remembrance Day music was rendered by the Junior choir of Knox United Church on Sunday evening under the direction of Mrs. Adam Crisp. The program was varied and interesting and musical numbers Included: "Sweet Bells of Feace," soloist, Miss Evelyn- Neid-rick; "God' Kindly Keepeth Those He Loves," and "Dear Land of Home." from Findlandia." An informing address on the work B. Mcintosh. The regular Amis- or tne League of Nations was given tice dance was held in the Towaby F G Cook, public school teach-Hall on Thursdav night. This ,;; 'er of Terrace. always one of the largest dances j . of the year. Kitvanea Hold an s Special. Scrvfcjq- Held, ir SI, unurcn. xesieraay .... . . i , For obtaining money by false; pretences thrqugh cashing worth- i "" less checks, Victor, Hogan was sen.-' KITWANpA, Nov. 12: St. ay Paul A. 9 A. A. t t . l nVitmAh Irltnfrt v Vtnst it .nud. WINTER IN Smithers Lad SMiTHERSPassesAZay Several Inches of Snow Followed By Cold Embarrassing to Several inches of snow came down in the first fall of the season and, as the weather has now turned fair and colder. It is not likely that the snow will remain and that winter weather will last for several months. s Former Public pauis Works Foreman icncea 10 iwo years imprisonment wutu, iiwanga, uau an au.7- . TO ! in penitentiary by Judge H. E. Plclous service for Remembrance H in OOUtil A. Robertson here. He had been Day and a good congregation at- convicted on slmlllar charges at tended. Prince Rupert but was realesed on The elder girls of the Day School SMITHERS Nov. 12: Ernest suspended sentence. opened with "O Canada." Hymns woodworm, wno was at one time were: "Oh God Our Help in, Ages a resident of Smithers and was well Miss J. Sargent of Prince Past" "Onward Christian Soldiers" known throughout the north, pass-George has been at Smithers ant and the National Anthem. ;d awav recently In Vancouver. Mr. other points west in connection The lesson from St Matthew't Woodworth had been a foreman In with organization of libraries for Gospel. Chapter 5, was read by the building of bridges for the Pub- the Provincial Library Commission. Rev. B. Shearman, who also gave a lie Works Department and as such The local Catholic Women's solemn address. had built mnny bridges thrpugh- League held a successful bazaar Two minutes silence with prayer at the north and other parts of and dance In the Prince George was very Impressive. Mrs, Sam- BrltM? Columbia. H? was well Hotel last Saturday. pare was offlcating aat the organ, k" wn -ver a lame pa-t. of the FULL CAKES OF ' With Purchase of Large-Size Package OXYDOL At The Regular Price! OFFER MADE SOLELY TO INDUCE WOMEN TO MORE QUICKLY TRY THESE TWO MARVELOUS PROCTER & GAMBLE SOAPS OXYDOL The Amazing New "No-Scrub" Soap That Soaks Out Dirt In 15 Minutes ... And Does It Safely! Women everywhere arc discarding, their old. favorites among bar, flake, chip, and other granulated soaps and are chang ing to Oxydol, They luid this new-type laundry soap does three things in a way you never dreamed a single soap could do. ' " Fir tt: Cuts washing time 25 to 40 in tub or machine. Easily an hour or more on a big washing. Second: Soaks out dirt from clothes in 15 minutes. No scrubbing, no boiling even tough spots come clean with a few quick rubs between your fingers. Yet white things come four lofitt shades whiter than you're used to getting Uiem with less modern soaps. Third: This" no-scmb" soap is so mild it won't fade any washable coior. won t hurt labncs ... or hands. mm mm Take advantage of this sensational bargain offer and try Oxydol nexi wasnaayi You'll agree it's the fastest-uashmi, uhttest-washwg Harold Noel Dies in Vancouver After Serious Illness Tftic j SMITHERS, Nov. 12:-The manyi nirruffis nv ,. ThP arrival : Mend of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Noelj grieved Monday to hear news: of snow and winter here on Sat-If" day nigh, and Sunday caugnt nany weeK-ena mownsis uui. u Sunday without chains and caused more or less Inconvenience and near accidents In many places. On Sunday afternoon at one time there were four cars in the ditch on the Bulkley hill right in town and all In a huddle. One of these jars coming over the top of the hill at high speed applied the brak es when seeing the others In the toad and narrowly missed going vter the high side of the hill which vould have meant disaster. The car skidded and turned completely nound and headed up the hill, then lid backwards into a heavy truck that was stalled on the hill and pushed it into the ditch. It took a wrecking car an hour to clear Ncel, who hed only reached home a iew days previously from Vancouver where he had been with his boy, immediately started back to that olty by motor car. Harold was about 10 years of age ind wat very popular among his aung friends and with all who knew him. WILLIAM LHASK IS POSTMASTER AT .MCTLAKATLA CALAY-77ie Soap of Beautiful Women. Cleanses More Deeply And Thoroughly Leaves Your Skin Feeling Velvety Soft And Smooth This gentle beauty 6oap is as soothing to your skin as a cream yet does a thorough job of cleansing 1 Calay's fragrant creamy lather can bring a new softness, smoothness to your skin that will delight you. And this improvement in your skin is not just conversation there arq good strong facts back William leask has taken over' tfie duties of postmaster at Met- lakatla, succeeding T. A. Bryant, who resigned recently. away the tangle and get the cars CoUntry. He was an old timer and over the top of the hill. had great many friends along the 'teem and Bulkley Valleys. You will enjoy For MJLMW its delicious Beef goodness NOTE Calay, "the Soap of Beautiful Women," ordinarily sells for 6c or more per cake. By taking advantage of this special offer you can get 2 cakes of this fine beauty soap for! only Sc! MADE IN CANADA -- - ' OFFER GOOD ONLY WHILE YOUR DEALER'S SUPPLY LASTS Dcnvt Ve&Uf ol it. Here s a very important one Calay has been tested against the leading beauty soapstested on women's skin. Time after time in these tests, the result was always the same Calay was the mildest of them all definitely, provablv ' milder. If you've ever used Calay, then you realize what an amazing vtlue you re getting in this sensational offer. Two full-sized cakes of this famous beauty soap for a total cost of 5c when you buy a large-sized package of Oxydol at the regular price.. But, remember, this introductory offer i A If you are miffer. Ing from Asthma. H. Fever or Bronchial tronM Inhale the fumes of KelW. will get easy relief. For over 60 years thla famous herbal preparation has benefited thousands of sufferers. Ti i Klltf 1 Your nearttt drug Hon IBn SI .00 per tin. trUl ImJsC5! k ObUinablt alw In tigintu form. JU T i u a unrnp i i rMrrrf.A Get the best prices for jour furs. Mring: them up town and tt (ioldbloorn before selling. Has bit connections nd tu pay more than anyone tLst. GOLDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Itooms Are Clew The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The ItatM Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL K Itrasell N. M. Crasell THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed "by the only with w " canning company the year round payroll a trlrt0 Pnnert A VW -f- Hyde Transfer Phone 580 Furniture Movinjr anu Storage a Transfer and Delivery Quick Service Jasper Coal Hulklcy Valley Coal Lump, Egg, Nut, Slack Cedar, Birch, Jackpin WOOD Card Tables and Chairs For Kent 315 SECOND AVE.