I to I "1 ui . hi i 4, TITS DAILY KEW PAGE SIX "1BUBBBBBBV VI Jill Ml IBM aaaaaai 1 1 win i PHI I I Ml 1 1 ! 1 1 I BUB it k VW ft Ijif f ,. tkt wllj ti. V i I FOR CHILDREN We Have Listed Below to Give You an Idea of the Truly Outstanding Values DOLL PRAMS That are what every girl want and here we have the finest collection in the line of prams. From $1.75, 4.25, 39.50, 16.75 KIDD1K KAKS and PEDAL KARS All stnn:iY hiiit. s;:v;;:v:::e ar..i piain niouels. 2.00, $3.50 A toy sler. VELOCIPEDES that would jrluiMvn :he uai Beautifully finished. Frvm- of any young- 7.75, 8.50, 10.75 swixr.s F5e exercise for any baby. Made of strong: canvns. OJkrs blue and ruse. Including spring 1.75 2.00 ROCKING HOUSE Sneedv looMae horse 3.50 and nd 5;00 AUTOMOMLES Xew designer!. Bur.vr. licvns' Utte, stream-tie femiens with iwivway sAiich light, dim ami bright, windshield and Klaxon horn $10.75 $19.75 1U-Y YAUDS Xvthing is so safe and pntctkal for the little ones as a play yard without the possibility of Q g Q Q wandering away BABY WALKKB This is, the Wst low priced w alker on the market- Rttdwiu,,i 3.50 aml 6.25 v bearms: casters BABY HIC.H CHAIBS 53.50,55.50,58.50 SHOP EARLY - WK CLOSE 3 p.m. ELIO'S TlllUl) IMF. Fresh I Aval Baw And lateuriicd Milk YALBXTIX DAIRY rilOM.-43T Prince Bupcrt, IIX The Central Hotel ROOMS and CATT rHe 21 fv Pert aboU Coil MR&. C. t. RLACK in this paier will soon let you know if there is a buyer in the city. 1 Stand For Peace Declared Speaker At Rotary Club Dean (Jlbson Says People Have Not Profited from the Reading; Of History or from the last War At the Prince Rupert Rotarv ub luncheon yesterday Uicre wa i program appropriate to the Re nembrance Day occasion. Ver can Olbson delivered an addrcr nd there were vocal selections b n Crlpps with Chares Charles Balaaii Balagn ccompanylns on V. Evltt led In community tv sin ng. President Weldon McAfee w. the chair. Followlnjs the luncheon. Mr. Mc fee referred to me onwianam" mature of the anniversary h's they were cclebraUng. With a' he world in anns it remained fri tch organlsaUons as the Rrar 'lub with its international affllia-ons to do Its utmost to prevetv thrr world war. Dean G!bson said the bncle not" 'rich celebrated the first Amis ve Day was followed by a fcreat "ence It was a symbol that led he world to cxix-ct creater th'nr Parnate supremacy of right. Oou n the reign of peace About a doren otfjctr a ad me, -f the local mtht a wirts uels at the hinch-i: IWiringeilWlk ; i Consumers Ask For'ExpIanation Disappears From Liner r Vernn Tennv. Messier f Wealthy CaliforrU rmitr, l4t in Pacific Ocean SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 12: Vernon Tennv. aaenber of "re Why California family, dvss-ared from the steaawr PrEen: McKmlej- aboard which he was re tarnur; from a trip to the Onent for hH health He becaaae misstns after leavtnt Yokohan DISLIKES rosins'" BREATH SYDNEY. N&W, Nov. II: CP-Oorriiaal coal nuners bad new pit posies today becaaie seiners protested the old ones suffered from halitosis. Operators were urioraed woik would not tesaane aalU Um-vffendinc' ponies wre removed It takes nourishment aplenty to burn up ENERGY LIKE THIS aBBBBaar z a L"Mmmmmwmmm mm Pupils Observe MUSICAL Remembrance Day ' llooth .'Memorial j Anniversary of Srhl Observes Armistice Day The annual ceremony in connection with the observance of Re-mnmhmnri rv took place Wed- miinLRriiUhrtrfwhnHl n, " universally observed J. " . innd the children should ever re member tfatr origin and Import. Verv Imwssivr w-s the slnsrtn of "In Flanders Fields" and Trea Portly." The injrins of the Na tionai An&etn brought a notab' nemortal to a close. iVHIFFLETS From the Waterfront '.hM the earth tn he n home and I Josorh Barrowclouzh. who wa ot a lunate. He ursed eulUraUon Haraer of the steamer Princ CapVMex C. MeCfHnan has re smedwtx as bot o JLbe Uikm 4retF$ Catala fter mv beei saipberfof the stejm eaXa unus on tne vafKOurer-twyi. River Von durinc tht pitsumni3?r I J Htm JVdhm aidr Jack Mc ;Rae Jtfi e.entaky dins on the for a trip to various Queen Char WINNIPEG Nov 12. - Twelve to be away about two weeks. bousand W'uuupes milk oosuni-: rs have signed a petition askuncj CJJL steamer Princess Adelaide, for a public hearinf by the fwr-,capt. Henry Aodenn. arrived in -rniDent in regard to the price af port at 145 this afternooB from aOk which has been advanced by , Vancouver and waypotnU and win k- cent to iw a quarv safl at M paa on her reAarn to Mrethan SOdtJtjpus breaVrasts vn caih rckay;e C : ts 1. Hi La ll a Kn -5 aneoyer and waypoBit&. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sfchtner sailed hut autht oa the Prtoce George fur Vanrouyer. GIRLS WHO HAVE NO BOY FRIENDS Qukl L$.v Way to Get Charm W KtmcM. ftrirct ihrT tn tM b mm. Orfki J lim t ftra B(k H nr (Uk. &a(j ! uimnt:, mI vifefc w br war tfm ml Vr wmjrmti kr fayMT fmtn. $ MtlmfMnniniw Ut -Am Caw Animt, M i iS a. TU Tt" ud fut W Miwi In iifrrtti afd W jm w imw It iMbw W ruVn tW Ln rrt 'rl, r rd 4 FRUIT-ATIVESiISSt COMEDY "Varsity Show" With Powell Warlns Uand. At Capitol ,Vnd "Varsity Show," bright musics 1 nieturc starring ever popular Dick Fred Warlns and his nesdav forenoon in the auditorium fnmrtll firrhestra. the Pcnnsyl or the BooUi Memorial &'Jiol. ynnlans. Is the week-end feature The program began with the at thp Capitol Theatre. . -mgln of -O Canada" and then Inciuded.ln the stellar cast be-O God Pur Hem in Aees Past." s(dps D!ck Powcn and FYcd War-lss E. A. Mercer, prlncinal, , an, such ieadlng (igures as then gaw an imrresslve. .,",, imeresi- T ,en hphI". ,,CMI Lee Diyv Prlscllla the olano. Majo ,"" " anrt hhv f(!r(vss ine. Rosemary 1Z an-- ! " the im-ort-nc" of .he eelcbra- the Great War were remember- d Ftorty million In all were estimated to have been killed in V" ar He said it was a war to end -r yet all knew what was the ndttion of the world today. he developments In aviation. In hcmlstrr and in navigation the au?hter in ease of war wul ? much greater and more r.p;ti an St was in 1014. Unfortunately, man was learln thn fm-n history All thev mW do today was to trust to the Lane. Buck and W.illrr Pntlptl. JnhniU nn. Naf-iea f famous RWrais . R iWPii frttOWUs tMiia i"np ur sm.uhin finale climaxes more "emiicnti- aw it -as renam wn an nour 0r fun and amuse -ames o (he wia of the warl )t "-' W be e- v l-tr mucin- nM o ,h? pcturc Af.a bred. lfort Bro-rs. towm; ffnrt. of chuck DaV John McCree were such. Tnen br1n nt yh'd'y 4iss Mercer told ciKtfes b-loved McCrae's llf" and hiatiee. Als laH! refTTC- vas mad" to the otaemnce at the heart of he EmTfrtt. the niacin of memori '1 'Wsaw at Westminster, the pro rrson att tay ;:ast the Cenotaph n Whitehall anl the homair? t"-'he Uaknoim Soldier." Such cere Dck PnwelD. a Broada-ay producer temporarily on his ufer to state the annual Quandrangl Club show at Win field Collet Daly himself a Winfleld alum mi is induced to return to the eo' lejre to rescue the varsity sho from the hands of Professor Sy-j tester Biddle (Walter Catlett' , 'acuity advisor, who is ail for a-and nothing for modernity in school presentations. Daly overcomes many obstacle1 set before a successful productlo-b- Professor Biddle. Jams member of the east through special scholastic examinations and then figures in a student strike brought on when Biddle ousts him from he camnus. The undergraduate ake matters In their own handle show must go on. It does. APPLES AND BLOSSOMS DUJSBURY. Alta.. Not. 12: CP Apples and blossoms on a tree at I :he same time was the oddity re-1 oorted by Dan DippeL His crab- apple tree blossomed this fail as he t the spirit of fellowship as our I Charles durinjc the past summer pldking the apple crop -mtribution toward txnoroved con -I was aboard the steamer tnnc I ntkms in the world. It Was thriGeoree this Week, as assistant pur 'hallcn?e from the mlBton di .Ter. He ha just retarned from i t one and all report? to ,C'!,-;''on trip as far south as- Sai vemhtng rxvsstble to help brtan piflto ' Fiery, Itching Skin Gets Speedy Relief Here U a sursetxi prescription iow dispensed bv chemists at trtfl-ne cost, that will brint you -speedy elief from the itching and torture if Err-ma Itching Toes and FeeL 1ahe and other externally caused Ocin troubles. Not only dos this great healine intiseptie oil promote rapid and healthy bealinc hi open fores and wounds, bat balls and simple ul- icets are quickly relieved and clear. - W Wane points. They expect """ 1 eczema is iwtfanUy stopped . thr ! eruptions dry uo and scale of f in a j : Terr few days. The mme is true o' f Barber's itch. Salt Rheum and oth You ran nbtain Moone's Rnerai ' Oil 'ffl'.l strenc'h- x the on? bottle a! Ormes Ltd or any modern irug siore 3 Lbs. BUTTER First Grade Boston Butts-Lb. Lees Lamb Lk Bumps Beef LK 1.00 25c 28c 18c 8 Lbs. BAKEASY $1.00 3 lbs. Ayrshire Bacon Piece. Lb. Diamond "" Bacon LK 40c Peanut Butter OC oik, mO mm IVO. Fruit Mince Meat 2 lbs. Sausage Meat 25 C mm Iljr - - - Breast Yeal LK 22c 32c 25c 8c "B" Grade Eggs L.VKGE IN CARTONS 3Dox. S1.00 Frldar.WoyfmteMJ i The Class of 19:57 in BHTj I I bcrccn Musicals! Bwl i k mm ll l.VV- t l ' I II TWHl . ', & - Here's the show fiCy . that turned all 1 ! Vvc" America into a x i cl;ccring scc,ii T mnn" him i I TOM f. I IT and I kMIW m.uiiiiniiW 1 kef SATURDAY nam At -i and 1C K Added OfR GANG in "Ra T Ba!il Walt Disney's "Mie Hunt! WORLD NT!TS Last She , it ; tiiiaMB 'iiia:JimTaiiBiiiaiii x t t vi 1 i HEATERS Make sure that you have adequate . a : " this winter. Drop in and inspect our t rs. We carry several dif including different se of V lined heaters, brick or steel Y.: lifaters in standard or brov : ish. See Also the New I.- :3 Coleman Oilburning Heaters Smart, modern and efficient with -fuel savini; burner One f these well-built, attractive hi-;. 4 assurance of a warm comfortable air-home- GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 rajtaxaxara: srzxarsisiaTssxsTa mtm ata:a" I xxvi. IcBride St UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD STeazsers Leave Prtnce Ropert for Yi." CATALA EVEKY TTES- T.S.S. CARD EN A DAY, llp-m. Dae Vanroorrr. Thars. p-za. ra GEN ONI lie RtP" iiinNam but E" LlAMAN Unite Insular ealfalr: Dae Vxarwrr Sa J--. . i . v.. at c. A. W. NTTTMAN. Prince Repert Axest, Third Art- He COAL 10 mum; iviaivoDT SfjmZ-t'jia ujc-. I uhm rn ABrt CU Tunwt tOkaJ CihU Prince Rupert Feed rarwz u kxif so NEW ROYAL HOTEL - ROUE AWAI rtO BOAT" - 1 til T 58 Raaeaf H.s - - w- a,tJ" Early Ad. Copy is appreciate prince 29.91 smooth.