mendments To iu-i of Union Find Favor With rr.r Committee or Legislature VICTORIA, Nov. 12: (CP) The n ai committee of the Legis-- endorsed a number, of Tit.'- to the Municipal- Act were requested at the last i. of the Union of British Municipalities. These ::r:t:is cover a wide range of including, among other :ie right to collect library HELP WANrrED, .1' ; - rper Phone Prince Ru- B. O ivy. - . no J J FOR SALE 1 r; Milking goats and two ...its. Jim Postulo. (263) FOR RENT T 6 room house with fVk. 4y 709 5th Ave. W. (207 1 LOST ,; K :'s in case, probably on Ave Finder please return C.Jv News. (263) AGENTS WANTED T: ?.NS Original 5c Etching .-ur Vimy. King, Duke of nr and other subjects. r'x for samples. Brock, 7C " St Toronto. (263) (titciitlon to Apl.v to Mil Umil Pn-ert lend Recording isti CdumbU, and ttu- . land on the N. W. point T Zayas on a reef oft iat, Frank Waterman of B. C. occupat'on Miner, . ror of 'oi" i lands. all ol the reef P ilnt nt n nest Dlanted or v rxilnt cm the 8ouMi wr thence 1800 feet 1500 feet Northwest vet- Southwest: thenre , :t and containing 3S FRANK WATERMAN, yr 4. 1937. I.AMI ACT "tli? a: intrntlon t Apply to Lease Land ' Rupert UunA Recording 1 itish Columbia, and alto Prince i-ehoo Island In 1 r Pa.. south of Durmas -lcuou white rock. 85 i o:i chart). tint Prank Waterman of f B C.. occupation Miner : !lv 'for a lease or the lol-i ' Hd lands:aU of a con-1 .io rsx 85 feeit high and ' mnr (Rock marked on ' v: ftt a pout planted on . 200 f(t 8. K of N. W Ncrthcasr. side thenee 600 ' i": thence 800 feet nouth-' 800 ftet Northwest; thenc 1 t- .?ait and contalrdng 16 or lew. PRANK WATERMAN. O ber 4, 1937. I, AMI UimsTltV ACT ' ' nlfliiite f Title Nii. lm;-I, to l" tuiir lluiulrril mill Thirty-four " Kline llv !. fount IHhtncl. ' l til I'linhilii ii. i llnnilml mid f'! (lii.e (153), lures, more or Irw.l ' i proof of loss or the I v... rf Title lssuca an ww ,' 'J'-imsn II. Ccmroy has been 1 ritUee. notice Is hereby I sJiaii. at the expiration or n .m the date of the first h-rec.f. Issue- a provisional or TWc in lieu, of said lost unless 1n the meantime val-Li be made to me In writing, A' i O 1,1 the UukI RcgMtry Office. ..T- B. C. ithls 9th. day of ' " A.D.. 1937. ANDREW THOMPSON.. 1 , utv Reetatrar of Titles. UMi ACT Nollre of Intention to, Apply to . I.ense l.nml '? Prince Rupert tend Recording of British Columbia, and altu-' o Wuite Band Wand. ;s nonce that Prank Waterman ot ; RuiMirt. occupation miner,, ln-;' tj mpply for a leoo of the fol-'; dc cribod lands: - "".::.,:( inB . . rvwt. nlanted on I j "f ' ie hlh cliffs on White Bandi i End being 300 feet from the 8. 1 "ut of White Bund Island, and ' -t elde, thence 600 feet 8. W.; : 00 feet N. W.: thence 600 feet, iwicfl 800 foct B. E. and con- 3 13 aisles, more or lesa. n., PRANK WATERMAN mtiyt Ai!mif on iost . 1 n J-"' llEfliHfiUUCT " t . ' r- - .fi.ave or Title No. S134-T. u'ork Nino (9), Town ot 8tw- '&REA.S ' mrvf 4 Inu of thO nillVli, Ibb Vi 1 r-' iiumtJi from ithe date, of Piioi Ionian hereof, laue pro- ' terwicato of Title In lieu o certlrlMirt. imlw in m he valid objection he made to Hit ft Via T,n Tttr'.x1 TV Office, nitprrt. n. O., tlila 23rd. day or W 1037 MEMBER IS David. Klrkwood. Stormv I-ahnr Member, Barred, British Parliament for; One Week LONDON,. Nov. 12: After a stormy scene in, the British Houss of Commons, David Klrkwood, Labor' member, was suspended for one week, Klrkwood Insisted on In terjecting Into the debate, de manding an. answer to a question. When asked to withdraw, he re fused and, finally, with the House agreeing, he was suspended for one week on motion of Premier Neville Chamberlain. Missing Schooner Safe At St. John's Govan Arrives, at Newfoundland Capital After Having Been Unreported ST. JOHN'S, Newfoundland, Nov. 12: (CP) After having been missing for several days, the schooner Govan has arrived safely at St. John's from Harbor Grace. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .10. Big Missouri, .36. Bralorne, 7.75. Aztec. .08 V. Cariboo Quartz, 1.03. Dentonla, .10. Golconda, .O6V4. Minto, .04. Falrvlew Amalg., .05. Noble Five, .03y2. Pend Oreille. 1.82. Pioneer, 3.25. Porter Idaho, .03 Vi. Premier, 2.12. ' Ileeves McDonald, .36. Reno. .73. Relief Arlington, .17. Reward, .06. Salmon. Gold, .07. Hedley. Amalg.. .052, , Premier Border, .012. Silbak. Premier, 2.00. Congress, .023,4. Silver Crest, .04 '2. Home-Gold, .01?4. Grandview, .0934. Indian. .01 Vs. Quatslno Copper, .03. Quesnelle Quartz, .05. Oils A. P. Con.. .26. Calmont, .36. C. & E.. 1.75. Freehold, ,06. McDougall, Segur, .16. Mercury, .14. Pacalta. .10. Home Oil, HO. Toronto Beattle, 1.30. Central, Patricia, 2.65. Gods Lake, .57. Little Long Lac, 5.00. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.09. Red Lake Gold Shore, .22. San Antonlo 1.50. Sherritt Gordon, 1.40. Smelters Gold. .OlVj. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.07. Oklend, .13. Mosher, .12. Madsen Red Lake, .44 '2. : Stadacona, .40 '2. Frontier Red Lake, .06. Francoeur, .40. Moneta Porcupine, 1.83. Boiiscadlllac, .14. Thompson Cadillac, .38. Bankfield, .37. East Malartlc, .95. Preston East Dome, 1.00. Hutchison.. Lake,. .09. Dawson White, .04. Aldermac, .50. Kerr Addison. 1.75. TJqhl Gold, .95. Martin Bird, .36. Int. Nickel, 45.25. Noranda", 49.25. Smelters, 54.00. Athona, .14, JAPANESE FORCES MOP UP AFTER ARTILLERY BOMBARDMENT The photographer took his HI 3 in his hands to secure this excellent photo of Japanese "moping up" operations In the Chapel district of Shanghai. ''Mopping up" Is the military euphemistic term for stamping out whatver life is left after the ar cilery bombardment has done its work. Aged Man Dies At Seal Cove John DePont, 82, Passes Away in East End ' REMEMBRANCE DAY OBSERVED j IN HUNCE KUPEUT ' I (Continued from Pajre One) FIND HUGE PEAUL DARWIN, Northern of John DePont, aged about 82 V.D., Bishop of Caledonia. In his coast. years, an old age pensioner residing address, Bishop Rix said that, In Lttt a V Ca 1 Smta Tin Vl rt 4 Kaon rt t-Acf . tUH j-.Ur.A w.,. n n A a.ln4lni Tf . . ARMISTICE pitching Biggest Crowd Yet at Annual. Ban quet of Canadian Legion j Last Night Never has the annual banquet In celebration' of Armistice Day beer, more sucessful or, more enjoyable than was that last night which took place In the Canadian Legion Hall. A, crowd of 175 ex-service men with a few outside guests was in atten dance and the hall was packed to capacity, a few being unable tp se cure admission. There was a splendid banquet spread with members dt the Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion In charge. An' , tcmuug itnccuutcs ui inc wai uuya II Ti Aust.. Nov. 12: (CP)-A 120-grain ,nf,,rilntr Rnmp lnfPrPst.lnfr ,nrI- M-C- "eau; u'f .a1Bt .va. utuuBtn w dents at the time of the going over weui. 001. o. u, jonnsion mm., v.u. x,nwm " jrca.o, woo uii seas of Co peck Canadlans and Bishon's Address f,;I . L. . " Prince Rupert had nothing to The service at the cenotaph was found 60 miles north of Liverpool r"amcu U1 4,1 "7" WttI 1 "' The death occurred this morning In charge of Rt. Rev. G. A. Rlx D.D., River, off the Northern Territory Tner.e we peacetime as wen as wartime battles and courage and endurance were needed today as they were in 1914 to 1918. ui ociii wuc. 11c Hie uuacivttutc ui .n.iuuc.c vajf, tireat war as was tiermanv tnere . ,. .u At. 'dent of the city for the past twenty there were mixed feelings of sor- mlght have been no Great War. l,:!lnrrh Snrrw! Remembrance Day parade, thanked Veorc r herpahont anH w Th.r. n-nc ru. J Mr. DePont had been cared for that so many men should have been have never occurred had certain m7 tlonln the un te n- Dy a neigntjor, jonn l,. ween, who iaicen so eany 10 tneir iasi nome natlons been prepared. mi irf 11 .... ..nn.,rr t... 10.. trT 1; ami ' 1 u m.h. 1 m 1 j v 1.. 1 vj . ; TORTURE 11 Minute Tor quick relief from tie ilchini of ecuma, blotohw, pimples, atbWt foot, cmlei, rmnhei nd other (Ids tniptioM, epplr Dr. Dennii', pure, eoohot, utiaep-tie. llauU D. O. D. PRESCRIPTION. Iu mtle ollt toutbe the trriuted skin. Clnr, ireueleei nd eUtiH lnt drke fiat. Stope the moet loteoM lUhlni la-lUoUy. A 3ie triel bottle, at dnm atoree. proTee It--m montf back. Ak tor D.D.D. PRESCRIPTION. 21 SeattleReds Have Fleeting ; Bui is Held' in Private Ballroom After Civic Auditorium is Denied SEATTLE, Nov. 12: Seattle Communists staged a meeting Wednesday night in a private ballroom In excellent program of speeches and ! the' Puget Sound city after having music was presented. Jack Preece, Deen denied tne use or. tne civic president of the. Canadian Legion,' Auditorium. by Mayor John F. Dore. was In the chair. jThe mayor's refusal to permit the Speakers Included were City Com-'Communists to use -the Auditorium mlssloner W. J. Alder, who replied was upheld by a court whereupon to the toast to the city, referring the radicals decided to stage it to present municipal affairs and elsewhere. n predicting a bright industrial fu-J ture for Prince Rupert which he be-' . 1 p vf riff lleved many of those present would J2e (Jl MerCilcint see become a city of Importance on i. . the northern coast. 'Mnvina In TInitr.fl Lieut. Commander Walter Hume lUttliilC 111 U1UIAU R.C.N.V.R. replied to the tbast to Q.i , np n 1 ( the Navy. He told how the director OtateS 1 0 HXpaHU of naval reserves had complimented the local unit while on a visit here recently. I WASHINGTON D.c;, Nov. 12: ' Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston M.C, Congressional action to Increase the VD. replied to the toast to the size of the United States Merchant Army. He mentioned remarks of Marine is in prospect. It will .be ' Col. C. W. Peck V.C. In regard to the taken Up at the special session of fine type of ex-service men - In Congress next week. . Prince Rupert. 1 Squadron Leader Mawdesley res ponded to a toast to the Air Force. Next year, Squadron Leader desley said, the Air Force would un-l.doubtedly be represented in the I WINDOW CONTEST William F. Stone, Gordon's Hardware and G. A. Bryant were the nrlnnope In the c t nrn rirpcslricT fftmnp- Remembrance Day parade here. He t connection with Remem- ! suggested that Air Force planes yrance jjay. Judges were Col. C. ' , would be stationed here. . . v w Ni-.h. Territory.''. B1P ' AJ Sme'n' oils and Lieut. Col. S.D. Johnston be Armistice Day Dance Enjoyed Wheat was trading at $1.23 In suits might not have been all that wreaths and flowers were laid on prince 'RUpert Trades and Labor ... . -j-.. I um. wmilri hnve HlfpH tn have seen Ih. .Inn. Affof "Rovollle " "1nrt .. gUeSlS. Happy Affair Last Night at Headquarters of Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve A very enjoyable Armistice Day found him dead m nis room irus under such apparently unnecessary We thank God," concluded the " mPmber dance was held last night at head- morning alter navmg oeen amng conditions. Over six hundred Nor- Bishop "that we are at peace and' " ,., Quarters by the local unit of the for the past few days. Time Extended For Federal Building j Tenders Reception them British Columbians had given pray tnat we shan ever be at peace ' ' o . Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve. their lives, leaving widows and fa- lf the call for but that, comes again rTV and d Th the About adoui phlliirpn TUpv nan men i . - uM 4-u..A MUlr'"v o v,w.- 11. - - j iiiiuLiiri will. Liiric til c LiiuuAaiiuo I but there was another side. There of red-blooded, vigorous and cour- thp full In . . . .. .. j j department at Ottawa decided to-.. ter which "Cease Fire" was sounded tners wno needed aslstance. : . .' f those short years of the war tney hv Rnripr wn am Ranpe. Two m n- . .... extend me uow iui . . ... rnrppr. Tnfiv mn,t - ?- -aV" nr. thP npW Prince RUDer. v uau .mu .u. 1 . ' .. . utes uies 01 or silence snence was was ODservea ouseiveu m m UlV4a3 U' - - - - Post Office building until Decern ber 3. Vancouver Wheat iou persons were in anenu- Canadian Legion, many of the ac- ance ana a naPPy me was sPeni' tlvltles of which were largely un- aancmg 10 ine sirams 01 lunet-ome TJlb?eS2 afUS 10 d'fCnd th! known. The Women's AuxHlary al- music by Mrs. DeCarlo's Orchestra ot they had been, that they men Kmg and Empire, yea, Home and 1 . a. 1 l 1 1 a. .n . ' naa proven ineir mnereuu man- Country. hood, courage and endurance and Conventional Service that they were men of Canadian The Remembrance service at the blood. It was not always length of -pnnt!inh was of the conventional At the reauest of some of those 1 d.a,ys that ma.d! bui! fcnh. The proceedings opened . .. . . ... i. ininKS men aia ana weie. iiicoc tendering, tendering, tne wc leoerai u"w puucu """ " or - u-j ... iivph II ... fn tn . work. waiier omiin was mailcr 01 lc,c' so doing important WUllam Brown, who was present- monies. Delightful refreshments Pd with' a nast. nrosldent's. badce. were served at midnight. appealed to all ex-service men to join and become active in the affair of the Leeion not onlv for The committee In. charge consisted of Chief Petty Officer Instructor J. Anslow, Matt Harris, William with the singing of "O Canada" at- benefit but to. help Bremner and David McMeekln. so 1 thdr "lcu own uw" """" " as a" " Keg Hue presiaea ai me aoor, . not be forgotten and the youth of " me of the fallen after wnlch Tr-uprt tea$h church himself nce an thatThe ex-ser- . . f1' . "and . observance , of . two . ,todaymustnotbe.pcrmlttedtofor- there was tne soundln of ZTl ZiS TLl Lt 11 get them. TBt(nut,nnRI, Winn. " . . laiien comraurs. mm uiuu c- uaoi a ujk. "utJ .. ... h j ..te oMrifivMirina rn -nrpvpriL re- ... . . . t .. t hnvp nn lrfPa that, all that suf- Bw,h tho hvmr, "o r.rvi - '"'"V .". marKs or tne rresiaem, me grace - vi " w... ..j..... currence or sucn a caiasiropne as fering of the Grent War was fu- 0ur Help In Ages Past" was sung. tne Great wer. flip Liie. " rlpfl-ircrl ueuiaieu thp liic Rkhnn oiaiiuu. "The lut re- it &..ntnrr vnwln0 tU inp nisnun nicVinn'e a uuuiess nrtiirpK! ' . .. u.Hi . a . .... was said by Rev. E. E. Brandt of Plrat. Pantlst (Ihlimh. ..w, 1 v - . . ruiiurw6 '--o ... ".k.w r ' m t ... n H. 1. Biacic. n 1 1 1 nresiaeni rn 1 1 r 1 1 1. ,i 01 me liic n.u i ...i- the Vancouver vnnrnuvpr Wednesday. weanesaay. ullc - nmmrii thanitpn tne ljeeion ior co- i .r CAMPAIGN STAGED ON PESTS K' but If the sacrifice had not been Save the King" was sung and the and support, "Tnere was cZaZ' MTcZ Save the King." included violin . . 'u'""6 tlons and tne experience ana sum CALGARY, Nov. 12: (CP1 The One thing that the Great War Canadian Legion headquarters, 1 ance 0f the Legion was valued. talis of 87,578 gophers were on dls- should have taught was to hate Sergeant H. A, Ponder, second Col j w NiCholls, with suitable nlav here today along with 13,023 war and strive for peace. How to C.M.R.'s. C.E.F., was In charge or ,.,.,.. moved a vote of thanks campaign oi me iaisaij ruu unu iwi uiiuj )'" uiin ..v.-.. . regrei ai ueing unaoie w nnniu. calrt that a "well trained and well talian C.E.F.: Private James Watt "TlLLIE THE TOILER" VJrWS THIS S AMMOOWCEHEMT All A ta-ii it' ' .n tt first rH7P In onnlnnpri snlriler Is ansnae officer Sixteenth Canadian Scottish C.E.F.. Glorious Dead Honored j j v uoiij -- " ' r. - - - ... the war on gophers by turning in of the world." Had Great Britain and Private William 71,500 tails. been as well prepared before the Tenth Battalion C.E.F. U1EL-L., TtLUE'S I 1 i -Tf- r I.IUaTIC ?LI 1 cSOMMA AM- MOUWCE Z f 7T -$&tk-JiM HEU' you'v 1 vi Hat Ms? solos by Bert Cameron, recitations by Jack Dougherty, vocal solos by J. A. Teng, R. E. James, WUlam Murray XVlUITaY and tallU Uf George Holmes. Com- ' T . . a.. a .a.-..a V at, At hnnn. aU ctnno ' " . . .. .. .... magpie reet, z.oia crow ieei, oisa onng aooui, peatc was. wiurUUiiS vnc B" to those responsible ror tne panquet. munity singing was enjoyed with magpie eggs ana mm crow cbb. o wn;ik ueupic uisaB1tcu. m ...-v.- There was a message irom msnop . - wiienn as leader a P Tinker the fruits oi tnis summers pesi, uunsui, saiu wic siican.i, uc j8'"" n.u.juw.s n.v,.i..,..,, . ...v... E ' BUnoz O.M.I. wno expressea . . , Aif.nPttp" . -a ii.. i-i ... rih J ,uv, nithnn Tnt.lnr CrviHVi n-Vii hnrl "ITiidenH MM anrt 102nd Bat- . t i a. j lea 111 AiuuenC. 1 Vou (owma'J ... I l3. !' V "WW .Wllfc I I 1 The committee In charge consist ed of Jack Preece, J. S. Wilson, G. Rothwell, At the opening of the proceedings Lawes,.. a. ureen, ncury ouum there was the sounding of "The ana J. waiser. By Westover X COM'T KM.C1W 4 ' k 1 V - a a. u 'V 'J',