t t pads roux CU'ssiFiED FOR SALE Range and Radio set. Phone Black 454. (21S) WANTED WANTED English baby pram, reasonable price. Box 18, Dally News. (219) AGENTS WANTED CHRISTMAS Card agents make more money selling the Premier Art Guild line of personal Christmas cards and boxed as sortments- We nav vou 50 per cent commission on personal cards' priced over one dollar per dozen, practically 40 percent on our Dollar-a-dozen series. Agents should not be satisfied with less. Premier line is the smartest, largest and most up to date and ready for you to begin making" money with at once. No experience necessary; no charge for sample book. Prices are lower and commissions higher at Premier Art Guild, 576 Seymour St., Van-couver. Apply today. Agents in smaller towns should write. SEWING UTILITY SEWINO CLASSES-Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phone Blue 637. (t.f.) FOR RENT CLEAN, well-furnished jmodern apartments. Phone Red 441 (221) WORK WANTED WOMAN desires work of any kind. Experienced as Hairdresser, Waitress, Hotel Work, Laundry Work, Housekeeping. Apply Box 18, Daily News or Phone Red 421. (220) DANCING Mrs. M. M. Hodgson and daughter Nona, having obtained dancing teachers' -certificates at Ned Weybum'fi Dancing School, New York City, announce the opening of their studio on October I with up-to-date Instruction In tap, musical comedy, acrobatic, ballet (toe) and physicalfcul-ture, assisted' by Mr! Harry" Cooper in exhibition, ballroom and adagio. Special dances forlittletots. Studio, 121 2nd Ave, next to Clapp Block. Phone Blue 270. (218) i. WATKR NOTICE I'm and Storajr i. TAKE NOTICE that Tuck Irlet Joking Co.. limited, whose address Is eo P. O. Box 1694, Prince Rupert B. C. -will apply for a licence to take nd 'ue 200.000 gallons a day of water out of a stream (paSae ' UnfcriQr-n). -which flows westerly and drains into Osbrrve C"ve Prince Rupert Harbour, about 3 miles northerly from Prince Rupert toanslte. The water will (be diverted from the ream at a point about 1800 leet easterly from Its mouth, on the south Elde, Jenoe over lot No. 444 and will be Xued for miscellaneous Industrial (c) jwrpoHe upon the land described as lit "C part of Lot 444. Range 3. Coast District, Map No. 1598. The storasre dam wUl be located at rtnU of diversion: The capacity of the rnervolr to he creaited Is about 60 M. gr-Clcms, end It will flood nil acres of land. This notice -was posted on the ground ' on ' ithe 30th. day of August, 1937. A copy of ithls notice and an appll-cr.tlon pursuant thereto and to the 'Water Act" will be filed In the of. flee of the Water Recorder at PrW: Rupert, B. O. Objections (to the application may ibt fUed with fcha said Water Recorder cr -with the Comptroller pf Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C fwlttiln ithlrty days after the l!rnt appearance of (this notice In a local newspaper. TUCKS INLET PACKINO OOMPANT. LIMITED, Applicant. . By ,Thoa. Anderson, Agent. The. date of the Clrat publication of thlrf; notice Is September 20, 1937. By Westover I"HEltE I'LL fv.UT tl6 CA-L TERRACE Dr. Stanley Mills returned Frl day night from Prince Rupert where he had been a patient at the Prince Rupert General Hospital, recovering from a dog bite. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Brooks arrived on Friday after a holiday in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks plan to reside on Park Avenue. On Friday night there was an Anglican whist party and social evening with ten tables, good prizes and refreshments. The affair was held in the Anglican Church Hall. Mrs. C. J. Norrington of Prince Rupert, who has been visiting here with freinds, returned to the coast city. Captain J. Bowen-Coldhurst, after spending some weeks at the Coldhurst summer home at Lakelse Lake, has returned to Sooke. The Terrace village commissioners feel proud of the new concrete reservoir for the municipal water system which has recently been completed by Messrs Kirkpatrick. The new reservoir is a more business-like affair than the old one. Its gross capacity Is 20,000 cubic feet. Indian summer has prevailed during the past few days with bright sunshine, not too hot. At this season the mosquitoes have gone. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot tz Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TUAIL-BRITISH COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brarid Chemical Fertilizer y.fcjtt. . Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammflnia?T5apephW phates, Complete Fertilizer i ." Producers & Refiners of Tadanac tirand MetaTs Cold. Silver. Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. Prince Rupert Vancouver-Jasper From any point 37 This jearmakelta,Triangle"Tour,WU Vancouver! 600 miles through the sheltered water of the "Inside Passage" and 1300 miles of some of Canada's most majestic mountains; It's a grand holiday adventure. Vancouver Is the gateway to the fast Pacific Northwest playground. There is a wealth of entertainment awaiting you . . . scores of place to see . . . many new things to do. Plan note for this fine vacation. Scenery! Outdoor sports! A cruise on a "Prince" ship! Gay, metropolitan Vancouver! There are few other trips that offer such a variety of holiday attractions. -TVJa-tic r-i . - MB IF WIS PUBLISHED ACCEPTED r7r v-'jSir WAITED WITH LOADED GUN Man Apperas in City Police Court This Afternoon on Charge Carrying Weapon With Intent Charged with carrying offensive weapons with intent to Injure, Gus Cardell was sentenced to three months imprisonment In city police court this afternoon. .Following an altercation at Seal Cove Saturday evening, Cordell went to a house on Seventh Avenue East armed with a loaded 16-gauge shotgun. Police had been advised in the meantime and Corp. G. H. Soles, Constable A. Gaunt and Constable A. Hanford R.C.M.P. rode up In an automobile. One officer snatched the weapon from Cordell's shoulder while the other placed the man in the can After being given the customary warning, Cordell is said to have told the police that he had been hit on the nose and was out for revenge. Mr. Justice Manson Coming Next Week Will Conduct Fall Session Of Supreme Court Assizes in Prince Rupert Mr. Justice A. M. Manson, paying his first visit here in his capacity as a Supreme Court judge, will conduct the fall session of the Supreme Court Assizes in Prince Rupert next week. His Lordship, who is expected to be accompanied by Mrs. Manson, ias accepted an invitation to address the Prince Rupert Gyro Club -at its luncheon on Wednesday of next week. The session of 4.he Assizes, at which Mr. Jus; tice Manson will preside, will be light one with only two or three divorce petitions being listed; 65 n lh TrlangU Fart IneluJ mtU mnd berth on iltimir whlU at ita. St your ruare$t 0fnt ht trill b glad to htlpyou. .T-JHt . .' ' THey REALiy took YOUR bOOlTTVVCn5 TUST TOO -TOO DIVIMEj- kt- TOT DAILY NXW1 Monday, stptemtersfi., Alberta Farm Worker Killed Stephen Gillis Sustained Fatal In juries when He Was Hun Over by Binder FORT SASKATCHEWAN, Sept. 20: Stephen Gillis, 42-year old farm worker, was killed yesterday. He sustained fatal injuries when he was run over by a binder after the horseB had bolted. Douks In Stabbing Affair At Slocan Three Are in Jail at Nelson Fol-lowing Knifing on Sunday NELSON, Sept. 20: Three Doukhobors are in jail here following a stabbing affray at South Slocan, west of this city, yesterday. Pioneer Vancouver Doctor Is Honored Hood Citizenship Medal Presented Yesterday to Dr. W. D. Rrj done-Jack VANCOUVER, Sept 20: The 1037 Good Citizenship Medal of the Native Sons of British Columbia was presented yesterday to Dr. W. D. Brydone-Jack at his residence here. The presentation was made on behalf of the Na tive Sons of British Columbia by Mayor George C. Miller. Ch'et Justice Aulay Morrison presided over the veremony. It is the f if. teenth Good Citizenship Meal that has been awarded. NEW PARTY Vafidenturg Says Coalition' of Dem ocratic andvRcpubllcan. New ' Deal Opponents IsiLiMy: ' WASHINGTON. D r.;tnini, 9n Senator Arthur H. VandcntrUrg 6f Michigan predicted at the weekend that a new party might' mate Its appearance before the 1940 el. ection consisting jof a coalition of Dom democratic ' and Republican opponents of the New Deal. Van-denburg has himself been often mentioned as a possible Republican presidential candidate in 1940. BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (CP) Bar ail. ver was unchanged at H'Yic per fine ounce, on thp New York mot. al market today. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Smail re turned to the citv on the Cntii' last evening from the south. Mrs. Smail has been spending some time in California and Mr Smail went to Vancouver to me'Jt her. rhone 18 and 81 P. O. Box 575 Free Gift Tokens We are still giving our Free Gift Tokens which entitle you to a wide ranje of Premiums; Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay. arrived in port at 7:45 last evening from the south and sailed a couple of hours later for Stewart. Anyox and other northern points whence she will return here southbound tomorrow. The vessel brought a fair-sized list of passengers. The schooner Daly sold 26,000 pounds of halibut at Seattle Saturday to San Juan, receiving Vsz and IIV4C Three cod fishing ves sels landed incidental small fares of halibut for which 14c was paid. Halibut landings at Seattle last week totalled 343,000 pounds of which 11,700 pounds was from Area No. 2. being caught Incidental to cod fishing. A number of the big boats of the American fleet landed catches at northern points last week in order to get back to the fishing banks of Area-No. 3 for an extra trip before the season closes. Having broken her crankshaft In the north,, the American halibut schooner Northern reached Seattle under tow at the end of the week. A.; new crankshaft Is now being installed and the Northern expects t6 make another trip, to the Area No. 3 fishing grounds before the season closes. .The Daily News lias an audited Irculatlon. Play safe I A BONUS Yours Without Extra Effort Until September 21st Only ThreCjSxtra Cards on Every Dozen ,' 'PERSONAL GREETING CARDS At $1.00 Just place your order with, us now and. get 15 cards instead of 12. .;' Come in and select a beautiful Christmas card from our sample book. Let us have your order for later delivery. These $1.00. per dozen Personal Cards are the biggest Christmas card value ever offered Bright and cheery Cards, Calendars and Booklets with a choice of sentiment. Special offer of three extra cards FREE in every dollar's worth Order must be placed before sept. 21. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. dteainer leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERT TUESDAY, 1:30 PJrl Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.8. CAROENA FRIDAY, 10:lt P.M. Due Vancouver, Monday Ajn. If convenient please purcbasf tickets at office. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 "T1LLIE THE TOILER" VA4EL.L., -THAMKS,TILUB, cvtxry HOUGH THKlSS WA5MT EVACTLy V- ; rr-N, FCZ. Me' BIG FIGHT PICTURES Louis-Farr Films at Capitol Fast Moving: Comedy "Lady Be Care-fiiT Is Feature Picture Just twenty days after the actual fight took place in Yankee Stadium at New York, the moving pictures of the Joe Eouls-Tommy Farr world's heavyweight championship boxing event are to be seen on the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. This is quick service for Northern British Columbia. The fight pictures run upwards of half an hour and In elude some slow motion views of most important action. Fans will thus be able to tell just how good Farr really is and whether or not, as some claim, he was robbed of the decision. The feature offering for the first of the week is "Lady Be Careful," a lively comedy .on sailors on leave In Panama City featuring Lew Ayres, Mary Carlisle, Lary Crabbe. Benny Baker and Grant Withers. Ayres plays the part of a timid gob whose Inexperience with women makes him the butt of his crew mates. Crabbe is a marine with a '.string of broken hearts reaching half way round the world. The ludicrous events that ensue as the tables are turned from the basis of the action. Mary Carlisle plays the part of a glamorous blonde in the city. Ayres not only wins a bet that he can meet this girl but he wins the girl herself . CHRISTMAS Per Dozen After 30 Yeats Comes the British Chal-lenge for the World's Heavy-weight Championship Tommy Farr Heavy-Weight Champ, pion of Great Britain The Blonde-Welsh-Thunderbolt BATTLES Joe Louis World's Heavy. Weight Champion The Brown Number Tonight and Tuesday see the exclusive motion pictures of the bigfibht will all important action in slow motion. Was Farr robbed... how good he is and lira make up your ownniai (At 7:18 and 3:22) ALSO A fast'inoving feature length comedy of life ill the Navy . . . Lady Be Careful with LEW AYKES MARY CARLISLE (At 7:56 and 10:01) World News & Cartoon Tonight and Tuesday (Last Complete Show at 9: Fur Coats and Neck Pieces Nothing looks so dlstln?uished U furs. We have a large stock u latest styles. Bet sure you see tW"1 Your Credit Is Oooo W. Goldbloom THE OLD RELIABLE Prince Rupert, B.C. Ffd,,J., Mall Orders Promptly AtlnW M l mmmwnwwmmm'm'" COAL TO I'l.EAHE EVFKYIlOltV Btlfctlou ourwiM luinou. t;dM.n Albt CoJ Vuniourr bland Prince Rupert Feed