i 6 ' j, PAOE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Friday, July 2, 1937 lnui Introductory Special! Men! Here is a Real Buy! Men's Oxford? in black and brown calf, welted soles. Vitally fresh designs and guaranteed absolutely dependable wearing qualities. Five styles to choose from. Regular value $5.00. INTRODUCTORY PRICE $3-95 Family shoe store ltD. DAILY EDITION now w; The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. P. PULL EN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid ln advar.ee . For lesser periods, paid ln advance, per week . , By mall to all other countries, per year . .. , By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance: ..... ... Hyst Wednesday, June 30, 1937 erical Condition Russia's Weakness , It has been suggested that Russia's weakness is her internal divisions. With many of her best leaders removed because of their lack of sympathy with the present governing power, there is bound to be a loss of national inspiration in the army which may prove fatal in case of a clash with a foreign power. No one can doubt that the rank and file of the army must have a great deal of sympathy with their old, tried and trusted officers. Our Language The average person does not use mariv words but uses them often. Some people get along nicely with about five-hundred or less. People who are widely read usually 'manage to use a thousand to fifteen hundred but good "writers, real literary men, use a good many more. j Some words are very much overworked. One who has studied the subject says that children and shop girls use "okay" much more often than they should. People who are in close touch with Hollywood use the words "terrific" and "lousy." People connected with the advertising business overwork the word "contact." In society the word "definitely" is heard much too often. Broadway is the place where you hear "gal." Tradesmen get offensively monotonous with the word "racket." Interior decorators are very fond of the world "swell." Columnists and other commentators have a fondness for "impact" while stockbrokers olay too much with the word "hdney." People of education and charm are those who avoid these words that are overworked to such an extent as to become almost vulgar. i Possibly the best rule to follow is to Use the word best suited to the occasion but not to use it too often. Even a! vulgar word is sometimes useful. The language is rich in words but the people who use them do not realize the, riches they miss when they fail to make use of them. Trend of Music ! Said Classical SAINT JOHN, N.B., July 2: (CP) "The trenc of music today Is back to the classical," Walter S. Clapperton, professor of music at McGNl University, said when he visited Saint John to examine students taking JlcOill course!1 in music. "The radio, has brought music into the homes of everybody and it Is there for people lo take advantage of, a great multitude of whom have done so. Radio listeners can procure scores, if they wish, and beside their radios they pan 1 i atari 1 rwl nvi'tl7n n a novel WHIFFLETS Prom the Waterfront With a list of upwards of 171 round trip tourists in addition to a number of local people and passengers proceeding east from here by train, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLean, ar-, rived in port at J:30 Wednesday af- before'. Rlveir for Ketchikan Furthermore, more people are interested m this type 01 music today than are g.enerallj given credil for." foiK music exists in let; H. Mortensen, Queen Charlotte: .1. Cvr V.innnvoP' Ktr ovirl MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING (Continued rrom pace on. for a most terrible conflict." The. were views with which Capt. II. dano said he concurred. In clc :lr: he quoted from a Dally News ec torial stressing the necessity ot International goodwill. This was something which he hoped organizations such as the Oyro Club would endeavor to promote. Olof Hanson Olof Hanson, ' in his remarks, de- ternoon from Vancouver, Powell .nlwf thnt nmlnlnn ttnvprn River, and Ocean Falls and sailed ment was endeavorlng to create ln. at 5 p.m. for Skagway and other ternatlonal wlll, malnta,n Alaska points whence she will re- e and t trade lth tu rn here Mondaj r southbound. The lnaUons. AU wre aware of the Prince Rupert had been delayed by strides th t the j natlon loading a circus outfit at Powell ,,,, i u.. mean? of such visitations as that . of the Kaiwo Maru should help to t turning souin auer a special- promots goodwill, peace and trade, ly scheduled cruise to Alaska Th, !,,,,. wprp 3fl tnrinst.ri. New which took .In a number of points neoaie trvine to eat alone. He Brunswick, said Prof. Clapperton tnm ordinarily included on the hoped that the captain of the "Even now ono of our associates, time-tables; C. P. R. steamer Prin- Kaiwo Maru, on' his return to Ja- l'rot. w. J. Smith, of l-retlencton, on-inout, uapi. wuuam rai- palli wouid make a favorable report is busily engaged in seeking tnis. uruvea uere ui 0 ocjock wea- on the port of Prince Rupert as a in tne summer he will visit inc,"eauay auernoon irom me norm result 0f which there would be' lumber camps to learn the tunes ana sanea at 9 p.m. for Vancouver, mutual benefits, of the lumbermen throughout th.ijThe vessel had in all 219 passen- Dr. Brocklesby. ln his lntroduc-province and also visit the coun- gers. Two disembarked here. tory remarks, made reference tb try folk." J"'7" " the accomplishments of Japanese Having among her passengers in the field of science. Visits such nOTEL ARRIVALS Royal ren Scott and Meth Davies, city; J. Watklns, T. Johnson and J. Me-Intyre, Port Edward; J. Dowe. Ex- stew; Thomas Young, Arrandale. Prince Rupert Mr onrf Mrc M R WllU-lmc T?A. ; quite a large party of tourists who as that -of Kaiwo Maru should as- win transter to tne steamer Prince lst ln the seeing .of each: others George today to make the round viewpoints the better. He hoped E. A. Hutton and Winifred Hut-..trP to. Anyox, Stewart and thence the stay of the ship's company in ton, Ketchikan; J. Arseneau, War- 10 Vancouver baturaay evening, C. Prince Rupert would be entirely N. K. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. pleasant. Jamas' Wa',u'arrlved in port at 7 .o'clock yesterday mornlne from Government Agent Norman A, UI1U U. til M 11IIUII1U) VV I ' j . "r" jgina; Douglas Whyte and H. E. ilurn soutr over tne same route. iGoulbourn, Victoria; Edith M. $5.00 Both well, Mannvllle, Alta.; E. A. ,10 Stanger, Montreal; T. A. Wood, T. 9.00 Kaye and W. Gaetz, Vancouver; I Mrs. E. Pongs and daughter, Mas-3 qq sett; W, E. Walker, Naas; Mrs. M. 1 Brown, Port Clements; H. B. Birch, Hazelton; A. P. Smith, Winnipeg; u. u. uurnam, simmers; j. j. aoy-ann, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Gilbank, Covlna, Cal. Central The world seems to be in an hysterical condition just son p- Hudson M- Haapaia, Mrs. largely as a result of the growing menace of compe- fML Vancouver" the Queen Charlotte Watt ,sft on tnls morning's train Islands. The vessel will sail Satur- for a trlP to Lakelse Lake. day night at 10 o'clock on her re- Union, steamer Cardena, Capt. John Boden, is due ln port at 11:30 tonight from the south and will sail a couple of hours later for Vancouver and waypolnts. WILSONS 'i'S"? REALLY KILL Stearns. Tlntaeel: N. .inhnsnn Moor Tom Hill, H. Mackenzie, G. John- Westminster. tition in armaments. The war spirit seems to have been Neis cariso'n, Lars Larse'n and c! aroused m a great many countries arid only extreme Johnson, city; a. Lepage, Ter-calmness on the part of leaders will avert a catastrotihe. race: E B- FoIey. saskatoon; 0. Russia and Japan seem to find it difficult to keep from "JS oberB' A" t--'0""-4.11? fighting each other and yet each country professes to be SiSS anxious to Keep the peace. There IS nothing to indicate Vancouver; Mrs. A. Benson, Digby that either country wishes war and yet .there is continual island; a. Magnusson, Pneian; trouble along the border and the killing of citizens of E- cronin. p- ury and h. cios-either country by the other is bound to cause trouble Ijinirt Harrick' Phdan; sooner or later. r " ' 8Kynox In Europe the situation is even worse for the countries k. izumi. seal cove; w. Lambie, seem to be trying to manipulate their opponents into po- Vancouver; a. swanson and a. ?sitions in which they may be forced to fight. Happily, "utsen. port Edward; Mr. and n 1 D-.'i.. 1 . . , 11 Mrs. J. Burns. Jasper: J. MacDon- t f . y rea"1I"?'ner .rmer slnP,n aid, Boston; P. Urenzen, Prince Which u- She 1, lost in the u hope that Other nations would fol- Rupert, C Werner, Cumshawa In- iow ner example. li,very day triat passes places her in a better position and, the stronger she is, the less likely is there to be war. Savoy H. B. Phillips, Massett; John Salt, New Hazelton; N. Harris and E. Wilson, Vancouver; A. Lips, Terrace; S. Stolyak, Kwlnitsa. "Rain or Shine" PHONE RossMazzei One pad kills flies all day and every day for 2 or 3 weeki. 3 pads in each packet. No (praying, no tllckinett, no bad odor. Ak your DruggiM, Grocery or Ceneral Store. 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MORE? THB WILSON Ft.Y PAD CO , U.mUmn, Om. 35 "Day or Night" TAXI AI French Prompt and Courteous Service Stand opposite Royal Hotel, Third Avenue , : -C ON SALE NOW to OCTOBER 15 Tbrae are example, ol It KTUIt.N fare, from many H.C cenlrro. To destination rail of Winnipeg fore liilitly lower from interior point. Your llekel allows stopover en route! Canadian National Is the "Jasper I'ark" rout. See llil laraest of Canada's mountain playground as you travel east. It (otls no more! I.Ike a change? You van sail ."13 miles down the Great Lakes from I'lirlrtlnr to Old Ontario for approtlmrftrly f9, more, ineals and 'Her'th-tiii s'teiiutWt Included! Through sleeping ears to St. Paul if you go lo the U.S. Midwest. Quirk connections' there' with the new, fast trains for Chicago and Kasl. XT' ,. ,, ,. Loach lonrlnt Standard DesUnattim month I month octoiuji MTURN LIMIT rTUNLMir RETURN LIMIT Winnipeg; $17.15 131.85 $62.70 Minneapolis 48.00 57.60 72.00 Saint l'aul 48.00 57.60 72.00 Chicago 57. 53 68.80 86.00 Toronto 75.75 92.15 108.20 Ottawa 81,10 92.55 112.15 .Montreal 87.75 96.35 117.66 Quehec..... 95.10 106.70 124.53 Saint John 103.75 121.50 138.35 Hallfai..u . 109.05 1315 145.40 Boston 93.75 117.05 137.50 New York 89.73 119.30 131.50 DetroitvlaChlcago 68.75 85,90 102.40 etroll vla'Porontol ,73.75 92.15 108.20 PRINCE RUPERT - VANCOUVER . JASPER The Triangle Tour $37.65 From Any Point on the Triangle. For Information Call or Wrltfe: CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert,. U, ASTE Tv Kellogg' Rice Krupies are extra good with fruit or honey added. With bananas. Peaches. Berries. How children love ill This ready-to-ferre, cereal is to crisp it actually crackles in milk or cream. And there's a Mother Coqie story on the back of every-package. At all grocer. Served by restaurants. Made by Kellegg in London, Out. Quality guaranteed. PHONES 18 and 81 These prices In effect till July 5 RICE KRISPIES 1 I IIUIM I aAI I i l f ill ViTM j P. O. IJOXi 575 Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" Fresh Eggs--Terrace OCp Locals, per' doz. OVt BACONr-Emplre OQ per lb. PCHK & BEANS Llbby's l's talis A Qp XJt 2 tins shelled walnuts OQn per lb. RICE PUFFS Melpgraln cello pkg. -lAp per pkg. AUV WHEAT PUFFS Melograln cello pkg, i(o per pkg. XVi HEALTH OATS per pkg. 15c 1 Large Lutf Flake 1 Lirebuoy soap 9 fin both, for i3j 2 Kellbgg's All Wheat 1 Cereal Bowl 90 both lor UO TOMAT OES Royal 9 7 p Hit, 2Vs. 2 tins FRlftf it SALAD DRESSHJO 32-oz. Jars Oi)n each". . OAL RED PLUMS-Malkln'3 Best itn 25c JELLY POWDERS 4 pkgs. TQMATOESNor per lb, 19c 19c 2 Phones For Your Convenience, Boat and Mail Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention tBi.a:aiii;i:risri:siiiB:jBijt!:ix m win wixinraain 1-3 m$ mr. n ZENITH Washing Machines S (3 II I First in Speed 1 Hcauty I Economy I Convenience R Zenith washing machines save hours of labor every month, needless wear on clothes and y half your laundry bllts and turn out cleaner, whiter clothes, because Zenith Washers are equipped with the exclusive top action gyrator with the gentle rubber hands. Drop In and Inspect the new' Zenith Washers. Let us explain the many features which make them Canada's Finest Washer GORDON'S HARDWARE rnone ;m nmrnemmmmmtrnma McJJride St. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boilek Halibut with eggsauce is digestible, palatable, Satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. " 7 tat I'M 1