i 1 I 'V Floral colorful Anglican Rev. J. M united in Paul Rrindamour uvvvtuwuuii a viuicu Church setting for the , TJrettv) .v :,aai t... r,." r.t.,. momns Church, Endako -wlien . JIcCormick; F;R.G3 holy matrimony Vif- Kinla, the daughter of Mr. and KMfs. W. J. Worthen or Vancouver, and Paul Brindamour, sdn of :the late Mr. and Mr&. Hector Jirindamour. . r The bride, who was iriven awhv oy Matt. Caldwell, wore a cown of while net trimmed with hands of white satin, with the skirt. sweeping into graceful train, Her veil of tulle was held. In place with a coronet of orange Blossoms and she carried n bou ;Qu'et of red roses and lily of the jyalley. Miss Evelyn Caldwell as ' bridesmaid wore a graceful flnor- j length frock of white georgette 5WIU1 luschia-colored trimmings, fand a bandeau of the same ma-te'rial. Her spray bouquet was of (pink arid white carnations. Seven 'flower girls, Betty Caldwell, Dor jflthy Kelly, Josephine Viney, Jean, ,MurfeI, and Eileen Wahlstrom, :&pd Jean Wilson; wore organdie "frocks in pastel shades, and car ,ried decorative wands aloft to '.form a ' floral archway for the (bridal procession. :'.The groom was supported by jHis cousin, A. Menard, with C. Caldwell and C. Rrindamour as 'ushers. - . During the signing of the register, the matron-of-honor.j Mrs. Mathew Caldwell, rendered Three Months In Prison For CritU clzins Chancellor Hitler FREE CITY OP DANZIG. Julv j2:-pastor Rudolph Walthef, chair- RAYON BROCADE Rayon Brocade, 10 shades, best quality made, fast colors, 27 ins. wide Cl A A Dollar Day, 4 yards for .... . v" NEW SEASONS PRINTS 50 Pieces Print, 36 inches wide, fast to light and washing, all new patterns O-i A A Dollar Day, 5 yards for V'vV HOME SPUNS Fast colors, 48 inches wide, assorted new designs, reversible C-i A A Dollar Day, 2 yards for .... . V Av V SILK NETS 36 and 40 Inches wide, 6 pieces, all new designs, regular yalues up to CM A A 85c yard; Dollar Day, 2 yards V1,"v ENGLISH SHADOW CLOTH 48 Inches wide, assorted patterns, fast colors, reversible" ! A A Dollar Day, 2 yards for . .... SCOTCH MADRAS 36 Inches wide, Scotch Madras curtain fabric, assorted designs, no better wearing fabric at a low price C 4 A A Dollar Day, 4 yards for . , V V v pft APERY DAMASK Fast colors, In shades pf brick, rust, rose, green, blue, mulberry, 42 inches 7Qp wi(e; Dollar Day, yard ......... ' DRAPERY DAMASK 52 Inches wide, assorted shades, fast colors, excellent quality. regt value AA $1.50 yd.; Dllar Day,' per yd. vAVU DAMAS'K 'TABLE CLOTHS Damask Table Cloths with colred borders, fast colors, 52x52 inches Q4 A A Dollar Day, 2 for . , .... . . V V V ST v PAGE FOUR nlday, July 2i J THE DAILY NEWS ENDAKO WEDDING vMiss Virginia Worthen is bride Of j 1 Danzig Pastor Sent to: Jail man or the Dahslg" Confessional was sentenced to three imprisonment for criti cizing Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, In a circular letter reati from his pulpit. Baseball Scores WEDNESDAY'S SCORES National League 'Chicago 9. St. Louis 4. Philadelphia 2, New York 7. Brooklyn 0-0, Boston 1-7. American League Boston 4, Washington 6. Naw York 5, Philadelphia 1. Detroit 1, Chicago 4. St. Louis 3, Cleveland 10. THURSDAY'S SCORES National League' Chicago 6, St. Louis 3. 'j ' Brooklyn 1, Boston 4. Philadelphia 6, New York 8? American League Detroit 8, Chicago 15. New York 12, Philadelphia ,7. Boston 2, Washington 3. St. Louis-Cleveland, postponed. solo. Mrs. J. M. McCorrhack presided at the organ. A reception was held at Mr. Caldwell's home at which 12R guests were entertained, aftei which Mr. and Mrs. Ilrindamout left on their honeymoon. They will later reside at Van-derhoof. New Lodge Rises Out of Ashes Of Famous Resort CAL NEVA, Lake Tahoe, July 2: The new Cal Neva Lodge, frisked by the California-Nevada state line on the s&uthernmost shore of Lake Tahoe, opened today. Destroyed by fire In mid-May, the resort., has been rebuilt entirely around, the rock fireplace and fountain, all that remained of the old lodge, nationally known through Its association with the le gend created by Frank Bacon in the play "LightnlnV Weather Forecast (fc'utntahMl throat; the oowrtesy o. Dominion. M-1orolo?ieM Buri i-Victoria and Prince Rupert. This fore cost la compiled rrom observations liken M S a.m. tdday and covers the 3J hour period ending S p.m. tomorrow). Pressure is high over British Columbia and scattered showers have occurred in Southern Tl. C accompanied by moderately hieh ternperatuies. Prince Rupert District am' Qtieen Charlotte Islands -- East erly and southerly winds, becom ing stronger at night with shew ers. ;West Coast of Vancouver Island Increasing east and soutl wind, cloudy and warm with scattered showers at Might. SPECTACULAR FIRE SAN FRANCISCO, July 2: One man. was Injured, and the historic Mission Rock warehouse destroyed in a spectacular fire here. Daily News want-ads bring re. suits: Timely Recipes ASPARAGUS The tender shoots or asparagus I contain all the freshness of spring land should be cooked as soon as I possible after cutting, because this I aristocrat of vegetables is so dell- Innfa V. n . , 1 1 . t ) the underground stem, the fibre begins to toughen and the flavor deteriorates. I Asparagus Short Cake I Twelve stocks asparagus, one cup cream sauce, six baking powder biscuits. Cut asparagus in one Inch pieces and cook In salted water 15 minutes. Drain and keep hot. To prepare the cream sauce, use three tablespoons butter, three tablespoons flour, one cup asparagus water, one-half cup milk, one-quarter teaspoon salt and permer. Melt the butter, add flour and stir until it bubbles; gradually add the hot water in which the asparagus was cooked, then add the milk. Stir and cook until smoothly thickened. Add seasonings. Split and butter hot baking- ANOTHER QUAKER PRODUCT -the 700 Wnoe Wheat Cereal! Mada In Canada by The Quaker Oats Company BED SHEETS 250; Half Bleached Bed Sheets, full size, : made in England, absolutely free from : 'dressing, extra heavy quality AA ; DollpDay, each JLll V ; : PART WOOL BLANKETS White with assorted colored borders, size 68x86 inches Q-i Qff Dollar Day, each SILK AND LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Silk -and . Linen Luncheon Cloths, assorted . ' colorings, 54x54 inches Q4 AA ;c3oljaj;Day V pAMASK TABLE NAPKINS Table Napkins, assorted patterns, full size, $1.00 Cmiii)REN'S LASTEX ANKLE SOCKS . WetHaye 75 dozen Lastex Ankle Socks for .(fbildi-en from 5 to 10 years bid, in silk and lisle mixture; Extra Special For Dollar Day Qi AA 6 pairs for V-lfVU Given Away Dollar Day Coronation Plates 10x10 ins. Free Many of our customers were disappointed on our last Dollar Day and did not get a Souvenir Plate. Wq have another shipment just arrived - that will take care of those who did not re ceive one. .j. ;- powder biscuits made from one's own favorite recipe. Arrange half biscuits on serving' plate, pile generously with asparagus, pour cream sauce over each, place other half of biscuits on top, buttered side up. Cover with asparagus. Use cream sauce and sprinkle with grated cheese. Place In the oven a minute to reheat before serving. REORGANIZING DEPARTMENT City Commissioner W. J. Alder announces that steps are being taken to reorganize the fire department as from July 31. I ter vjpf wsfc jtmi" ' Mail Schedule For the East Monday, Wednesday, and Friday .:.v.v w--rtr .ftm- 1 From the East Tuesday, Thursday and i Saturday 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver ! Tuesday 12:30 pin. Thursday . 9:30 p.m. June 12, 10 and 20 .4:30 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.m. From Vancouver- Sunday , . 4 pjn.i Wednesday ... 10 a.m. p m FABRIC CLOVES Ladies' Fabric Gloves, assorted styles and shades Q-f A A Dollar Day, 3 pair for ...... . V TAFFETA PRINCESS SLIPS Bias Cut Taffeta Slips, lace trimmed and fagotted finish, all sizes in 7Qp nurose & white; Dollar Day, ea. LADIES' PRINCESS SLIPS Bias Cut Broadcloth Slips, lace trimmed, white and tea rose, all siz'es Q4 AA ' Dollar Day, 2 for , . , .,.,. V A v V LADIES' RAYSUEDE PANTIES Novelty Trimmed Raysuede Panties, assorted styles and shades QO Dollar Day, pair . PANTIES AND BLOOMERS May Belle Viscosuede Panties and Bloomers, all sizes, lace trimmed and tailored styles Q1 nn Dollar Day, 2 pair for . $UV LADIES' AND MISSES' SWEATERS Ladies' and Misses' Bramble Knit Pullover Sweaters, assorted shades and styles, sizes 32 to 38 CJ-f aa Dollar Day, each LINGERIE SPECIALS Silk Suede Taffeta An outstanding opportunity to buy your holiday needs in dainty undies, at a real savingBrassier and Pantie Sets, bias cut Princess Slips & Nightgowns, in shades of nurose, white, ice blue! Dollar Day, each $1.00 . : - . .V-...I. SHIRLEY has fruit juice as well as fresh fruit with her Quaker Puffed Wheat for breakfai Friday June 14, 2l nnd 28 For Ahyoi and Stewart sunoay ... . j. Wednesday 3 A Vancouver. POSTIES SAFAM CALGARY, June 30; (CP)..r gary postmen look like bk; gyj nunters as iney aenver their 1 beta t,ttvj. wujro t lai iiik lIDrP r 1 1 helmets adorned with a gold baj J J, O. Williamson returned to thi morning from a two weeks' trip ) Star of "WEE WILLIE WINKIE" A 20th C.nfur.fox Kt ft 0 Uf(hi WWJZOA. OAdDcruMiThAyut l$I DOLLAR DM 5 Saturday FRASER & PAYNE S 2 Saturday Ptltl IMT.1MC Of k nirc NavyBlue Drill Slacks, good nualitv. woll ll made in sizes 8 to 14 years Q4 A A T Dollar Day 1.UU j Cream or Green, mounted on best quality flying rollers, All complete ready to hand. fitt ..69c 3Glch79c TOWELS AT LESS THAN COST White and colored'Turkish Towels, samiiles and run of the mill, at less than cost TEA TOWELS Blue and Red Check, very absorbent, generous size, 20x31 inches CI A A Dollar Day, 8 towels for ... . V vU FACECLOTHS Turkish Face Cloths, assorted )ff colors, generous size, 6 for DRAPERY HOMESPUN 48 Inches wide, assorted designs, good heavy cloth g. Jv Dollar Day, 3 yards for J1UU TABLE NAPKINS , n Damask m Table Napkins, assorted patterns, trod size C-f AA . , Dollar Day, 10 for vw . . . V A " " LADIES'-tJLbVES' Ladies Bengaline n Silk Gloves, samples at Jess than cost, assorted shades and sizes, values up to $1.00 pair C- aa Dollar Day, 3 pair for 01vU 250 White flannelette-Sheets, for full size c.::' . s m iHi Special, Dollar Day, each 'a"""L'"'J ' JaJWr. .