iday July 2, 1037 Every cup a delight SALADA TEA 01 Anona Soaps As Purchased by H. M. The Queen ANONA 1937. Coronation Toilet Soap Imprinted in color which will not wash off and remains visible throughout the life of the soap. Super Fatted, Triple Milled. 7 So Per box of 3 cakes : ANONA Dog Scries Imprinted in color. )0C nrr hnv nf 'A rnkos ANONA Cat Scries Imprinted in color. JJflC per bx'of 3 cakes ANONA Nursery Scries Imprinted in JOC color, Per box ol 6 canes Produced by Disabled Ex-Service Men at Preston Hall Industries, British Legion village ink luaiu- stone, Kent, bngianu Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Drtuzgists The Kemll Store Thones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Canadian I fl.VH.WAV I I STIAM5HIPS I I COMMUNICATIONS I iuk yr Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Torts l'rlncess Adelaide every Friday. 10 p.m. , To Vancouver Direct rrlnms Alice Princess Louise l'rinccss Charlotte July 3rd. 14th, 21th; July 7th. 17th. 28th; July 10th. 21st, 31st Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from Ml. COATL8, C.cncral AKent l'rince Rupert, IJ.C. 30U th ...lit u.,4. ... 4 1. -J win pan ouiuiuay uvi'iiuiK oil Hiu l'rince Uunert for a vacation trio to Vancouver and Vancouver Inl and. Condition nf Mr. II. 1. Mr.. .Kenney of Terrace, who has been I ill at the I rince Rupert General Hospital for some time, is reported to be grave. Miss Wilma Wilson of Hie Rank ianK ot of Montreal Montreal staff statf relumed reiurnca' Wednesday afternoon from vacation trip to fVancouver. BLACKHEADS Don't t'lurm bckhnl diwolve them. Get two ounce of peroxlnt powder trom ny druif tor and rub gently with wet, hot cloth over th blukhndi. They limply dhv nlvt nd diiippetr by this if. and ur. method. Utf Hollywood complexion. Miiss Nancy Pallant of the l'rince Rupert General Hot pi. til nursing staff will leave Saturday night on the l'rince Charles to spend a holiday al her horce at Skidcgate. Winning numbers of C. I', of C. raffle: 1st prize, No. 135, 2nd prize, No.- 105. Winner of uoor i prize, No. 1-16. To be called for at 1221 8th Ave. E. (152) Mrs. Edward l'ongs and daugh-J ter of Massett, who have been spending a few day. in the citv. will sail bv the Prince Charles 'Saturday night on their returns I to the Queen Charlotte Islands'. Ernest Meadows, son of Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Meadows, arrived in the city on the l'rince Rupert ( yesterday from Vancouver. lie is joining the Post Office staff hero. . Notice TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone other than myself. HUGH FORREST. 210 Ninth Avenue West. H53) Announcement: Canadian Legion picnic, July 4. ANNETTE THE DAILY NEWO PAOB THItE ', . .. i -uimL. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Miss Jean Stalker will Hail William J. Davies of the Can- Saturday night on the l'rintijadian National Telegraphs staff George for Vancouver enroute to returned to the city on Tuesday wuiurn on a viicauun inn. iiiiuiils iiuui mti oiviiuiuk , vacation' al ius ranch in the Na- MIsh Bessie Campbell of the dina Hiver country.' city telephone office will saili Saturday evening on the Princei Miss Jean Harrison U.N., lady Uupert lor a vacation trip as lar superintended of the l'rince Ku as Los Angeles. j,ert General Hospital, left at the first of thh week for Vancouver Mr- and Mrs. H. S. Mcadows'f, ut,r antiiiul v;u-aLIon. Slie will also visit in Winnipeg. Mrs. K. Jackson of London, England, is here U) spend the summer with her motner. Mrs Andrew Ness, 218 Ninth Avenue imeriy of bmithers. Mrs. Walton East. She is accompanied by her . will go south a week later. young son. Miss Connie Morgan, win arrived in the city at the end of last week from Colleymount , , , , 4 : .( where she has been teaching 4 o the v, city i4. on .u the n-: l'rince i.,' Rupert, . , . . . 1 school for the nasi couple Jf f 'ivpara. sail Saturday nlirht on the 1 Prince George for Victoria to at- summer school. jtend ', Rev. Victor Sansum. former United Church pastor at Port Simpson, arrived in the city on' the Prince Rupert Wednesday af ternoon from Vancouver, where! he is now located, to pay a visit here and on the okeena River. BLUE stops your clothes from turning Yellow! Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Fulton and family left on this morning's train for Lakelsc Lake where they will take up residence- for the season In their summer home. Miss Clara Stegavig '.and' Miss Ruth Corbould of the nursing staff of the l'rince Uupert Gen eral Hospital returned to thn city on the l'rince Rupert Wednesday afternoon from a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere In the south. Mrs. I S. Walton and daugh ter, Ruth, will sail on the Prince George Saturday evening for Vancouver enroute to Duncan, Vancouver Island, where they will pay a visit with Mrs. wauons sister, Mrs. W. n. uootison, xor- Itillv Fuller, son of Mrs. L. M Fuller, formerly of this city and now" of Victoria, has left thf Royal Canadian Air Force to join the service of the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co. as a wire less operator at Great Slave Lak- in the Northwest lerritoncs. K. H. Lovett. field engineei for the Pioneer Gold Mining Co. uiilpd Wednesday afternoon on the Prince Rupert for the Yukon Mrs. Lovett, who arrived with him at the first of the week from Pioneer, is remaining over here to visit with her mother, Mrs. D. Zarelli Without blue, your cottonj or lioeoj (o white when new) take on a yellow tioge. To rnmre lhir loytlv WHITENESS 1 a wih nr two of fteckin's Blue to the last rime. No effort. Coit? A cent or two a month t Reckitt's BLUE Out of the Blue Comes the Whitest Wash I Sale of Ladies1 Wear r t i fa Sacrifice Prices IN HER NEW LOCATION AT Corner of 2nd Ave. & 6th Street Constipation low you up. Sytterm need natural "bulk." Kelloga'a All-Bran supplies It. Eat It regularly and you'll tee a remarkable change. km, ... .ITI ALtBRANpl D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE HUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 WE BUY, SELL, XCHANG1 The Following Items OR Furniture, Stoves, Ranges, Etc. Mechanics' Tools Lumbering and Logging Tools Wire Rope, Etc. Garden Tools Builders' and Shelf Hardware Paint and Paint Brushes Cutlery and Silver Plated Ware Guns, Rifles, Ammunition and Sporting Goods WE HUY FOR SI'OT CASH CALL GREEN 91G El L I O FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Ground Floor, Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. i i MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 10 CONGOLEUM and LINOLEUM RUG SPECIALS ALL SIZES Barry and Stains Rugs 9x10.1 Phone 775 $3.65 SOUTH TO VANCOUVER Calling at Ocean Falls and Powell River Steamer leaves PRINCE RUPERT Saturday, 7 p.m. and Monday, p.m. Canadian National Steamships V-12U-37