been armed with special weapons but not furnished by the C. I. O. when they broke up a Memorial Day demonstration of steel strik' trs. Serceant Lawrence J. Lyons had told the Senate Cicil Liberty Committee that police may have ned "other than regulation clubs" in the encounter which resulted In the death of ten de- ' monstrators. MORE FISH IS LANDED catches and a total pounds last year. Trisco Building Service Workers Now on Strike SAN FRANCISCO, July 2. Thousands of San Franciscans walked up to work In Jnclcaned office buildings yestorday alter one thousand building service employees carried out their threat to strike. Last minute efforts to halt the strike call failed as Mayor Hossl's moves for negotiations met with indifference. Thomas Priest More Soviet Gunboats Have Made Appearance in Amur Area; Air Is Still Tense in Frontier Region TOKYO, July 2: -Japanese reports said that five more Soviet gunboats had appeared at Sennjufu Island in the Amur River, where an alleged Soviet "invasion" has led to an armed clash between the Russian river craft and Japanese artillery. These advices, together with continued occupation of the Island and what Japanese sources said was Moscow's failure to reply to Tokyo protests caused official apprehension. They declared that only the evacuation of Sennefu Island and other disputed territory by the Soviet armed forces can bring about a peaceful solution to the problem. As it stands both Japan and Russia consider the other the aggressor. ENTERTAIN MUSSOLINI JAPANESE OBDURATE Junlor Chamber of Commerce Takes Kaiwo Maru Officers And Cadets in Tow i Yesterday the Junior Chamber of Commerce was host to the officers and cadels of the Japanese train ship "Kaiwo Maru." In the morning the cadets were taken for a drive around the citj and to the end of the road in cars owned by the members and thfV friends. The par.y was sthnun nvpr th DrV Dock by G . I trt I - I . )iner oiiKiHi. The officers and cadets wen jnterlained at I o'clock at 1 luifcheoij Iri-UWKriWHflWI President George Roric of th Junior Chamber of Commerce ex Volume of Halibut nt Port So Fur icnJcj to the visitors his best This Venr U Away Ahead wishes and expressed the hope Of Last Year that nil might see them nt a Ilc 1 date as captains of Ihcir own The total cntch of halibut land- VP8IH.R I nt Prince Rupert during Junrfj Chief Officer S. Nishizawa re-this year as recorded on the, llonuv,i on behalf of Captain Iln-li. -I- - of the ocnl fish exchange jano wno WaH unable to attend was 2.31 1,100 pounds in compan- Sadao Suga, on behalf of the '"li with 1.G:18.G00 pounds In Jure prince Rupert Japanese Assocla 1!W. Sixty-nine American vessels t0 and the Skeena River Fisl landed 1.251,000 pounds this June crmen's Association, thanked the and 101) Canadian boats, 1, 003,101 junjor Chamber for the assist-pounds, tancc given in helping to entertain The total of halibut landed thc-Ir kinsmen from over the scp. "if port so far this season, as , interesting talk was given recorded at the Fish Kxchatigc, ',iJV Cadet Mlnami on the life ot hs been 7,020,700 pounds as com. ' tj,c member of (he crew. He pared with 5,311,700 pounds up stated that the ciuise was the to the end of June last year. conclusion of a three year course Thl, season to date 207 Ameri- 0f training at the end of which 'in .n mches. mcnes, totalling totalling a...uu..w :i...oo,.oo:ii1M.f Iey Woul.l would gradua gradual e irom irom men tneir Ills Paper Says Italians Will Withdraw From Spain of 2,850.000 Motion pictures were later npr rip pit 1 Named Foreman shown by Hnrrv I'll. Mcl.coo- IVLiULil' DlLili pome of the silk Industry li) Japan which were lent by the visitors, and others taken by himself In the r.ablnc Country and in Honolulu and around Prince Rupert. Assisting the Junior Chamber bv lending their cars were:W. L. Coates, S. C. Thomson, 0. W. Nickerson. George Ilryant. Cib. Tavlor. Bob Parker, Thco Collart, Kd'die Clapp and H. Mochlda. Model Yacht Is Presented To Japanese Ship Yesterday afternoon a happy i i.nAr1iiiir(nr event took place ak i..-. of the Royal Canadian Naval Vo lunteer Reserve .when me preseu- tatliri was made to Capt. Z. Ha-Ltonn nf the Jananese training ship Successor to J. w. McAuley In C.'of a model 1 yacht made by AJ. this city. The mode, of N. R. Service Here Crozford Jwlll be later presented on return rr-,.. ... . . . . 1' 11.. trnlurn M.iril to jQDail tO the foreman for -the Canadian Nation- best showing, Capt ol Railways here In succession to officers inspcciea J. W. McAuley. reserve building. Not LONDON, July 2: The Spanish non-intervention scheme came nearer to the brink of oblivion today following a near knockout punch from the fist of Premier Mussolini. The blow was an article In the newspaper Popolo d'ltalia which was unsigned but attributed to n Duce asserting flatly Italy's refusal to recall her "voluntary" troops from Spain. Other nations A. McMillan, superintendent, anu had sont volunteers to help the loyalists long beiore Italian voiun- teers had gone to aid the Insurgents, It was declared. The French Chamber of Deputies Foreign Affairs Committee unanimously rsolved today to propose reconsideration of the whole Anglo-French policy towards Spain should Oermany and Italy refuse to approve of Anglo-French control of non-intervention. Army Housing is Passed By U. S. Senate the House a $23,000,000 army housing bill. The measure would authorize, construction of barracks and other buildings. Including hospl- founds. hv been landed here a Vt0V. TheJP would then be taken . fc the t . more continental Jan United . ' I'limilnMul ...fiU 1 KO nn.l a , . h.'.Aiiiiw.iI ,'nUJold minimi Lu wiui mo Miiu qu privaic cuiiii'.iiij-Y" uvu , total of '2,481,800 pounds Inst as npprcntlces afttr which, on year. This year to date S01 proving their efficiency, they catches for a total of 3,720,400 wou,j promoted to junior of-founds have been landed by the ficlr!, when their future progress Canadian fleit as against 271 . wo, depend on their ability WASHINGTON, D.C.. July 2: I- Today's Weather Tom orrow s Tid es (S A.M.) She High .. 8:55 ajn. 15.8 It. Prince Rupert Raining, southeast 21:05 p.m. 19.8 it. wind, 16 miles per hour; barometer. Low 2:35 a.m. 5.7 ft. 30.14; sea sm . 14:20 p.m. 1 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER "A Vol. XXVI.. No. 152. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1937 PRICE: 5 cents; l"J .lUlW fNk' GO BACK T0W0RK Happy Steel Workers Return To job No General Settlement CHICAGO, July 2: Smlllnj workers walked unmolested through the main ees of the Inland Steel Easst Chicago plant yesterday for the first time since May 27 when a strike call closed the mill. The march began several hours before the whistle blew. back to work It was a happy movement. Onl a few hours before a city wide celebration had followed Governor Clifford Townsend's announcement that the Inland strike had been settled. Frank I'urnell, president, declared today that Younjstown Sheet and Tube Company, object of a C. I. O. strike, "will not enter intti any agreement with the S. W. O. C. oi the C. I. O. either dl-rcctly or Indirectly." SPECIAL WEAPONS WASHINGTON. PC July 2: A Chicago police official told Senate Investigators that some of his subordinates might have n TO PRESIDENT Congressional Action 011 Bill Half Appropriation Completed WASHINGTON, D.C., July 2: The House has sent the admlnl-l stratlon's $1,500,000,000 relief bill ; to the White House for approval. It completed congressional action on the measure by adopting the re-i commendations of conferees on settlement of differences between the House and Senate. Former Governor In Favor of C.1.0. Th.i.ks SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. July 2; A former Massachussctts saw In the Committee for In- I Late Telegraphs DON BUDGE WINS WIMBLEDON Don Budge won the all-England tennis championship by defeating Baron Gottfried vcon Cramm of Germany 6-3, 6-4, 6-2 with a brilliant victory in the final today. Dorothy Round of England and Jag-wiga Jedrezejowska of Poland meet in the women's final. LISLE FRASER DIES VANCOUVER Lisle C. Frascr, 51, sporting goods merchant, died of a heart attack at 10:15 yesterday morning at his home here. TROUBLE IN TIMMINS TIMMINS, On( Tear gas, water and clubs were used by police to disperse a shouting mob which smashed windows in the town hall and demanded release of two men under arrest over the Dominion Day holiday. SOCIALITE IS HELD LOS ANGELES The seion of a prominent Lbs. Angeles family Co. Terrace Cloudy, calm. 57. Alice Arm Light clouds, Dlirl,,. Txhuifl Piirt it Cannot be Other Than 154. sea smooth. Of Helpful Effect lliomas rnesi llttS reCClWt WOluui "-"--- nrpanl.nilmv a "nroffrps. of his appointment as locomotive cadet cm the smP wno ; . .rTF. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 57. ARE HEADED Mutual Understanding Between rnp CTDTcp! Nations of Problems is Urged calm, Smlthers Cloudy, calm, cool. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 53. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 53. I Victoria Cloudy, southwest Andiwlnd, 14 miles" per hour; bnro- meter, UO.U'J. Kstevan Cloudy, cast wind. 1 miles per hour; barometer. S0.22 Digby Fair, north wind. 4 miles per hour: barometer, 50.14 Vancouver Clear, east wind, 4 miles per hour; barometer, "0."0 Prince George Cloudy, south east wind, 0 miles per hour; baro-mH-r. ItO.Ot. Alert H.v Ught rain, barometer. "0.2G; tempera lure, 52; sea smooth. Hull Harbor Rain, light south east wind, barometer, "0.1(5; temperature. r2: sea smooth. cloiidv. Lnngnra Island Overcast, barometer, Wl.OG; temperature, C2; sea smooth. Dead Tree Point Rain, fresh the new naval deration of Labor, that can't be southeast wind; barometer, !10.10; otner man neipiui. - temperature, 0; sea cnoppy. jl aft h m. aia u French Leaders Halt Violent Trend ! Of Movements Under Various t Political Groups PARIS, July 2: (CP) A that French children are grow- joining rival political is being held In tonnection with i0( the Lyon Chamber of Commerce' the triple ravishing and murder of three little girls. He is in a hospital in an advanced state of alcoholisrj. lie has been under scrutiny since Monday. DE VALEHA WINS DUBLIN While returns will not be announced until next week, victory for President Earn-on nde Yalera as a result of yesterday's election is indicated. ENDEAVOUR II CHOSEN NEWPORT The Endeavour U has been chosen by Commander T. O. M. Sopwith as the America's Cup challenger., N0TRADE IN FRANCS New York Market Suspends IJusI- ness In French Money NEW YORK, July 2: Trading In the French franc virtually has been halted by New York banks, follow aroused reports his playmates killed him as a "fascist." - An official Inquiry established that the boy. wearing his best Sunday suit and riding his bicycle, was cal'ed "girl in pants" by urchins who derided his fine clothes and long hair. When Paul answered hHr Hunts, they threw a barrage of .'tones that broke his skull. Eleven boys were olaced under public welfare supervision. ing suspension ot gold payments by r,acon w0Uld fall Into decadence. the Paris governments and closing Fnr my part, j. will not tolerate I of the Bourse. Nominal quotations them." of 4.48'A cents were given but The senate nas passed ana sent 10 bankers said they expected few States, Hawaii and the Canal Zone. Appropriations to finance the program would be Included In future appropriation bills. ; dealings at that figure. Foreign exchange markets In Paris and London arc suspended and transactions by cable are at a standstill. Today's Weather (Onvwwnftit 'fpgrph Groups Well Rooted Organized politics for the young, however, are deeply entrenched and will not be .rooted out easily. The communist party presides over a particularly powerful youth movement. The Federation des demonstrations demanding such things as "guns for republican Spain." I The communists also sponsor the . Union des Jeunes Fllles de France, 1 already numbering 10.000 girls.! Singing of the Internationale, wav-. lnc of red flags and shouts ofl young men In cream-colored .shirts standing guard, with arms folded on chests, before the speaker's wtn.i r. niiina .,r hr:'stand at party meetings. The hnrnmeter. :?0.14: lemiiorature, Royalist Action Triple Island' east-southeast wind hour; sea cmooth. Francalse had Its henchmen of the King, once num- Part cloudy i berlng 15.000 beret-wearlng stu-10 miles pel 'dents and others. It was dissolved ; after beating Leon tilum February 13, 1936, but It has remained By Captain of Japanese Ship Relation of His Country to Others in Field of Trade And Commerce Discussed Olof Hanson Extends Welcome at Gyro Luncheon 1?1T 7hm,t vr "I hold the view that if nations such as Canada and by political and educational auth- Japan are prepared to meet each other on a basis of mu-oritfes. itual understanding, there need be no fear of any such infants lifting chubby hands in thing as war between them," asserted Capt. Z. Hadano, the clenched fist of communism or . nf f. v?s:r;n(r Tj,nj,nPcn mprMntilp mai-ino train. the stiff arm of fascism-children , 7-r f r 7i.I VJ n" 1Z bands ling ship Kaiwo Maru in addressing the Prince Rupert youths shouting "La Rocque to the I gallows" and "death to Blum" ( are cited as tending to put future Frenchmen against one another, j These warnings have come lnl for grave discussion in the press, in j public meetings and in govern- ment councils since eight-year old Paul Glgnoux was stoned to death 1 April 25 at Lyon by other children. I ' The fact that the boy's parents belonged to Col. Francois de la Rocque's Nationalist French Social Party and his uncle was president; SALMON FISHING STARTS Good Run on Skeena and Naas With All Boats Fishing The sockeye run for the opening day of the season on Skeena and Naas Rivers Thursday Is reported to have been quite up -to expectations. The average for the Skeena was fifteen fish per boat with the high boat reported as having taken fifty-eight fish. On the Naas River the average was reported as thirty fish per boat with 135 for the high boat. Namu reports an average of nineteen fish per boat. I All gillnet fishermen started to Though this Incident turned out , work including the Japanese who to be a boyish but tragic dispute, it , have been demanding fifty became the inspiration for a cam-J cents per fish instead of forty-paign against violence and dlvl-1 seven and one half cents, offered flons amon-z the young. 'This tra-t bv the canners. The canners are gedy worries us because It Is only also offerine seven and one half -:too 'symbolic,' ' former 'Premier :- cents' per pound tor sockeye as an Edouard Herrlot, president of the alternative to the piece price National Chamber of Deputies and mayor of Lyon, told his city "Children are surrounded now) by an extremely grave moral atmosphere. By pictures, stories, hooks and movies, they are brought to know the criminal actions. Our children come to consider violence , as cu'tomarv Thev do not know the ot,hr side of the story, pitiless punlchment. "A country which would tolerate such Insults to justice and to biij, as I he Skeena fish haye been aytrn'in? 5.6 pounds and the SAN FRANCISCO, July 2: uyro uiud ai luncneon on weanea- day. "I am convinced that a better understanding of each others' needs and aspirations will assure peace between the nations." Captain Hadano made some Interesting remarks In regard to international relations with special reference to economic and trade problems and his address wa3 listened to with rapt attention by an audience which Included a large number of the officers of his ship, prominent members of the local Japanese community and other guests as well as members of tho club. Another Item of Interest was the conveying by Olof Hanson, M. P. for Skeena, of a welcome to the Kaiwo Maru on behalf of the Dominion government. Musical numbers Included harmonica solos by Second Wireless Operator O. Arlma and xylophone solos by George L. Rorle. Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, president of the Gyro Club, was In the chair and spoke suitably In welcoming the captain and officers of the Kaiwo Maru. . The guests were Capt. Z. Hadano, Chief Officer's. Hlshlzawa, Second , Officer .lUthlyanu, Third Officer M. Chlba, Chief Engjneer F. Ara-kawa, First Engineer K. Katsuka, .Purser U. Nakata, Chief Wireless Naai 5 9 pounds, there has been 'Operator H. uesugi and Second Of- no disposition to take the pound price. AMELIA ON OCEAN NOW Famous Aviatrix Expected in Oakland on Sunday Ilcer o. Anma; saaao suga. t. TsuJI. K. Sakamoto, H. Mochlda, H. Matsumoto and" T. S,. Shimlzu; w. D. Vance. Alex McRae. F. A. Mac-Callum and Olof Hanson MJ". Captain's Address In opening his address, Capt.. Hadano exptessed appreciation for the honor of having been invited tot address the Gyro Club. He com-i mended the purposes of the service organization. ' Referring to the Increase In. "Amelia's coming in Sunday." That; population and the development ofj wora is Demg passea arouna waay , industry and trade of his country,, at the Oakland airport, scheduled, Capt- Hadano told how It had bc-termlnal of Amelia Earhart's flight come necessary for Japan to create around the middle of the world. work through Industry. Manufqc-Sunday Is a very unofficial dayjturlng had expanded and Japan but Its the consequence of the best. was importing greater and greatef tucsses available at the airport. Quantities of raw materials from Jeunesscs Communists, headed by1 News service dispatches from Syd-j abroad to convert Into commodl-Sscretary-General 'Leonce Gran-!ney- Australia, reported Miss Ear- ties for export. The rapidly ln-ion. numbers 92.000 members, at 1 hart landed Wednesday at Lale, introduction of "Made In New Guinea. She Is due at Honolulu today or Saturday. "down with fascism" marked their j -nd 6 5c- Halibut Sales American Canadian Cold Storage, Cape Spencer, 6.5'JO, Booth. 7.5c itid 5.5c. North Foreland, 6.500, Cold Storage, 7.4c and 5.5c. Joe Baker. 10,000, Pacific, 7.3c General Motors Japan" goods on the world's markets had aroused some crltlcum and caused some anxiety amcjtg other nations. It was essential, however, for Japan to have access to the world's markets In whWK the Euronean and American na- Ralnlcr. 31,000, Cold Storage, 8.2c' u0ns had had an Important place. The competing nations had made efforts to reduce prices to meet controls a youth movement of 40.-' Uf' .uw. I'acuic, i.ic ana 0.0c. Japanese competition, japan nao. 000 boys, often appearing in unof- Tcnnle Millie, 14,000, Atlln, 7.5c ( had to make up for lost time and flclal uniforms of red shirts and "d 5-5c. he did not believe It should be re- blue ties Oulvik, 12 000, Cold Storage. 7.6c; proached for producing cheap The radical vouths form one of and 5.5c. the most moderate wings of the Johanna. 11.000, Rarileal-Rnrlallst Partv. Thev have 7.5c and 5.5c. the crossed arms salute, compromise between clenched fist and stiff arm. La Rocque's Social Party Is noted for Its smart E.V.P. (equlpcs volantes de propagande), squads of dn,i 3.5c. goods and good quality In order to win recognition and meet competition. Today the Old World nations were raising fortifications and trade barriers. The Mackenzie King government of Canada, Capt. Hadano declared, understood the teal and urgent 'situation of Japan in relation to I the present world economic sltua-1 tlon. It was trying to build up aml-i cable relations. Capt. Hadano quoted words of Head Made Big mfiS&SZ, Saving in Taxes ajtrlp to Prince Albert. saven ji.auu.uuu in taxes in mown, iiflnnnuw ji p"t i,nu we hands well, It may be that Japan will find Its best Interests pn the side of the ! white races. Conflict which threa WASHINGTON, D.C., July 2: A tens can only be avoided If the securities commission attorney people of the white races come to tnld the roncrexxlonni tax inmitrv 1 realize that theV must treat the Mrs. P. T. Cousens and daugh- committee that Alfred P. Sloan Jr.. j other races as equals. If they do ter left on this morning's train for chairman of General Motors, had, not do so, they must be prepared a2 m. 1 1 .M V- V I J i I' .III A . 1 .1 I v re I li ' IT