rtday. July 2, 1937 CLAssiFlEO 1 FOR SALE tna SALE Keg lsiereu uocner IB' . , Spaniel pups. W. C. Sparices, ier race. B.C. 153) ft'OAL NanalmO-weiungion ror furnace and heater. Alberta Egg sootless. for the kitchen range". Albert ti McCaffery. Phone lid or 117. (MJ Ifor SALE Ivory dresser, taole, lamDS. pictures, plants, Jardln leres, copper kettle,, cut glass watr pitcher, pyrex dish and a few kitchen utensils. Phone Oreen .600. ., .' ' (152) )R SALE Approximately 90 acres of land, part of it cleared and under cultivation, and with a frame residence building, situate at Oona River, B.C. For parti culars see or write John Dybhavn, Prince Rupert, B.C. (153) FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING) ' Rooms, Vernon Apartments, Phone Red 421. (tf) ACANCY JULY 15 Angus Apart ments, front three and four room suites. (tf) POR RENT Seven-room house, sun room and glass protected porch, with electric range, fur nace, good garden, one of finest harbor views in city. Apply to Pullen. Dally News. (tf) 'LEANING & PRESSING BPECIAL - Price reduced 25 on dry cleaning and pressing ladies' wear Pioneer-Canadian Laun dries Phones 8 and 118. (tf) HELP WANTED WANTED Housekeeper. Call 340 4th Ave W or Phone Blue 801. (154) IVANTED-r431rl-.to.xlo housework. Apply Mayfalr. (tf) In the KCPKr.MF. hurt of iikihsii (Ol.l'MIIU in ritoimr. ' In the matter of thr "AtlmlnlMmtlftn Art" And 1 In thr Matter of the F.ttatr of William Slhlinld. !ereae1. Intenate TAKE NOTICE tlt toy crder ot Hi Ifcnr.r, W E Plahrr. the 23rd day of Ivuw. A. D. 1637, I svmt appointed Ad- iMiUrtruttir of the rotate ot William MWMld, deaaJ. and ail partiea. hsv- IH ilulma Against the nuW estate required to furnfelt ta. pro- liy trilled, to nit on or before xr pin fe a July A. D. 1937. and all Inrtle. indebted to the estate are rt- uirM V) fay the amount of Uirlr ln- H i PflT'irt in m er4 Kuril NOUMAN A. WATr, Orriclal Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. 1 the 2h day of June, A. P. tin; sitkkv or bhitisii OOl.tMHIA IV IHOIUTF. the Mutter nf the -Ailmliil-t ration At" And thf Matter nf I tin Fta(r of EiHird Johnnwit, Decratrd. IKE NOTICE tlfcut sy order of His or, It, E. A, Rcberuan. the Wh t June A, D. 1917. t woj ap ilrd Exc-.utor of the ataU of Ed I Johanaan. (ttacottd. and all ties having claim again the ald re are hereby required to JurnUli I property TeruMd M me on or M' e ui 2iu dy or July, a, d. im i ai partita indebted to the rstata r rwruirod to pay tn amount of then febtetlnem to ma forthwith. JOltN DYBHAVN, Prince rinpemt. DC, ttl June aint. A. D. 10.17. tiii: ni i'iikmk couiT or ihmtIsii (ii.r.MiiiA IN I'KOIlATF. Hi Mallff of Ihf -AdiiilnUtratlon Art" 4 ...I Mattfr nt lh r.taf of Hllllan Miirrl Wrlclit. Itrrrnwd KE NOTICE tht, by order of HU M H. E. A. Baberuon. the tBth n 1q m Morris Wrie Jt, dwaAod , aJid r r- i iHxiii vMiuim ijjr w f wt&tc a.re hrty requkrvd to fur baf. va oikt tut a n are required oo pof trie nmouru NORMAN A. WATT OfflclaJ AtUnliii&trotor, Pr i t-uo 1 i i v II n Vt4 tb aiat da.y of Jun' A. D ' COAL TO PLEASE EVEUYDODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALUEItTA COAL IIULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCR RUPERT FEED COMPANY PUONE: 58 and SIS , ACTIVITIES COMMENCE fiyro Playjrrounds Opening Fo Season Varied Program The Gyro Club of Prince Ru pert announces that supervised playground activities for child ren will commence on July 3, un der the direction of Hary Gordon. Cooper of Vancouver, assisted by Miss Evelyn Hoyes, also of Vancouver. The separate playground. will be directed as follows; McClymont Park, Miss. Geral-dlne Cade. Seal Cove, iMss Kitty Cameron. Acropolis Hill, Miss Alice Go mez. Westview, Miss Mary Davey. The various activities arranged for the Children will include among others, swimming, folk dancing, gymnastics, handcraft, Softball, basketball, football, vol- eyball, goodminton, group games track and field, roller skating soap carving, physical efficiency tests, doll contests, amateul hours,, sewing circle, community singing, picnics, hikes, treasure, hunts; pyramid buiiuing, etc. Due to the combined efforts rf the Rotary and Gyro Clubs the swimming pool at Morse Creek i? being continually improved and during the summer, classes will be held in life saving, advanced and elementary swimming and diving. The directors will be on the grounds daily from 1 p.m. tlli 8:30 p.m. with the exception nf the suppe rhour. Co-operation of the supper hour. Co-operation of having as many children as po.v sible registered within the firl week. H, B. Birch arrived In the city last night from Hazelton and will sail Monday morning on the Prin cess Charlotte for Atlln to which point he has been transferred in the service of the Government .Telegraphs. THE SEAL of QUALITY a?a&5S GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert BIG CROWD TURNS OUT Dominion Day Celebrations, Fa vored by Good Weather, Was Successful Undertaking Japanese Display Jiu Jitsu and Fencing Interests- Legion Wins Soccer Races Keenly Contested Unique displays of jui jitsu and fencing contests by teams from the visiting Japanese training ship Kaiwo, the final of the Dom inion Day Cup football competition which Canadian Legion won I... . m . It sports featured the program at i the annual celebration of Dominion Day yesterday under the auspices Football Prince Kupert Boy3 Band Associ-i atlon. Weather was quite favor- i able and, despite the counter at-! traction of the Canadian National; Ilecreation Association's Terrace! excursion, a big crowd climbed to the Acropolis Hill grounds and I packed the stands there. The bis attraction of the afternoon war,, undoubtedly, the display of Japanese combatitive sports. Jack Preece was chairman of the general committee in chargj which also consisted of Georjro J. Dawes, secretary; Harry Robb, J. S. Wilson, Casey Vink, Frank Derry, G. W. Johnstone and Alex Harvey. Starters in the races were orp. ii. n. holes ana Thomas B. Black with Staff Ser geant G. H. Greenwood and J. It. Preece as judges.; r I ' The results of the races were aa; follows: Winners of Races Girls, C and under Ituth Sauri ders, Irene Youngman. Boys, 6 and under, Sid Young- man, K. Akj. Girls, 8 and under E. McKen zie, G, Rudderham. Boys, 8 and under J. Vuko-vich E. Piercei Girls, 10 and under 11. bver-hard, J. Campapnola. Boys, 10 and-tinder T. Arney. E. Ciccone. Girls, 12 and Under Norma Currie, A. Clarke. Boys, 12 and under Billy Hunter, Oliver Santerbane. Girls, 14 and .under Emilie Yamanaka, R. Kildal. '" Boys, 14 and under Dick Cameron, Ken Schubert Girls, 16 and .under Emilie Yamanaka, R. Kildal. Boys, 1G and under Dick Cameron, Ken Schubert. Boys' Bicycle race, 12 and under Bill Hunter; . Zbtira. Boys' Bicycle race, 1C and underKen Schubert, Lloyd Keays. uaiiu luvi., ...w . ......, . H. Montesano. ' Football teams' relay race foi Spartan Cup Vandinks beat Canadian Legion. "TILLIE THE TOILER" VvlH DAD, IT'S TVMO DlOM'THAMB, TO WAiT UP I VAT i -V2iV i 9i W b mm VE TOM16HT; -TIL.L.IE GAU. r i l C'MON.TlMl I've ear A UlTTWe 1 zo& poe THE DAILY NEWS 'r-; PAQETTVE. Married Ladies' Race Mrs. Rowe, Mrs. A. Gomez, Irs. Adams. Single Indies' Race Miss Bird, Miss Betty Soles. M G. Men's Broad Jump Severing Dominato 1G feet), Jack Unwin i (15 9"), S. Currie U3' 9"). Men's 100 Yard Dash Dick Cameron, Jack Unwin. Men's Hop, Step and Jump Stan Scherk (35 7"), Bertie O'Neill (34 feel). Men's 220 Yards Dash A. St Dennis, Jack Unwin. CHEAPER ENGINE EDMONTON, July 2: (CP) After four years work, George E. T.nnlprro nf this Ht.v "ramp rait" with a system of converting gaso-l line engines for use witn cneaperi. . . ma. prnnhasIzed ln the Coro- uy a Bcore ot j to l irom vanCar travelled 30 miles for 14 cents dinks and a keenly contested card i worth of uel( he rep0rted. of children s races and, Held !irTaU LAST wtflrit AM' . ONE "tVil&TV' diesel fuels. A converted touring' in?rrrinire SWXAN.ICAN'TI 5 EH HOVM VoO VtJUMcS BUILDING BOOM DRUMHELLER. July 2: (CP)- of th Prlnro . Rimr ri. Ira OI ine Diggesi, Duumng ana Association and" the i home improvement booms to sweep the "Coal City" since 1929 is now under way in Drumheller according to Joseph Travis, city works foreman. bOCKARcOS Keep it UP Mrs. Jack Garrett sailed thi; morning on the Princess Louise for a trip to Atlln. Church Influence -VEUL. ME. DAXJ-DlD VOU Vi-' IF THIS VUUZ-50V-D-OUST I'D fee RICH yo IF "TVUS WAS ONUV PAYDI&T Has Royal Trend Leading Canadian Anglican Com mends its Work Throughout Empire LONDON, July 2: (CP) One of the things which made the Empire "royalist" today was the Influence, teaching and work of the fihurch of Enzland. declared Arch bishop A. U. DePencier of New Westminster, at a meeting here of the British Columbia and Yukon Church Aid Society. The position of the church, he of ideas and by the visits of officials in England, the church in British Columbia had profited. The Society's theological college had been a benefit to every province ln Canada and nl! d been made possible through the co-operation of friends in England. Dr. A. F. Winnington-Ingram, Bishop of London, presiding, said the society" had existed 25 years and Canada deserved congratulation on the splendid way it had responded to appeals which had been made. DE LUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice Cream is Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.45 Cheaper still in five gallon lots We pack it In ice and deliver It to your door all day up"to"& pin." You can use it at your convenience. Use it for your bridge party or any social event. Don't forget only $1.45 per gallon Quart cylinders ... .60c Quart bricks Pint cylinders .....30c Pint bricks Surprisetheolks today, call and take qme honm1 COMMODORE CAFE Clothes That Turn the Trick J-QBlJ AMY LUC VMTH aETTIM5 A SOB ji Asm- a MO, TIULIE GETTIMcS A 3"OB IS JTEST llViE GETTIM VutTER. IM "THE 75c 40c Phone 17 Don't forget our Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the : trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a Sunday dinner these hot days. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJH Due Vancouver, Thursday pin. T.S.S. CAKDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 PJVL Due Vancouver, Monday ajn. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 508 DESET2-T-4 DON'T sneMTo 'PIT Where Dad Draws the Line 30SH 1MSTEAD OF "SIFTIM FET2 (Sold a-u I'tseT. THE PERFECT Tennis Shoe Ladies' Mens . The . "Purcell" "THE PURCELL" combines comfort features, long wear and healthful support for active feet in a way unequalled in any other Canvas Shoe on the market. $3.25 $3.50 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Telephone 3 Restful Vacation May Be Spent At r- "The Dunes" Tlell, Queen Charlotte 'v Islands The place where the tired businessman can become rejuvenated, where III nis wiie Wile can can tlljUJF enjoy gooa mcius wiuiuuk iifis a vw I . , . i m tn i ti tUn hIaa MifDA of rf farm farm them, where the children will have all the pleasures ana nome ana a wonaenuj sea. peaui Visitors to The- Dunes return again & again.-- Write or Wire ViEl-L, 1 K.MCW CNtH nOB-yOO'U. MAKE GOOD AT Vt30i.U MAKE A CVHLL M!6HT VOVCHMAM SO TV.I$ IS seevim-zaTion- IT.'S, Ouy AXRlCK ' . I 'M . J . , i , i IM m "THE BACK n yt c TO ri r For Information t MME. RAJAUT If you have something;, to sell, a classified advertisement in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer in .he city. By Westover IxiwV ftAtTHBBB t3U SIT-TOU'UU NEVBi PIMP A JOB UMLESS VOU LOCH P-OR. IT 1 1 A II I I I 11,.. I T I J I I II ii 1. 1 L r-rr n i vj . t i i "rs -w-' a 1 1 ,w - i ii wia YOO tTEST DOrJ'Tl 4: 31