WTECT m winter garments and furs Phone 18 3UPS- Heinz i Assorted, 2, tins PEESE- per lb. Kltlmaat USE ll T.l 11 TfMI -' . Bkavs Mow ruins rysiais mjis clothes moths and worms (larvae) ' CJQq moths and rinst. Priced at 15c, 20c, 40c, 50c y Kil Moth Sprriy Kills clothes moths. 3 sizes 19 c 19c 0AP-Palmolive, contains 4 cakes soap, sample tooth paste shave cream and picture of King. QCn Pf pkg, gSOAP- -Colgate's assortment t cakes to pkg. Face, fine 25c 30c, 50c, 90c loth Proof Blanket & Fur Chests (box form ......v...:. 75c Ormes Ltd. Ztfir. Pioneer DritQgt'sts The Kexall Store Phones: 81 Hi 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. P.O. Box 575 liissallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" iEA- Empress Brown Label j t Anointing Spoon Q1 Oil p Mb. pkg, Special New Blend you'll like Itl SOAP FLAKES Princess, bundle contains 3 pkgs. of flakes ddt per bundle PITTED DATES Fresh stock, Jb. TWIGLETS Peek-Frean, per pkg. 10 c 25c POTATOES Queen Charlotte No. 1 quality fl-f QQ 50-lb. sack TOMATOES Mexican, per lb. CUCUMBERS White Spine, each 17c 20c Out of town orders receive prompt and careful attention, lacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Folding Baby Carriage Child can use it from the time it's 1 days until it's 4 years old. It's: new and it's pood. Third Ave.. Phone 775 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Roiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. It's interesting to' know when reading, the Daily News nat the people of the whole district are doing the same. Varicose Veins I Reduced at No sensible tinue to suffer Home This Safe Easy Way person should confront disfiguring and oiien Dainrul swollen veins or t bunches, before resorting- to operations or injections, without trying nie new poweriui, yet harmless penetrative treatment, called Emerald Oil, which relieves so marry. Ask Ormes Ltd. or any good druggist for an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil arid refuse substitutes. Use as directed and ii) a short .time note Improvement. Then continue until the swollen veins are further reduced. Money returned If not satisfied. Timely Recipes Egg Dishes Science has. discovered, the existence of several vitamins in food, each vitamin being essential for a certain phase -of growth or for the prevention of ii particular tvne of disease, ino one item of food possesses all of! the vitamins in the quantities re quired by the human system, but no other single food has a wider vitamin content than eggs. Egg contain vitamins A, 111, 112, and D. Vitamins A and D essential to growth, also to the prevention of certain eye troubles, and to the proper development of bones and teeth are found abundantly in eggs, while vitamin 15, the vitamin of yeast, which prevents nervous breakdown, loss of weight, and anaemia is also present in moder ate quantities. Egg Croquettes Six eggs, 2 tablespoons butter, 1 slice onion, y4 cup flour, 1 cup white slock, yolk of 3 eggs, stale bread crumbs, grated cheese, salt, pepper. Poach eggs and dry on. towel. Cook butter with onion three minutes Acid flour, and, gradually the stock. Cook one minute and coo' uover eggs with mixture, roll in bread crumbs and cheese using equal parts,, dip in beaten egg, again roll fn crumbs, fry in. deep fat, and drain on brown paper, The croqueties may be served with a thin sauce, using equal parts of white stocK and cream, and seasoning with grated cheese. salt and paprika. kellogg's save me hours of cooking; 'I 9l In peml hot hour ovr the Move gelling break. fal till I found my family liLrtl Kfllogg'a Corn Flakes Mr much bcllrr!" Everybody loves the crisp,, delicious goodness of Kel-logg's. And you can have them on the table in a few seconds 1 The exclusive heat-sealed inner bag keeps them oven-fresh. At grocers,. ready to serve. You can't buy bigger value. Made by Kellogg In London, Ontario. CORN FLAKES f, ml 3 MADE BETTER... PACKED BETTER. TASTE BETTER . . . G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Fur Buyer Has Received Large Orders For BEAVERS, MUSKRATS and all kinds of Furs Send your furs to Oolclbloom and see how much more you will, get- Goldbloom guarantees more than anybody else and he wires or malls the money immediately upon receipt of the goods. GOLDBLOOM Prince Rupert THE DAILTNKWS- LOCAL NEWS S. O. N. meeting tonight. (100) Just arrived;. A new nhipment of hat at Annette's; (10GV Geo. Weaver;. C.C.F. candidate, sneaks Moose Hall Friday 8'p.m. (107', Tonight's tram, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. Gyro Coronation Dance, May 12 limited number ' of tickets available from any Gyro or at Orme'fl Drujr Store. OAS) F. M. Dockrill, Telkwa coal mine operator, Is a business visitor' to the city,, having arrived from the interior on Tuesday night Irain. Mrs. Robert Corlett and Mrs Tl Brooks will arrive in the city from Terrace on tonight's train and sail aboard the 'Prince (.eorge for Vancouver. . ' ATTENTION MERCHANTS-:-: Entries for decorated store win dows to be made in writing to Sec'y, Coronation- Celebration Commiltee, P. O. Box C28, clos-ing date Saturday midnight May 8th. Canadian Legion, B. E. S. L.. Church Parade, Sunday. Members will parade to St. Andrew's Cathedral for ceremony of depositing colors of 102nd (Over seas Battalion. Fall-in 10:30 m. at Legion Hall. Berets and medals- will be worn. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club, at its regular weekly luncheon yesterday,, decided, to put up V. II. Tobey for district lieutenant-governor at the district convention to be held during Hie summer at Kelowna. D. G. Borland will be the official delegate of the lub to the convention.. J. .0. Williamson was elected a. member of the club. H&TEL ARRIVALS Royal F. McLeod, Sunnyside;, John Christehsen. Seattle; '3'. Collier ind G. Pinko, Cumshewa. Prince Rupert Mrs, A. Chiminellb, Jasper; A. Farrow, Vancouver: W. S Singer, Mrs. James Marlin and Mrs. E. Pongs, Massett1,-. R. G McKenzie, B. Westman and Gor don H. Jolliffe, Queen Charlotte City; C. A. Moses, Dead Tree Point; Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson, Lagoon Bay; Mrs. E. C. Stevens, Skidegate; A. R. Mal ory,, Port Clements;: D. G. Phil lips, Rose Harbor; J. Denholme, Tlell. Central P. G. Rolls,, C.N.R.; S. Ives and A. Larsen, Vancouver; J. R. Reynolds, Refuge Bay; Gun-nar Johnson and Eina Haapala, city. Knox II. Hanssen,, Surf Inlet; JT Knutson and E. Wing, Billmor; Les Tattersal, City. Announcements St. Peter's Sale,, May 6; United Coronation sale, May 6. Gyroi Club Armory, May Norwegian May 17. son's, May 29. Coronation 12. Dance, Independence Day, Presbyterian tea, Mrs. J. H. Car son's, May 18, W. A. Canadian Legion Coro nation sale and. tea, Legion. Rooms May 20. a C. Y. S. Spring Frolic, Oddfellows Hall, May 21. Catholic tea, Mrs. kerson's, May' 26. Orange- spring Hall, May. 27. George Nlc sain Oddfellows' Girl Guide Tea, Mrs. J. R, Mori Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PIIONE S7 LSI JUST now; you should b enoylnth precloui feelinj; of energy and "ga" In keeping with the seuon. To be sure of yourshire of: lively activity you must help your system to supply Ic by serving Shredded Wheat every day. It supplies Nature's- vital body-building, energising elements witn Dran in oaianced proportion to regulate the system. Ready-to-serve Shredded Wheat, hot or cold, with milk or cream,, gives you your full share of food-value, energy-value and "GQ". THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY,. LTD. Niagara Falli Canada PAOET THRE1T. 12 biumtt in every box 1 W XN. KfAfd- SHREDDED WHEAT MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT Mrs. Breukelman of London, England, is a visitor at Bishop 3 Lodge as the guest of Rt. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Rix. from here Mrs. Breukelman will proceed to Victoria to be the guest for a time of Mrs. II. L. Roberson. Later she will return to hngland, ac companied by her daughter-in law Mrs. C. W. Breukelman, and family, who are visiting with Mrs. Breukelman'.s parents, Bish op and Mrs. Rix. mm FOR SALE FOR SALE 29 foot trolling boat. Apply 920 First Avenue. (106) THREE, Spaniel pups, 8 weeks old. Apply Dally News. (107) FOR SALE One Simmon's baby crib. $3.50. Apply Mrs. H. F; Pul- len. Third Ave. (tt) IDEAL For summer camp, Colum bla graphonola. Over 40 first class records. Very reasonable Phone Red. 832; (108) FOR SALE-10 lbs. damp wash for 50c. Each additional lb. 5c and minimum 10 lbs. Pioneer and Canadian Laundries. Phone 8 and 118. (107) COAL Nanaimo-Wellington for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless, for the kitchen range. Albert & McCaffery, Phone llfi or. 11 (tt) FURNISH. Your home with brand new factory samples. 66 piece . three room groups $184 Ideal I for the working man; extra high grade groups$232; 10-plece Chesterfield groups $59.50; silk tapestry Chesterfield groups $89.50; kitchen tables with drawers $2.95; dressers $9.95; beds complete $13.95. Terms if desired. Here Is an Opportunity of a lifetime. Act quickly. We need the space. Free storage. Write today. Julius Shore, Mail Order House, 8th Floor, Beklns Bldg., Vancouver. (tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Front apartment with electric range. Smith & Mallett Ltd. (tf) FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE or RENT Stewart's Cafe, Smlthers, as going concern. Apply L. H. Kenney, Smlthers, B.C. (108) LOST LOST Brown change purse con? tainlng $20 bill. Phone Red 288 WORK WANTED (108) YOUNG Married man. would like work bv, hour or day. Window cleaning and Slmonlzlng cars specialty. P. J. Beamont, Gen Del.. Prince Rupert. (106) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, . hliihest urade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. I UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY,. 1:30 I' M Due Vancouver, Thursday pan. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:30 FJW. Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 D. Elia Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. Phone Green 916 New Furniture Dominion Linoleum or Congolcum Gold Seal Chesterfield Suites, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Floor Covering, Blankets, Luggages, Table Oilcloth, Window Shades, Prams, Folding Carriages. Used Furniture Beds, Atlas Couch, Steel Crib, Singer Sewing Machine,. Kitchen Table, Kitchen Cabinet Kitchen Ranges, Dining Room Suites, Dressers, Gramaphone Records, Musical Instruments, Books, Writing Desk, Etc. TO THE HOUSEWIFE : Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils; luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of.. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 Wc Buy Everything We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 91G D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2