Today s Weather Tomorrow's Tides High 10:50 a.m. 185 to. 23:06 p.m. 20.9 It. Low ,. -4:40 a.m. 5.2 ft. j ' . 16:46 p.m. 6.0 ft. (8 AJV1.) Pilnce Rupert Clear, southeast wind, 16 miles per hour; barometer, 3( 1.20; sea moderate. l - ! ' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER sfi No. 10G. XXVI ' Q PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1937 PRICE: 5 CLNTS v .j V 3REAT DIRIGIBLE DESTROYED CANADA TO HAVE BOOK pronation Commentary Jot Ob- jeeted to by lederal Authorities OTTAWA, May 6: (CP) Tne ok Coronation oommeinary uy tolfrey Dennis, reurea uriusn iague of Nations official, will be Bmltted to Canada, Hon. J. l. E i l rm f hpv announced . . . ... yesieraay. . me .. bister said he nad round tne ok not treasonable, seditious, 1m-1 oral or Indecent. The book had en wlinarawn irom saie m taig- bid when solicitors for the Duke Windsor objected to references the former King. It Is the Amerl- , I ..It I L ...111 1 J I in eaiuon wiucu wm uc ,wiu in anada, MNG TO PR. RUPERT Vernier T. I), I'attullo to be Here At End of Next Week During: Course of Tour IVICTORIA, May 6: (CP) Pre fer T D. Pattullo will leave Van- iuver on Thursday of next week an aerial tour along the north cast, stopping at Powell River and Man Falls enroutc to Prince Ru-1 frt. He Is due in Stewart on May( S. returning that night to Prince! iinn fnw t nnUTIn MAollnn " Alter Prince Rupert, the Pre-i tier's itinerary is. uncertain, de- indine somewhat on weather con- " Hons. ilr Pattullo will be making the fcht north with Pilot E. C. W. pbin and will be accompanied his secretary, Ben Hethey. iVITT IS CANDIDATE Officially Nominated by Conser vatives at Convention This Afternoon Charles V. Evitt was unani i mously nominated Conservative landidate for Prince Rupert rid- H In the forthcoming provincial election at the, party's Iwral "minating convention this after-"n in the Eagles' Hall. Hie nominating convention fol ded a meeting of the Prince Jpert Conservative Association ''Id last night for the purpose of PPointing delegates who were amed as follows: J. T. Harvey, I' Tinker, D. C. Stuart, I; "cy Cameron, Orme Stuart, Dr. H Ilunkinson, W. H. McCal- l!'.m' I) G IJorland, George Hill,; P li 11k A fun H W C A U.I Nail. J it ti,,,, .T,.,.klat present. I'reece. II, V Benson. Fred Send-' p. William Sherman jr., V. II. K- 0 J. Dawes.-U. V. Cam- George D. tite, Mrs. M. A. E.ron- tyres, (it.orKX; (Jrosvenor, Jo-l,Pn Ill-OWn. r.nnrm, I. Kuril'. Ke Scott, Phil M. Kay, Harry K- .. Ja-'tt, Lawrence Lambly. Hubert Ward and John Th ,l,.'l IUCted altllOUirh fh I'nif Vila l,i i ir I.'...,. l.l '"III V. V. J.V11L YVUUIU J(' Ik,. Il l I - ...u liinuiuaio. lhe AhsopIiiII mi meeting last I'"Bnt Was nmulfl.,.1 h 1.., ... I T . IIti.. i-v.m uiui iver oji tho president. Other natters were C. V. Evitt, W V McAfee, W. u. Love and ,;;Ke Jim. There was a fair at-ndanco nn,j conslderablo cn. l"Uxia!.m prevailed. Wectlon campaign rooms have n!? , op'nL,d 011 Third Avenue I) 0 Collarfu office with r o 1 Stuart In charge. VANCOUVER, May KMCI')- I .. "US .1 Ulltp, at $1.28 on the Va k II IWmi.. It- t 1 drnin. v vir mantel jesieruay, l" ?l.27 today.. Late Telegraph BRUSH UP VETERANS OTTAWA A scheme of proba-tlonal training- aimed at reconditioning unemployed war veterans in industrial work to which they were formerly accustomed but in which years, of unemployment have made them "rusty," has been decided upon by the government, it is announced. The plan embraces both Canadian and Imperial ex-service men who served in the theatre of actual war. It will be supervised by the War Veterans' Assistance Commission jointly with the Employment Service of Canada. NOVA SCOTIA WKECK SI'KINGIIILL JUNCTION, N.S. Workers among the wreckage of engine and three coaches of the Montreal-Halifax Express of i the Canadian National Hallways which derailed last night two . miles from here reported today that they had recovered two more bodies, bringing the death toll of the wreck up to six. The killed included an engineer from Monc-ton. The wreck occurred two miles from here. Three were seriously injured. DIES IN CUST0DYI uuiwey vauey .Man, who nau ueen - Sentenced toOnelpar. For, Arson, txpircs buciueniy . . Peter Sauce, who had been serf-' teheed to one year's imprisonment recently at Smlthers on a charge of arson arising out of the burning of a partially completed hotel at Houston several years ago, died at 9:30 last night at Smlthers while In custody. He had been taken ill suddenly on Tuesday. While death' is believed to have been due to natural causes, an Inquest will be held. Sallce was forty-seven years of age and Is survived by a widow and one child at Houston. He was a re lumed man and had served in ' France throughout the Great War' from 1914 to 1918. He was slightly! wounded in action but was severely j gassed. Born In the north of Italy,' he came to this country in 1910 i and became a naturalized Cana-, dian. He had been farming at' Houston for seventeen years and was located in Edmonton before coming to the Bulkley Valley. Sallce was to have been a witness In the trial at the Supreme Court Assizes here next week of E. a. Belllcinl, also .on, a charge of. arson arising out of the same in- j cldent. What- effect Salice's death : may have oh the trial Is not known I lKrarV Board dI J UX)Xl U Is In Session Itoutlne Business at Regular vMonthly Meeting Last Night At the regular monthly meeting of the Library Board held Wednesday evening the librarian reported a number of additional new books added to pay sec Hon. Report received from the Lib rarv fund campaign commiltce'in- dicated a certain amount of suc cess. The clqsing date for the campaign, has been extended in iinh.r In l'Ivb additional patron? the .opportunity to subscribe to the fund, The librarian and the book committee will make a survey of reblndlng fo be done with a por-tloif of the monies received and lid wf h'oi.kx. will he purchased for thu frce sccttoii;Hs the cuinpaign. Yiiuil allows. 1 Disaster at Lakehurst Today As Hmdenburg is About to Land After Crossing Atlantic Ocean ; IS JOINING WITH C. 1.0. International Seamen's Union Withdraws From American Federation NEW YORK, May 6: The International Seamen's Union, it was announced last night, is severing its connection with the American Federation of Labor and will seek affiliation with the Committee for Industrial Organization. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy S. D. Johnaton Co.)' Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .18. Big Missouri, ,4G. Dralorne, G.75. II. K. Con., .04. Aztec, .09. Cariboo Quartz, 1.5:5. Dentonia, .13. , Dunwell, .03Vi. Golconda, .07. ' Minto, .21 'a. Meridian, .0:5. Fairveiw Amalg., .OoV. .Noble. Five..-fl7 Pend Oreille. .00. Pioneer. 4.50. Porter IdaHo, .05. Premier, 2.(35. Ilcno, .95. Relief Arlington, .20. Howard, .OS)1;. Salmon Gold,, .08. Taylor Bridge, .0Gj. Hedley Amalgamated, .131.. Premier Border, .02'j. Silbak Premier, 2.55. Congress, .06. . Silver Crest, .0G. Home Gold, ,02'i.. Grandview, .15. Indian, . 02 a Quatsino Copper, .01 te. Quesnelle Quartz, ,0815. Oils A. P. Con., .34. -Calmont, .55. C. & E., 2.40. Freehold, .00. Hargal, .18. McDougall Segur, ,20. Mercury, .28. , Merkland, .12'A. : ; Okalta, 1.3G. Pacalta, .18. Mome Oil, 1.70. Weymarn, ,20. ' Toronto Beattie, 1.30. Central Patricia, 3 10. Gods Lake, .45, Lee Gold, .03. . Little Long Lac, 5 75. McKenzie Bed Lake, Pickle Crow, 0.25. Bed Lake Gold Shore, .50. San Antonio, lioo. r Sherritt Gordon, 2.50.. ' Smelters Gold, -.04.' t McLeod Cockshutt, liy.j,. Oklend, .18. Mosher, .49. Gllbec, .01. Madsen Bed Lake, .83. Stadacona, 1.58. Frontier Bed L-ike, .15. Erancoeur, .90.1'' Manitoba & Eastern, .03, Moneta Porcupine, 1.40. Bubec, .011 2. Bailor. .01 W. Bankfield. .)U. . East Malartlc, 1.10. Preston East Dotiic, 1.10. Hutchison Lake', ;18. Dawson White, .15. Rajah Red Lake, .21. Aldermac, 1.15. Kerr Addison, 2 75, Uchl Gold, ,85. -j Martin Bird, .80. NUMBER OF DEAD AND INJURED NOT KNOWN NOTHING LEFT OF GREAT CRAFT BUT MASS OF TWISTED WRECKAGE MANY WITNESSED CATASTROPHE. LAKEHURST, N.J., May 6: (CP) The big German zeppelin Hindenburg burst into flames today as it prepared to alight at the naval air station on her first crossing of the year. Aboard the Hindenburg were 39 passengers and crew of 60 including several students. The giant ship had tossed her noselincs to the ground in a light shower when suddenly there was a terrific blast of flame from her stern. Sound of the explosion and flames brought shrieks from many spectators who had gathered to see the ship complete her twenty-first safe crossing between the United States and Germany. Within a few moments there was nothine b"t Ke twictofl strel frame collapsed on the ground. No estimate of the injured or dead is available immediately. ROAD WORK FOR NORTH Prince Ilupert, Skeena and Oml-neca Districts Provided For Under Joint Plan VICTOKIA, viayT (CP) Proposed : highway projects to be undertaken this summer under joint agreement between the Dominion and provincial governments Include the northern transprovincial highway between Prince Rupert and the Alberta boundary. This will provide for continuation of the highway west of Prince Rupert towards Prud-homnte Lake. In Skeena district the Cedar-vale section will be further improved, work also being carried out at other points. The highway will also receive further attention on several sections between Smlthers and Van-derhoof. As already announced, work employing some sixty men was resumed a few days ago on local highway construction between Taylor and Prudhomme Lakes. Today's Baseball National League St, Louis-Boston, wet grounds. Chicago 1, Philadelphia 0 (called In fifth on account of rain). - Pittsburg 5, Brooklyn 9. Cincinnati 4, New York 0. American League Philadelphia 3, Chicago 1. Washington 2, Cleveland 4. New. York 6, Detroit 12. : BAR SILVER NEW YORK, May G: (CP). Bar silver was trading at-45 Vic per ounce on the1 New York metal market yesterday and was un changed today. MARKET STILL WKAK NEW YORK, May Gi-The New York stock market continued weak yesterday with a further general falling off in security values. The Industrial average was off 1.63, rails, off .30 and utilities off .34. Falling from a scaffold while engaged in painting at the Rupert Motors garage premises this morning, Fred Scadden suffered Injuries which necessitated his removal to the Prince Rupert General STRIKE MAY NOT SPREAD Evcrything uone to uesiore Peace in London Before Coronation . 'LONDON, May 6MCPJIndlca'"- tlons last night were that the strike of, London bus. men would by James Fitzslmmons, former not spread, as had been threatened, Member, Conservative, and A. J. to street cars and subways al-: Harrison, Social Credit, thought delegation representing! NclsonCreston Frank Putnam; London's twelve thousand street member of the last legislature, re-car workers demanded permission J nominated Liberal candidate. Op-, from the Transport Union to JolnPOsed by A. T. Horswlll, Conserva-the walk-out of twenty-five thou- tive, and Herbert Howe.- Social sand busmen and the proposed na- credit. , tlonal coal strike. ( Comox L. A. Hanna, member of As debate in the House of Com- the last legislature, renominated mons started of the decision of Liberal candidate. Colin Cameron, Welsh and English miners to strike rj. c. F.. already In field. i Premier Stanley Baldwin appealed to the handful of men on whom rested peace or war to give the best present that could be given to the country at the time of the Coronation by settling their differences. At the best there can be no re- sumption of bus service until next,0. Perry. Soeaker ot last legls Monday even if an Immediate settlement could be reached. Final Report On Hedley Gold Now In Gov't Hands VICTORIA, May 6: The final i report of G. L. Fraser K.C., Inves tigator of the Hedley Amalgamated Gold Mines Ltd., has been received, i Premier T. D. Pattullo announced yesterday. Halibut Sales Canadian Skeena M., 8,000, Pacific. 7.4c and 5c . Teeny Milly, 7,500, Atlln, G.9c and 5c. ' Margallcc, 7,000, Cold Storage, 0.9c and 5c. Rio Rita, 4,500. Atlln, 7.1c and 5c. Cape Soear, 11,500, Cold Storage, 7.1c and 5c. Today's Weather ICovpriunni tle?rwihiO Terrace Clear, east wind, 41. Aiyansh Clear, calm, 18. Alice Arm Clear, calni, 50. Anyox Clear, calm, 47. Stewart Cloudy, calm. 43., Hazelton Clear, calm, 43, Smlthers Clear, calm, copL;. Burns Lake Clear, calni$U; 1 .V V'Vi'LAY SIEGE Market Board l aites acuun The Halibut Marketing Board of British Columbia has Instructed S. W. Taylor, Van- : couver, to Institute proceed- ings under the Natural Pro- ducts Act of British Columbia against Vancouver halibut boats. The complaint Is that , Vancouver boats have not , been taking out licences under ; the Act. i 1 LINING UP CANDIDATES John Doney Nominated For Skeena As C. C. F. Standard-Bearer Durden Conservative At i Fort George V Villi &SV11J V 4 vtunu nuu night nominated Co-operative ,, . . , date for Skeena in a nominating I convention at Terrace. He opposes i E, T. Kenney, Liberal candidate, seeking re-election. So far there is no Conservative candidate in the field for Skeena and It Is possible there may be only the two candl- dates. , other provincial nominations 1 overnight Include the following: I Kaslo-Slocan -o. C, &, Leary, mem- ber of the lasi legislature, renoml- nated Liberal candidate. Is ODDOsed Columbia-Leonard Geddes. Con- i(servative. first officially in field for seat held In last legislature by Thomas King, Liberal. I Fort George Frederick Burden, former minister of lands and one;Three hundred and fou;'" students time Agent General In London, no mlnated Conservative candidate. H. lature, Is Liberal candidate for reelection and John Mclnnls Is in field for C. C. F. Strike Peace Plan Rejected No Agreement Yesterday in Hollywood Tie-up New Proposals. Submitted Today HOLLYWOOD, May 6: Motion I picture strikers rejected peace pro- posals of the producers yesterday, terms being deemed linsa Isfactory. t New proposals, it was expected, would be out forward today. There were dhorders yesterday between strike picketers and non-strikers. ! No Social Credit Candidate to Run In Skeena Riding Capt. .1. Bowen-Colthurst. .wIiolworkprs harrlcadori thrmsrlvn, l. returned to ii the city . M .. r from '1' Terrace on Tuesday night's train, states that there will be no Social Credit candidate for Skeena in the forthcoming provincial election. It had been Intended that Nigel Sherwood of Terrace should bo the candidate but Mr. Sherwoou did not consider the. time 1 ON BILBAO Insurgents Gathering Forces For Another Bombardment Of Basque Capital Barcelona Trouble Socialists Staging Civil War Among Themselves Is Not Settled Yet BILBAO, Spain, May 6: Insurgents were believed to be gathering their forces last night for another bombardment of Bilbao from land and air. German airplanes were said to be rushing across France to assist the rebels in their attack. It Is also reported that a "Black Arrow" Legion, consisting mostly of .Italian volunteers with the Spanish Insurgents, is being concentrated on the Bilbao front for a "big push" which they have been told must not fail. Meantime, evacuation of women, children 'and old men to France is , , . "U Two Spanish liners f . loaded with five thousand women and children bound for refuge in - ... France steamed out of the Bis- cayan war zone 'today under protection of British naval guns. Anarchist Uprising Two strong forces are reported today to have been sent to Barce- lona by the Spanish Valencia gov- V1?! w.eU ?P: wmcn. is sun oui oi coniroi. In tVlA nltll', ft root c Dann.t. 4n ,,. siiu,.uti. j.i. X i . , VT . o uuu tu., juaniiig impossible immediate verification. The anarchist uprising and guerilla warfare In Barcelona is said to have resulted in the deaths of one hundred persons with casuatlies still mounting. DEGREES AWARDED Ann.,,1 rnW.t t-i- 0f BriUsh Columbia This Afternoon VANCOinKR Mav fi- IPPi graduated from all faculties at the University of British Columbia this year, examination results- released yesterday by Registrar Stanley W. Matthews show. In arts and science 231 graduated; in applied science, 52, and In agriculture, 21. The degrees were conferred this afternoon at the University's twenty-second spring .congregation. Schulchl Kusaka, Japanese, who won the Governor v General's gold medal as leader of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts, had won scholarships In each of his four university years,- Having been sent to Vancouver from Osaka, xirViefA Vile nnranlii am. m 1t..t ""V; educate ,V J Z Kua a 1 , , J1"6" Vancouver public and high schools. Railway Strike -In Japan Looms Siltlown Staged by One Thousand Workers in Tokyo Shops Yesterday, TOKYO, May 6: A general railway strike for Japan loomed yes- tnrrlnv ns nnp t.hnnnnrl rallwnv ' - ' : side the shops In a sltdown strike In protest at government policies. BIRTH NOTICE There was born to Mr, and Mrs. ' George Mitchell at the Prince Rupert General Hospital this morning, a daughter; ' t