r: I' if ST ft EMS' G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Fur Buyer Wants Furs and wants them badly Ship what you have to me and cash will be wired or mailed you immediately. We guarantee more than anybody else. Don't delay market is liable to change. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBEICTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL 'PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye fl? PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by tne only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery aaa a1a 315 SECOND AVE. Waterfront Whiffs any new market been developed.. A3E FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, January Jo, 1?' FOR BETTER CAKES m always dependable Nothing to Get Excited About in Offer To' Purchase Dogfish Coastal Pur-ser in Serious Condition Following Accident . I The Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station pos- i.cu iiuuv.es diung me waienroni cms weeK oiiering to pay 35c per fish for the first twenty-five dogfish caught 1 in the harbor. There need be no exeirempnr. in the marino The fish are required for the use of his return south over the same Dr. Pugsley of the scientific staff route. of the station in connection with , hl3 vitamin research work. . j C. P.' R. sailed by the Prince Rupert Thurs day night on his return to Van couver. Taking the run of the steamer; ! Jcardena which has been withdrawn from, service for annual 'overhaul at Vancouver, Union , steamer Venture, Capt. J. E. Bo-den, arrived ln port at 2 o'clock j this morning from the south and sailed a couple of hours later on JONES Family Market i I'll ONE 1(57 i Specials I Shoulder Mutton, 6 lbs. 10 lbs. Turnips .'. Leg Mutton per lb Loin Mutton per lb Pot Roast, 6 lbs. ' 10 lbs. Turnips Sirloin Tipper lb.- jRump Roast Beef, 6 lbs. I'UONE 951 10 lbs. Turnips- Sirloin Steak 2 lbs, Round Steak, 2 lbs. 5 lbs. Turnips Rib Steak, 2 lbs. 5 lbs. Turnips Shoulder Roast Pork per lb Leg Pork 1 . per lb Loin Pork per lb, Pork Neck Bones 3 lbs Pork Spare Ribs 2 lbs. "... Pork Hocks per lb. ., T-Bone Roast, 6 lbs. 10 lbs. Turnips Swift Premium Chicken-average 22 lbs.. Bacon Piece per lb. ' Ham By piece per lb. $1 18c 15c 75c 15c $1 35c 50c 50c 18c 22c 22c 25c 25c 10c $1 75c 25c 23c steamer Princess Ade- llaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, returned at The condition of Norman A. Mc- j 6 o'clock this morning from Ket-1 Lean, purser of the steamer Prince 'chikan and sailed at 9 a.m. for John, who is In hospital in Van-' Vancouver and waypoints. The couver suffering from severe f rac- ! Princess Adelaide was in port at tures sustained in a, fall from the the same time as the Princess wharf at Queen Charlotte City Norah which was in northbound while his ship was there two weeks from 7:45 to 9 a.m. During the stay ago, is reported to be quite serious, of the two ships. Alaskans were According to word received yester- much in evidence about town, day from Vancouver, he has de- Those going north made conslder- veloped pneumonia. able purchases of fresh fruits and greenstuffs in local stores to take Albert Farrow, steamboat inspec- home ln view of the scarcity there tor, after having been here for a of Prduce on account of the strike couple of weeks conducting annual i tie"uP of American ships. There j inspection of the steamer Prince were 160 passengers aboard the George, which is now being given ."incess Adelaide. overhaul .in the local dry dock, ...4 rra... ' Making her first call here In several weeks, the Ketchikan mb tor vessel Bellingham was in part yesterday, afternoon, with eight canoaas of frozen fish for trans shipment east over Canadian Na tlonal Railways. Church Holds Annual Meeting Congregation of St. Peter's In Session Thursday Night The annual congregational meeting of St. Peter's Anglican Church was held, on Thursday night, Rev. J. E. Birchall presiding. The financial and various reports were presented, showing a very satisfactory year. Votes of thanks were passed to the officers, organist, members of the St. Peter's Woman's Auxiliary. Sunday School teachers and those who kindly interested themselves 'n the work of the Parish. The following officers were elec--ed for the year: People's. Warden and Secretary- . Treasurer, W. O. Vigar, Rector's warden, J. E. Boddle. Lay Delegate, C. J. Norrington. Subsltlute, W. B. Skinner. Sidesmen W. B. Skinner, Robert Boddie, A. Dalziel and' Gordon Letnes. K. Sakamoto sailed this morning on the Princess Adelaide for a trin I to Vancouver. SNAP ' ' t a r i n c OWDER CltAHt l POtMHM' FANCY WORK At Reasonable Prices PALMISTRY Suite 7. First Floor FEDERAL BLDG. Phone Green 701 Museum Board J Rotary Bridge Is Members Guests Enjoyable Affair Of Mr. Mcintosh1 Members of the museum board were entertained at dinner last evening by the chairman of the board. R. L. Mcintosh and Mrs. Mcintosh of their home, Cllffsyde. Fourth Avenue West, last evening All the members were present except Mrs. J. B. Gibson who is not yet sufficiently recovered from a L. Jones'. Boys' Band Phone Bridge Last Eve Affair Staged at Number of Homes' By Parents' Association Proved Enjoyable The Prince Rupert Boys' Band.! Parents' Assoiiation held a telephone bridge last night with Mrs. Jack Joy as convener! There was' 1 community over this, however. Dorfish are not beiWlLf "!f J!"' wanted for any new or extraordinary purpose. Nor has I Johnrtone, Mrs. h. b. Eastman. Mrs. W. H. Goodsell, Mrs. Peterson, i Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. L. J. Dell Prize-winners weTe: ladies' first Mrs. Frank Fitch; second, Mrs. C Michaloff; men's first. Jack Hartley; second, J. Munro. MURESOj jjP Musqscpls 'popularity rests on its soft beautiful finish, 'iM ' economy, Its sanitary qualities, and its ease of application. Id,eal for wall and ceiling 75c package 10c package Twelve Tables in Play Thursday Night at Event Which Was fold Instead of Luncheon The regular weekly meeUng of the Prjnce Rupert Rotary Club took the form of a bridge party Thursday evening. There were 12 tables and the winners of prizes were Mrs. C. C. Mills, Dr. R. G. recent illness and A. E. Parlow who Large and Hubert Ward. President is down with the flu. These pre- c v Evitt was in charee of the sent were City Commissioner W. J Alder, Rev. Canon Rushbrook, Rev W. E. Collison, Dr. Neal Carter. C. G. Ham, H. F. Pullen and N. affair. Refreshments were served. l.-l :1 ilL J ) t LAST TIMES TONIGHT Last Complete Show, 9.14J The Heroic Climax of All Aviation Triumphs Becomes the Thundering Climax of All Air Dramas! "CHINA CLIPPER" With PAT '.'O'BRIEN Ross Alexander Beverly Roberts iAt 7:46 & 10:00) -.ALSO News, Musical, Mickey .Mouse Coming Monday Alice Faje - Adolphe Menjou ln "SING BABY SING" Inquire Regarding New Special Rates For Uoom and Board at THE KNOX HOTEL R. BUASELL "Banquets a Specialty" Phone 71 N. M. BUASELL MURESCO MURESCO puts mwQjom.n f4m Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT FINISH that will not rub off, crck,chip orptet Aat in 18 Tints nct White GORDON'S HARDWARE I,,,ont? 311 McBride St. Cold Weather Accessories Elbows SlovePipes Dampers Stove Cement Weather Strip Coal Hods Linings Asbestos Brick Lined and Sheet Iron Heaters from $2.75. up Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL VINTKR EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT FROM PORT SIMPSON $32.00 $35.35 HETLKN. RETURN. All meals and Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Sp?eR.li!1 ToeJS ,n ?alc ween November 1st 1936 and February -48th, 1937, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31 1937 Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave . - Prince ...,.vv Rupert: iu Ar Vancouver vctiicunver S.S. C "ATA ATA LA LA S.S. Ci Tuesday, 1 :30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. :ARI)ENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent - A. W. NEWMAN - Yhltd Ave., Phone 5C8 If Convenient Piease Purchase Ticket at Office A. MacKenzie Furniture January Clearance Sale on Barrymore Carpets 3 Barrymore Carpets, 4.7i . .$1-1.50, $13.50, $12.50 3 Barrymore Carpets, 6J-x9 . . $28.50, $26.50, $25.00 1 Barrymore Carpet, 9x12 .$16.50 3 Barrymore Carpets, 9x10, each .$31,50 These arc only a few of the carpets we have in stock. A wide assortment of the latest patterns are now on hand. We appreciate youi- inspection. Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. Worth Reading New Books in Our Rental Library "The Door Between" , Queen "The Falcons Prey" Drake "The Pyramid" ...Hichens "Rose Decprose" .; Smith "Lost Morning" . ..Heyward "Sound of Running Feet" .Lawrence "The Crescent Moon" Young "Lord of Terror" , ;. ! . .Horler "Fighting Angel" Buck "They Walk in the City" , . Priestley "One Eyed Knave" v. . . .Ganpat "Three- Wheeling Thru Africa;? . . . . Wilson "Ship Ashore" . . Parkman "Yang and Yin" ....Hobart "Honourable Estate" Brittain "Out of Order" Taylor "Rich Man Poor Man" ...Fairbank "Golden Wedding" .'Parrish Our books are chosen with a view to your enjoy ment. The latest books of fiction, travel and adventure. You can enjoy all of them for 75c a month. Read all you can. Join now! Mi McJD JO (T) ft t Infi ft. V I ) I lltlik . V. it, ;tv 3ht .im.fn nmnlpet and Kail. Jm Rental Library Department EASTERN CANADA SE FEBRUARY 20 -MARCH! TUM LIMIT 45 DAYS IN ADDITION TO DAT! IT SAU From PRINCE RUPERT and Return TORONTO 1 Coach Tourist Standard OTTAWA ' 56.50 70.50 81.15 MONTREAL . 57.20 7U5 85JJ0 G0,5 ,MS HAL.FAX HALIFAX - 7210 90J0 90.15 108.35 '.Good in Stindird Sleepers en payment f rejuljr htrth (irt ChiWren, 3 tr. tnd under 11, Half fete for additional information, ak J$&$ u"i" urnei Agent, jtJFV' ; 1 OurcoA m fr noi if way our not f LIKE I Tup uau I THEVTwEATy0Ul Treat Yourself to a Happy New Year by having your Coal bin full of the best coal in town. PHiLPOTT - EVITT & Go. Ltd. Have the Coal io Suit Your Kcuuircmcnts j ual PIIONTj 652 1