(ayr January 30, 1037 7KZ DAILY NtTWiS PAOE THHEA lere's Simple Way fo Curb a Cold i. Tak 2 A5PIRIN" tablet! ond drink a full glaii of wotsr, s. Repeat treat- V . . i i mem in 4 noun. ilve three ' Aspirin tablets in iic-inini cinss ui waier. nnu nrffle with this mixture twice. The "Aspirin" you take in- Irnally will act to combat ever, cold pains and the cold self, The gargle will act as a iedicinal gargle to provide al-ost instant relief from raw. rsi and pain. It is really iarvelous; for it acts like a ml anesthetic on the irritated . t 1 icmnrane 01 your inro.it. Try this way. Your doctor, a m 2. If throat It (ore, crvih and illr 3 "ASPIRIN" tablets In gloss of water. Gargle twice. Th!f eases throat rowneis and lore- Mil o I moil instantly. Two "ASPIRIN" Tablets-A Full Glass of Water That's All The modern way to curb a cold is this: Two "Aspirin" tablets the moment you feel a cold coming n. Then repeat, if necessary, rcording to instructions in the At the same time, if you have sore throat, crush and ths- we know, will endorse it. For it is quick, effective and ends the taking of strong medicines for a cold. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Bayer Company, Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Uayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. Demand and Get ASPIRIN TR ADC-MARK ftCO. PREVENT THAT COM) WITH Prince Rupert IAUBUT LIVER OIL Liquid in Dropper bottles -50c and $1.00 "apsules, per vial of 50 . . . . . $1.00 .apsules, per box of 250 ... ......... . .$3.75 Special Mixture For Children lighest Potency Vitamin Emulsion Emulsifying In a palatable form the Vitamins of Halibut, Tuna and Cod Liver Oils C (1ft Per bottle of 04 doses tJJX.V V We use only the pure undiluted Halibut Liver Oil In these preparations. Guaranteed tests have proven the local oil lo be the 'nest of its kind on the market. Rich in the essential vitamins. it is the ideal general tonic. AsU For Genuine Prince Kupcrt Oil Ormes Ltd. "Jim Pioneer Druqefists The Itexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ?heFsh which made Prince RupertFamoas "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold. Bulger's (tf) I Oxfords, straps, ties, pumps, to clear at $1.95 at Annette's. (tf) . : A. S. Nlckersan sailed this morning on thi Pilncejs Adelaide, for la trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Pitt Turner of Skldegate. who has been receiving treatment at the Prints Rupert General Hospital, sailed last night by the Prince John on her return to the Queen Charlotte Islands. B. F. Messner, well known Sml-thers mining man, arrived In the city on the Princess Adelaide .yesterday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and proceeded to the interior by the evening train. Synopsis of Land Act rKc-EMrrioN TTACAIfT, unreserved, surveyed Cton lands mtr be pre-empted by Brltlsb subjects over It years of age, and by aliens on declaring Intention to become BrKltb subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation and improvement. Pull information concerning Pre-emptions Is given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series, "How to Pre-empt Land." copies ol which can be obtained tree ot charge by addressing the Department of Lands, Victoria, B.C.; Bureau ot Provincial Information, Victoria, or any Oovernment Agent. Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing facilities .and which Is not tlmberland. Le., carrying over 1.000 board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and t 000 feel per acre west of that Range. Applications tor pre-emptions are to be addressed t the Land Commissioner ot the Land Recording Division In which the land applied for is situated, on printed forms obtained from the Commissioner, Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and Improvements made to value of lit per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can. be received. Pre-emptions carrying part tune conditions ot occupation are also granted. Pl'RCIIASE OR LEASE Applications are received tor purchase of vacant and inreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland, for agricultural purposes. Minimum price of first-class (arable) land Is IS per acre, and second-class (grating) land. I3.S0 per acre. Further Information Is given In Bullettn No. 10. Land Series, "Purchase and. Lease Of Crown Lands." As a partial relief measure, reverted lands may be acquired by purchase in ten .equal instalments, with the first payment suspended for-' two- years, provided tanes are paid when due and Improvements are mixle during the first two years ot not less thn 10 of the appraised value. Mill, factory or Industrial sites on limber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment ot stumpage. Cnsurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 acres, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtained after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. Por grating and Industrial purposes areas not esceedlng 040 acres may be leased by one person or a eompany. Under the Oraslng Act the Province si divided Into grating districts and the. range administered under grating regula-Hons amended from time to time to meet varying conditions. Annual grating per. miti are Issued based m certain monthly rates per head ot stock. Priority In grating privileges Is given t resident stock owners. Stock-owners may forts aasocla. tloas for rtnge management. Pree or partially free permit available for tetMert, ampere and Uavellexs,. t W tea head. Oxfords, straps, ties, pumps, to clear at $1.95 at Annette's. (tf) Lutheran Church tomorrow (Norwegian) 11 a'.m. (English) 7:30 p.m. (25t I s. h. Simpson tailed by the . Prince John last nigh- on hl3 re- Carl K'rmh, after a brief birsi- turn to Massett after a brief visit ness visit to the city,' sailed by to town. i 0h9 Prln:e John last nieht on hlsi ' i return to Marsett. i J Jce Keith of Port Clements satined by the Prince John last night ,on his roturn to the Queen Charlotte Islands after a brief visit to the city. F. E. Scott of the stau or tne Bank of Montreal sailed last night on the Venture for a vacation trip to Vancouver. Mrs. H. S. Parker returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yes- : terday afternoon from a business Special to February G: Dry clean-, trlp t0 Vancouver, ed and pressed any two ladies' or1 gents' garments for one dollar. il'lione 8 or 118, Canadian and l'io-jncer Laundries. (W & S) William Btarell, attsr a three weeks' visit here with his fither, R. Bra??ll, proprietor of the Knox Hotel, sailed by the Venture this morning on his return to Prtmncia? Constable Ronald M i visit to the city, failed by the Prine? John last night on his re turn to the Queen Charlotte Isl ands. A. E. Parlow, district forester, returned to the city on Thursday night's train from a trip to Smi-thers on official business. Mr. and Mrs. Lance Stiles and 1 daughter. Miss Dorothy Stiles, who have been on a vacation trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon. Thursday night going through from Stewart to Vancouver whence he will proceed on a visit to his native land of Denmark. He plans on sailing from New York aboard the Queen Mary on February 10. W. H. Tobey, C. N. R. divisional superintendent; M. A. Burbank, divisional engineer, and Peter Lakie, divisional freight and passenger agent, returned to the city on Thursday night's train after making a trip along the line as far as Jasper Park, .accompanying W. T. Moodle, the new general superintendent for British Columbia, and his party. Rt. Rev. O. A. Rix, D.D, Bishop of Caledonia, left on last evening's train to visit various central Interior points as far as Vanderhoof after which he will proceed to Montreal and Quebec to engage In special deputation work which will involve numerous speaking engagements. He will be In Montreal alone for four weeks and does not expect to return home until after Easter. Announcements S. O. N. Masquerade, January 29. Masonic Ball February 3. Cambral Valentine Dance, 5. ' United Missionary tea, Mrs. Jen-ner's, February 11. Legion Valentine Box Social. February 12. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. JH, Carson's, ' February 18? . Evelyn, 1 Bagshaw Hewsbn Recital, February 18. Baptist Supper February 18. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 26. Learn to Dance Foxtrot & Waltz 50c Bend Coin or S torn pa, Beginner Course at Home. New 16-Page Book, 30 photo graphs. English Edition. Thank to my books, tor yean thousands) are dancrng. Why mlM all the fun, donx delay. Write Dent. 14, Prof. Vachon I. (). IUix loi, Station O," Montreal CHURCH NOTICES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Kev. J, W. Stevenson, M.A., B.D., Ph.D. Minister In Charge Organist: Airs. K. 1. Smith ?S, '(rtTIVt SsliftSew ' SUNDAY SERVICES " 11 A.M., "AFRAID TO RISK IT" 12:15, Sunday School 7:30 P.M., "A MESSAGE FOR YOUNO AND OLD" . Annual Congregational Meeting, Monday, Feb. 1st, at 8 p.m. U. IvU "lie it the picture of health and 1 think St. Charlet Milk tit-tenet the credit." fHE8H mii.k evaporated a. few Pvnr. lioun after milking time, and irradiated for 'extra Surnhine Vitamin I) by the finest method known to science . . . thtrt't St. Charlet. Xo wonder babies thrive on it. Pt. Charles is to easy to digest ami promotes sturdy growth. Let the whole family enjoy the extra goodness and freshness of St. Charles. It's not only letter for babies but for rooking too. Ask your doctor altnut St. CliarW for your baby. .( Brilith Columbia Fmhct -hmkfor the ll.C. ImM. PUINCE RUPERT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court of Revision and Appeal, under the Provisions of the "Taxation William Uneermann was a pas-1 Act" and amendments thereof, and seneer aboard the Prince Rimert! "Public Schools Act," respecting. - . 4V.A AH the assessment rolls for the Prince x a L rNt.lIA r - . - ' rtupen Assessment, uistrici, lur uic year 1937, will be held at the Court House, Prince Rupert, B.C. on Monday, February 22nd, 1937 at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., January 27th, 1937. JOHN DYBHAVN. Judge of the Court of Revision and Appeal. CUssiFiEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Cafy Safe, 4 ft. high, 33 1ns. wide, 30 Ins. deep. Brown & Harvey. (25) FOR SALE 821 Third Avenue -Lot 10, Block 31, Section 1. Offers- wanted for property. He! gerson. Highest offer not neces sarlly accepted. (27 FOR SALE 44 ft. 35 hp. dlesel boat Discovery, suitable for halibut trolling and seine fishing. Price $3,000.00. O. Fjelde, owner, c o Olson and. Sunde Shipyards, Seattle, Washington, or Sunde and d'Evers Company, Seattle, Washington. (tf) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms if you wish. Order today. Julius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Bekins. Building, Vancouver, (tf) f WANTED WANTED For cash, United States stamps, old preferred. Looe ,oj on cover or accumulations of any amount. P. Gamula, Box 623. (30) MALE HELP WANTED LESSON from the depression- Be a Civil Servant Postman, Customs Examiner, Clerk, Stenographer, etc. Free Bookie. "How to get a Oovernment Job." M.C.C. Civil Service School, PERSONAL PRIVATE Home Kindergartens pay. Wn start you. The Canadian Kindergarten InstituteWinnipeg. (tf) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 tar $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Oranvllle, Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions answered, Send birth month, Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted; " "iaker refunds few cents" paid all or write, Ormes Limited, tf I " !3ordwi ST. CHARLES MILK Irradiated Evaporated Milk 1 CT CHARlfs fit 1 ATTENTION ENGINEERS THE TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE offers correspondence training leading to all types of professional examinations for engineers. Some notable triumphs of T. I. trained graduates: First Place Inst. Civil Engineers, Assoc. members examinations. Baylls Prize Inst. Civil Engineers. Honorable Mention Inst. Mech. Engrs., Assoc. members exam. Five First Places Royal Aeronautical Society, associate members. Pass Percentage 98 . Special attention advanced to Board of Trade (Ordinary and Motor and P. M. G. Wireless Certificate Aspirants. Training towards Masters' Certificate (Nautical), cio The Daily News. ELIO'S FURNITURE Introducing The Folding Metal Bridge Set When guests drop in for cards, this handsome bridge set is put up in a moment no need to disarrange the furnishing of the living room or porch. When the game is over the table and chairs fold compactly, occupying little space. Spring Filled Mattresses in all sizes BLANKETS Four Popular Leading Lines that Cannot be Beaten Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite 1 at very reasonable price Folding Carriers Used Goods Kitchen Ranges and Heaters Singer Sewing Machine w 1 Portable Typewriter good as new We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Business Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5- p.m., Thurs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. I 1 I ii .taT A V V V in 1 In i) s.