PACH6 TWO (Julia Arthur) SHOES Are Here First Shipment Just Arrived ' Beautiful to Look at and Wonderful to Wear UA1LY JCUmON Priced $6.00 and $6.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. FK1NCE UUPEUT HRITIS1I COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except .Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue ,H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor iMeraber of Audit Bureau or Circulations Eric Christlson in Interesting Ceremony at Usk 'A romance ol childhood days culminated in a pretty wedding being solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Dodd. Usk, on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock when their daughtei.l Aleza Joeephine, became, the bride of Eric Holland Christlson of Surf :Point, Porcher. Island, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Christlson 'Of Prince Rupert. The- service was conducted by Rev. Ad am Crisp. Given In marriage by her father, the bride was beautiful in a gown of tortjuise blue 'taffeta, with accessories to .match carrying a bouquet of pink and white carnations. The matron of honor, Mrs. Bes- Tuesday, October 12, 1937. GEOGRAPHY OF KAIEK ISLAND AND DISTRICT At the opening of the teacners' convention lasi ween, City Liommissioner vv. j. muer menuoneu tne ueairaun-ny oi frmce nupert teacners lniornung meniseives in regard to trie district m wnicn tney ate sojourning, ne nugnt naveigone xariner anu announced tnat. in oiuer to teacn jn rrmee rcuperc, teacners snouiu -De asnea to-iearn ine-geograpny oi ivaien island anu tne wnoie Prince nu- pert ui&u'iCb anu De prepareu to ieacn it to tneir classes 1'rince itupert nas a spienuict lot oi teacners out most oi tnein come i.rom tne soutn anu are not mucn mteresteu iii'tne section oi ine country in wmcn tney are living temporarily, ine majority expect to get away to tne soutn again .as .soon .as convenient, naving inis in view, it lb quite reasonable ioi- .Prince Kuperi iu insist tnat, u tney pian to 'teacn in tne nortn, tney must Know tne nortn in oideno teacn geqgrapny, resources anu capabilities. We shall probably maKe oursetlves rather unpopular in certain quarters by advocating, tnis but we have done it before :and shall continue to do so as long as we have teachers coming irom the south who know more about the St. Lawrence River than they do about the Skeena and the Naas and whose knowledge of the Prince Rupert district is confined to the fact that the climate is humid. A study of the native life, of the flora and fauna, particularly of the forest trees and the fish seems to be essential. A study of the harbor and the .route to the. sea is .also as important to us ;as is a knowldge of the Straits of Jiian de Fuca as the route to the sea for Vancouver and Victoria. Prince Rupert people are not generally well informed jn regard to their own surroundings. Many of them never .visited Terrace or rlazelton or Smithers and few have "been to Port Simpson or even Matlakatla. We have even met people who did not know the.source of the city's water supply or the fact that the city is located on an island. The iimorance is collossal. To overcome this we look to the children who like to explore. WEDDED ON SATURDAY the groom, acted as groomsman Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Arne Seines and Charles Dunn of Prince Rupert. Following the ceremony a buf. fet supper was served to a large of ""niber of friends and toasts to Mis Alexa Jlodd Becomes Bride wip urine aim kiuuju were uuiy honored. Mr. and Mrs. Christlson are to reside at Surf Point. They arrived In the city from the interior on Saturday night's train and left yesterday afternoon for Porcher Island. ANYOX MAN DIES Leonard Phillips, who was brouellt to the ritv Spntetnher 1 ie Branch, was gowned in rose' Mr. and Mrs. S. Watson of rust C.repe and carried a bouquet Surf Point, Porcher Island, sail-61 whjte and pink carnations. ed this afternoon on the Catala Douglas Christlson, brother of for Vancouver. as follows: Grotto I 2 Mcintosh 135 141 A. Comadina 147 152 S. Joy 128 126 , Young 127 137 Bury 143 134 1 i - j Total ..r... 680 690 1 Royal Hotel 1 2 !Shrlaberg 148 149 J. Comadina 118 133 C. Zarelll ! 112 151 Donald 147 149 Smith 179 1C6 Total 704 .748 Moose 1 2 Gray .. 164 149 Veltch 147 163 Russel. 123 125 Asemissen 146 153 Gunderson 166 163 3 148 155 181 135 138 757 .1 )Total Total - 746 753 722 35 Taxi 12 3 Ciccone 203 148 175 Klnslor 160 164 178 Morrison French 189 135 141 Low Score 123 F. Comadina 153 163 Total 813 792 786 .Miss Wadea Mussallem left on last evening's train for a busi ness trip to Smithers. tUllED TREATMENTS ELECTRIC Steam massage, es-plclally good for lung and stomach trouble, nervousness, constipation, blood pressure, rheumatism, lumbago, neuritis and female troubles. .Also for. children's and other diseases.; .Mrs. Gammon, 427 5th t Avenue -East. Phone Blue 967. (239) FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of old newspapers, 2 for c. FOR SALEr-Monarch Range. Cheap for cash, In good condition. .Apply 110 8th;Avenue West. (238) SEWING UTILITY SEWING CLASSES Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phone Blue 637. (t.f.) FOR RENT FOR RENT Renewed modern 5 room flat, 610 6th Ave. W. Apply Suite A, Levin Apar'-ments. (330)i LAND ACT Notice of Intention lo Apply to liie l.un(I In Prince Unpen .Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situate on White Sand bland. Take notice that .Prank .Waterman ol Prince Rupert, occupation miner; ln-tiuU to apply for a Ieae of the following described land: I Commencing at a post planted on one of the high cliffs on White Sand ,.., . . . .... Island and beUig 300 feet from the 8 " 3 "1 Hwiniciiii pajtscv ig. corner of White Band Island, and away bunday morning: In the Prince Rupert General Hospital. He was seventy-two years of age. The funeral took place this afternoon from the chapel of Hay-ner :Bros. to Fairvlew Cemetary with rites of the Roman Catholic Church. on tta east side, thence 600 feet S. W.; thence 800 feet N. W.i thence 000 feet N. E.; thence 800 feet S. E. and containing 12 serfs, more or lens. FRANK WATERMAN Dated August 28. 1637, REX BOWLING ALLEY Itasement of Exchange Block PHONE 658 THE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, October in BOWLING MOTORS IN 142iGyros 1 !42:;Brocklesby 122 131 iBulger 154 160;Large 146 168 (Morris 200 iRoaf - 183 743 Handicap 14 3 i Railwaymen Beat Gyros 663 703 825 130 Total 819 172 129 128 163 2 149 112 122 129 159 14 Service Club Trundlers Holl Postponed Match 3 153 128 208 Total 651 G81 738 Off In postponed play In the , Five Pin League, Gyro Club made scores as. a result of which it Io3t one game to two to Canadian National Recreation Association which had played Its games on schedule Friday night. High average scorer was W. H. Tobey with 222. The individual scoring: 1 2 Bulger ...M3 188 I) wan .129 153 Large 1037198 Stone ... .,'..211 141 Tobey 194 235 200 Handicap 24 24 24 Mrs. T. Quigley, wife of the provincial constable at Anyox, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday night returning to the smelter town after a I rip to Vancouver. 26.Q.. ranter lioUfe NEW YOUK YANKEES TAKE SUNDAY'S GAME Kf,MJLl IV M Continued from Je.. - players share under World 'Series Koyal Hotel and Three J'ive Taxl;iSore(l Ciean sweep Over North ,rule 'It was announced that the! Win in City League ; star in Commercial Howling players' share would total $417,000.' league last Night i-A well' as the Yankees. and aiants,; Royal Hotel won two games to second, third and fourth place one over Grotto in the City Ten Pin Rupert Motors defeated North teams also get a cut In -these pro-: (Bowling League Sunday. Jn the i Star three games to nil. In the uom- CCeds. She players did not share ( Isecond fixture Three Five Taxi mercial Bowling League last nignt m Sunday's game, scored a clean sweep three to nil to assume leadership of the League ; victory over Moose. High average standing. In the second fixture Plqv Rv P11V scorer was Jimmy Ciccone of Three last night Canadian National Rec- 1 tJ 1 IttJT inow leading In the standing. games to. one over Gyro Club, Ellis Individual scoring on Sunday was ..Morris of Gyro Club was high aver- First Inning Yankees OroseUi got first on 1 it .3.1... tA1,J T5 ,.ta ;age scorer for the evening with 164. "e uve l" hit to Joe Moore In left field, Cros- C.N. No. 1 1 h2 llrvlng 152 145 .Astoria : 102 124 'West , 142 142 ;Franklln , 141 120 iRutta 92 140 handicap ; 34 34 3 ettl being thrown out at second. 194 DlMaggio filed out to Whiteread. 147 Gehrig walked, Rolfe going to Dlck-161 ey fanned, No runs, one hit, no er-138 rors. . 148 Giants Moore singled with lln3 34 drive to left field. Bartell filed out 3 122 141 152 1C3 146 14 685 738 Rupert Motors 1 2 Taylor 153 141 Menzies 159 147 Jack .' 119 159 Hlbbard 139 169 Houston 120 145 Total f C90 761 North Star 1 2 R. Armstrong 119 149 McMeekln 176 131 J. Armstrong 106 126 J. McLeod 99 122 J.Irvine 121 123 Handicap ..: i..afoU" 33 33 Feurth Inning Yankees Dickey, Hoag and Bel kirk all filed out. No runs, no 'hits, no errors. Giants McCarthy struck out. Danning fanned. Whitehead filed out to Selkirk. No. Runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Inning Yankees There was a sprinkle YVATEK NOTICE lj.e anil Storage TAKE NOTICE Tucks Inlt racking Co.. Limited, whewe addreu U t-- V. O. B.x 1094. Prince Rupert 13 a.. Will efj-Jy Scr a licence to take anj we 200.000 gallons ft day of water .out of a stream (name unknown), which flaws uti'lorly and drains .into, Osbcrivj Cove Prince Rupert Harbour, about .3 miles norttierly from Prince Rupert townsite. Tha .water will be dlvwfc! from the rtream at a polrt ab-ut 1800 f-t eot-trly from Ka mouth, Dn. the south fide, thancc tvtr Lot No. 144 and will be utd for miscellaneous Industrial (c) puipce upon the land .described a LC "C" :part of lot 444, Rftnce 9. Coast Dlbtrlot, Map No. 1598. 3 The storage dam will bo located at oon I paints of diver&lon. The capacity of the ciM reservoir to bo created Is about 60 M. 1 80 ! .wJlons, and It will Hood nil acres of iC0lond. 159 Total 804 959 949 A cqpy of this notice and an aooll cation pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prll'.-e Rupert. B. C. Objections ,to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with Uie Cccmptrolier of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a lo -al newspaper. TUCKS INLET PACKINO COMPANY, LIMITED, Applicant. By Thos. Anderson, Agent. The date of the first publication of this notice la .Bcptemiber 20k 1937, dvertUemen. U i not publi.hed or displayed by ih Liquor ' Board or by the Government of Briii.l, Coiiunbii.1 Control ntrol . r Belvedere a distinguished new cipar with 100 pr cent choice levant filler. Try vthe bachelor 'Belvedere today enjoy true Havana .at its pest. n gn , iiciu. ;t0 thlrd. Dickey waiked to fill the sent ' ... . . Ripple's single to centre Held ,.a bases. Jloag hit a high f foul which Moore to third. Leiber filed put to Gehrig. No runs, two hits, no errors. Second Inning Yankees Hoag sent a 450 foot drive over to right field for a home run. Selkirk filed out to second. Lazzeri fanned. Gomez fanned. One run, one hit, one error. Giants McCarthy filed out. Dan-nlng struck out. Whitehead doubled 3 high Into centre field. Melton fan-163 ned. No runs, one hit, no errors. 151 1 Third Inning 145 , Yankees Crosttl fouled out. .148 Rolfe struck out. DlMaggio sent a l62!home run far over the left field 769 stands and fence. Gehrig fanned. One run, one hit, no errors. Giants Moore flew out. Bartell singled. Ott's home run into the upper deck scored Bartell to tie the spnrp Itinnlp nontied out tn Crosetti. 112 j Leibei filed out. Two runs, two hits 104 1 no errors. 33, n Straight! the original Wilson's Bachrlor, Canada's outstanding 10c cigar, is itill available under a bright new label. of rain as the Yankees went runs, one hir one errors, to bat. LazzerL's 450 foot high Seventh lnnins fly to centre went for a triple. Go- Yankees Rolfe filed out DIMag. mez' fast line drive to centre scored glo struck -jut. Gehr.a bang:don Lazzeri. Crosettl's high drive Into a triple.. Dickey senr a high fl, to right field was taken by Ripple with Leiber. No run- :e fj' nena a nice catch. Rolfe hit and Gomez Giants Mar. -v. to tiled w went to .DlMaggio was out on a Moore singled with line drive m high infield fly. Gehrig's two base centre Held. Bar : singled. 03 hit scored Gomez with Rolfe going mea out to Laza- l R.pp.ii fiiE20u; No runs, two hit- r. rr - Mglitli Inning was fielded. Two runs, three hits, anitees mcnnie pitching in no errors. GlanUJ Hoag file cut ' Urn Giants Handy Ryan, pinch hit- against the 400 fi t vsu Scaciit ting for Melton, fanned. Moore singled with line drive to rijWflffl made a single on a line drive to Lazzeri high filed ul tu ::ft fltlt centre field. Bartell filed out as did Gomez lined out to left fic'i ft Ott. No runs, one hit, no errors. -Sixth Inning Yankees Al Smith now pitching for Giants. Selkirk filed out. Laz zeri took first when hit an knee by pitched ball. Gomez was fielded by Ott who chose to throw Lazzeri out runs, one hit. no errors. i Giants Leiber ient a base hlibs tween third and hor McCartti filed out to 8eJki;:k tc a double play Gehrig UUi No runs, one hit no errors. Ninth Inning Yankees Croiet'.i wulked Kfc at second. Crisetti popped out to out bunting. Crosett. to k:d:.4D1- amiin. imo runs, no nus. no errors. Maggio filed ouf I: Uft field &. oiants Jtipple sent .a sizzling hrlg fanned. No runs, r., Jil u line drive over Crosetti for a single, errors. Leiber hit into Jeft field and Di- Giants Whitehead pajpe; jat to Magglo fumbled. Rlopple going to DlMaggio. Wally Br - ;er . ' v. L't- third. McCarthy bunted and was Ung for Benne estzz' Un safe at first, Ripple being forced cuso popped out ta out at tnird. Danning struck out game and terle- N; rjr.;i.KJ Whitehead filed out to Lazzen. No nc errors CATS CAN SEE IN THE DARK 7 A J IN CANADA . . CHILDREN CAN'T your eyei and a child's eyei wen never intended to do close Wn$ in anything but adequate li Guard precious eyei from ai by having plenty of good light your home. O 0 BCTTCR LIGHT - I I T T T T C I R SlGHT-USI EDISONMA2PA lampJ CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. Study AIR CONDITI itf ONING ii.n.n,i , . ... ... i ,i ipsmen h8'8 .... wu.miwuinng engineers, esumaiors, rep;unnii, - nfl BUiuun opportunity with Industry's great growm. available. Write for details. Thermo Air Conditioning Institute RegUtratlon Department, IJox 22 Dally News