' - mm paqi rotm THE DAILY NEWS Hotel Arrivals Savoy I A. Alexander, Vancouver; A. Anderson, II r. and Mrs. P. Leigh: ton, 0. V. Carson and J. Dckvik, city;' E. J. Erickson, Nash; Gust Christiansen, New Hazelton; P. 0. Cunningham, Port Essinnton; T. M.j Smith, Edye Pans Mine; S. Ortquist, Lewis Island; Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Campbell, Mel-lakatla. j Royal E. lewis, Ter.-ace; J. Watson, cit.V, S. Honkawa, Port Easing-ton. Prince Rupert J. McLeod, Ecstall Mine; F Waterman and W. A. Waterman; Seattle; W. H. Trotter, Lyon Lightstone, B. Irvine and. V, J, Deans, Vancouver; A. L. Carruth-ers, Victoria; P. II. Cawley, Edmonton; A. F. Jamieson, Walnut Grove; Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mc-Callum, Toronto; A. P. van Stolk, Gi'aveland, Holland; Mr. and Mrs. P. Sather, Petersburg. Central Paul Crentzen, Queen Char lotte Islands; A. Hanson, A. Johnson, Misa Frances Yager, A. Rise, P. Christ, Tobias Johannesen, A. Hasmussen and E. Enoksen, city; 1). Iiarr, St. Thomas, Ont.; E. C. Anderson, C.N.R.; Mrs. George Holdway, McBride 01!N Fresh, sweet-flavored, Cream ed-style corn, direct from the Royal City plant in the midst of Western Canada's finest corn fields. Folding Metal Bridge Set BUILT TO LAST Eyfrpmelv Kfrnnp' construction, advanced desirn. - - " - w w O " 7 J ' -.. rmnrknmplv pnamcllcd in a varietv of color schemes. Stable and chair legs .protected--with iflateds'glidpr : ieet, upnuisiereu wiLii genuine ictui uvum. :, .; r' dimehsioniheight 2fr -Uvith'singlTmoVement. Chair, backs form fitting, l p ' l i. T .4 f I qurvea ior correct posiuru. i)lr Price, five-piece set i Table and chairs sold separately if desired. Allowance for Your Old Furniture in Trade Phone GREEN 916 Used Goods Piano. Made by Mason and Risch Organ. Made by W.Bell Co. 8-Tube Radio. Made by Bosh National Encyclopedia 1 Set Books of Knowlege Vanguard Waltham. 23 Jewels Furniture Exchange Buys Everything Sells Everything Phone Green 910 Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. TEACHERS' MEETINGS Convention Comes to Close With Interesting Session Saturday The Saturday sessions of the. Prince Rupert and District Teach-! 'era Convention proved of great j interest and value to all. Dr.( 'Hugh Morrison, inspector of schools, discussed "The New Cur-1 riculum," reviewing the demands for it, its preparation and the ; department's expectations of its: success. A liyely discussion fol-1 (lowed. Harry Gordon-Cooper gave an ,'lnteresting talk on physicial edu cation and recreation. This .proved were practical and emphasized the need for a wider attention to teiestmg session. The last session was devoted to jTesoiuliohs- for the provincial convention. Before adjournment appreciation was formally expressed of the courtesies of the city, the Rotary Club, the Women's Cana dian Club, Harry Charlesworth Dr. Mqrrison and the variolic speakers.- me work ot the or i . gamzing committee also came lr. for much praise. On Monday the teachers visited the Canadian Fish and Cold Stor-jaje plant arid in the afternoon were the quests of the city at the" museum where Rev. W. H Pierce and. ,N. ,L. Jones (nought-fully explained the exhibits. MrsBerriard EunHahl A.T.C.M. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 31 Fourth Avenue West Phone Green 991 k THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert KNOX -KNOX WHO'S THERE? People Who Want The "BEST FOR LESS" GOOD MEALS and CLEAN COMFORTABLE ROOMS DAILY WEEKLY or MONTHLY RATES KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Rrasell Prince Rupert Electric Steam Massage Treatment For Rheumatism, Tuberculosis Lumbago and Dyspepsia Phone 281 K. Hayakawa New Royal Hotel Room 12 The Morning AfterTaking Carters Little Liver Pills the development of the body thatj complete life might be fulfilled. I The Thanksgiving holiday week-end was favored with ideal A discussion on primary work, led by Miss M. Hartin, proved weather conditions. It proved another worthwhile session. Fol- auspicious for a number of deei lowing the introductory remarks hunting expeditions, some rather a general exchange of ideas and far afield. One of the parties experiences brought out much of was that headed by Capt. .Iim v.alue, .Morrison aboard the F. H. I'hip- ' The out-of-town teachers were l"n which has gone to Campania the guests of Dr.- Morrison at Mand down the coast, luncheon. Also attending were City Commissioner Alder, Miss E. A;. Mercer, Arthur Sutton. W, .W. C O'Neill and J. S. Wilson. The afternoon sessions included an interesting discussion on "Social Studies" led by Dr. Mor-rison and taken part in by manv teachers. An instructive and impressive talk on "The School Nurse, tfie. Child and the Teach- jer" by Miss Priestly, was much I enjoyed. Then followed a discus-pion on "The Art Course and the Schoolroom" led by Miss E. A , Mercer. This proved a very in- WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Union steamer Catala, Capt James Findlay, arrived in port at 10 o'clock Sunday nighl from the south and sailed a couple ot hours later for Stewart, Anyo and other northern points whence she returned here at 11:20 this- morning southbound. The vessc was in the Skeena River this morning to take on the Chinese-crew of Inverness Cannery foi Vancouver. C. P. R. freighter Nootka, Capt. M. McKinnon, after a voyage to Skagway with freight for the Yukon, called in port Saturday night for supplies and proceeded f'om here to Vancouver via Namu and Kildonan on the Wel Cast of Vancouver Island. C. N. ;R. steamer Prince John apt. George Coles, which has REOPENING HAVE WON OF RANGES ANOTHER Gathering of Canadian National New Westminster Salmon Hcllies Small.Bore Association Saturday Make it Two Stralslit Over Night Sees Improvements Orillia Terriers j An official opening informal) VANCOUVER, Oct. 12: (CP) shoot on the newly renovated mln-, New Westminster Salmon Relliesl iature range of the Canadian Na-trounced oVillia Terriers 15 to! tional Recreation Association's iq here last night for the sec-Small Bore Rifle Club took place omi straight time in the beat Saturday evening with a number of three out of a five -game series guest3 as well as marksmen mem- for the Mann Cup and the Dom-bers oD the club In attendance, Inlon lacrosse title. The third about twenty-five In all being prcs- game will be played at New West, ent. Interest was displayed in try-' minster Wednesday night. lng out the ranges with various' 1 types of shooting following the lm-1 jrg C. Clarke, who has provements which have been made; been on a trip to Vancouver, re Including painting .throughout as turned to the city from the south well as new lighting arrangements on the Catala Sunday night, which are raucn more enective ana conducive to better shooting. A new installation is a 20-yard stage for offhand shooting. This was used by pistol as well as rifle marksmen. Commencing with the erect position, or "offhand" marksmanship at 20 yards, In which all present took part, Theo Fortune, Ole Rollag and Peter Brass were outstanding. Mr. Fortune made a "possible" with his ten shots, Mr. Rollag, 99, and Peter Brass, 98. An exhibition of heavy calibre revolver shooting by Constable Don Stewart of the City Police Force, also a member of the C.N.R.A. Rifle 'Mub, proved attractive. Concluding was the "prone" position shooting In which William Brass and Ole Rollag made possi bles. Members .of. the Rifle Club also gave exhibitions of their skill In trick shootlng-such as shooting out a candle flame at 25 yards In which Theo Fortune and Ole Rollag (distinguished themselves putting out the flame with their first shots, An active winter season Is anticipated with members iatlng part in aatlonal as well as regional compe tlons. i William Brass, was' Jn charge of the. -opening proceeding j Saturday night,' assisted by Ole. Rollag and been engaged in, freighting dur- Theo Fortune. Refreshments were ng the':ftat;8timmje4j iimved !& served fby committee of ladles :ort at 6:30' last 'evening fnfti QOnslslirtg .of ..Mrs.. WlUlarn iBrass. the south and :vis ithtsraorning discharging coat forj'Iiilpot.'u; Evitt. On the "way Writf, the' on the Queen Char Joe:; Islands with loggers for the "l 'Al 'Kelley lagging Co. After discharging her local cargp; the Prince Johf. will proceed to the dry dock where. heavy .lifting, winch. .will be installed on her focsle head, It is expected she will be going on the regular run between here md Vancouver via Queen Char-'otte Islands in place of the Prince Charles at the, end of next week. John R. Morgan Logging Co.'s fl- .- o. luauiu; anqi Kiisn ineo itls'lnta-esting to note that lad- John called at Murchi'son Island 1 ies as well as men are taking part in , the ;at(V;liles:;and competitions of the iltlb. They participated Sat urday night. lerday for. fuel, having left a Davis raft at Captain's Coe while she came in. The J. R. Mor gan is in command of Capt. S Salvarson. C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due in port at 8 oclock tomorrow morning from Vancouver and will sail an hour later for Skagway :ug J. It. Morgan was in port yes- and other Alaska joints c&zc YEAR'S HOLIDAY This can bo you a year from now. Impossible? Not tt all if you start saving for it now. Saving money can be thrilling if you save for uchapurpoej and a real holiday is well worth saving for. THE mm mm n m io neip iou SAVE The Fitnllr Budfct Bool, puhliihod ly Tb Hoj.1 Bank ot Canida will help yon lo Mr. It coBttlm tunple bulfU for yoar tuldtooa, and Mctlon for nch month'. (ooounU. Thotutndi of hotueholderi n thb handjr Budget Book each year. A oopy la your for the a.kloc at your neareat branch. By the way . . . A home of your own; a new tsars an education for your child thew also are objectives that will give new lift to your 8a vings programme, help you in your natural desire to get ahead in the world. Don't worry if your savings are email. Saving regularly la the important thing. You will find it's as easy to save) M to spend when you save for ipurpott, P.S. DonHforad ...theoneicho gtU the bargains it the one wilhreadycatk ROYAL BANK of CANADA OVER 600 BRANCHES IN ALL PARTS Of CANADA If you wish to swap something- Try a cla.virie? t Canadian Mm MdIIUK TOMUIIT LOUETTA YOUNG-WARNER haxter VIRGINIA imiJCE in iie. Doctor and Nurse" winy, penetrating drai ADDED Cumedy-'MornlnJ. "Did You Know That?" Metro Newj I CCMMUNICATIONS I ftllfltl i hi Mir Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific ' To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and War I'orti Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m To Vancouver Direct PKINCTSS NOKAII PRINCESS LOUISE Oct. 29th. Oct. 6th 17th. Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES. fien?ral Afnt Prlnre RupfrU.C MORE MAGIC FROM R.C.AMW for Y01W Electric Tuning Super Sonic Magic Voice World-Wide Reception An entirely new conception Radio Performance And have a full stock Irom wMi to choose your favorite model Don't worry about the radio vou have now We ll look tcr it and give you a reaSj substantial allowance on Neu, ii.C... Victor 1938 modi THK RADIO YOU WANT TO OWN MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE 75 Only PAISLEY RUGS. 27x51 and '2ixlS. While They Last. Priced at- $1.00 and $1.25 UNION STEAMSHIPS LB. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA DAY, 1:30 p.m. 9:00 uidnlfH Due Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, If convenient pleaso purchase tickets a' fy potf inn and Tlci"14.,, . ... ... r. . ti.Ii-,1 Ave, riion n. it. iL,.uAi, rrince iiupcri