il AliAUA bristian Youth ociety Meets Asiderable Business Disposed of by Gathering Last Evening 1 ith the new president, Ken jiiling. in the chair, the Christian jjith society held its regular fort- 4htly meeting last, evening, wn- led the members In the tlliitfc tiunu! period, jj: venetla Feero was elected (ileal convenor. the tmt ot members was limited ,tventeen and up. Membership fees were set at fif- ,-ei.-- p' annum. fhe iituiual meeting In the form ITer Vial of 50 Capsules SIS of banquet and dance will be October 22. The social part of the evening was spent in playing Bingo after which refreshments were served with Edith Johnston In charge. To close a delightful evening the members indulged in cbmmunity singing. The society has Just begun Its second year of existence and it is hoped that this year may be as successful. as Its predecessor. TJie County Court case of John Geddes vs. John A. Swanson, in which the claim of plaintiff is for $220.50, has been adjourned from today until Thursday. T. V. Drown is counsel for plaintiff and It. L. Mclennan for With Winter Approaching Puretest MALT and COD LIVER OIL i pleasant tasting vitamin Food medicine. Rich in tavjral A-H-D-G Vitamins so necessary for the health .of childre.n and .adults. HLb. jar .... 60c 2-lb. jar ., ., $1.00 Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsiiles 85c of 100 $1.50 Ormes Ltd. Ctfi Pioneer Druqrjtsts The KesMI Store 1'liotiw: 81 Jfc Jtf Open Dally From; a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 D-m. till 9 p.m. i TUB CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TUAIL nillTISII COLUMMA Manufacturers of Elephant Hrand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphosphates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Kef iners of Tadanac Hrand Metals r.old, Silver, Electrolytic Lead. Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. 5 1: mmrnmmmmmmu GORDON'S J'hone 311 ISBIIBIB ammmmimmmmmmm m i j LAMPS LAMPS We are now showing our new fall stock of lamps of all varieties, in the latest and most modern styles, at exceptionally low prices. Drop in and see the new lamps. You'll be agreeably surprized at their style and price. TJUL1TE FLOOR LAMPS BRIDGE LAMPS TAPLE LAMPS JlOUDOIIt LAMPS HED LAMPS Lamp Shades of all Descriptions HARDWARE McIIridc St. IIHIIlBSIBSBilUBIIlll Woodworking Night Classes Just received new shipment of For men and young men;at Booth blouses. AJayfair. tf. School. Phone Red .807 or see J. H. r Nordan, Instructor. (237) -Canadian .Legion ,B.E.S.L. half- j y?afly .meetirig Wednesday 8 p.m. Mrs. Watt's dancing classes for ; j ? 237) children Bat., October lath at J2p.m.; . T- j 'j 'flu. the a Tonh U -tro, at! Class for adults every Thursday 8 p.m. Step dancing by .appoint-i--f-" Ti Z i Z ment. Phone Blue.322. (238) - - Trevor J. Williams, who has been on a vacation trip to van-. CQUver, returned to the city from the south on the Catala Sunday night. A. ,K. Key, manager of the gen eral store at Premier, and Mra. Key .were passengers aboard the. Catala Sunday night returning north after a trjp to Vancouver. Rev, .and Mrs. G. H. Moody and son, .St. John, who have been on a trip south, were passengers aboard Ihe Catala Sunday evening returning to Stewart. B. Irvine of Vancouver, feder?! kUlOk lelp end It quicker JhW without "dosing". 1 Iaporob Announcements All advertisements iln'thts column -vlll be charged Jona full month at '55ca -word. Anglican tea, ;Mrs. iC. C. Mills, October 12. Presbyterian .Tea, 3Jrs. R. W.; Cameron, federal "Block, Octobur 14. United Anniversary Supper, Oct.1 15. W. A. Canadian Legion Bridge October 15, Anglican Girl? Tea, Mrs. son's, "October '21. I Gib-1 Parent Teachers telephone brldgtyf.Friday, Octobor 22. C. (J, :Ffl (Bazaar, "Octobef ,23. Tochlk'lTW. Thursday, Oct. ,28, 3 to 6. Oyrp; JlallQwe'en . MaiQuerade ' Dancet.. October, .29. Baplit 'Tea, tNoVfsmher 'II. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. PresbyUrlan Jlazaar, NovembeMjj Sonja S. O. Nt Bazaar, Novem-ber;12. " " 3 1 ' ' ' ' 1 Moose 'Carnival, 'November 17, 18, '19. Ctthtdril Bazaar Novtmbr 30. Woodworking Night Classes Tor men and young men at Booth School. .Phone Red 807 or see J. H. Nordan, Instructor. (237) Mrs. S. D. Macdonald, who has been on a trip to Vancouver and also to Goldbridge in the Bridge River district, returned to the city on the CaUla Sunday night from the south. On Fruit, Cereal, In Tea NOTICE i Eyerson's Ideal Cleaners wish to announce they have no connection whatsoever with any laundry. We specialize In Dry Cleaning only. I (239) ! radio inspector, is paying one of Malcolm Montgomery, who has his periodical visits to the city been 8penaing the summer in the to .check up .on local conditions. Namu district engaged in fish-! He arrived from the interior cn eries patrol dutVi retUrned to tht Saturday night's train. city ;fr0m the south on the Ca. tala Sunday night. I D. G. Borland, manager of th'.- Capitol Theatre here, is expected G. II. McCullum of Toronto, ai to return to the city on Sunday official of the All Canadian Cor of next "week. .He 'is in Vancouver gress of Labor, and Mrs. McCuI-to attend a managers' confer- lum were visitors in the city hav-ence. ing arrived on the Catala Sundaj evening from Vancouver. Mr. A. L. Carruthers, chief bridge McCullum was conferring with of-engineer for the provincial de- ficials of local branches of th partment of public works with Congress and sailed by the .Ca headquarters in Victoria and for- tala this afteroon on his return mer niMrict engineer here, ar- soutn. rived in the city on Saturday night's train following a trip The regular weekly luncheon through the interior on official of ,he Prince Rupert Gyro Club business and sailed on the Ca- tomorrow will take the form of tala this afternoon for the south, he monthly business session. Next week the club will observe Mrs. A. E. -Oak'lev. a resident nai risn week with U. M. of Prince Rupert in the earlj Winslow, assistant general mana- days .and, as Miss Julia Brennap. ger.of the Canadian Fish & Cold one of the original members of Storage Co., as the guest speak-the Prince Rupert General Hos er pital nursing staff, is among social welfare workers of Vancou- ver to he honored with the pres- MBBMMHHBnaBBMH -entation of a Coronation medal. . (Mrs. Oakley is president of the auxiliary in Vancouver to the Canadian National .Institute for the 'Blind and is convener of the (migration committee of the local (Council fo: Women. For years she has made her home in Vancouver f2iBa "Build B.C. Payrolls" at J JWPORATtJ. Pacific Milk won in one morning with the good effect it gave to a young man's breakfast. He tried it on cereal, on a dish of fruit and In a cup of tea. He rose from the table so satisfied he Impressed upon his mother that he wanted Pacific Milk again. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE LADIES You Are Invited to Call and Inspect Our New Stock of COATS Just Arrived Today ,They are the very latest thing in furs smart and rich. Prices on these ,are very moderate, something to suit every purse. There are Persian Lamb Krjmmera, Bombay Lamb, Civet Cat and other varieties of fur. Try them on .and .see how fine they look. Good .Discount for Gash G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE HQ sday. October 12,n937. THE DAILY NEWS PAOZ THRCT Ontnge Pekoe Blend rrn at a li An LOCAL NEWS NOTES Millions of Canadian Workers U N I T E B In One Great Co-operative Enterprise TO guarantee financial security for themselves and their families more than three million workers throughout Canada are today banded together through their ownership of Life Insurance. Nine out of ten Canadian policyholders are insured for small amounts proof that Life Insurance extends its greatest benefits to the humble homes of Canada. Only through Life Insurance could these thrifty men and women obtain such priceless protection for their homes and loved ones. Their "little savings" are pooled for the benefit of the widows, the fatherless and the aged. In thousands of Canadian homes, Life Insurance means food, clothing and shelter all made possible through Canada's greatest co-operative enterprise. Life Insur an c e Barney Turbitt and Ed. Peterson, who came out of the Squaw i Prpek district of Northern British' Columbia last week with $5000 of placer gold which they had taken out during the past summer, sailed Sunday night on Ihd Catala for Alice Arm. They took the gold with them and will later be proceeding to Vancouver with it. Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. GUARDIAN OF CANADIAN HALI NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU, Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM IIOMEH Rate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot St .Cold Water Prince Kurort, B.C, Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 rrm. HOMES The Central Hotel Fresh Local Raw And rooms and cafe ! Pasteurized Milk PTe l1 , , VALENTIN DAIRY For Best Household n Coal PHONE 657 MRS. C. E. BLACK ll BUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. COAL TO I'I.EASE KVF.KVnODV Satisfaction Quuuni laninii r.Ason Albrrta Col lulklry Vallfy Coal Vanroiivrr Inland Co"' Prince Rupert Feed Company PHONE: 68 and S&8 H !