..i ? I , P.aj? FOUR ill I m 71k. III! i m BLITV mam ass lc HEALTH DDtAICACTC " . 1H?! DAILY HTSvTa ' " ' ' mi:, SALE I! buits wft 16 only, Blue Serges and i if dark Worsteds. Men's ! m and Young Men's mod- Gf els. ALL AT THE ONE LOCAL NEWS NOTES S.O.N. Meeting Dec. 2, members Dance, Moose Hall Friday. (280) please attend. Important, 'S4 (280) - iDavJd Brown, for. drunkenness, was fined $25, with option" of seven court yesterday. He is doing the time. 2ir. and Mrs. Douglas Edenshaw, who have been on a visit at Terrace .with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash, arrived In the city from the Interior on Tuesday night's train. home at Massett. imem. Li , r Presbyerlan Tea tomorrow after- iiPlease your friends with a dainty ' noon. Church Hall. (280) 'btik of stationary from the Dollar , Store- w- j Just arrived A new shipment of I brushed wool sweaters. Annette's. .Tonight's train, due from the, tf. East at 11 o'clock, was reported 'tftls morning to be on time. O. Olof Hanson, M.P. for Skeena, left '7 p.m. City Tennis Ass'n Dinner-Dance, Commodore Cafe. Saturday, Dec. 4, uuumuttoio...' Minor fit III JU (280) .yesterday afternoon for a trip to J Stewart, returning this evening.' Adolph Berner. representative of He was accompanied by w. M. the Soldiers' Settlement Board, Brown. with headquarters at Smlthers left by last evening's train on his return to the Interior after a ( brief .business' visit to town. He days . Imprisonment, in city police had come in on Tuesday night's train. Miss Marian A. Coombes has resigned as clerk in the provincial public works office here and will be leaving about the middle of the month for Southhampton England. George Wilson has Joined the office being on their way back to their staff of the public works depart- ywf .nunc QIV' ENERGY jrA VALUE THAN OF THE YEAR i m t y-M 1 .1 m. t .1 -i . 11 1 yl . 1 P T T""1 1 TV Uur btock or Men s Clothing is INew, fcxpertly Styled and uut and or rme fabrics, cut we Must Sale Starts 9 a.m. Friday CROUP 1 Topcoats 28 only, Topcoats and Overcoats. Chinchillas, Melton Cloths, Fleeces and Harris Tweeds. Val ues to $24.50. 17.50 Suits H. F. McLeod entertained ths Prince Rupert Rotary Club at lt. regular weekly luncheon today with moving pictures taken on a recent trip East. W. R. McAfee, the president, was in the chair. Mrs. Jack Woods (Annette Stone) will be leaving towards the end of the month for a visit with friends In Los Angeles In the hope that the change will be of benefit to her health which has not been of the best lately. Chest Colds 1 I . .Distressing symptoms Sl relieved by rubbing on r.TM''m'.'i;m..'H4.i-i George Franklin, local agent of the Canadian National Express o., returned to the city on the Prince George yesterday from a vacation trip to Vancouver, Al Berner is in receipt of a let ter from Al Radero, noted Am erlcan safety auto driver, who not long ago was in Prince Rupert with a truck In which potatoes were being delivered from the Ma-tanuska Valley in Alaska to New York. Radero told of having made the trip from Prince Rupert to New York In 129 V2 hours driving time. The truck was driven out of here over the railway line on special flanged 'wheels and Mr, Berner acted as pilot on behalf of the Canadian National Railways. Announcements All advertisements this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. United Bazaar, December 2. Presbyterian Tea Decembej 3. Lutheran Sewing Circle Bazaar, December 8. Baptist Tea, December 9. Oddfellows' Old Time Hogmanay Dance, December 31. Have CASH Quickly Here is Your Opportunity To Save Real Money on that Suit or Overcoat. See what Fine Clothing a Few Dollars will Buy. Act Now while Range is Complete fiKOUI,.i 27 only, Men's and Young Men's dark Worsteds. REMARKABLE O-j Q QC pJL5f.5Ftl VALUE AT GROUP 1 Suits 45 only, Blue Serges (2 pairs pants) and dark Worsteds. $27.50 and $28.00 91 - Q E values. SALE PRICE ?J-tfJ CROUP 5 Members Of Gyro Club See Museum "aid Visit Yesterday Afternoon And Found Institution Very Interesting; Following the regular weekly luncheon yesterday members "of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, proceeded to the Prince Rupert Canadian Aquascutum Overcoats Finest West-of-England Worsteds. Waterproofed. Made in, England. A coat that will give years of satisfaction. Regularly sold at $45.00. OUR SALE CQC AA PRICE .. CROUP f Suits vuvv Dark Worsteds Greys', Browns, Blues and Blue Serges. Values to $37.50. CO7 AC OUR SALE PRICE JIA I .571 WATTS & NICKERSON MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHIERS Museum . to Inspect the exhibits which were very Interesting. A number of the members of the club had never been In the museum before. R. L. Mcintosh was on hand to show the service club visitors around. At the luncheon a report was received from W. M. Watts, chairman of the recent masquerade ball committee, showing that $44.40 had been cleared as a result of that affair. Holiday Helps Oval Round Oblong Covered Roasters From I auiwAV I I . StimomrS I I Communication I ncntu I Enamel Aluminum Sheet Iron Sheet Iron Roasting Pans from 15c to 40c Carving Sets. Skewer Sets Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Phone 101 Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific JR. To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports. Princess Adelaide everv Frldav. 10 n m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS NORAII Oct. 29th, Nov. 8(h, 18th, 29th WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $32.00 Tickets " on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28th, 1938 i Final Return Limit March Slit, 1938 eonndctljsn Vancouver wl$h Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. I COATES, General Aent I Prince Rupert. B.C. TERMS: CASH ONLY CROUP 7- Topcoats Kenberry Fleece Topcoats Truly "TOPS" in topcoats. Style and comfort. A year-round coat for this climate. $32.50 Mens Dress TROUSERS In blue and grey serges, dark Worsteds, grey and brown tweeds. Regular price from $3.50 to $6.75. SALE PRICE Less 20 rilONES 18 and 81 p 0. box :1 Mussallem's Economy Stor "Where Dollars Have More Cents" XMAS PLUM PUDDING , 1-lb. ffA bowls 2-lb. bowls Christie's, Each tlUU 95c 35c XMAS CRACKERS Fancy EI 40c "95c WINES - Cherry. Port and Ginger n-Quart bottle OOK, BARCO PINEAPPLE - Sliced and cubes. j n .Per tin J-MC PECTIN JAM-Columbfa. As- 49c LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS Assorted. A S 2 for IOC SHIRIFF'S COCKTML MA mAlade pcj 23 PORK SAUSAOE- Ofi .... . IU ijM " ROYAL CROWN SOAP 9 5 bars 1 bar FREE with e-,r fl BANANAS--Golden yellow ret 10 ORANGES-Family 24 size. Per doz tr 3 dozen , BUNCH CARROTS- Local grown, 0 mr RITZ WAFERS-Christie's. Per pk 18 New Xmas Nuts just afrbl All! fresh stork at rcasonal prices. We welcome all visitors to our stores. We invite you to iok H our seasonable goods guaranteed fresh at low prices. ' ..c ur courteous service. . j FREE DELIVERY ON ORDER OF Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful MacKENZIE'S FURNITUE1 GIFTS THAT LAST BOOK CASES- Wlth glass doors. S.W. Moveable Clfl,5l shelves. shelves. From From IV'" CHINA CABINETS Walnut. With glass doors Phone 775 1 $36.0 Daily News Want Ads Bring R