VXGt SIX TOT DAILT nfws if it it it it V It it M M .Art it t it V V it it it it it & ,1' y. USEFUL AND LASTING GIFTS For Every Member Of The Family Boys and Girls Watch A new strong-built watch that will keep perfect time. For ft A boys and jjirls. Priced at v Solid Gold, RINGS. THIRD A YEN UK Genuine DIAMOND IsEVE2BSr3Q HAS so tusy. . BUT CAST! GC'UJOtf.WiJ PETES TO THE NCCTH POLE N WS 7Kcl UZLP WLL SVUA'S Toy BAS .'ICW SB F.1UO $12.50 - w from up A fine assortment of STERLING SILVER HOLLO WWARE and FLATWARE 6.50 25.00 Monarch kitchen range QOC A A Price vuu Kitchen Cabinet Price 15.00 We Buy Used Furniture. Phone Green 916 Store Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. WALTHAM, ELGIN, GRUEN, ROLEX and WASHINGTON watches in arcat variety of cases and designs, including beautiful Diamond-Set styles. A Truly Wonderful Assortment to Make-Your Selection From 3-piecc ROGERS' Tea Sets. From $8.75 up Dresser ami Toijet Sets in STERLING SILVER in all the Latest Modern Designs IN OUR BASEMENT STORE We Have Over 30 Different Designs o f Dinncrware to Choose From HUNDREDS OF ODD CUPS AND SAUCERS FINE CRYSTAL AND Large Range! glassware Wonderful Values! RRASSWARE COPPER BAGGAGE NOVELTIES Hundreds of Beautiful and Useful Gifts To Choose From! We Cordially Invite Your Inspection ' The Largest Variety of Useful Gifts in The North! MAX HE1LBRONER New FURNITURE Bed, Cable Spring and Cotton Felt SttpriceSize4:6:4:0'. 27.50 Folding Bridge chairs and table. Price ELIO'S Set. Including 4 18.00 TOYS Doll Prams from 2.75 t0 16.75 Kiddie Kars 2.00 to 3.50 Rocking Horses 1.95 t0 5.00 Velocipedes 7.75 10 10.75 Baby Jumper Swings 1.75 aml 2.00 Baby Nursery Chairs 2 25 Baby Walkers 3.50 d 6.00 PRINCE HUPEUT fill I Early Advertising Copy Will be Very Much Appreciated WHIFFLETS From Hie Waterfront H j CUM. steamer Prince John, Capt 1 Nell McLean, arrived In port at W j 5:30 this morning from Vancouver 15 via the Queen Charlotte Islands 5' and will be here until 10:30 tomor-row when she will sail on her re , turn south over the same route. 3 A. H. Robson. purser on the H steamer Prince George. Is at pres-$5 ent ashore In Vancouver on his an-$5 nual vacation. Fred Coram Is re-5 Heving him as purser of the Prince 5 Gcoarge. is . 1 8 Bernice says . Palm er One sad sight thai you in Prince Rupert are spared is that of young boys In their teens hobos riding the freieht trains. There is scarce- 5 ly a day that the the train in this fy country hasn't its quota of one or 3 more youngsters victims of broken i!S homes, depression, and just youth hobnobbing with seasoned veterans 2 ol the road. President Roosevelt has 2 done much to help but there Is a $3 lot still to be done and it is the H one big blot on our civilization to day that we'Tiave not learned how jj to bridge the difference between! irint o4 nlAntv that that in in a a rnnntrv country, V my country, with nature so lavish home. The Civil Conservation Camps the CCC have helped many of our youth but there are: many boys more who rebel at the very idea of such massing. It is these boys we see dally "riding the rods." DRIFTWOOD Driftwood of Life, just a boy. ' Somebody's sen. somebody's Joy. , Roving over' the -world today. I Not always a bed whereon to lay. j Searching the world, far from home. Riding the rods, fighting alone. Somebody's boy with groping hand Seeking to find the Promised , Land. , ' Somewhere a lonely mother Is j weeping; Wondering where her son is sleeping. Wondering if he has eaten today. Wondering why he ran away. Somewhere a mother is praying for you. ; Keeping her vigil the long night through. Waiting, watching the Incoming tide That will bring her boy again to her side. Only driftwood riding the tide. Meeting life with youth's high X r i The Letter Box NOT IN "WEBSTER" Editor. Dally News: WATCH FOR BULGER'S 95 Cent SALE Saturday, Dec. 4th Lamer Ad Will Appear Friday "'v-v I rj i if nt'rv iltlL STORE WITH THE CLOCK Get Ready For CHRISTMAS We have an assortment of Snow Suits $5.95 and $6.95 Drygoods and Novelty Shop science of grab-aU-ogy than, all the other scientists put together, who even went as far as to say, 'The sun may have to give up some of Its power." knowing full well that all power proceeds from the sun, but they have never listened to the 'sword" of the sun ""v " !n ,hilr nun rnmmnnlfv yesterday's ,Usue your paper hal. " .hanged the term "commercial ;words" to "commercial Interests" ahlch had the effect of changlnj the whole meaning of my letter. very investor and every laborer n the community has commercial interests but a "sword" is one who an outline a policy that will benefit the whole community without offending any law-abiding cltl- on and without harming those vho are not law-abiding citizens. Our politicians take the lead nd hold out the "gimmce" hand to outsiders gimme a railway imme a highway, a pulp mill. pride. Pausing a moment, then drifting away. Tnfr o Viorhrir lrmM1 H r f f cn pH-)t' i , M- . rurrnm. ji her natural offerings, our youth - hould be compelled to wander from . I hosnltnl. etc. Our political lead-1 -s. both of the old school and, he new. have called In outsiders' 'o helo us but they have never "istcned to able British politicians. ;n our own community. J Our churches have called in evangelists to teach us the way, but none of them have ever list-1 ned to a more able expounder -f ihe Christian Faith In our own community. They have called in scientists vho have studied more of the filS place to piaceeeking what ls its , lfS 1 .' i due honest labor and a happy Used FURNITURE Bed, Coil Spring and Sprinp filled Mfittress. Size 4-6. 2 2 5 0 Bed, Cable Spi-ing and Cotton Felt Pn-ce.':6- 14.50 Steel Crib, Spring and Mattress. ?rkc; $6.50 Enamel Top Kitchen Table. Price Axminister Rug. Size 9x12. Price : . . . . i 2 I fa U r&iZi)&?(i the city. SANTA CLAUS and COMPANY GEO ROE BAINES. FOR IAD IREATH. SMOKER'S THROAT IUCKIEY S THROAT AIDS. lOt Thursday. DecembtM . mum "'"pieie show 8:lj Its Fast-Frantic and ir WOMAN CHASES MAN" With Joel McCrea, Miriam iikll (At 8:19. once Only, PLUS John Trent .. In "A DOCTOR'S I)IAR with IllJ.r.X IilUGESS (At 7:00 and 9:31) COM IMS I III SAT, DICK I'OWII.I, in THE SINOIMS MARINE DEMERS Closing -Out SALE Remarkable Values in Shoes Regular to $3.25. NOW Regular to $4.50. NOW ,... Regular to $6.50. NOW Regular $1.50 to $2.25. NOW Tennis Shoes Overshoes Fleece lined. 2 dome fastening. Regular $1.63 NOW The New Coleman OIL BURNING 81.95 82.50 83.25 81.00 81.25 CKKriviii;i;i3iitiL:i?Biiri:i 1 1 1 1 t i HEATERS Powerful . . . Economical . . . Dependable These big extra powerful heaters burn low cost turr. . -produce plenty of dependable heat. No wood or -oai w tc'"r with, no ashes or dirt. Regulating one valve gives a s"r- e;: flow of heat much or little as vou need. Finished In two-tone brown Duroplastlc enamel w;ii r. ) trKl chip or peal. No moving parts, no wicks. Efficient Drcese Patent Bumr coJ adjusted to desired heat. Models for every need homes, stores, offices, etc Be Sure That the Heater You Buy Has all These Featurw Stop In and Let Us Demonstrate This Magnificent New Heater GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McBridcSt ' AUoy, i SAmA'SAJcrrr oitccws Fo. wry lEtR. WiA . i heby atpoint you J o'v tweakers to wcrx. thewe . V -.VuSE.'iifCOPJSyTO ) VHCO'Ac, CAPW J I HAVE YE ? LH -Ip j BOTH SPECIAL f-J L!KE fALlEN ASUE?AN9 X CJrtSS I j W l.Ml UKIIXTKV .f'T i.. r..nnrai. Tlll If"" IX)t M ..A h If vou have snmpt hinrr tn soil, n phissif ied advtvtiseiW'l 5 ; in thi3 paper will soon let you know if there is a buyer lour llunilrrU and 1,n,l;in (III), lunte (. llundrfi w , ( WIlRAS proof oi ' . u J bore OrUJlcato of THlt n&td Octcbrr 4. 1937. . . tl I iMme oX Thorns H. " "W. , riled In Oil otXVc. wtKr.,Tt,tJs 1 ! given that I atull. M 'xv'7m s one month Xrom the dM publication hereof. Uaue j"ld Ji. Ccrttfio.t of Tia. a iwi 'J T. j CTrtUlcte..unleMi fli the niewi ! Id obJectlorlW made to ue l t j DATED A the Lund B,r,' i,, PrUioe nupert, B. C. thla I November. AX IMJ. nttpsoS. Deputy BegUUW of Tl The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. a K. BLACK