PAQ1 TWO THE DAtLT NEWS SPORT CHAT Bowling League activities for the second half of the season will get under way at the first of next week, j On Monday night the Commercial i Norkap Xmas Tree Enjoyed Happy Affair Held Last Night In Metropole Hall With 125 Present Skaland, Mrs. B. Pedersen, Mrs. Young People HeW Dance Fine I Affair By Christian Youth Society Tuesday Night I A tiV. UiiltUUI vvulsl A A v. V. wsiut.4. V a UOUIV O J Mit Will If n League trundlers will start the balls bration of the local Norkap Society jan Youth Society a very enjoyable ' : nlace last night in the Metro- JJf.i......,W' rnlline with Bloloeical Station took A ui , 4u tra with Allan Davies as master of 1 r ...111 1 tk. Ph.l.tmn. IVu vvlvmvum.o, i"V v.iuouuv.10 ine commercial jjeague win uc uautmg muuuu uic wmsuum net playing again with the Five Pin after which refreshments were Leatrue re-ODenine Friday and the served. A dance followed with Ten Pin League on Sunday. - i and Nels Gunderson acting as mas- Wlnners of the first half of the ter of ceremonies. season In the various leagues are The program included piano du- officlally announced as follows: ets by Miss Ruth Nelson and Miss City Ten Pin League Three Five ! Jean McLean; vocal solos by As- Taxl with a two-game margin over laug Skaland; address by Rev. L. Royal Hotel. ' C. Jenseir. pastor of St. Paul's Luth- Commercial League Canadian ieran Church; male quartette by National Recreation Association Messrs, Kildal, Pedersen, Fenness No. 2. with a two-game margin over, and Gunderson; reading by Ingvaldj Rupert Motors. Men's Five Pin League Canadian National Recreation Association with' a six-game margin over Pioneer Laundry, Ladies' Five Pin League Rangers first in both first and second BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 44c per fine ounce on the New York met al market today. The committee in charge consist ed of Mrs. P. Andersen, Mrs. A. Square . of . First United Church was in charge of a pop stand and as-. music by Dave Hadland's Orchestra J" .-( UUblCC 111 OClVlll UC11C1UU3 ICllCAll", ments. All arrangements were cap-j nhlv hnnrilsri hv fiPnree-M.irtill flnrtt his committee. Hockey Standings International i . i .1 r.. i L . I ' ' u ill. ii i' i" n n r, I r . 1 1 .nil nv . i i tiuidiui uiiu liwim uvj.vj uj ... j Toronto 9 Englna Chrlstensen, accompanied PnnriIpn. 7 ' by Miss Margaret Chrlstensen. , Maroons 6 Division i L F A Pts. 4' 4 8 11 50 46 47 27 American Division Nels Luth, F. Eliasen, H. Erlcksen, Boston 12 A. Llndseth and Peter Lien. Rangers 9 A. Lindseth presided at the door, j Chicago 6 I Detroit 3 4 7 9 13 38 45 30 27 51 39 33 43 23 20 18 13 26 20 14 8 The fire department had a call, at 10:50 last night to a smoke Charles M. Adam of Stewart, af-, scare In the basement of the Bos- ter a week's visit to tht city, sailed i jton Cafe Block. There was no da-by the Prince George yesterday af-i mage. Iternoon on his return north. I "Jt . J . f r W JSi.J. T-r- . WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront On a regularly' scheduled voyage from Vancouver to Skagway, C. P. steamer Princess Norah, Capt P. Palmer, arrivad In port at meeting Electrical Workers and pole Hall with about 125 persons in ,,i8:45 tn,s mrnmg and sailed a Rupert Motors meeting North Star, attendance. After an address of "au esaay nignt. Almost up couple 0r hours later in contlnua-OrTxuesday evening all eight of welcome by the president, H. Gul- V the Ladies' teams will ODen the bransen, there was an excellent r , T 7f. . . second half schedule. 6n Thursday program which was followed by 2G2 oz. $3.25 hr.nrrl 38 passengers 01 whom one disembarked here. She boardrd' the vessel here for the norm. Having made good: time .In spite of unsettled weather conditions, C. N. R. steamer Prince John. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived in port at 11:45 a.m. from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, The vessel sails tomorrow evening on WHITE HORSE x SCOTCH Sam Your Brandt FOR NEW YEAR'S this most friendly and ON festive of holidays call upon White Horse Scotch to sustain the true New Year's Spirit. Skillfully blended from: only the choicest Scotch Whiskies and perfectly aged. Ask for White Horse. DhUlttd & loHUd U t Tills advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government, of British Columbia I A?.? ' o u n ci n (j T II yj A N DAD offers two new cars for 1933 the ERO standard Ford V-0 and ilie De 1 Ford V-8. They are different in appearance but built to the same standard of mechanical excellence on the same 1 1 2-inch wheelbase. . Because people liked our 1937 car so well, they bought more than of any other make. They liked its looks, its smooth performance, and the way it handled. Wc have improved on that car in the 'newly Uyled Standard Ford V-8. But some folks wanted still more size and style, with the same fundamental Ford advantages. For them, we have designed a new De Luxe line. The De Luxe Ford V 8 Sedans are longer with-more room, larger luggage space, and finer appointments. De Luxe cars ore equipped with' the 85-horsepower' Ford'V' 8 engine. They provide more motoring satisfaction at low Ford prices. The Standard is even lower priced than the De Luxe. It is a brilliant, modern car. It has graceful new lines and well-tailored interiors. It gives you the same basic advantages of the 85-horsepower Ford V-8 engine. Before Ford made V-type 8-cylinder engines available to every one, they were used only in expensive cars. Since then, four million Ford owners have learned the genuine enjoyment of driving an 8-cylln der car with all-round economy. The low prices of the Dc Luxe and Standard cars make it easy for you to step into the V-8 class. FIT YOUR CAR TO YOUR NEEDS With two distinct designs, two body sizes and two price ranges, you'll find a 1938 Ford car 16 fit your personal needs exactly. Whatever one" you choose, you gel time- proved Ford V8 performance. Whatever price you pay, you get a car built soundly to serve you well. . . . That's the Ford way. FOR LOW DELIVERED PRICES SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER D Lm Ford V-8 modVli are Coupr, Tudor edjn, Fordor Sf fin, Convertible Coupe, Clul Coupe, Convertible Club Coupe, Phaeton am Convertible Sedan; Standard Ford, V-8 it available In three mod-! eli: Coupe, Tudor Sedan and Fordor Sedani Ford elli a fully equipped ear at i lowei-t poitible price. The prirei on De Luxe model include twin tail light, two windshield wipers tv9 fun vlhon, twin electric borm, cigar lighter, de luxe fleering wheel, glove compartment clock and lock, chrome wheel bands, In addition to front and rear humperi and guard,, pare wheel and lire and' tube, tire lock, and' headlight beam indicator.' Prices on Standard model Include front and rear bumper and guards spate wheel and lire and tube, lire lock, one tail light, one wind-thield wiper,' one tun ior, rigar lighter, headlight beam indicator, and two horn. IN Till: M'I'HKME t'Ol KT Ol- ItKITIMI Ol.l MIIU In (lie Mailer of lie "ArtnilnMrallOM ; Act" and . In Ilie Matter of the (Mate of rtilllp i .lame l-Minard Dereated Intestate TAKE NOTICE Umh by order of HI Honor. W. E. Ptaher. Uve 22nd day of December. A O. 1W37. I wa& appointed' administrator of U estate of Khlllp, James Leonard. deceurd. and all' par I tie having claims against the Mid n-. Itale are lewy reeiimt vj .jurn'i fwwne, properly vrlfjl, to m on r beXcre Hie 23nd day oC J-uuittry.- A. O. 1938. and oil parties lntWtert- 10 wc ettaJe are required to pay the amoum of ther lnde.Wedne to me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator Prince Rupert. B. C. D.ited tW 22nd day of December. A. D. 1937. AMI ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I.eM Land In Prince lUyrt Land Recording' DUtiiot of British Columbia, and. f ItU ate Bast of Prince Lehou bfand In HuOson Bar Pv. souths of. Dundat Islnnd a consptcuoua white rock 8t" hl?h (marked on chart). Take not4ce that Frank Watrrman .o Prince Rupert, B. C, occupation Miner , I Intends U apply for a' leaM of the fol-' j lowing described lands: all of ' a .con-isptcuoiu white rock 85 feet high and Its surroundings (Rock marked' on ; chart). . CommenrtM at a. post planted' on .a grassy rock 200 feet 8. T" df H. W J Corner on Northeast side tbonce , 600 feet Southeast; thenoe BOO fee? southwest thence 80a' feet Northwest; thene 800 feet Northeast and containing It " 1 acres, more or lew. . FRANK WATERUANi Dated October 4. 1937 I.AMI Afl NiiJWe of intention to Apply 0'l.eae jnd . - I In Prince Rupert Land ReccrdlOg District of British Columbia, and : situ ate on Zayas Island on the N, W. point on -vest side of Zaps on a reef off Aramzazu Point, I Take notice that Frank Waterman cf Prince Rupert. B. O, occupation Mite-., Intends to apply for leu of the lowing described landav -all of Ult tee off Aramzazu Point. Commencing -t a. prt "planted or the high grassy point an the1 Bouttl Bide of the ref thence' 1600k tet Northeast; thence 1500 feet Northwest . thence 1800 feet Southwest;, then,- 1 1500 feet Southeast and .eoritainmj SJ acres, more or lens n ' FRANK) WATERMAN" . I IN THE SITltEME VOVHJ Of I1H1THII COI.l'MIHA IN ITKIIUTK 111 Ilie Mailer of the "AdmlnMratltm; Art" And In Die Matter of the IMate of Rrnt (J)llfiispltjt. Iierraord, InteMate TAKE NOTICE that by order of, Hli Homr. W. E. Fisher, the 14th day of December, A. D. 1937. I was appoint j Admhilstrator of the entate of Ernst OyltenspVte. docsed, and all portle. having claims against the said estate .are nersoy required to furnish, same, i properly verified, to me on or before the 15th day of January, A. D. 193U and) all parties Indebted to the eatats arc required" to pay the amount Ot tneir nioenteanesa to me forthwith. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator; . . Prince Rupert, BO. Dated tho t Hth da of December, an ' 1917 - - ' Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean Tf e House Is Warm The Senlce Friendly, The Rates Are Reasonable5 KNOX HOTEL R. Ilrasell N. M. Brastli' Thuray, Dec . . . - r, uium smith nvpr the samr . rpllo'vfm ktu.l... i"f' hpr-northwara voyage. .,.., """in MpT.m "u 7 . .... cnnihMund route. Arnold Evans is acting as, ashore at Vanoouv..,- , . .iafcdi ic niip ui:& ncio wv. r- - , . 4 , . . . . i ,roow . . purser or me prince jonn wis trip,, ana New Year's next Monday afternoon, ghe had ... Wishing You All Seasons Greetings FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes STEVE KING Everything in Cents' Furnishinirs For a small Gift at New Years for ot-provaj of the aald H and plan J oonstnwtm wliarves, cannery butldUifs and reducUon plant. w.Uti tliU flth day of Dtwnber 1037. Bnmsii cxiLUMniA packers IJMITED T. O. Underhlll, Ani wviu tin.r. In give CHOCOLATES Tliey Will Always Be Appreciated pace &snAw Montreal SAIM Vancouver CADI.rRY London NEILS0N Toronto For Your New Year Party Rcmcmher CRESTA BLANCA Ready Mixers We have only a limited supply available at the present time ORDER YOURS NOW Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqgtsts The HeiMl Store rhones; 81 & K Open Dally From if a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays from 12 noon till 2 V 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. At This Season of Goodwill Wc Extend to Everyone Our Rest Wishes' For a Happy and Prosperous New Year PH1LP0TT EVITT & CO. LTD. SAVinAIU.H WATKRS I'HOTIXTHIX . . I ACT It. ft d 911 Chapter 140 The British Cbiumbta Packer Limited hereby give notice ithat they have Vll'Jer eestlon 7 of the sold Act, de-poBlted with ilu Minister of Public Work at Ottawa, tuia in the otllee of the District Regbitrar of the lanl Registry DlMrlct of Vlrtorla at Victoria, B, c a description of the site Valid I Uie plan of tlie wliarves, cannery ' buildings and reduction plant con-' "Vucul prior to June lt, 1018 on iBlork A, lot 14.1, Ra,Ke j, Qongt Dltflot In Ntunu Harbor. Fltuhugh Bound, BrltLsh CVlumbla, And iUke notice limit after Uie ex-fplratlon of one mointh from the cIMe of the first publloatlon of th.l notice tttie Dritlsn Columbia Packers LlmWed iwtll under Bectton 7' of He said Act apply-to the Minuter of Piibllo Works """1,fI,ft' tt-AWW tf'T ., v. nil ci'iM't'f The Brltoi Columbia ted herfby give notice Section 7 of .tlv ' with Mi Minister t Ottawa, and hi the trie Registrar of Dlstrlet of Prlnw nunert.- II. O.. A de ' M And Take Nce cm? and the plan w piini t buUdings awl 'du- f ,8n tnil prior to Jin- 447 PttiwU A. D and C ol plJ an lot 0853. Rani cEwarf. rMM''' lift 7 ol $ofl will under Sllo awly Tui. Minister o.NV rw office W he 1 1. tndptt tar apprdval of Ue car of ilie constmioted . t . bulldittgs and retluctio PlWr 191T , rUeJtW. 8hd .'.fpACKf13 IJRJTISII COLUMBIA r. c. Oiul"lu'