PAOJ FOUR ' r Insist on "GRANTS II EST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendors or direct from "Mail Order Dept." Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street, Vancouver. B.C. GRfl PROCURABLE SCOTCH WHISKY MV-l I. "I L I MONUMENT This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ' Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. We thank you for your good will during the past and we sincerely wish you . Good Health and Happiness During 1938 MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Are You Going to The NEW YEAR'S BALL? If So Get Your Tuxedo Accessories The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK at WILLIAM F. STONE Clothes of Distinction Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 PEP Is POWER Better Motor Performance' THE "KING" TESTER That is what you will have after we have gone over your car with our "KING" Tester, which is the last word in equipment for diagnosing .motor trouble. Very often the difference between a slow motor and a PEPPY one ls,-only a matter of minor and Inexpensive adjustments. It doesn't take much to put a high speed motor "out of line," but it does take special equipment to locate the trouble s0 that it can be remedied. We have the finest equipment obtainable and it eliminates all GUESS WORK. Bring your car In and get PEP for the getaway and POWER for the hills. RUPERT MOTORS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. LOCAL NEWS Miss Thelma Norberg left this morning on the Princess Norah for Whitehorse. She expects, to return home In about a month. Miss Lydia Pettenuzo will be leaving on the Princess Norah next Monday for Victoria to enter St. Joseph's Hospital to take a nurses' training course. , Owing to the Boxing Day holiday, the regular bi-monthly meeting of the local British-Israel Society, ordinarily scheduled for Monday evening, was cancelled. ,Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Blackwe'.l and child, who arrived in the clt on the Catala Tuesday evening from Ilyder where Mr. Blackwell has been engaged in contracting work, sailed this morning on the IN TIIK M 1'ltKMK C'Ol'KT OP IIHITIMI ( Oi l MIIIA IN l'ltOIIVTK III (lip Mil tier of t lie ".IcIiiiliiMriitlcm Art" And In I lie Mutter or the VMMe of Miirgurrt Jane Swnln. Utrcusrd. Intotatr TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hla Honor. W. E. Fisher, the 17th day of December, A. D 1937, I was appoints Administrator 6f the estate of Margaret Jane Swain, deceased, and nil parties having claims against the said estaU? are hereby required to fumis'i same, rurnixrly verified, to me on nr ! before the lath day of Jnuary. A. D. ijo. ana oji parties indebted to the estate are required to .pay .the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, . Prince Rirpert, B. C , Dated December 18th, 1937, Canadian THS DAILY Ml 7TB Princess Norah for their home in Juneau. Miss Marie Balagno, who is spending the Christmas and New Year holiday season here wun ner parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Balagno, will sail by the Princess Norah next Monday afternoon on her return tp her musical studies at Seattle. Police court cases following the Christmas holiday included those of Dora Larsen. who was sentenced to seven days' lmpronment with out option of fine for vagrancy John Paul Matheson and David Brown, third offenders for drunkv enness, who were each sentenced to twenty days' Imprisonment without option of fine, and Sam Cecil. Indian, fined $t0, with seven days' option for drunker, ness. Xmas Services Held At Terrace Yutctide Season is Observed B United Church in Interior Town TERRACE, Dec. 30: Christmas services were held in Knox United Church when a service of song was rendered by the junior choir. O". Tuesday following the various groups in the Sunday School presented a sacred cantata entitled "The Heart of the Bells" to a largr and appreciative audience. Follow ing the cantata the children enjoyed a visit from Santa and theli Christmas tree. For a Grand Finish Celebrate the Passing of the Old Year FIRST Send a New Year Card.- We have a large and splendid assortment of New Year - and Thank You cards. ' !' SECOND Kring in the New Year with a Hang. Paper Hats Dozen 23c Serpentine Dozen rolls (240 throws) .". : 75c Confetti Dozen packages j. 75C Balloons No. 60, round. Assorted colors. Dozen.... 33c Gross .... 53J50 Japanese Lanterns Vary fancy. Each ..!... 20c. 3 for 50c Nolsenukcrs Clappers, horns, etc. Dozen :. "5c IJlow Outs Horns Dozen 40c Crackers Only a few boxes left 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c A HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL eMcuMvs.Md COAL TO n.E.tSB KVEKYIIOtlY Satisfaction Ou&rantced Fainou Edson Albrrta Coal ISalkl7 Valley Coal Vancouver Inland Coal Prince Rupert Feed Com pan j PHONE: 68 and 858 2 . NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll, Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Kate $1.00 up oO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Hupjrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 I 0AJLWAV I Steamships I COMMUNICATION HOTtt Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porta Princess Adelaide every Friday, io p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT PRINCESS NOKAU Dec. 9th. 20th, Jan. 3rd. 17th. 31st WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $32.00 3 J Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28th, 1938 J t Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 J Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services 4 Tickets and Reservations from W. K. COATES, General Acnt Prince Rupert, B.C. mWWMWWHWWHWWW Sons Of Norway Christmas Tree Celebrations for Both Children Audi Adults Were Held on Monday Sons of Norway Christmas cele brations were held In the Odd fellows' Hall both Monday after noon and evening. In the afternoon there was tne Christmas Tree for the children There was dancing around the Christmas Tree in accordance with I national custom. All the children oartlciDated with Peter Lien pre siding at the piano. Santa Claus. whose part was played by Ole fako put in an appearance and distributed gifts and sweets for all. In the evening, with about 25C adults present, there was a program and dan?e. Oscar Sather, the president, was in the chair. Tht rjroeram. which opened with thi slnelnc of "O Canada." included selections by the Varden Singers a Christmas message by Rev. L. c Jensen, pastor of St. Paul's Linn- Hotel Arrivals Central A. B. Jones and P. L. Ross, C.N.R.; VV. J. Westbrook, Edmonton. 1 Knox Ous Lelghton and S. Langton, city. . Prince Rupert i Dr. and Mrs. Coffin, Vancouver; O. Woodall, C.N.R.; C. 11. Alexander, Stewart. Koyal ; C. Johnson, city. eran Church; vocal solo by Mrs L. C. Jensen, accompanied by Pctei Lien; violin solos by Miss Kathleen Bulger and Miss Edith Johnstone, violin and piano duets by Misses Phyllis and Eileen Hamblln, and an address by A. Haugerud of Seattle, Sons of Norway organizer Music for dancing was provided by Terry Johansen. The committee In charge consis ted of Mrs. A. Wick. Mrs. Knut Slatta, Mrs. II. Helbnd, Mrs. J. Storseth, Carl Strand, Claus Aune., Knut Slatta and John Fredhelm. "V1 WIu"ixgto i N Last Comm.,. "WEST OF SHANGH,p "I'OVK IS ON tiii: Alii- . " M ilt. """aw Ktann i COMINO IltTrj Shirley Ttmplr "WKK .WILLIE WlXRir Matinee Fri. at irr Yoiu tioS" run MinxiTr FROLIC NEW YEAR'S m Special Stai;c and Srr, Show Try a Dally New, vertlsemcnt for best rumtt frffwa I i il I MB i rt i V 1 frMi Irl intinw Thi? advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, riiiKD VENUE HEATERS Used Quebec bricklined heater in full nickel trim. In first class Q AA " " condition, medium size. ( Kitchen Range G-hole Canada Pride range, with water jacket and large firebox for wood or coal. In first class QOC A A condition Dining Room Suite Used dining room suite. Includes buffet with beveled glass. 4 Q F nn chairs and table $I.UW Typewriter Royal typewriter in good working condition. ci 6) Price ?14,DU Girls' Bicycle C.C.M. Girls' Iiicyclo in first class condition. Q n a A Price 9lO.U0 Hours !) a.m. to 5 p.m. New Heaters Empire Wood Heater. A strictly l grade heater, built from heavy furnace steel with cast iron top. bottom and front with cast iron linings two conkinir covers. A large feed door, nickle-plated swinft wj' foot foot rails. rails. Size, Size, 21 21 inches inches in mjenfj; lenpij height 27 inches weight Q25.50 lbs.. Price v h 130 130 Stove Pipe Stove Pipe. 6-inch, full 25C length. Each Elbows Stove Pipe Elbows. (Much- 3flC Each Steel Traps Victor No. 1 steel traps ffijd Dozen - nt Victor No. ty steel traps. bJd Dozen ELIO'S l'KlNf