1 The Season's GREETINGS run To all our friends and customers we extend our best wishes for a Joyful Christmas. May Good Health and Good Fortune be yours always, and may 1938 bring you a full measure of Peace, Happiness and Prosperity. GORDON'S HARDWARE " 4 "4 " .-1 1 1 Thompson Hardware Co. Extends the Season's Greetings to all, coupled with Best Wishes for 1938. INION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER O.M prince KUPEKT CQO HO "ETUHN- All meals ItOM PORT SIMPSON (jjitmcvw ana 35.00 ItETUKN. Berth Included. teduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points, (pedal Tickets on Salt, Between November 1st. 1937 and February 28th, 1938, Inrlusivc-Good to Keturn up 10 mart., o., .o. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver l-S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. i.S. CARDENA Friday, U:IH) p.m. &iin.,-.miumBiH tinni from Ave-, 'bone 508 tlnce Uupert Agent - A. W. NEWMAN -Third If Convenient Please Purcliase " 9 B III - M mwm r.c ar.m tret "Demers" Wish One and All A Prosperous New Year s TH3 DAILY NEwS LOCAL NEWS NOTES New Year's Eve. Dance, Moose Hall. tf. Mrs. J. R. Elfert regrets .that sht will be unable to hold .her usual "At Home" New Year's Day. (303) O. Ekman, well known Telkwa rancher., will arrive In the city from the interior on tonight's train and sail aboard the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. There are still a few bidders at the Chamber of Commerce radio auction who have not paid up. They are asked to do so at the Dally News office or Salvation Army citadel before the fund closes on Monday. OiEST Colds 11 .Distressing symptoms Tf relieved by rubbing on John Brown and Laura ParncL Massett Indians, were brought ta the city on the Prince John thi? morning to receive treatment at the Prince Rupert General Hospi tal. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. McKlnlcy, who have been paying a visit at Port" Clements, returned to the city from the Queen Charlotte Islands on the Prince John this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Palmer and family and Mrs. Elmer Palmer and family returned to Thurston Har bor, Queen Charlotte Islands, on this week's voyage of the Prince John after a trip to Vancouver, Jack Finn, formerly of the Prlnc: Rupert Fisheries Experlmenta1 Station staff, arrived in the city on the Princess Norah this morning from Vancouver to pay a visit here. He has been located in the south for the past couple of years m Provincial Constable Ronald M fiJJ Stewart of Massett arrived In the city on the Prince John this morn ing from the Queen Charlotte Isl ands.' bringing in an Indian, Edi son Bell, who has been sentenced to one month's imprisonment for manufacturing liquor. Constable Stewart will return to Massett or the Prince John tomorrow night CAMIXI.ATIOV OK KKSI.RVE NOTICE IS HEREBY QIVEN that the Windbreak Reserve established by nouce in ine unusn uoiumoia uaww of January 28th, 1O08, covertngr a belt r.f land ten chains In width and ex tending easterly along the const of Graham Wand, Queen Charlotte Islands District, Xrcm the mouth at Te-el River to Rose Point. 4a cancelled. H. CATHCART Deputy Minister of Lands, lands Department, Victoria, B. C 7th Doc. 1837. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Oddfellows' Old Time Hogmanay Dance, December 31. C.Y.C. Dance, Catholic Hall, January 7. novntVMEN! I.IQl Oil ACT" .Notice of Application for lleer Licence NOTICE Is hereby given that on thj Thirty-First day of December next, th, undersigned Intends to apply for u I licence In reect of the premise, be Just arrived new shipment of silver and gold, sandals Annette's. tf. Maurice Irving- of the. C. N. R divisional freight and passenger office will sail tonight on the Prince George for a brief trip tc Vancouver. Stephen Frost returned to the city on the Prince John this morning to resume his studies here after spending Christmas at Massett with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H R. Frost. Ernest Stewart of Port Clements arrived in the city on the Prince John this morning from 'the Queerr Charlotte Islands. Mr. Stewart Is unwell and is here to receive medical treatment. Story telling by the members. Was the principal feature of an; informal holiday week luncheon of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club yesterday. There was a good attendance of members with guests in the persons of Dr. L. I. Pugsley and Earl Gordon. Next week the installation of 1938 officers will take place. Story telling by members' and other Impromptu informal entertainment was the order . at the j regular weekly luncheon of - the prince uupert Rotary Club today in view of the holiday season. President W. R. McAfee was absent and R. M, VVinslow was in the chair; Sefwe, 0; i HI MUSCATEL arul PAARL TAWM ml This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. ing pant of the buuding known j Customers Pnr. nlfvnplltit Hotel jritlljutA llnnn t.a ' ATTENTION! of Hollywood Studio, lands doBcribed Lou No. 7. 8 and formerly of 220 6th Street, may, se- B, UIOCK VI, UL8U1CI LrOt MO, fiOIi 1U,V, in the Prince Rupert Land Registration District In the province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer bj the glass or the bottle for consumption on the premises or elsewhere. Dated this 3rd day of December, A,D. 1937. ADAM PYPER, Applicant. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHONE C58 QUALITY PRICE; SERVICE Free Gift Tokens MUSSALLEM'S Groceries Confectionery Presh Fnjits and Vegetables' , Cure re-orders at'ahy time by' sending1 same to P.O. Box 25, Vancouver, B. C. QMIED FOR SALE FOR SALE Farm at Perow, B.c:, next railroad and Gov't. Road. 147 acres, fully furnished house, farm equipment, 3 horses, farm buildings. $2000", easy terms. Will make trade for house and lot In town as partial payment. For Information apply Dally News. (302) HELP WANTED WANTED 0 1 rl for general house work, Apply Rupert Hotel. (301) Sam-Simpson; Massett shellfL'hj cannery operator; arrived ' In ' the j city fronv the Queen Chiarlolte Isl-! ands on the Prince John this morning and will proceed" by the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night ! on a business trip, to Vancouver. Miss Margaret Palmer, who has been spending the Christmas sea son here with her .mother,. Mrs. P. I. Palmer,; Fourth Avenue East, will sail by the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night on; her return to her school teaching duties in Vernon. Miss Elizabeth Mathers and William Mathers of Sandspit arrived in the elty on the Prince John this morning from the Queen j unanoue isianas ana will proceed to Vancouver on the Prince George tonight. Miss Mary Mathers also; jarrWed on, the .Prince .John, .this; morning and will be going no fur-; ther than Prince Rupert. : JONES j Family Market i Phone 957 AND Phone 95i Fulton Meat Market ! Phone 683 Phone 683 Christmas Specials BEEP g-lb. POT ROAST 50C lbs. SHORT RIBS g 25C 2 lbs. SHOULDER STEAK lbs. ROUND STEAK g g lbs. SIRLOIN STEAK .... PRIME RIB ROLL Per lb SIRLOIN TlP- Per lb : RUMP ROAST Per lb". 4 ..... T-BONE' ROAST Per lb MUTTON LEG of MUTTON Per lb. : 6" lbs. SHOULDER - MUTTON 2 lbs. MUTTON CHOPS 25c 50c' 50c' 15c 18C 15c 50c' 20c' 75c 35c FRESH KILLED POULTRY ROASTINQ CHICKEN Per lb BOIL CHICKEN Per lb. ORADE 'A' TURKEYS Per lb. DUCKS Per lb. .... GEESE Per lb: 30c 25 c 35c 25 c 25c TRAPPERS! Before Selling: Your Furs Get Goldbloorn's Price On Them I want all kinds of furs and positive can pay more than anyone else. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE THE SEAL E QUALITY in; GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only 11101011 canning' company with an all the- year round payroll In Prince' Rupert SUGGESTIONS FOR VULETIDI Your good taste and judg' ment h assured when you specify B. C. Distillery Co. Products . . . all gloriously rich in flavor and quality.. USE THE LIST BELOW WHEN ORDERING "3 STAR" .13 oz. 25 oz. $1.00 $1.80 40 oz 52-'S "B. C. SPECIAL" 16 oz 1-33 25 oz 2-0 40 oz. 3-25 "16 YEAR 0LD.D.D." 25 oz 2-7S 40 oz 4-00 . "CALEDONIA" 16oz. 51.40 26 oz 52-25 40 oz. 53-33 "SHERRIFFS" 26 oz 52-50 40 oz 53.60 "FIVE SCOTS" 26 oz.., 52-40 "SPEYSIDE" 26 oz -52-73 12 oz. 25 oz. 40 oz. . "MONOGRAM" . "STERLING" 12 oz; $ .90 $1.75 $2-60 .f 1.00 1 25 oz S2.00 "PIPERS" 12 oz $1.10 25 oz $2.15 "RHUM NEGRITA" Bottle , 53-00 Vi Bottle 51-60 "SILK HAT" Martini SC Manhattan Dry and Extra Dry 25bz. 2.0p "BARD1NET" 12 Vet' 52-9 and 53-00 4 Compartment Bottles 7-00 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the aoyernmen 01 British Columbia.: 1