Today's Weather ; i fv 3 n aii r 1 1 a Minn was wrenca eighteen feet above the Wl?r on Hip .virio ..t 1 he Mirr "r "u, she RnM iKiiiin.i.. t.i..r.ii.. :a"uoggers i,viea in tne canoo nnd KPt "ft wnn i uuun icial uij lui Liiiut: uavK nil Liif1 rnPK'v snnri nr ouglas Uiannei, lietty Lowman, Anacortes, Washington, liege girl, arrived in Prince Ru- , yesterday afternoon. She Is In 1 health despite her ardous ex- polenrs of the past ten days and planning to leave here early to- orrow for Port Simpson enroutc Ketchikan, Her only disappoint. ; nnl oa'aitlnfr hpr ITpr fnnrliwin. . inuian aug-out conoe is at me and Yacht Club and Miss Low. li a EU&l al the fit. Hmn I In. REQUEST OF KING Asked to Defer New Legislation Pending Reference To Supreme Court of Canada OTTAWA. Aug. 12: (CP) Premier W. L. Mackenzie King has asked Premier William Aber- hart of Alberta if he will faci'i-j lain n Sutirpme fnurt of Canml.i. nd let trip was an uneventful test f Social Credit acts aimed t . iur sutji expencuues nt licensing and control of char-night be anticipated on such an tered banks in the province. JTLalrlniT until n .cooU nfn Tiiab- Tl T ff.. . - ..-lit 6 . j itfimtT "ll'K S proposal Wll' I Mb Lowman had been at Up studied hv Mn Aberhart cnbl- ittdale and decided to make a net. Mondav. If trip up Douglas Channel to The Canadian Premier has aak-Umaai boon alter leaving Kill- ed non-enforcement of the ques- tt the encountered heavy rain, tioned acts pending a court dc It necessary for her to bail cision. She was heading for Ipni Lummon mine where she M been told there was a cabin in Wch ah. could stav. It had been irmf U nlnrmti tiiwl tx iIia o . oMjiiiijr aiiu, oo cut .11 rOUndllll fJMnn r.iitnmnn Piiin! n Into a backwash which Ramped her hnut rinmnlnir nil WWMBa XM III mJ A 1 M Ull content;, Resolutely she fwam ihoie towing the small cralt lCh tt'ao fillAi ...Hi. ... ..-.- I ..- ttiicu Willi WULCl U11U --4 W JJV 4 11 lUiOVtl a rocky lcdeo. balanchitt the f,K n a projection. Her delemma MLS 5 STORES. ARE STRIKEBOUND Woohvarth and Newberry establishments in Frisco Uriel Up x (S AJV1.) Tomorrow's Tides Prince Rupert Overcast, calm, barometer, 29,98 (falling); temperature, Msh 5:45 a.m. 15.6 It. 54; sea smooth. 17:53 p.m. 17.8 ft. Low 11:33 a.m. 8.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS ncmcnts Collapse; Nineteen Die IN ? . !etty Lowman Rows Into Prince Rupert; Cast Up Three Days Aid from Soviet scientists at the north pole, who have arranged to flash him an "okay" when weather conditions are suitable, Is hoped by James (Jimmy ) Mattern to win him a permit for a tran-polar flight from United States officials. The officials had refused him the permit until shown the flight would have some scientifjc value, . , Slattern-is shown above, bcii.g gyeeted upon his ajyjval at,. Washington, I). C, by Lieutenant-Governor Walter Wood-ful, of Texas. The pilot flew to Washington to appeal the Department of Commerce's refusal of a permit. CO-OPERATION IN EMPIRE CONCERN OF CONFERENCE TO BE HELD YEAR HENCE Unofficial Imperial Conference Announced for Australia Next Year Canadians Participate TORONTO, Aug. 12: (CP) Announcement the se- san francisco, Aug. 12: aii Cond unofficial British Commonwealth Relations Confer-fifteen stores of the p. w. wool- cnce wju fa jn Sydney, Australia, in September 1938, worth and J. J. Newberry companies . f. r.nnfi:nn Ttf :f,lfn nF Tr,fnf nnl ofVo? In San Francisco were strikebound 10 "? - ...uuu.,a, vesterday- Following breakdown of tiic: luunu uiu.c cuiuuieiicua ux irn mi complete y it up up or or down down. At At She low r cod iii tide d she ctVn neltter !. negotiations between the two five and Dominion leaders was held at Hart House, University and ten cent chains and their five of Toronto, in 1933. The agenda fori hundred employees over refusal of next year's conference adopted t about employers to sign a closed shop recently at London by an agenda, went crazy watching the 1. Kh , . ? . agreement, the walkout was ordered committee on which every country ii" nc uaa met oeiorc leaving gtlmaat and which had offered to iVe her a tow. whlr.h offer she 3jd declined, passed by. "I scream. S and shouted," she said, "but It1 ed without hearing me." Fin-1 7 to desperation, she pulled off v'u 'og ror use as a rough pad-. and let the rannn sllrfn Inlyi .hi to meaning to hold It with the! J"- alter which she would scram-down herself. However, the e dropped but she held on 'ny even though It pulled her And I think I pulled all the "nades ntt m, , and mass picketing began. Starting ' me tmpue was represented, 1 Terr.ilce Cloudy, calm, temper-today, union leaders said, pickets provides for a fresh and realistic ature 54. . will be sent to the lines in regular approach to the problems of the shifts. Pulp Mill Men Here For Week here'euss that problem in terms of thei Investigating the local pulp mill formal and historic unity of the! el,'t ,n,le8 Per I,our baro an. inr a .. t " mi rv, , "w"v "iij iniic for ror the me coming coming weeK week. vUUviud I hOtlHA ...1, M t.. ; ?.cen Informed there were some The experiences of jitcvious, nowever, r . L u thelr efftcts a Into a beach "I don't know 'one i ia ik.., ' cjc, sue saia, h t l n 1 heard a boat approaching." Admits Shft rrUA 5Lb0al.tumed out to be the Technical Aspects of Local Undertaking being Gone Into by Visiting Experts O. J. Lane of Ottawa and P. L, Lyford Lyiord of or Vancouver, Vancouver, who who are are here British Commonwealth. I The Dominions can no longer be assumed to form a group with common problems, the agenda commit-1 tee remarked. "During the period when the Dominions were develop Today's Weather iaovernint r'legrawnM Alice Arm Light rain, calm, 51. Stewart Cloudy, calm, 53. Hazelton Part, cloudy, calm, 56. Smlthers Overcast, calm. 60. Durns Lake Dull, calm, 54. Prince George Raining, calm ; ing into autonomous states It was, "Urometer, natural to think of them as a Vancouver Clear, northeast group, and the central problem of,wind. four miles per hour; baro-the commonwealth as that of ad-'nieer 30.08. ' Justing the constitutional relations' Victoria Clear, southwest of thtj Dominions with Great Bri-iwlm1' 10 inlIes per hour; baro-taln. It was also natural to dls.!' 30.08. ustevan Raining, 6, on southeast project, expect to be In the city Commonwealth with the result tliat , ' . ' Mr. Lane Is possibly undue emphasis came to . ert, ay p coUldy' calm; going Into the general engineering be laid on the centrifugal character L,,onielp1' 30-0o; teniPerature, aspects of the project while Mr. of recent developments. ol; sea smooth. Lyford Is more particularly con-' .The problem now Is to attain the', 80ShLlt w! baroSr S cerned with the wood situation, 'maximum pt mutually advantageous t mnerature' 6G-Ti t swell They arrived from Vancouver yest- co-operation among a number of. DeaT erday' autonomous-and equal nations. In caIm. barometer, 30.13; sea I this phase the Dominions can no smooth. VANCOUVER WHEAT longer ; be assumed to form. a group . Lang'ara Island Overcast, VANCOUVER, August 12: (Can- with comrnon problems. The prob- north wind, four miles per hour; adlan Press) Wheat was quoted at lems of the several nations of the barometer, 29.98; temperature", $1.30?b on the Vancouver market Commonwealth are In many ways 50; licrht swell. film T 1 1 lr ..AitAimf rlrntnltlrr f i t OQSi 4n I p ( I n . f hnrl tinnn t li r rncnni.Ht.Ai T.I r . . onunued on page three) day. (Continued on Page Four) Iperature, 52; sea smooth. tem lOeiSt S Arduous F&at Violent Rainstorm Is ,i 1 1 nir 1 1 h viiiirinnfii i lint ini i 'wnii w.... . .i In Douglas Channel Ihrec Days Without Food On Rocky Cliff With nothing in lier possession but her canoe and the fr U rr 1 1 1 r n I n li clin DTAAfl r r L-i a. .- I . . A. ll 1 . . . i ri u i !i ia . h Mil n Ln ci i irniii l. i ii i if. i i i , i i i i ,i i i. iniuirnr tu"j mnni II. . . .... A A. I I 11 1 . SOVIKT POLAR STATION HAY HELP MATTEKN Catastrophe In New Inspector I VICTORIA, August 12: (Can- adlajn Perss) The appoint- 4' ment of Dr. Hugh Morrison as school Inspector for Prince Rupert was announced yester- day by the Department of Ed- ucatlon. He suceeds T. W. Hall who Is being transferred south. TODAY'S STOCKS I Courtesy S. D. Jo hue ton juC) Vancouver 11. C. Nickel, .17. liig Missouri, .49. Bralorne, 7.25. II. It. Con., .02'a. Aztec, .11. Cariboo Quartz, 1.50. . Uetuonia, ,13.. Dunwell, .02. Minto, .077s. , 1 Kairview Amalg., .OG1, o!ejcive,.y. .Perid Orielle, 4.40T Pioneer, 3.80. Porter Idaho, .07. Premier 2.30. Iteeves McDonald, .95, Relief Arlington, .23. v Reward, .08. Salmon Gold, .08. Hedley Amalg., .05. Premier Border, .02. Silver Crest, .041!.. Home Gold, .03. . Grandview, .22, . Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .OGV. Whitewater, .15. Oils A. P. Con.,,. 33. C. & E., 2.G0. Freehold, .10. McDougall Segur, .25. Mercury, .29V8. Okalta, 1.61. Pacalta, .21. Home Oil, 2.05. United, .21. Toronto Beattie, 1.15, Central Patricia, 2.70. Gods Lake, .63. Lee Gold, .02,-!. Little Long Lac, 5.'65. McKenzie Ked Lake, 1.24. Pickle Crow, 5.90. Red Lake Gold Shore, .35. San Antonio, 1.64. Sherritt Gordon, 3.00. Smelters Gold, .0212. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.05. Oklend, .17. Mosher, .23. Gilbec, Mv2. Madsen Red Lake, .75. Stadacona, 1.18. Frontier Red Lake, .11. Francoeur, .77. t Manitoba & Eastern, M. Moneta Porcupine, 1.72. Bouscadillac, .20. Rubec, ,02l2. Thompson Cadillac, .50. Railor. .02. Bankfield, .87. East Malartlc, 1.07. Preston East Dome, 1.20. Hutchison Lake, .16. Dawson White, .124. Rajah Red Lake, .10. Aldermac, 1.24. . Kerr Addison, 2.42.; Uchi Gold, .96. ' Martin Bird, .52. SINKS AFTER COLLISION BOSTON The Danish freighter Maine sank today a few hours after being rammed by the Canadian Pacific lner Duchess of Athol 200 miles southeast of Boston. The Duchess was not damaged seriously. She took off twenty-three men from the Maine. ANOTHER POLAR FLIGHT J MOSCOW Sigismund Levenef-1 fsky, the Soviet's mVst famous flyer, took off today on a flight ' across the North Pole to New York with, stops at Fairbanks, Edmonton and Chicago. are six in all in the party. Cause Of York Today; Avalanche Of Bricks Kills Many New School Six Women and Six Children are Among Those Who Per ishedBroken Storm Sewer Ripped Buildings Asunder NEW YORK; August 12: (Canadian Press) Nineteen persons were crushed fatally today amid a smothering avalanche of bricks when three tenement houses collapsed during a violent rainstorm. Six of the dead are women; six children and the others men. Three others are still missing and four, who escaped when a broken sewer - ripped the buildings asunder, are Late Telegraphs There EMPRESS DELAYED Empress of Japan, on arrival here from Vancouver, was delayed for disinfection owing to a case of smallpox being found among Chinese. WALLACE WINS TORONTO Gordon Wallace of Vancouver won a twelve-round decision over Tommy Bland here last night. Both weighed 110 pounds. SANGUINE CONFLICT seriously hurt. The body of Police, man McBreen was found, having In his arms the body whom he, was trying to save and who was curled around his neck. Both were dead. INSULTED NEWSPAPER German Priest Fined $60 With Ten Day Option STUTTGART, Germany, Aug. 12: Rev. Oregor Watschele, a Catholic priest, was sentenced yesterday to pay a sixty dollar .fine or serve ten , days In Jail for Insulting a news-I paper. Father Watschele was 'charged with telling, a womarupar-lshloner, who wanted to resign from the church because of the Immorality trials, that the Nazi news, paper In which she read of the prosecutions was the most scound relly mendacious sheet yet printed. IS LAID AT REST Funeral of Late John McMillan is Held this Afternoon The funeral of the late John A. MacMlllan, for years customs officer at Stewart, was held this afternoon at 2:30 p.m. from the B.C. (Undertakers chapel to Falrvlew Japanese Troops Occupy Nankow Cemetary. Rev. Dr. J. W. Steven-Railway Area Peace Confer- Son officiated and W. Vaughan ence Fails (Davles presided at the organ. The ; hymns were "Peace Perfect Peace" SHANGHAI, Aug. 12: (Canadian and "The Lord Is My Shepherd." Kasa) Japanese troops occupied The pallbearers were II. T. Cross, J. the Nankow railway station area M. Campbell, Richard Woods, R. W. tonight, It was reported, after a Cameron, Malcolm McLeod and major battle forty miles northwest Jarvis McLeod. of here as the Japanese Army At Falrvlew Cemetery the Last counter-attacked to oust the Chin- Post was sounded by Bugler Wm. ese 89th Division from the Great Ranee. "Flowers of the Forest" was Wall. A heavy artillery attack had played on the bagpipes by Alex been launched on the railway be- MacDonald. fore dawn. Almost at the same' There were numerous beautiful time Japanese Infantry attacked floral tributes and many friends, Changping, ten miles from Nankow. including a number of returned At Shanghai Japanese blue Jack-' rnen, assembled to pay their final ets moved Into battle position fac- respects. big Chinese regulars tonight. A peace conference Intended to ease pi l i i the tension had failed. Twenty- Hnrm I nntml . , , , - aww4 Willi VI I unv uaanct udi'icMupg were at wharves after landing over five thousand bluejackets. I It was reliably reported tonight j that BriUsh, United States, French j and German ambassadors had dispatched a Joint communication to the Chinese and Japanese governments asking that foreign property In Shanghai, be duly protected. DIED THIS AFTERNOON Mrs. John McLeod passed away this afternoon at her home on Eighth Avenue East. Funeral arrangements are h the hands of B. C. Undertakers. Plans Are Big President Roosevelt Approves location of $11,000,000 Al- WASHINGTON, Aug. 12: President Roosevelt has approved allocations totalling forty four million dollars for forty four flood control projects Congress authorized In June, 1936. The largest allocation was eleven million dollars for flood control work In Los Angeles County, California.