PAGE TWO THS'DATLT NE78 SMART Footwear New Arrivals in Wonderfully Attractive Styles, Leathers -and Colorings For Every Occasion. Popularly Priced Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKJNCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMMA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Hupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avnue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KAILS City delivery, by carrier, yearly period. Daid in ... Paid In .advance, per week ., Paid In advance, per month l...ZZZZ"Z .50 By maU to all parts ol British Columbia, the British Empire and umieu oiaies, yearly period, paid In advance .. By mall to all other countries, per year J5.C0 3.00 9.0U ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .,. ... ' 02 Local readers, per line, per insertion Z ..Z 'l .25 Advertising and Circulation Telephone -.'98 News Department Telephone gg Member of Audit Uureau ot Circulations i .UAILY EDITION Wednesday, September 22, 1937 VALUABLE TESTS BEING MADE The war between Japan and China is giving to other powers some very interesting information as to the value of air forces in time of war. There had been lots of rumors as to the real value of airplanes and modern bombs in attacking and also in defense. It was said that London could be almost immedintelv XT YYi rrl J ",I'VM KfJ IIIVUllI air armaments and that the defenses would prove quite futile. Without trying to minimize the value of the airplane as a means of attack, it is being shown that they also have value, as a means of defense. Britain is building airplanes as fast as they can be turned out. In a few months that country will be in a nositinn tn RESUMING FOOTBALL Junior .League .Getting Into Action Again Changes In Rules Made The Junior Football executive vyas In session Inst evening and completed plans, for the opening of the 1937.1938 football season. The resignation of Miss S. A. J Mills a secretary-treasurer v.'as: it... ' accepieu with regret, ror man," years Miss Mills has .been of very great value in carrying on the work of ,the junior association and the .members hope that next year she will be back asra n. J. H. .Nordan was appointed Letters of condolence will be sent to Airs. H. II. Rnr.hpstnr whose late husband had donated the Rochester Shield ,the trophy awarded to thp winner of th. 1 league. The death of S. D. Mae- donald was also a great loss to the footballers and a suitable letter will be sent Mrs. Mm- donahl. Donations from the Prince Hupert Gyro Club, the Dominion I Day Celebration Committee and the Coronation Celebration Com. mittee were acknowledged w"th! sincere thanks. Preliminary plans for the annual banquel were discussed. Rules Changed An important change in the rules was majle when the executive decided that substitute would be .allowed. Each team will be allowed to use two sub stitutes in a game but no plny-er may be used twice in any game. The schedule for the fall seriea was then drawn up: Sept. 25 Booth Memorial School vs. Borden Strpet Sohnol Oct. 2 King Edward Hiehi .School vs. Borden Street. School. Oct. 9 Booth Memorial School VS. Xintr Edward HiVh SrJinnl Oct. 1C Borden Street School i vs. Booth .Memorial School. . Oct. 23 Kimr Edward HiVh . -f T 1 ox . f. , . vxuui uuiucn aueei ocnooi. Oct- "0 Booth Memorial School vs. King. Edward High School. Nov. G Borden Street School i vs. Booth Memorial School. I Nov. 13 King Edward High! School vs Borden Street School. I OA Ti 1 ' coasts but also to carrv the war into anv F.iiw,no The Da"y Ncws nas audited country. It is a terrible situation but it must e "J bered that it works both ... "M.ujn.011 IUUIHM I setting out to attack ..1 another must be prepared to receive! blow for .blow and the losses will be heavy on either side.l There will be no such thing as digging in and holding! erouno lnnptimtplv Mnn..mYii,nfnn : m ! J viiiuoioiiia aie in as i.-2ril0US a situation as those , taking part in the war, possibly worse Doubtless, Britain is learning much from the successes and failures of the Japanese and will revise her defenses accordingly. Those Canadians who feel that they should take no part in world affairs must by now realize that no country can live to itself under modern conditions. As has been said by journalists and others, we live in a land-hungry world and if we are not prepared to settle our own lands and prepare to defend them we shall soon find ourselves in a position where somebody will want them badly enough to wrest them from us and non-combatants will find it just as dangerous as those who are willing to take part in their defense. ECONOMISTS VIEWS The views of the Royal Bank economist are often interesting. In the flirvpnt ieeiin nf fV, vilU1.. t. w - - w..v .uu va uic iiiuiiLiiiy letter iiu sees hope for future world improvement in the rearming i ii. J 7. : w ictuvny in uie unueu aiates: both of which means the increase of purchasing power. The increased debt he says, is partly offset by the increase of the price of commodities. He also suggests that prosperity is a solvent that will improve human relationships. It will not only tend to do away with the present intense nationalism of so many countries but the antagonism between classes within countries will be softened He says there are no fundamental factors in the present situation likely td bring about a decline in the demand for goods, a decline in profits or a decline in prices. The fear of deflation seems to have nffpptr1 t Vm t.,ni,i . , - vvn,u wn, tvUUU lllUl- kets temporarily but he thinks this fear is not justified in KING MAY BUILD NEW L CLASS YACHT Sinle the resent discussion ot a po.sslble dhange from J to L dlassyalhts for future competition in the America's Cup ras, the Royaf Yacht squadron of England has suggested that King George VI head a movement favoring a new type of yacht. This model would be smaller that the large J class boats such as Ranger and Endeavor, and would cost considerably less to build. In England, It Is reported, a growing feeling exists In yachting circles that the sport would benefit ty such a substitution. The King and Queen, both ardent nautical enthusiasts, are pictured here aboard their yacht. His majesty reportedly Is considering the request. CUBS TAKE- i Today's Baseball IN GIANTS J.ead of New York in National League Reduced to One Game And Half CHICAGO. Sept. 22: (CH Memorial. Chicago Cubs defeated New York SChOOl VS. King Edward Hiifh Ir.iatlU lh n rrtti-in N'nVfnnnl .cnooi. I League .game yesterday, the lead . uamea win start .at 2 p.m. of the Giants over the Cubs in every Saturday. tne pennant race being, as a re- An appeal is being made for suit, reduced p one game and a referees. Senior Dlavers re ask-il linlf St T-rni rnrtUnui. ,1a.. to help their juniors by turning'feated Brooklyn Dodgers in both a"u "SM,"if n reiereeing ends of a double header and went the games. ,in tie for thin, pace wUh A. Sutlon, . W. C, O'Neill, A. Pittsburg Pirates who were win-G. McKinley and J. H. Nordan ning one from Boston Bees, were present with J. S. Wilson in T v, vt;nn.i t ..,. . T - a, .....iijiiai . , , lAHUC, the Chair. lpaflin Konr Vnrl Vnt. . ....... ,.vn i niiAi 11IJI the cellar-dwelling St. Louis Browns were idle and the results of olher games involved no changes in the standings. American League St. Louis, l; New York, Scottish League Defeats English Score Second Straight Victory Old Country Soccer Tournament OGDtN'S RUL"ES TE ROILS Ayel Aye, sir! Once you've foiled your own with Ogden i Fine Cu you ore never, never, never satisfied withordinary cigarette lobaccoi. Richer, cooler.smoother Ogden s is a pleasure smoke all the way especially " Vf ,"e careful lo use ihe best papers, like "Chanlecler" or Vogue . And you .get a bigger package of Ugaen s now, lor 15c. P.SYoht Pipe Knows Oedtn't Cut Pluv. . " - o In GLASGOW, Sept. 22: CP) ' The ScottLsh League defeated ve-presentnlives of the English' League one to nil at Ibrox Park today for their second straight victory in' the inter-leagtie ,foit-bayy tourney. The Scots .-had -pre-, viously defeateU the Irish League 3 to 2. m Man in the Moon YESTERDAY'S SCORES National League ;Nw York. 6; Chicago, 1. Boston, .2; Pittsburg. 9. , Philadelphia, 3-10; Cincinnati, .W. Brooklyn, 5-3; St. Iuis, 8-n. American League Cleveland, C; Washington,' 3. Chicago, 4 :Philadelphia; fi. Detroit, 7-4;-Boston, ,12-1. - , L Baseball Standings New York 85 54 61l! Chicago 85 57 .598 Pittsburgh 76 66 ,535' St. .Louis 76 66 ,535 1 Boston 71 7i ,500 Brooklyn 61 82 .427 Cincinnati 56 84 .400 Philadelphia 56 86 94 American League New York 94 46 ,671 Detroit 83 59 .-585 Chicago ,., 78 63 .553 Boston 73 .65 .529 .Cleveland 75 .67 .528 Washington. 67 74 .475i Philadelphia 49 90 .355 St. Louis 43 98 .303 Further ier A A -Mr old Liqueur Whisky, blended from thproyjMyijtdScdtcn milts, iIcK Jn bouquet and FUvour , . -. period in connection seems to have passed, Another gas writ. . ' n Vivtoria - '? ....... Una. to. the dMi,,fc. ' 'ti iuu ou not nave w Kefc vuc liners ,,. , t . I In in Qrder qrder ,to ,to . .dance dance eU. eU. Jake Jaw .say . . . ,i s daU UJie se 8Mor 1 all he needs to make him dance ls.Pen'f,C October 2G o four nroo iinh n thai aet. In thAi r-Ui.t n . oacit room arocneaiu me overcome air artist i naui . i Ml in the cloak room. jfor a trreat that date. " "rau, Another gas company Ls, to beJL established iii Princ'p)ei; readine f0r a Jake say8 he .thiuka -It'JueSr W. ,ig'Hk deparmcti' lr have to lay tor our y SSfyjei vie Q&fSkPP " plan. fMT iret hot nlr free. t'rince Ku peri mM f,, may 'ei atari on it th,. .... I n -i i-.. ,j :. .. .- ear v (n " "ki il may uc cuiisiupi rii uiifrri A.X. . . .. : . I inui ;vne governmeiii cnarges a. w . " 1 ;W 4IS .M If the henvv dutv on ms. nllr.iv Ott,. i. hot T air i 7 to i be Aii i stoveniment coulu with i ' peddled by every- to IUhU. j,,." l ooay anywhere all the time with vikp( f one t no suggestion of a tax on the :, : " 6t oduct. Grzzri 11 ".dld- " would de-Ian Jake sav hp will vte fnr h ru.i . ; ' ",UV RMit pub mill because the hot air ''umiclaB- ' President Roowvelt u . ""uw .i-uiumuia. Yej " t iiipKBP.l it ir .. . rangements for he building tl the Alaska Highway AVhat o-kl reason vuum mere be People who saw th tu A uu wonuermg, I wonder if it would be & loyal to mention hst the had a much nre"ipr tv l the big Welshman, who expeiJ so much energy hoping nJ the ring and displaying hjiin It is said that when the joxJ HntiHh fighter comme-;ed tJ career .a fortune teller Kid i he would go. Farr Evidently he went as fault-negro and he may "e gr beLi over or around that dcrf. quiet dark skin defers w ab the big money HEX BOWLING M Basement ot Exchanptai rilONF. C5 m l Il 1 1 1 il i i if iSlllilllls . Hr515"5 t-pcr..T8;nc:raKtm:::u!;ui!:-: IrLr- ir- - i6 0. 40 Of This advertisement ;ts not nublishd,or displaved hv the Ik Cohtrpl Board or hy the Government of British U'lumbia. UNION STEAMSHIPS W Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S. CATALA EVJ5RY TUES. T.S.S. CAKDENA FBI-T' DAY; 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. pan. Due Vancouver, Monday If convenient convenient offlf pieaso purchase llcheis ni Information .Regarding Reservatlons and Tickets Fro W. NEWMAN, 'Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. I'lione S NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, ZurellJ. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY (PROM HOME" Rte 11.04 up 50 Rooma Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone m P.O. Boi IN COAL KyKKV' to j-ixasb llulklfr Vallry Coi , Prince Rupert Feed PHONE: 68 n1 8"