Orange Mrs. LOCAL NEWS NOTES .Sept. Bridge. 23, 8:30. Mr, . ... Oddfellow' (221) - ' nicu - . .. .ia tnis uivo - UUV " . jjja onH . turn, ri.iuah-. hiva nppn visiiiiik in line j ji,it win mil nv me 1ULV V U ... ..urn in Vancouver. Harold E. Davenport, well known .jt, Airwavs fllpr. was a nas- .ivirH h Princess Louise t nnlnir thrniiffh f rrwn lUUlltWiR H O ... . . 1 Vnbnn . n.liee T mil Tnf n tTln LO i rroolf nnii nlhpr SUklne Rev, W J Selder, United cnurcn .... . A.ioan rarlfttto Pit V 1 iUJI at WUCCII Vita iwvfv vii visitor In town, having arrived 111 Ll.V . J. . - - " - E. Morean, manager of the Im ffAtvi n Krlaf rln in t n f Aknn - T -irtfrlnrr ""ra Alex RLx, district manager of the on the Prince Charles this I. M - A-l A tUlL Lt" 1 1 111 I111A Ull LU111 Udll LUO IVnl Rmllpv ami Mlsa C. Van iUldJI m 1 II II H La lUUlCLb lialU vtv Vtoctnt Uoell, chargea with sup- .vrnir bm rnnn a Mrtnnv pnnrrjpn rinntan n t, 1 1 1 LTinni, mnminir nil , . ... . - L. McLennan Is acting as coun A. R, Mallory of Port Clements 'A1 riOD lltla aa,naM V nA --.w Hllil tlllfc it til 5 t i home Friday night on the alio own, iviriyvift niu vat VakaO CVCittttKO lt a w ...v- WilMlttu, tyVJ UVVkllU r aiiini... li t m .ii i a Today's program at the regular l luiitutHjn ni tne rrince iu- -- uuu icuiUiru mi :4iii.c4- ""'8 moving n dure 1 luatratea talk hv Tlr V T Vonln tO Coronation of King .George VI.. In Wftdon Which tho lnonl nhvslrlan ana surgeon attended. Dr. II. N. Brotklesbv. . i ' fja viMUi, tV J VaV VIM m II1P Pha r Twenty-Five Dollars Reward Will be nnlrl ln to the arrest nnd conviction of any person maliciously destroying ruouc private property, .jsuch as waking railings along sidewalks, WOWlno. nv,!,. j , shoU in breaking street lights r windows In vacant buildings. ne 40 day or night. W. J. ALDER, City Commissioner. Moose Meeting Tonight. ?21) See :the Mayfair window for latest .in fall ghoes. tf. Mrs. A. Nelson sailed this morning, on ;the Princess Louise for a vis-Jt In Ketchikan. la ' i I " . . ii i, the Prince ., ....... ...e- Deen visiting here with her m Queen Cliarlotte islands. arents leaves b this .evenlne's Philharmonic ocit;i.y -n tram uu ner return lo Toronto. c,...nilr 28. 8 n.m. . L uescw - .Constable Durhln, R.C.M.P.. ar um VUU'"1' i -- . .1. JiAjmaaf ail 1221 J rived in Vie .city on the Prince Charles this morning from Massett and ti sail tomorrow night on the Prince George .for Vancouver. Father Leo Bosse, Roman Cath olic Church priest at Telegraph Creek, who has been spending the past couple, of weeks lri the city, sailed by the Princess Louise this morning on his return north. Mrs. A. Holland of Massett ar rived In the city on the Prince Phnrlua 4hlt mAmlnii f mm .tViP rrved flueen Charlotte Islands and will sail tomorrow night on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. ' WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bad ia tha Morning Ruio'lo go Tt llnr iboald pour out two pound of quM UU tola rout bwU tUilf.II I b not (owtnf (fMljr. )rour food dua t dif wt. It Juit Attn la ttm bovtl. Gil bloau up yuur tUtTMca, Tou Itt eonatiptiud. Harmful pouuoi co imo U4) poa7,4ua jm um mxu, luck mi too world lookjl puftk. A mm bowd moTtmaot dom't f t at th niu. You ad omttliuii tbtt work! oa tht liTar m waU. It UVm the food, old CarUr'a UtUt Liver PUIt to tt than two pound of blU flowing frady ud mak you law! -P and p". Harmltaa and fantla, tbar mak laa aHa flow traalr.Taay do tha work at ealoiwat bat aava ao calomai or marrarr la tham. Aik for CarUr'a Uttl Urar PUla by aamal Stubboral rafuaa anjrthtdf tlaa. l&o. having arrived on tne Mince nharles this morning from the Queen Charlotte Islands. J. Stannard, who Is In charge of the Biological Board's pink salmon research station at McCUnton Creek In Massett Inlet, arrived In the city on the Prince Charles this morning from the Queen cnarioue Islands, being on his way to nan- almo. Hotel Arrivals Central V L. Baron, niHmnr! A. Kinir and E. C An n.NMl.t Floyd L. Olson, u'iniAo--. II. I.. Hurlburt, Ter race; G. Swanson, Port Edward; Gus Peta, Edmonton; Mr. and M .1. Ilrentzen. Port Simpson; 1) Tulloch and C Cuff, Queen Charlotte Islands. Prince Rupert Pnrt Sillll) Guest. UlUVSl. l,i V....I.I.HI" 11 1,. VjIU.V i. ii. Moi.ennan una ji. Rrv -Vancouver: 0, S. Pragnell, l.'nm nnnf K. HUnOl. . I" A. C. .Gillman. J a r.ilins. A.'KniKht, II. E..Goul . w f A i . bourn and K. U. CiarK, .vjemr-.a. u' t vi. pr. W nn neg ur. Mrs.' Fred Nash and Miss Jessie W.ish. Terrace; C. W. Chorley, Pnlirarv: Rev. W. J, Seiaer anu J. and " ' Of .1.11. IL M. Hanson, Uueen unariom: r.ifv J. Stannard, Nanaimo; A. n. Mallory and Bob Mallory, Pnrt moments: Mrs. A. Holland, W I Durnin. Massett; R. Sanderson, Vancouver. Itoyal Candow, Albin I). Dahl, city. Savoy Anderson MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 4 rmS ALL OTATJIGK PILLOWS- $1.90 "'J'AIIts AccnuKun ati mtruPhlrken. DUCK and ZZ $2.50, $4.50, $6.00, $8.00 PHONE 775 Rev. George ' Raley "'arrived' In !h city tHU morning .o tne gtearner prince George to take outh .gtudents.QOund' for the Co-quale.etza Jnsti,tute .of wliico .was forrnexly jxead. Joe MeKav hlmclf on Tnrtlnn 7. 15. NOTICE The Hairdressers' Association of Prince Rupert wish to announce that a new agreement as to mini mum charges .for services In. ,th,l Beauty Parlors of this city was en- poon Beauty Shop. A. K, NELSON, PIONEER MERCHANT Secretary. OF VANCOUVER DIES .VANCOUVER. ScnU 22: J. W. Taylor, pioneer dry goods merchant I .of Vancouver, passed away yesterday. Aimoiiiicamehts St. Peter's W. A. Tea, Pari.h Hall, September 23. Orange Bridge, September 23. BIG DANCE Boston Hall, Sp- J V, e c norVinnt. 91 "Mrs: de Carlo'i Orch .. - - ' .-iwii , , . estra. Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Sain Mas- sey's, Wednesday, septemDer z. Cambral Cabaret, .October 1. Presbyterian Chc'r Tea, October 1 n i- a Orange Tea October-2. Catholic Bazaar, October C and Anglican tea, October 12. Mrs. C. C. Mills United Anniversary Supper, Oct. V. A. Canadian Legion Bridge October 15. Mr. and Mrs. F. Collins, Jap Anglican Girls Tea, Mrs, Inlet: Mr, and Mrs. H..iIa!dane,Uon8 October 21. .' ry T.l .. Till talons)' I Claxton; y - ionnun, i nu..u, Mr. and Mrs. II. Lonquist, Pei-owj K M- Stewart, JIassett, Gib Parent Teachers telephone bridge,- Friday, October .22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Jlill CO Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquerade Dance, October 29. .Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. St. Peter's -V. .A. .Bazaar, Nov a a ft emoer io. fWaiWai .Sonja A,azr. Nftvemlr .19. Cathtdral Bazaar November 30. Bermce Pamer chareed with surmlvln Honor -to Prepared biacun ana pie crusv Indians, W3J5 fined $25, wlth.ORtlqn mix. are a boontd the .busy house of thlrtv davR- imnrUnn'mAnt in wife and today- I am going 4.1 ,rry !.... U l 4.V.-4 city police-court yesterday after.- l?v you a noon hv Maelrfmt Mrivtnftnt be kept in the cooler for several IWeeKS ana.Ufteii arum mue w nuic either as a topping for meat pie, m Mrs. r. C. m Mosm, , .wife of , the Jv niill. ffin9 wireless .operator at iLawn ilill, Queen Charlotte Island, arrived this morning nn the Prince George and will the Islands on ,the Prince John Friday ;evening. Mrs. Fred Nash and daughter, Jessie, who' have ;been visiting at Massett, arrived In the -city from lUMnemade JlUcuit Mix 8 cups flour, 'e cup baking I writAa- A logatvinna unit M plin. be .crofng '.to, r.T ' " - IU1 14. Sift, fiour .and measure, Sift again with the .baking powder and salt, Cut in the lard until the mixture has a Jfine even crumb. Place in a closed container and keep in ret ngerator, using as the Islands on the Prince Charts aeRrea 'This mixture will keep mis morning ana win .proceca uu at jPaRt a month j the refrJger. Vile nvAllf no-' tfoln ir tKlAfr riArnll .. .u J . . . In Terrace, Mr. Nash having ar rived here on last night's train to meet them. ator. It will yield five batches with two cups of the mixture to the batch, It may be used for bis cuits. dumplings, shortcake, waf. fles, muffins, quick coffee enke It. C. MacKehtie, representing land dozens of other things. tbe Powell River Sales Co. Ltd. Minute Mix. Muffins this morning, on thel 2, cups homemade biscuit flour i rince George ana is returning y, cup sugar, l egg, milk, 2 cup south tomorrow night. Mr. Mac-Uates, nut meats, blueberries or Kcnzie's father was in the citylsliced raw cranberries, with Foley 'Welch & Stewart in' Combine b'weuit mixture and the early days and his brother! sugar. Put egg in measuring cu; was later with George Ute in pfl 111 the cup with milk. Add the furniture business. Ito mixture: Stir until thorough ly combined but do not beat. Add to dates, nut meats or fruit as desired. Pour into muffin pans ?nd bake in moderately hot over. (400 degrees F.) for about 20 minutes. Serves 6. Swedish-Luncheon Ring z cups nomemaue biscuit mix ure, 2 cups cooked' meat, 1 table onion, l nimiento chci tered Into August 31. There Is a J oed, l small green pepper chop-slight reduction In charges forhed, salt and pepper, milk oi Children's and High School girls' I broth, bacon. Pprmanents. Add enough milk to biscuit Mrs. G. Halllday Modern Beauty I mixture to make a soft dough. Shop. Ko,l on a. floured board to one Carl Klrmls, well Known Massett Mrs. C. v. Sutneriana fourth inch thKKness. 5preart metrhant. is Davlnz a brief visit Beauty Shop. with mixture .of the meat, sea to the cltv for medical treatment, Mrs. N. Harland Home Beauty sonings and enough broth or milk " I I. A Tl.llt - 11 at Shop. i.O' moisten, noil HKe a jelly rcu Miss H.Hampton Helen's Beauty If orm in ring. Place oh cook Miss L. Davles Ml Lady Beauty I sheet. Cut diagonal .slashes to ShoD icenier, piace one-nair slice ba M. Macfie Home Beauty Shop; -on in each siasn. uake in mod Miss R. V. La Belle Nelson's! ?rately hot oven '375 degrees ;F) for 30 -minutes. Serve with pinii Pnto sauce. Serves. 6-8. Pimiento Sauce 2 tablespoons flour, 2 tahle- apoons uutter, I cup milk, 'i or 3 pimientos, salt and pepper. Bjend the flour with the malt ed butter and gradually add th milk which has been warmed Cook until thick, stirring con atantly. Put the pimientos through a fine sieve and add to the sauce aeason. Reheat and serve very hot.. Orange Date Dumplings cups homemade biscuit mix ture, melted butter, '2 cup chop ped dates, 1 teaspoon grated lem on rind, 1 cup sugar. V2 to 1 tup milk, W cup orange juice, teaspoons lemon juice, 1 teaspoon ?rated orange nnd. Add enough milk to home made biscuit mixture to make a soft Jbugh for rolling. Roll out to Dne-fourtb inch lhjckness. Brush With melted butter. Cover with datf's and lemon rind. Roll up like jelly roll. Cut in 8 pieces. Plape cut side down in a greased baking dish. Pour .over the boll- Ing syrup made .by .cooking all the other Ingredients together. Rake in hot oven 450 degrees F) for about 30 minutes or until well browned. Serves 8. Cheese Biscuit Ring Prepared biscuit mixture, milk, American cheese. Add enough milk to some of 'he biscuit mixture to make it .asy to handle. Jtoll in oblong sheet about 'i inch thick Sprinkle very generously with grated American cheese. Careful y roll it up like a jelly roll and bring the two ends together to form a ring. Place on a bak:n pan. .With sharp scissors, cut through the roll about ;two inches apart from the outside of the ring two-thirds of the way to wards ;the center. Each of the sec tion's is turned over so that .the cut side 4 placed on the baling sheet, resembling a Swedish tea ring. Bake in a moderately hot oven 400 degrees F.) until done Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.CM. VOICE PKODUCTIQN Piano and Theory 431 fourth Avenue West Phone Green 994 nd lightly browned. Serve hot. Rr ndiiintr Kufficient water' or milk to make it of a consistency easy to roll, this biscuit mixture1 may also be used for meat pies,; ne the dish with the mixture, add meat and gravy, and cover with more of the dough. Just mix this versatile dough up Saturday morning and you have hot bis- itstand other delicious dishes ready to prepare at a moment's notice. Oakland. CHEERIO! 1 Provincial Constable Ronald M. Stewart of Massett arrived In the city on tUe Prince Charles this morning from the Queep Charlotte Islands with an Indian prisoner, Jones, In his custody. Constable Stewart will return to Massett .Fri day night on the same steamer. HELPS TO Avoid Colds Specially designed lor tne nose ana upper throat, where most colds start. Used in time, helps prevent many colds. VlCKS VATRONOL WED FOR RENT old newspapers, 2 for 25c. 1 'LEAN, well-furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 441 (221) FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of FOR SALE 26 ft. Speed Boat, 13 knots per hour. $150.00. Ap- Dly Seal Cove Post Office, tf, FOR SALE 40 ft. (roller. Fully equipped with gurdies and winch, suitable for halibut or trolling. Apply Cow Bay Gro eery. (220) SEWING , UTILITY SEWING CLASSES Mrs. Thomasson, Wallace Block. Phorie Blue 637. (t.f.) ,IN THE srPREME COfRl Or fSRITISfl COLUMBIA In the Mutter of Kll Ortornr, Prrfawcl And In the Matter of the "Administration Aft" TAKE NOTICE that by order ot H Honour W. E. Fisher, the 16th day ot August, A, D. 1937 I yvaa appointed Adinlnlstrator ot the estate of Ell O borne, Deceased, and all parties haT- Ing tlatms against the aald eitate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 16th day ot October. A. D. 1937. and all parties Indebted to -the estate arc required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to tn forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C Dated the 17th day of August. A. D 1937. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN. DAIRY PUONE 657 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. PApi.TSHF eur TVij MADE IN CANADA 2& 1 with this GEflERRli ELECTRIC one RADIO You and your family will enjoy countless hours of pleasure and happiness with a new General Electric Magic Tone Radio. A new world of adventure and entertainment will be yours, for with a G-E Radio you can bring in the programs you want with remarkably natural, faithful tone. And it's so easy to tune in distant stations with the slow motion illuminated Index Dial. Automatic Volume Control reduces fading and blaring. The impressive console cabinet is richly finished in walnut. A small down payrnent puts one of these new G-E Radios in your home. Balance on easy monthly terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited COMING Sept. 3D, Oct. 1 and 2 The Original Rexall ONE CENT SALE Ormes Ltd. "Jiie Pioneer Druqrtets The Store rhones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Canadian SH Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way l'ortf Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 p.m. ( To Vancouver Direct ..,. PRINCESS CHAHLOTTE PIUNCESS LOUISE Sept. 4th Sept. .7th, Kth, 27th Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Ueervatlons from W. L. COATES, General Aent Prince Rupert, B.C.