PAQE TWO THE DAILY NEWS THE DAILY NEWS. At Sir Austen Chamberlain's Funeral Man in the Moon Walk PRLVCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by lTlnce Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULL EN Managing-Edltar SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advaLce For lesser periods, paid In advance', per week By mall to all other countries, per year By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid in advance ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per Insertion Classified advertising, jer word, per Insertion .Zt Local readers, per line, per Insertion . , J. Advertising and Circulation Telephone News Department Telephone Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations Deep Sea Fishing 98 86 $5.00. JO 9.00 3.00 1.00 .02 25 Tuesday, April 13, 1937 A copy of a speech made in the United States Senate recently by Hon. Lewis B. Schyvellenbach of Washington State gives a good resume of the position of Canada and the United States in regard to possible invasion of the fisheries of this coast by deep sea fishermen from Japan and European countries which would undoubtedly be a menace to the salmon and halibut fisheries of both countries. According to this authority, the Japanese method of fishing offshore consists in sending out large floating canneries operating on the mother-ship principle. They carry with them fishing boats and gear and they use enormous nets aggregating as much as three miles in length. They pay no rental and fishermen's wages are very low. In the operations all types of fish including many immature fish are taken. The destruction is greater than the catch. Already the fishing off the Siberian coast has been seriously affected and the result has been that the Japanese have looked to this coast for a new area to exploit. Last year the Japanese sent a ship to operate off the coast of Alaska as an experiment. The test was to last three years and at the end of that time, if conditions war- In one paragraph the Senator says: "It needs no proof to bring the conviction that if the mother-ship halibut operators of the North Atlantic are permitted to invade this field they will completely destroy the effectiveness of our halibut rgulation, not only by the actual increase of intensity but also by rendering it impossible to restrict our own fishermen when their competitors reap the profit. The International Fisheries Commission could have and would have no jurisdiction over them outside of territorial waters. They could and would come into closed nurseiy areas and they could and would disregard the regulations closing spawning areas during winter. The unneu states ana Canada nave spent $554,000 .in this in vestigatory and regulatory work. It will have been lanrelv wasted and our resources destroyed if, after depleting the North Sea, the Iceland and the Greenland halibut banks, the fishermen of Europe commence their invasion il. T it T-k in me lNorcn racnic This is one case where it is an advantage to be a part of a powerful Empire and associated with a powerful country like the United States. Otherwise the pleas of the Canadian government would have been' ignored and the MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Spring Renewal Needs Kirsch Curtain Rods, now 25c Kirsch Sash Rods, now ,15c Brass Rings, I to 1 inch size, doz 35c Brass Poles, to 1 inch cut to any length. Everything for the Window Phone 775 Mr, Neville Chamberlain, chancellor of the exchequer, with Lady Chamberlain, following the funeral service for his half-brother, Sir Austen Chamberjaln, in London. Bernice Palmer says . . . the mother-ship method, canning the samon and shipping! n."d?' ,?f? ft si,1 ver lining! "Corky," the terrier the halibut to be sold fresh on the world markets. British and Norwegians also planned to send the Norland to this coast to fish in a similar manner but this 'movement has been frustrated or at least interrupted by diplomatic action. American and Canadian fishermen feel that they have a proprietory interest in the fish on this coast, not only because the fishery has been theirs from the beginning, but because it has been maintained by their sacrifices such as in the regulations of recent years adopted by the International Fisheries Commission and by means of hatcheries and strict regulation of the fishery to prevent depletion. It has been suggested that the two countries join in a dclaration that the continental shelf shall be construed the exclusive fishing grounds of United States and Canada. Another suggestion is that the matter be taken up directly with the nations interested with a view to preventing any foreign invasion of fishing rights on this coast. in Joe E. Brown's picture "When's Your Birthday," gets $150 a, week! I once knew another dog who earned nickels for his young master. Remember when your Peter lng customer for "two-bits?" When lng customer for "twobits?" When reproached him once for parting with hlslfriend like that, he naive ly replied: "Oh Pat understands, he always escapes and runs back to me again." There was the makings of a great business man in that youngster what is he selling now? There will be great excitement in the North Pole this summer (or do penguins become excited?) when Soviet airmen drop from the air ln parachutes to establish a permanent plane base ln that region. They will stake out a landing field; then radio to a base now being established at Rudolf Island, 2,500 miles from Moscow, and supply planes will follow with camp equipment. Everything is to be lowered In parachutes until land ing facilities can be arranged. It is a daring expedition and one the world will watch with Interest. CHEERIO. Oakland. Timely Recipes Salmon Loaf I t When the' call comes for a meat-, less meal, there is an art ln rising to the occasion and preparing a tempting, suitable menu. One dish that "is practically a complete meal In itself, and that can be served in numerous ways. Is salmon loaf. It can be served with shirred eggs,! halibut and salmon fisheries depletion would have already ! chopped pickle, a variety of sauces,! commenced. It is all right to be isolationists if we haveior ln sandwiches. J no interests whatever beyond the confines of Canada. Fishermen on this coast will not be isolationists after this, e cuds salmon j CUD roued' I oats, l teaspoon salt, 1 onion, bread , 1 crumbs, 1 cup water. I To one cup of rapidly boiling , water, altedr add-rolled oatsCook. five minutes. Mix with, two, cups , naxea saimon, including tne salmon oil, and add minced onion. Shape Into loaf In greased pan and cover with break crumbs. Bake 20 minutes in moderate oven and serve. Stop at the Frazer Hotel when visiting Stewart or Hyder. The only steam heated hotel In Portland Canal district. (tf) Church Worker At Kitzegukla Is Farewelled K1TZF.CUKI.A, April 3: On Sunday, April 4, "a service was held in the United Church, lo bid farewell to Able Russ. During the wint'er'lr. Russ has been an invaluable help to the church leading the choir, helping in or-'anizing concerts' and taking i very active part In alj services He will be .misseify Many expressions of goodwill and friendship were made. At the close of the service the presi dent of the Epworth League. Peler Mark, presented Mr. Russ with a Young People's Society Pin, and Mr. Russ presented the League wjth a banner on whicl was printed "Love and Peace." VOICE BREAKS CLASS LONDON, April 13: (CP) Vibrating ln sympathy with the powerful voice of John Loverlng, Welsh baritone, an empty wine glass was snapped in two. retailing a similar Incident ln Caruso's EVERY WOMAN FACES THIS QUESTION How do I look to other people? So many women risk their beauty by neglect of constipation. It often causes loss of pep, sallow skins, dull eyes, poor complexions. Yet common constipation can be ended so easily. Just eat two table-spoonfuls of Kellogg'a All-Bran with milk or fruits every day, three times daily in severe cases. This delicious ready-toreat cereal supplies the "bulk" needed to exercise the system and vitamin B to help tone up the intestinal tract. Within the body. ALL-BRAN ab korbs more than twice its weight in water, gently sponging out the intestines. It never causes the artificial action of pills and drugs, that often prove ineffective. Kellogg's All-Bran, you see, is a food not a medicine. It relieves common constipation the way Nature intended so its results are safe. Tluy it at your grocer's. Made ami marunleed by Kellogg In Iswdon. NEW ROYAL HOTEL i. Zareli: Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates SI 40 a p 50 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rupert, BX3. Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 Good afternoon, the voters' Htt Are you on First thin? youitnow the elee-lion'll get you tf you don't watch .out. j Mister Trotsky Is being tnod by ;a. voluntary court to wc tf c Is 'guilty of treason against some ' bod jr. Trotsky is a wonderful public ily man, . - Jake say? the average womnnS ,vocabularly is limited but the turnover is tremendous. ! Me u&a gone Into the manager' office to inquire if h could have the Saturday mornint; i off for the purpose of digging bis ! i... ' "lint, my pood man," said Ihe manager, "Smith told me only a day or two ago that yon bad no garden," "Well, then," was the reply, "someone must have taken it off iho wfiidow-sill," "It nys lite, man was shot by hi wjfe at rlo range." "Tbe there must have been r."Vr marks on his lo1y." "Yes, that's why fhe shot bim." HOTEL ARRIVAL Roval J, Watson and D. Mansfield, I'rince Rupert P. JI. McKay, White Horse. V. T. Central A. J, Mowat, Billmor; Charles E. S. Gov,', J . U Osborne and J. S. Philip, C.N.R.; Mr. and Mrs. J. fl. Gunn, Rndako; Lars Hjello, Larombe; E. C. Anderson, city; 3. Freestad, Digby. Knox F. C. Johnstone, M. Breimo and C. M, Atkinson, city; V Ham Murray, Smith Island; (; Wilkinson, Toronto. WITH ECONOMY One com of ALABASTINE hides all.. It goes on easily, shows no brush-miiki, and will not rub off. Many tints and white. Ask your dealer, ' Gyptum. Lime and Alabdstf Cin&Ll Jjmittd ford Head Officii PARIS, Ontario, Got nf Men s Tuesday, Apri: i;j m The Home of Good Shoes FECIAL ! Five Days Only ABU7 mm Oxfords Four styles to choose from. Every pair of these shoes tip to the minute in style and durability. Specially Priced $3.95 AMILY SHOE STORE LT BOOKMAN INVESTMENT LTD. (Victoria) RECOMMEND Magic -Key Petroleums, Limited Located in Heart of Famous Turner Valley Adjoining 10 Acres to "Westside" Well. . 1 1 n i C . J. 1 -at -JL 31 32 is t 9t '' I j ktrl i I 1 LMiBM l i" . t ; i 1 4lyy, '"iftijl S7 I I i 7 ' XW1 ucti f" T ' I II to J. JL J. 2- J- i J 22 , 1 Jom!$? I'?? rpA??"j I I " str i : foil if??0! ' I 7 V il" ' " I m&Mfc1 'Lai- xt sviitiy A0 I r , r l rUWSuQQLf jCl 4"- AH610 I 60OW, ANGLO l-lo. I . tlY .YU r tu irwcAre l cJloAgcoje cam A.c i I f 7 2 T ' " 5 -f- IS 1 Is "a n OKUTA iMVlHDtUY Lft 1 fi"n"T " It i7 CAHADMvcn I j J OfAijA I OAALTA j Afif3,1 ttrsm J Mr 2Y.WCATC I yjtl,?f I' i ,W5" WJ ' ' I i voYAiTcs-ii I'vitpfT I ' ' uMub ais eus eivjOftHSM yejbm vjvW:V-- ---- - - - 4 . otjr. I xtnjKi j., D 4 r-r aui fOU DBItitD I fi?vrp ii I I I fit r. I I CV 13 itt SAHMUWi 1 ' I ' I i I gfor ll Magic Key Petroleums; Ltd. holds 1Q interest in 2,000 acres on the Duncan Structure where well is already drilled to 120 feet. POSSIBILITIES Reports on Consulting Oeologllsts: Dr. Jas. O, O. Sanderson, PhDfP.E. . , . "Large Production;" Joseph S. Irwin, P.fc. . . .' Iaximum Production.' ' MANAGEMENT Messrs. R. A. Brown sr. and Jr. (Calgary), Presidents of Turner Valley Royalties, B. & B. Royalties, WesUide, etc. Largest Crude Oil Producers in Canada. Price - - 35c USE THIS COUPON Mr. R.,8. McConnan (Representative). co Prince Rupert Hotel, Prince Rupert. T. would apnreclate further details regarding adove advertisement. namb ADDRESS